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Darius and his crew's footsteps echoed throughout the administry, the atmosphere tense with anticipation and dread. The administry was a grand building, its tall dome-like ceilings coated in gold and polished marble floors. It was a place of power and knowledge, and the weight of the deal they were about to discuss hung heavily in the air.

Protection and homage in exchange for knowledge. Darius seemed skeptical at first but not wanting to have another conflict with another nation, he agreed to this.

As they walked up to Arsen, she mentioned them to follow her. Arsen then gestured for them to take a seat at the long table where scrolls and maps were carefully spread out. Aloysius scanned the room, noticing it was filled with bookshelves, and the walls were decorated with long scrolls written in their language, hinting at the rich history and wisdom the administry held within its walls.

"Welcome, Captain Darius," Arsen began, her voice echoing throughout the room. "I've already laid out the maps and the scrolls for your crew. In honor of our deal, Arkenheilm is willing to offer you protection and homage while you are in our nation, in exchange for the knowledge you gather from Gryndale."

Darius nodded as Aloysius and Calista stood beside him, staring at Arsen with a wary look. The captain, though agreeing with her terms, still thought of the potential consequences of their venture. The trip to Gryndale should never be taken lightly.

"We appreciate the offer, Miss Arsen," Darius replied, his voice steady. "Though, I must also bring up that our quest for knowledge is not without its risks."

Arsen nodded in understanding, her expression unchanged. "I am well aware of the potential dangers you may face."

She then mentions the men that were in the room with them. "That is why I'll leave some of Elysaria's men in your hands. Some of them had already ventured far and survived in battles. They're very well prepared for any sort of hindrances. We want to ensure that you have the necessary support and resources to venture that place safely."

"However, make sure you fulfill your end of the deal." 

After a moment of contemplation, Darius extended his hand for her to shake. "Very well, Miss Arsen. Rest assured we'll return with the information you need." 

Arsen then pulled one of the scrolls before lending it to Darius and Aloysius, each one holding valuable information. Both of them took the scrolls and studied them. "These documents contain the reports summarized by our researchers over the years," she explained. "They had put in the details of the previous expeditions to Gryndale, including accounts of other shipwrecks and encounters with the island."

"Elysaria mentioned Gryndale not showing during their expeditions," Darius told Arsen before raising an eyebrow at this. 

"Correct. The island seemingly vanished before Elysaria took notice that it reappears during daytime. At night, we cannot say where it happens to be. All we know is that it moves, possibly drifting in the waters of the Regimere every hour or so." 

As Darius and his crew studied the documents, each one read thoroughly. The information provided by Arkenheilm's researchers was encounters of sailors in Gryndale.

"We've heard tales about Gryndale," Aloysius said, his eyes scanning the scrolls. "But having first-hand accounts from previous explorers will be of great help."

"Sadly, there are none," Solstice enters the conversation with papers in her hand. She had just walked into the room. It seems like she was the one who led the other researchers. "Elysaria's crew had only seen the island during daytime at a distance."

"We were on our way back when we saw it," Elysaria added in. Darius and Aloysius nod in understanding before they continue reading the reports. After studying them, they took notes before handing Arsen the scrolls back. 

Darius and the crew now spend the next days preparing for their departure after bidding farewell and leaving Arsen's office. They stocked up on supplies, talked with Elysaria's crew mates, and ensured the ship was in good condition. Tension thickly filled the air, each member of the crew dreading the new expedition.

"We'll leave at first light tomorrow." Darius saw how the crew nods and shouted 'Yes captain!' to him before he goes back inside the ship. 

However, there was one matter left unresolved in his mind as he went down the stairs. Calista. Darius knew that their upcoming journey was fraught with danger, and he couldn't bear the thought of putting his lover in harm's way. 

He sat on one of the wooden chairs, spending a few minutes in quiet contemplation. Calista noticed the distant look in his eyes as she approached him. 

"Darius," Calista called his name, sensing his unease. "You've been staring at that wall for a while now."

Darius hesitated, knowing that he couldn't hide the truth any longer. "Calista, I believe it would be best for you to remain in Arkenheilm. The journey ahead is perilous, and I do not want to risk your safety."

Calista's eyes widened with surprise and disappointment. "You're leaving me behind? After all we've been through?"

"It's not that I don't trust you," Darius explained. "It's just...we'll be facing dangers unlike anything we've encountered before. I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Calista's expression softened, and she placed a hand on Darius's arm. "I understand your concern, but I don't want to be left behind like I'm some porcelain vase with a fragile notice on me. I can take care of myself, and no matter what happens, I want to be by your side supporting you."

Darius gazed into Calista's determined eyes, torn between his desire to protect her and his respect for her strength and dedication. "Calista, please. This isn't about doubting your abilities. It's about ensuring your safety."

"Darius," she said his name firmly, "I've faced countless dangers alongside you, and I'm not about to back down now."

Darius sighed, shaking his head before standing right up and facing her. "My heart remains with you, Calista. Despite the distance, I'd always return to your arms."

He then pulls her close to him. "Let us handle this. I'll ask Arsen and Elysaria to guide you back to the city."

"Do you think lowly of me?" Calista's eyes welled up in tears, her heart aching and disappointment quickly plastered on her face. Darius gently cupped her face in his hands, brushing away a tear that had escaped her eye before leaning in — his lips meeting her forehead in a lingering yet affectionate kiss.

"No, you're a strong woman, Calista. Much stronger than me. But let me protect you," Darius whispered, his voice tinged with love, as he enveloped her in a tender embrace.

"Shield yourself, lean on me, and use me as your knight," Darius told her. "So this time, I want you to go back and leave me this for me to handle. In the meantime, you could indulge yourself in the wonders of Arkenheilm."

Calista's gaze hardens before she lets out a sigh. "Alright, I will."  

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