CH16: back, the curse, a day at the pool

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Third POV:

Ahri woke up next morning coverd in her tails, she untangled them and stretched out.

Ahri: (yawn) that was a good sleep, hey Grey how-oh... right.

Ahri remembered that Grey is yet to return, she was kinda sad but went on with her morning routine, once she finished she checked the schedule and saw no matches for either her or Grey, she went out of the room and went to the dinning hall for breakfast, she sat down in a table alone and started eating and was spotted by Aki who looked hesitate to join.

Aki: "should I?... she did say we were friends"

She took a deep breath and started walking to her.

Aki: h-hi Ahri, mind if I sit here?

Ahri: oh hi Aki, sure be my guest.

She smiled thankfully and sat down besides her a few minutes later they were joined by Lux.

Lux: morning Ahri, Aki.

Aki: g-good morning.

Ahri: morning Lux, where's Garen.

Lux: when he spends a night with Katarina, he doesn't wake up early.

Ahri: what about Jarvan and Shyvana.

Lux: they're spending time together back in Demacia.

Aki: so it's just us?

???: not quite.

They turned around and saw Akali, Shen and Kennen with their own food they sit around in the table with them.

Akali: good to see you again Ahri.

Ahri: yeah, been a while.

Kennen: we've been busy with work.

Shen: (looks at Aki) I don't believe we met before.

Aki: o-oh, hi, I'm Aki a summoner, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Shen: likewise.

Kennen: so where's Grey?

Ahri: he's with Ezreal in Shurima, he should be back soon.

Akali: I see, so what are your plans for today?

Ahri: I'll just wait for Grey.

Aki: m-me too, there's something I want to ask him.

Lux: I think I know what to do today, but I'll wait till those two come back.

They started eating for a while and once they were done they make small talk until a figure made its way to them.

???: excuse me, Luxanna.

They turned around and Ahri's eyes widen as she saw a humanoid dog with some golden armor and a staff was standing on two and was talking.

Lux: oh hey Nasus, what's up?

Nasus: nothing much, I was wondering if you know if Ezreal had returned yet?

Lux: no, not yet, but he and Grey should be back soon.

Nasus: (raises eye brow) Grey?

Lux: he's the new champion.

Nasus: ah, the man from another world, yes I heard of him, if he is with Ezreal then that's a great opportunity, for I wish to speak with him as well.

Lux: yeah lots of champions want to apparently, so why do you want to see Ezreal?

Nasus: because the tomb he was sent to has the crown of a noble from the old Shurima, I knew the person that crown belonged to, he was paranoid at all times, I suspect he's tomb would be full of traps, I have forgotten to mention that to Ezreal and was worried if he might have been harmed.

Lux: well you know Ezreal, if you did tell him that, then he would have wanted to go even more.

Nasus: (chuckle) I suppose.

Nasus went to the table next to them and sat down backwards so that he was facing them.

Nasus: now, do you mind telling me of that person from another world?

Lux: you need to ask Ahri for that, she knows him more than any of us.

Nasus: (looks at Ahri) ah, apologies, I did not introduce myself, I am Nasus, the Corator of the sands.

Ahri: it's ok, I'm Ahri the nine-tailed fox.

Nasus: a pleasure, now are you willing to tell me about this person?

Ahri: well he's name is Grey, he's champion name is abyss watchers, farron's undead legion.

Nasus: so I assume he's undead.

Ahri: that's right.

Nasus: what about the name abyss watcher?

Ahri: that's a group in his world, you're gonna have to ask him for details but in his world there's something called the dark abyss, it's like the Void but worse, the abyss watchers work on making sure it doesn't spread and destroy it.

Nasus: so he's a man of his duty, quite honorable actually, now is there anything else I need to know?

Ahri: well... I can't think of anything.

Kennen: what about this lord of cinder thing.

Ahri: oh right! there's also that.

Nasus: lord of cinder?

Lux: yeah what's that?

