CH12: playing, shops, agony, and dragons

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Third POV:

Grey made his way to the garden with Annie on his shoulders when he got there he sat her down and she gave him back his hat, she started looking all over the garden in awe, Grey followed her and then Zyra appeared.

Grey: good morning Zyra.

Zyra: yes to you too... I see you brought the Dark child.

Grey: yes, I was wondering if you would allow us to play in your garden.

Zyra looked confused, she didn't expect him to ask that, she normally would have declined but Annie made her way to her holding Tibbers and looking shy.

Annie: please can we play? I promise I won't use my power nor hurt your pla-i mean children.

Zyra was in thought, Annie looked genuine with her promise.

Grey: I promise to take full responsibility for any damage that is dealt to your children.

Zyra looked at him dead in the eye but then sighed.

Zyra: alright but be careful.

Annie: really? Thank you, com on Grey let's play hide and seek.

Grey: alright, alright calm down.

They started playing with Grey hiding and Annie seeking, Zyra watched to make sure her children aren't harmed and found amusement in the obvious hiding place of Grey, she knew he let himself know so he would let Annie win, he was hiding behind a bush but his hat was visible, Annie started looking and found him she started making her way slowly to him.

Annie: (jump) boo!

Grey: (fake surprise) woah, how did you find me? You're really good.

Annie: (giggle) no your just bad.

Grey: alright, now you and Tibbers hide while I look.

Annie: ok.

Grey turned around and started counting, Annie went and started looking for a place to hide, Zyra noticed that Annie was looking where she was walking to make sure she doesn't step on any of her children, she saw her hide behind a rook and decided to get in with the game, she waved her hand and a bush was created around Annie making her less visible, Grey turned around and started walking around trying to find her when he was in front of the Bush she jumped and truly surprised him this time, but he just laughed it off, Zyra found her self actually enjoying Watching them play and kept on it.

After an hour or so of playing, Grey and Annie came back to see Ahri still looking at the match.

Grey: hey, the match still going.

Ahri: huh? Oh yeah well not for long it looks like Demacia is going to win.

And it did After a while, they waited for them to come out and saw Lux and Ezreal making their way towards them, the later looking slumped.

Ahri: hey that was a great match.

Ezreal: not for me it wasn't.

Lux: oh come on, it wasn't that bad... well maybe.

Grey: where's Garen?

Lux: he had work back in Demacia, but that doesn't matter we promised you to go to the shops, so let's go.

Grey: you don't have to do this, beside we don't have much money.

Ezreal: nah, it's fine, and about the money they give new champions a fair amount from the Institute, besides it might help you see more of this world's culture.

Grey: alright.

Annie: hey can I tag along.

Lux: sure the more the merrier.

They all make their way to the gates and Grey and Ahri received their money leave, they go to the city and then the shopping district, once they reached it, Ahri and Lux start making a list of what they wanted, a very long one.

Grey: you don't actually need all that do you?

Lux: duh! Of course we do, were young women, we got to enjoy being young and beautiful while we can.

Ahri: well not like I have to worry about that.

Ezreal: what do you mean?

Ahri:(smug smile) you see, as long as I keep taking life essence I will stay young, so age isn't a problem for me.

Grey: well that's one less thing to worry about.

Ahri: what?

Grey: I'm undead remember, I don't age, I haven't since I became undead.

Ezreal: since you became?...(hesitate) uhmm... Grey, how old are you?

Grey: (shrug) I don't know, I stopped counting at 79 years.

Ezreal: 79 yea- (hesitate) and how long was that?

Grey: around uhhh... 30 years ago I think?


Grey: yeah... what's wrong? Surely there champions older than me.

Lux: well yeah but all of them look their age, it's just you don't.

Grey: perk of being undead I guess.

Ahri: well anyway, let's go we got shopping to do.

They went and got to a few shops mainly Ahri and Lux's choosing, after a couple hours they decided to rest and found a food district with tables on them, Ahri, Annie, and Lux sat down while Grey and Ezreal were carrying many shopping bags.

Grey: what is it with this world's women and shopping?

Ezreal: I don't know but women are the only mystery I never dared to solve.

They sit the bags down and sit besides the girls.

Annie: hey can we have ice cream.

Lux: sure.

Ahri: yeah never tried it before, what about you two?

Ezreal: I guess I can go for some.

Grey: uhmm... what's ice cream?

At this everyone looked at him in shock.

Ezreal: you... don't know what ice cream is?

Grey: no.

