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Note: Unedited. Will be revised once again after completion.

It was nearing dusk when Darius came back to camp.

Aloysius and Solstice had both decided to talk more about the island and Calista had awaited her lover's return, holding out a drink for him. He gladly took it and sat next to her on one of the large logs that were around the firepit.

Calista took a quick glance at the woman before whispering to Darius, "Who's she?"

"A researcher from Arkenheilm. Her name's Solstice," Darius replied before he continued, "She'll be the one giving directions to Arkenheilm."

"Arkenheilm? I thought we were here to venture the Regimere?"

"Detour." Darius didn't explain further and simply continued talking about their journey through the islands. After a short while, Aloysius and Solstice came back with a detailed map in their hands. They had drawn on one of Solstice's old documents and given it to Darius.

"We set sail after a few days, just to see if the weather is on our side and even let the waves calm down," Darius explained before putting the map on the bag.

"Come with us. We can all go to Arkenheilm. We need an expert, someone who knows the islands and can navigate without too many problems," Aloysius' eyes met Solstice's. 

However, it didn't seem like the woman agreed as she held on to her bag tighter. "I cannot. I still have to finish my research."

Aloysius was clearly displeased by this response but tried not to let it show and asked, "Are you sure you're going to be alright though? You'll be alone out here."

"It's what I signed up for," She replied quietly, staring into the fire. The two men stared at the woman, waiting for her to continue. "Besides, the island is safe besides the sirens roaming on the waters. My camp is in the middle of the forest and further documentation is needed before I heard back."

She looked away from the men and focused her eyes elsewhere. Darius gave Solstice a smile before turning his attention back to Aloysius. "Well, I hope our paths cross again in Arkenheilm."

Solstice nodded and returned the smile before walking away to talk to the other sailors. Darius quickly put his hands on Aloysius, who seemed rather unamused. "Don't worry about her. She will take good care of herself. You'll see her again."

"Yes...I'm sure," He reluctantly agreed before they walked towards the others to join in for dinner.

After dinner, the crew had already settled in their tents as Solstice had bid farewell to go back to her camp. Aloysius felt like he still have enough energy to explore so he told Darius he'll be the one to guard the area. Aloysius' eyes searched the place before he faced Darius once again.

Darius noticed his look before asking, "Are you sure?"

Aloysius nodded.

"I'm sure. I'll wake you up if we need to switch places," Aloysius replied before taking out his dagger to sharpen it, sitting on one of the logs around the camp.

Darius noticed how Aloysius kept looking in the direction where Solstice had left before giving him a pat on the back.

"I'm sure that you're not only here for the safety of the crew," he chimed before adding, "She'll be alright. You don't need to worry. She'll call us if anything happens."

"Was I too obvious?" Aloysius mumbled, hiding his face in his hand.

Darius grinned before walking back to his tent. But not before teasing him. "Quite. Only the woman is oblivious by how much you stare at her in adoration."

It didn't take long before the couple had finally settled in their tents with Aloysius guarding the camp, alone. It wasn't much of a bother to the sailor. No, he was hoping that Solstice hadn't gone to sleep and at least taken a stroll and visit. Sadly, the night only had the sound of waves crashing down the shore, wind blowing, and the fire left from the campfire just scorching beside him.

Just a peaceful night, he thought to himself.

Though he did not expect to hear a melody from afar. A woman singing. Aloysius couldn't help but face the direction of where the sound was coming from. As if he was being lured to it. He tried fighting the urge to go near it but couldn't blame his curiosity.

Maybe it was Solstice? He couldn't help but think as he left his belongings next to camp before walking down to the place where he heard it. It didn't take long, he finally stood next to the water. Strange, he thought to himself.

His eyes felt like they were closing. Fatigue started to get into his system. Even though he knew well he hadn't done anything to feel this way. Aloysius tried to stay awake, pinching himself to do so.

However, the moment he heard the woman's voice again, he had already lost control of his body. His feet had started

walking towards the water, slowly sinking as he could only stare at what is yet to come.

He couldn't scream.

He couldn't feel his legs.

Nothing was coming through.

All Aloysius could do was watch as a woman with dark emerald eyes stared widely at him like a prey caught successfully. Her face resembles a beautiful woman, features shown with rosy cheeks and dimples on the cheek. Curly hair with a pale complexion.

However, all those had been replaced with a terrifying sight as half of her body wasn't like a human. Its organs weren't visible as half of her body only showed ripped flesh and broken bones. Instead of legs, the woman only had a black rotting tail, with sharp-edged bones at the very end.

Siren, Aloysius thought as his legs carried him much deeper into the ocean.

Curiosity killed the cat. Ah, he shouldn't have ventured this far. His eyes only cried in agony, releasing tears, as the water reached his neck. This was it. His demise. He finally sank underwater, making Aloysius see how the woman had circled around him.

Aloysius remembered what Solstice had told him. He was foolish. He had been warned yet paid no heed to it. The siren's hymn. He was lured into it.

Fully submerged, Aloysius only thought of his memories with the sailors. Would they be looking for him in the morning or will they meet the same fate after this? If he was lured in easily, that would mean there is a possibility that the others would as well.

He could feel the cold water slowly suffocating him as he couldn't hold his breath any longer. Soon, his throat had finally let the water in, hearing the siren's ominous laugh and emerald eyes filled with malice.

Though, he did not expect a gun ringing and someone's hands pulling him back to the shore. He coughed, eyes blurry as the siren's cries echoed through the night.

"Aloysius!" He could finally hear Solstice's voice calling out his name. She then managed to wake up the rest of the crew with Darius running full speed to his friend.

Darius kneeled right beside Solstice, grabbing Aloysius' hand to check his pulse. When he felt it, Darius couldn't help but sigh. "He'll be alright."

"What were you thinking?" Solstice had managed to say as Aloysius softly smiled.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I thought it was you singing so I had to come to check," Aloysius replied.

Solstice huffed. "You could've gotten killed."

"Be careful next time. If it hadn't been for Solstice..." Darius trailed off before coughing, "... never mind."

"I'll try to be cautious from now on," Aloysius answered with a nod before trying to sit upright. "And I'll take note not to be too curious as well."

It didn't take long before Calista joined the crew. "What happened?"

Not wanting her to be worried, Aloysius answered before Darius could even speak. "Almost drowned. I didn't expect a strong current."

Darius gave him a glare but indeed remained silent for now. He knew it wouldn't be nice to break the information to Calista just yet. A sudden escapade at night was the last thing Darius wanted. It would be much safer to leave in the morning.

Though dealing with sirens, it would be best if the crew would remain far from the shore.

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