Ahri: like I said if you want details your going to have to ask Grey, he did explain it to us, a lord of cinder is someone who links the fire of life in he's world or plunge the world into darkness.

Akali: apparently being a lord means you decide the fate of he's entire world.

Nasus: and he's one?!

Lux: uhmm, a question, why didn't you mention that before? Because it sounds oh I don't know important.

Aki: yeah, the way I see it he's in a higher position than most of the Institute.

Ahri: that's because he doesn't act like it, in fact he's acting the same way he did before he discovered that.

Nasus: hmm, a man with modesty, I'm truly interested in meeting him, do you mind if I wait for him with you?

Ahri: no, I think he'll like meeting you.

Annie: Hey Ahri!

Ahri turned around and saw Annie walking towards them with... a monkey? He had armor on his arms and legs and some paint on his face, he was also holding a gold staff.

Ahri: hi Annie, how are you? And whose your friend?

Annie: oh I'm great, and this is-

Monkey: I'm Wukong, the monkey king, just call me Kong, nice to meet'cha.

Kong raised his hand for a shake with a big smile on his face.

Ahri: uhmm, nice to meet you too(shakes hand).

Annie: hey, (looks around) where's Grey?

Wukong: yeah where is he? I wanna fight him.

Ahri: why do you want to fight Grey?

Wukong: he's the guy with a fire sword right? I saw his match with Zed and I wanted to challenge him, he can be my new rival, only my master- Yi -have been a challenge, so I really wanna fight him.

Ahri: well, he should be back soon, we're waiting for him and Ezreal.

Annie: aww, I wanted him to play with me, Tibbers and Kong, he can convince Zyra to let us play in the garden.

Wukong: HE CAN!?! Why didn't you say so, now I really want to meet him.

Ahri: (chuckle) well while we're waiting why don't you sit down and have breakfast with us.

Annie: thanks.

Wukong: yeah, thanks.

They sit down in the table and started eating, while they were, Ahri started wondering what's taking Grey so long.

Grey POV:

After me and Ezreal woke up we got moving to the nation, now it's the middle of morning and we finally reached it.

Grey: so why did we need to get here.

Ezreal: that's because this place has a transport station that belongs to the summoners, it's to help champions come back from their homes without needing to travel such a long distance.

Grey: make sense.

We started walking through the streets with Ezreal guiding, I looked around and saw desert nomads and shoppers, no matter what they were doing they were all smiling.

Grey: people seem quite happy here, I can tell they love their home.

Ezreal: yeah, they do and Azir does he's best to keep it that way since he rules this nation.

Grey: so this is Azir's nation, huh."so I was right about him being a ruler"

Ezreal: yeah, I visit this place often actually, Shurima is full of mystery and adventure.

We reached a building and got in, the room was like the one from the Institute, and a different summoner was waiting while reading a book.

Summoner: (looks up) ah Ezreal, good to see you again, getting back to the Institute from another Adventure.

They seem to know each other, but then again Ezreal did say he comes here often.

Ezreal: yeah but I got someone with me this time.

Summoner: so you finally travel with someone, (looks at Grey) the new champion eh, I thought it would have been Lux.

I was a little confused and Ezreal blushed.

Ezreal: w-why would I be with Lux? j-jus-just get us to the Institute.

Summoner: (chuckle) sure, stand in the circle please.

We stood in the circle and he made the same movement as the first summoner, we were covered in light then we were back in the room we traveled from, the summoner there looked at us.

Summoner: welcome back champions.

We both nodded and got out.

Ezreal: so what now?

Grey: how about we go to the dining hall, I'm starving, and hopefully the others are there.

Ezreal: yeah, I can go for a bite too, let's go.

Third POV:

Ezreal and Grey entered the dining hall and found everyone sitting together with some people Grey didn't know, they made their way to them.

Grey: hey Ahri.

Ahri's ears immediately perked up and she turned around with a big smile, she got up and ran to Grey then jumped and gave him a hug.

Ahri: Grey! Your back! (backs off) so how did it go?