Lux: how did you use to live?... never mind that, now we have to buy ice cream let's go Annie.

Annie: ok.

Lux and Annie went to get them and Grey was confused, after a while they got back with cups and something in them Grey got his and a spoon and he looked at it skeptically.

Lux: trust me your going to love it.

Annie: yeah their really good.

Grey: well... I'll take you're word for it.

Grey took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, his eyes widen.

Grey: this is amazing! I never tasted something like this.

Lux: told you that you'll love it.

Grey: well you weren't wrong about that.

They started eating for a while but Grey was feeling uneasy, he finished his ice cream and stood up.

Ezreal: where are you going?

Grey: oh I saw a shop that I wanted to see, don't worry I'll be back in a minute.

Grey left, Ezreal in the corner of his eye saw Grey pull up his cloak, but he shrugged it off, he knew if something was wrong Grey can handle it.

Grey POV:

I made my way into an ally way and when I saw no one around I spoke.

Grey: why don't you come out now? I already know your there.

Silence, I expected that so I pulled my sword and knife.

Grey: alright, if you won't come out in three seconds I'll rip you out, 1... 2...

Then a figure came out of the shadows, it was a woman with blue skin and short hair, she had tandelers coming out of her back, she wasn't wearing clothes but was barely coverd by black substance, the tips of her claws, tandelers, and some of her hair mildly glowed purple.

???: so you knew I was there.

Grey: a little... now who are you? And why were you following us.

???: (giggle and give a bow) I'm Evelynn, agony's embrace, and your the abyss watcher, correct?

Grey: didn't know I had a reputation.

Evelynn: the man who came from another world, then defeated one of the most feared champions after rising from the dead in front of everyone, how can you not be famous?

Grey: what do you want?

Evelynn: oh I just came to give you a tip, that there are champions that you should fear, with me on top of the list of course.

Grey: and why should I fear you?

In a second she dashed forward and stopped a few inches from my face with her tandelers pointing at me looking threatening, but the reason she stopped was because my knife was at her throat.

Evelynn: ...(smirk) your good, why don't you ditch those idiots and join me in a night of fun?

Grey: not interested.

Evelynn: (jumps back) well you will be soon, we'll meet again later I assure you.

Evelynn disappear into the shadows and I'm left alone, now before I get back to the others I need some excuse as to where I was.

Third POV:

Back with the group, they were still in the table waiting for Grey.

Lux: hey Ezreal, did Grey say were he was going?

Ezreal: no, just that there was a shop he wanted to see.

Annie: there he is!

They all liked and saw Grey coming over with... flowers? He made his way to them and they all stood up.

Ahri: where were you?

Grey: I... was getting these for you(gives Ahri flowers)

Ahri: (takes flowers and blush slightly) r-really?

Grey: yeah I promised to get you some when I can.

Ahri: oh right.

Annie: Grey, why are you covering you're face?

Grey: what ?

Ahri: (sigh) you're covering you're face again Grey.

Grey: oh sorry it's a habit(pulls cloak down) now what are you going to do ?

Lux: now back to shopping.

Grey: you're still not done?

Lux: nope, so come on you two.

Ahri, Lux and Annie went walking to shops while Grey and Ezreal looked at each other.

Grey: we're not going to get some rest for a while are we?

Ezreal: (heavy sigh) not even close.

After a couple more hours of shopping, they were finally done, much to Grey and Ezreal's relief, it was sundown and they had just entered the Institute and found Garen waiting for them.

Garen: ah there you are Lux, I was searching for you.

Lux: hey Garen, how was your business back in Demacia?

Garen: it wasn't anything special just some physical tests from the vanguard.

Garen looked at Grey and Ezreal and the tons of shopping bags they had he then gave them a look of sympathy.

Garen: she took you shopping, didn't she?

Grey and Ezreal nod their heads and Garen sighed.

Garen: well it could have been worse, you should see what she does when there's a special sale.

Ahri: well we better put our stuff on our room, we'll meet you in the dinning hall ok.

They all agree and Ahri leaves with Grey following her they make it to the room and leave the stuff there deciding to organize them later, Ahri found a pot for the plants and gave them some water, they left to the dining hall and found Ezreal, Lux and Garen with two other people they didn't know, one was a man with golden armor and a black suit under it, the other was a purple skinned woman with red armor.

Ahri: hey.

Lux: oh hi come sit down let's introduce you to our friends, Jarvan, Shyvana these are the new champions we told you about.

