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As the sun shined bright on the horizon, the skies clear of clouds, the wind picking up and letting the sails flow continuously in the vast ocean. Darius' crew stood on the deck, their gaze never leaving the sight of Gryndale in the distance. The island appeared uninhabited, its hill-like shape can be seen at large. It did not seem to resemble any other islands with sharp-edged mountains or volcanoes. 

Aloysius approached Darius, his brows furrowed, arms crossed as his eyes were fixated on the calm ocean waters which were deceptively moving in a soft gentle rhythm that was lulling them in a false sense of security.

"Darius, I don't like this. Something's wrong and I know it."

The deep, cautious tone of Aloysius immediately caught Darius' attention, sending a shiver down his spine. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was indeed wrong. The silence between them created this eerie atmosphere that just made Darius sigh in hopelessness.

Darius nodded, his eyes fixed on the island, jaw tightened before he took a deep breath. "You're right, Aloysius. I feel it too. But turning back now is not an option. We just have to be careful and remain vigilant."

With the map in hand, carrying their wits with them, the crew finally set course for Gryndale. The tension with each mile they covered, and their hearts beat in a fast rhythm as the ship managed to carry itself near the rocky shores of Gryndale.

They then had taken over control of the sails to slow down the ship and immediately tried to drop the anchor. It took a while for them to come to a halt, the ship almost hitting a rocky part of the island. Instead of sand on the shore, rocks seem to have been all over the place and replaced the hot sand fully with its hard uneven surface.

Dense forests and vibrant foliage, no birds chirping around. Vines twisted around trees, and flowers emitted a soft glow, adding to the eerie aura of Gryndale.

The island seemed surprisingly silent. 

"This is as far as we could go, captain," one of the members had yelled back as Darius closed his eyes for a brief moment. That would mean that they would have to find another way.

"We'll take the smaller boat from here," Darius announced, his voice steady despite the nervousness of the crew. "Keep your senses sharp, and remember not to attract any unwanted attention. Stay close and be ready for anything."

The ship's crew finally scrambled to prepare a small boat. The eerie silence of the island almost sent shivers down their spines.

With the small boat lowered into the water, Darius, Aloysius, Calista, and a selected few of the crew went with them while the rest stayed to guard the ship.

When the boat touched Gryndale's rocky shore, the crew members immediately felt a shift in the air around them.

The dense forests and vibrant foliage beckoned them forward, but there was an undeniable sense of dread in the air. The haunting stillness weighed heavily on their minds. It was as if there were prying eyes silently watching the intruders who had dared to set foot upon its territory.

Their footsteps on the rocky ground echoed softly as they ventured further into the heart of Gryndale. Each step was measured and cautious, the crew on high alert for any signs of danger.

Darius took the lead, walking in front with his eyes scanning the surroundings — searching for any signs of danger or clues that might help them. The silence remained unbroken, and the tension only grew with every step they took.

When the captain had found no traces of life so far, he then faced his crew. 

"Let's split into groups. Record everything you can and if someone faces danger, do not hesitate to go back and call out. Is that clear?" Darius had ordered and the crew nods at this. 

With Darius' orders in place, the crew split into small groups, each taking a different path through the dense forest. They moved without exchanging any words, their senses heightened, and their eyes peeled for any signs of creatures that may harm them or if lucky, still alive and living on the island.

Darius insisted on Calista being in the group, not wanting her to be separated from him in this place. Despite her reluctance, Calista knew Darius' decision was final. There was no changing his mind on this one. With his hands grasping hers, they both walked toward the forest as Aloysius led the others in another direction. 

The crew had now explored the island, recording their findings meticulously. Each discovery was jotted down on the scrolls, Elysaria's men behind them and guarding the others in case they meet a predator. Gryndale was unlike any other place they had encountered in their voyages, and they couldn't shake off how unsettling the silence was this time.

The vibrant foliage seemed to close in around them, like a living labyrinth that watches over their every movement. Each group observed the plants, and the rocky landmass, making sketches of the flora and fauna that they hadn't yet encountered in their other ventures, and taking notes of the strange glow emitted by the flowers. 

As they ventured deeper into Gryndale, the dense forest seemed to part, revealing a sight that took the crew's breath away. Before them lay the remains of an abandoned ship, much like their own but it was not the Angelus. The vessel was half-hidden by overgrowth and vines as if nature itself had claimed it as its own.

The unsettling part was that it wasn't that long since it was wrecked. 

The design was just like what they had seen back in Everfrost the last few weeks.

Darius stood still, noticing how tight the vines that had long wrapped its large structure and the algae that had now scattered in it. 

What made Darius' blood run cold wasn't how it looked old. It was that the ship bore huge teeth markings, fresh blood, and slashes, something that no ordinary human could create. Calista's eyes lit up with curiosity and fear as she approached the decaying structure. She ran her fingers gently over the weathered wood, feeling a strange sensation washing over her.

"Darius," she called softly as if wanting Darius to confirm. He just nods.

"Record everything, Calista," Darius instructed, knowing that uncovering the ship's history might reveal valuable information. "We'll tell this to Arsen and Elysaria. But for now, we must head back to the ship and meet up with the others. It's not safe to linger. We're not alone judging by how that ship had been destroyed."

Reluctantly, Calista tore her gaze away from the ruined ship, sketching the ship and capturing its haunting look on the scroll in her hands.

"This ship must have met a fate similar to the Angelus," Calista mused, her voice tinged with sadness.

Darius nodded thoughtfully, considering the possibility. Everfrost was no stranger to treacherous waters, and this ship's presence in Gryndale hinted that even the strongest men could not handle what creature lingers in the waters of Gryndale.

"We should head back soon," he called out, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "Gryndale has shown us much, but we must not overstay our welcome."

Darius then pulled Calista, who was still staring at the ship with wide eyes. 

"We must be back on the ship before dusk," he declared. "We cannot risk being stranded here."

As they ran back to where they were before, Aloysius and the crew spotted them. It seems that the group had enough scrolls in their hand for Arkenheilm to study. 

"Are you alright? You both seem frightened all of a sudden—" Aloysius asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Calista took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. Her hands shook in fear, her form almost staggering. "We cannot stay here. We must leave immediately," she replied, her voice quivering slightly.

Darius hesitated, unsure of how to explain the unsettling feeling that had come over them.

 "We're not alone," he finally responded, his voice low and urgent.

But as the sun began to set and the skies darkened, a low rumble echoed through the land, sending shivers down their spines. The island beneath their feet trembled. Rocks started rising and the crew's eyes widened when they noticed one of the small lands that were scattered in the waters rose up high in the air. 

Suddenly turning, the crew managed to get a glimpse of two pair of black eyes in the distance before returning back to its spot. 

Gryndale was not an island. 

It was a living creature itself. 

Fear warred within them as they watched the land shift and move before their very eyes.

"We must leave, now!" Darius shouted, urgency in his voice as he commanded his crew. "Gather your belongings and prepare to set sail!" 

His words were met with nods of agreement, and the crew quickly dispersed, each member scrambling to pack their belongings and secure the ship. The crew ran swiftly, their hearts pounding with fear. 

It was alive.

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