Grey: it was actually pretty exciting.

Ezreal: yeah and boy do we have a story for you guys.

Grey saw a dog humanoid get up and walk towards them.

Nasus: hello Ezreal.

Ezreal: oh hi Nasus.

Nasus: I see you returned, so were you able to find the crown?

Ezreal: yeeeaaahh... about that.

Ezreal pulls out the two halfs of the crown and shows it to Nasus.

Ezreal: it kinda split in two(chuckle).

Nasus: (raises eye brow) this isn't like you to come back with damaged objects.

Ezreal: how about we sit down and I'll tell you what happened.

Nasus: very well.

They were going to sit but then a monkey jumped in front of Grey startling him, and on instinct he reached for his sword.

Wukong: so you're Grey huh, (looks at Grey from his legs to his head) wow your really taaaalll, your as tall as Nasus.

Grey: uhmm, thanks?

Ahri: calm down Kong, let's sit down first.

Wukong: ok.

They sit down and greet everyone sitting with them, Ezreal starts telling them about what happened in the tomb, he reached the part about the giant ball.

Lux: seriously? Again? How many times have you been chased by a giant ball Ezreal?

Ezreal: hey! That doesn't happen... often.

Lux: sure... so what happened next?

Ezreal: then we found a pathway that led us to this throne room where we found the crown, we were about to get it when this strange fog came out and then a creature from Grey's world attacked us.

Lux: wait, WHAT?!

Ahri: a creature from Grey's world?

Grey: yes, it was an outrider knight.

Ezreal: it was so weird, it was like a person made of ice was inside it, we didn't get the crown but we got this.

Ezreal pulls out the sword and shows it to everyone, Nasus gets close and start examining it.

Nasus: such an interesting weapon, it gives off both moon and ice energy.

Grey: you can sense that? I'm impressed.

Ezreal looks at the sword and looked at Grey with hesitation about asking something, Grey knew what he was going to say.

Ezreal: hey Grey... do you mind if-

Grey: you can keep it.

Ezreal: r-really?

Grey: yes, I don't need it, I know how to use a long sword but I prefer a great sword.

Ezreal: thanks.

Wukong: now( jumps and stands on table) I want to challenge you Grey and ask you to become my new rival.

Grey looked dumbfounded but then started laughing.

Grey: I'll take you're challenges anytime, but I can't accept being your rival.

Wukong: awww, why?

Grey: because I already have a rival.

Wukong: you do? Awww come on.

Shen: thats interesting, who is that rival of your's?

Wukong: yeah! At least tell us about him.

Grey: well... he's a sun praising idiot... but he's a good hearted sun praising idiot.

Aki: hey Grey, I-I want to ask you something.

Grey looked at Aki and she looked nervous, Ahri and Lux had a good idea what she was going to ask.

Grey: go ahead.

Aki: well it's... how do I put this... how are you undead?

Grey's face went grim and he looked down.

Aki: y-you don't have to answer if you do-

Grey: no, it's ok, but all of you have to promise that what you hear will not leave this group.

They all nod in agreement and Grey takes a deep breath.

Grey: it's... a curse... called the Darksign, the curse brings back humans as undead, and doesn't allow them to die.

Aki: what do you mean.

Grey: you know how in a match a champion dies but they are brought back in the base without pain.

Aki: that's right, we summoners make sure the champions don't feel pain from dying.

Grey: the Darksign is like that, it brings you back near something called a bonfire, however... you feel it, the pain, you feel how painful dying is and remember every second of it, you keep dying again, again, and again, until... you go mad, you eventually lose your mind and go hollow, those who do just wander around attacking anything that moves hoping something would come and finally end their suffering, and I have it.

Ezreal: oh god... how did you get it?

Grey: the abyss watchers... they gave it to me.

Ahri: how could they do this to you?

Grey: because I asked them, in my world there are things that can kill you in minutes, I needed the Darksign so that I could keep on fighting, and to keep being an abyss watcher.

