CH1: a new world, and...a fox girl?

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Third POV:
In a forest a scene that could only be described as absolute carnage is there.

As a dying man with rope rests on a cliff, he takes his lasts breaths a creature makes it's way through the battle field, a fox, a unique one, it had smooth white fur, and nine tails that swings from the back, the fox makes his way to the man out of curiosity, and then as it reaches the man, glowing essence started leaving the man as it went in to the fox, something unique happened, it had started to transform into a human, as it finished, a beautiful woman stood in it's place she had flowing black hair with pointy fox ears at the top and a beautiful hourglass figure she also had nine white tails she also had marks resembling whiskers on her face she was on her hands and knees still trying to comprehend what happened.

???:(groan)uhhh...what happened *gasp*

The woman clapped her hands at her mouth, only to remove theme and quickly see she didn't have paws but fingers, she quickly took a look at her entire body and checked her body other then her ears and tails she has completely transformed.

???:I'm...human?(jumps of joy)I'M HUMAN

As she was having her little celebration she noticed two things 1:she had knowledge that she hadn't had before 2:she was naked.

???:will since I'm human now (looks at the corps around her) I guess I need clothes.

After a while of... unsettling search for clothing, she was able to get what can be called a kimono, it wasn't the most covering of clothes but it was surprisingly comfortable.

???:now wha-

She was interrupted with a loud sound that made her cover her ears, when she looked up she saw a swirling hole of darkness in the sky, then a screaming figure fell from it, she quickly jumped back to the forest and into the bushes to hide, then the figure hit the ground with a loud smack.

She beaked through the bushes and saw a small crater when the smoke cleared, she saw the figure on the ground.

???:no one can survive that.


Her thoughts was proven wrong when the figure started stirring, then the figure flipped itself on it's front and went on all four, the girl was wide eyed and took a step back.


She was about to speak but noticed that the figure was reaching to its pocket and pulling out something, a glass bottle of sorts, it contained golden lequid that seemed to glow a little they raised the bottle to their mouth and took a drink, then their body seemed to glow the same way the bottle did.

As they did that one thought came to her mind.

???:who in all of runeterra is this

Figure POV:

As I left the hole I felt my body aimlessly fall, then I felt myself colide with solid ground.

I have experienced pain before but this was on a whole other level.

As I started moving I took notice of someone making their way towards me but I was in to much pain to care.

Seeing that whoever was near didn't attach me yet I went on all four and took the chance to search my pocket for my estus flusk hoping it didn't brake in the fall.

Figure:(finds the flusk)oh thank the old wolf of farron (drinks from the flusk)

After I'm healed I stand up, and start to take in my surroundings I was in the left over of a battle.

I also take notice the person in front of me, it was a woman wearing red clothing and on her head were a pair of ...

Figure: are those fox ears

Third POV:

As the two stand in front of each other, the woman took a defensive stand after the figure stood up, in case of them being hostile.

She also took a good look at the figure it was a tall man, he was wearing a red cloak on his back with a great sword stabbed on it as well, he had armor on his left shoulder and arm only, he also wor a pointy metal hat and he's cloak coverd up to his nose, the only thing visible from the the head was his eyes and a few strands of white hair, his outfit was mainly dark in colors and he had a weird knife on his belt, all and all he didn't look friendly.

She also noticed that he was looking at her all over as well, then their eyes met.

Silence struck, neither knew what to say, that is until the figure spoke

Figure:(clears throat)so...uh...would you be so kind to tell me where I am young lady.

He didn't have the most smooth of voices but it wasn't gruff either.

???:(still defensive)you're on Ionia.

Figure:uhmm... where... I never heard of that place before.

At this she was confused, a thought crossed her mind.


The he shook his meaning he didn't what she was talking about.

Figure:I have not heard of that place either.

At this she took a more relaxed stand sensing actual curiosity from his voice.

???:where are you from?

Figure:I come from farron's keep, I was in the middle of battle when I was sucked into a hole.

He spoke of where he's from as if she should know what he was talking about.

???:I never heard of that place before

It was his turn to be confused.

Figure:what are you talking about everyone knows about it.

???:look I have knowledge that isn't mine but I never heard of that place before

The figure had a tint of fear after that, but he needed to confirm it.

Figure:lutharic?...anor londo?

The woman shook her head at both names, at this his heart dropped however he wanted one good thing from it so he asked again.

Figure:the dark abyss?...

???:(shakes head) never heard of it.

At this she noticed he sighed in relief as if he just confirmed that an enemy wasn't around.

???:sooo... who are you (points at the sky)and where did that hole come from

Figure:my name is Grey Ashnex... and apparently...I'm from another world

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