Jarvan: any friend of Garen and Lux is a friend of mine, I am prince Jarvan Lightshield IV, and this is Shyvana.

Grey: I'm Grey Ashnex, and this is Ahri, it is a pleasure to meet you your majesty.

Jarvan: please, were all champions here there's no need for formality, just Jarvan is fine, I was told you come from another world, and Ezreal told me that in Runeterra, Demacia is the closest place to it, I have to admit that it sounds interesting.

Grey: I would gladly tell you about it later if you want.

Grey looks at Shyvana with a questionable look.

Shyvana: what is it.

Grey: sorry if this is rude but you aren't exactly human are you.

Shyvana: yes I'm half dragon... (little angry) got a problem with that?

Grey: no just wondering... so dragons exist in this world too.

Ezreal: wait you had dragons in your world?

Everyone turned to him and Shyvana was greatly interested.

Grey: yes they did.

Shyvana: how were the dragons at you're world like?

Grey: I wouldn't know, I never met one, they went extinct after a war with Gwyn the lord of sunlight and that was almost thousands of years ago.

Ezreal: what exactly happened?

Grey: from what I know, dragons got egoistic, they thought we humans were lesser beings, war was raged, humans were losing until Gwyn discovered the dragons weakness, he used it to end the dragons in one big surprise attack.

Jarvan: how did Gwyn discover the dragons weakness.

Grey: that story doesn't trail back to Gwyn but Seath the scaleless... a dragon.

Shyvana: wait... a dragon?

Grey: yes... Seath was born a dragon, but unlike his kind he was born without scales but flesh, and without legs but tandelers, Seath was treated as a freak by his own kind and they tormented him, tortured him, and burned him with the fire he could never breath, one day Seath had enough and ran away, he found a cave full of crystals that shined without sunlight, the crystals created light of all colors and when Seath saw his reflection in the crystals... and he didn't see a freak, what he saw was his flesh shinning from the light of the crystals and for once he didn't hate what he was, he actually started to enjoy his existence, but... the dragons found him and burned him, but he didn't care, what truly hurt Seath was seeing the crystals he loved being destroyed, the dragons left promising a return, and Seath was left burned, and that's when he came... Gwyn lord of sunlight, like I said Gwyn was at war with the dragons, a losing one, so he made a deal with Seath, Gwyn promised Seath that if he tells him the weakness of his kind he would give him the power to recreate the crystals he loved so much, you see a dragon cannot take advantage of another's weakness but to Gwyn who was at war with them it was the biggest game changer anyone can imagine, Seath was left with a choice, either let his own kind that tormented him for years live on just so they can come back and hurt him again, or give their weakness and he can have back the one thing that made him enjoy who he was back, what choice do you think he made? Gwyn used that knowledge and defeated the dragons, once he was done, he went back to Seath and fulfilled his end of the deal... if you ask me, Seath had every right to do what he did, and I can't blame him.

Shyvana wanted to protest, she wanted to think of Seath as a traitor, but she couldn't, no matter how she saw the story Seath was always the victim, she realized that she and him were alike, they were both outcasts of dragons, but her life was heaven compared to his, she had a father that loved her, and even when she lost that, she gained Demacia and friends, but Seath had nothing.

Grey: but you can change that.

Shyvana: w... what?

Grey: you are living proof that dragons and humans can actually coexist together, your both dragon and human, so I believe you can prevent a war between dragons and humans from raging in this world.

Shyvana looked at him shocked and Jarvan was smiling, he was happy someone else doesn't believe Shyvana was just a half breed.

Shyvana: I ... thank you.

Grey: you're welcome.

Lux: not to sound rude or anything, but what was the weakness of dragons?

Grey: lightning, Gwyn and his silver knights hurled Spears of lightning on the dragons and used weapons coated in it.

Ahri: oh yeah! You did say humans learned it to beat another race.

Ezreal: so do you know how to use it?

Grey:(shakes head) no, we abyss watchers had some sorcery but not that kind, now Jarvan, would you be willing to tell me about Demacia?

Jarvan: of course! I can take you there if you like.

Grey: maybe another time, but for now just listening will do.

And like that they started talking, in the middle of the conversation Grey saw Evelynn, at her own table, she looked at him and gave him a wink but he turned his head, Ahri was thinking about the flowers and how she got them from Grey, and started wondering if they can be together... in a relationship.

(A/N hi, I would like to thank everyone who took time to read my story, I would also like to hear your thoughts on it and how I should continue it, because I'm sorta running out of ideas, again thank you for your time)

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