Aki: i-im really sorry.

Grey: don't be, in fact I think I'm freed from that curse since I got to this world.

Aki: what do you mean?

Grey: didn't you hear me? The Darksign needs a bonfire to work, and they don't exist in this world, the only thing it can do to me now is stop me from ageing.

Nasus: (chuckle) so you found a way out.

Grey: yes.

Lux: phew! You had me scared for a second there, now I know what to do today, we're going to a place everyone loves.

Ezreal: a Shuriman dungeon?

Ahri: the arcade?

Annie: the play ground?

Wukong: a banana tree?

Grey: the boreal valley?

Lux: no, no, no, no and... I don't know what Grey said but no, we're going... to the pool!

Annie: really?

Wukong: yeah! I love the pool.

Ezreal: I really can go for one now.

Grey: I'm in for it if Ahri is.

Ahri: of course I am, what about you Aki.

Aki: w-well if you're offering.

Akali: we would love to join you but we have work as the Institute's medical staff.

Nasus: I would join you as well but I have work in the library.

They all take their leave an Ahri, Aki, Annie, Ezreal, Grey, Lux and Wukong head to the pool, on the way Ahri realized something.

Ahri: oh wait, me and Grey don't have anything to wear.

Lux: don't worry, they have a shop near the pool for that, I'm sure you can find something.

They reach the entrance to the pool and found a clothes and swimming tools, they went to get clothes and once they bought them they entered the pool with bags at hand, the pool was big and was rectangular in shape, one half was deep and then it rises up until it reaches the other en like a miniature beach, on the right side was a few chairs with umbrellas and tables besides them and a bar behind them, on the left side was the changing rooms boys right, girls left and besides them were shower booths, they were already a few champions and summoners there.

Lux: alright, let's go change and meet outside the changing room.

They all agree and they enter the changing rooms, after a few minutes the girls got out with Annie wearing a purple one piece with an inflatable wheel in her wist, Lux was wearing a yellow two piece with blue lining, Aki was wearing a violet one piece and tied her hair into a ponytail and Ahri was wearing a red two piece with white lining, they of course drew attention from men around and they waited for the boys, then came out Wukong with blue trunks with pictures of bananas in it, afterwards came out Ezreal wearing sky blue Trunks and his goggles on his head, then every girl in the pool had her attention on Grey when he came out especially from Ahri, he had dark silver trunks and he's well toned body was exposed, they also noticed that there was a black circle on his chest, Ahri had a big blush on her face with her moth slightly gaping and Lux can swear she saw her drooling, she gave her a nudge from her elbow and Ahri shakes her head to clear it, Grey made his way towards them and blushed apone seeing Ahri in her swimsuit.

Grey: hi Ahri, y-you look great.

Ahri: y-yeah, you too.

Wukong: now let's go have fun!

Grey: uhmm, before that... can one of you guys teach me how to swim?

Aki: y-you don't know how to swim?

Grey: my home, farron's keep was surrounded by poisonous swamps, I don't know about this world but in mine it isn't a good idea to swim in that.

Ahri: (raises hand) oh! oh! Let me, I'm an excellent swimmer.

Ezreal: uhmm, I think I should be the one to-

He was immediately silenced by a death glare from Ahri that clearly said "don't ruin this for me, OR ELSE".

Ezreal: the one tooooo... get drinks! Yeah! You can't enjoy the pool without drinks!

Lux: (snicker and whisper) nice save.

Ezreal immediately leaves with Lux following him, Annie and Aki went to play together and Wukong left saying something about pranking someone.

Ahri: so come on.

Grey: okay.

Ahri takes his hand and leads him inside the pool and leads him to the deep half.

Ahri: alright, so you take deep breaths and make sure the water doesn't get into your mouth, then start kicking while using your hands to help you float.

Grey started following her instructions and started slightly floating.

Ahri: pretty good, but your using your hands wrong.

Ahri went to his side and grabbed his hands and started making a motion with them, Grey blushed feeling her breasts touching his side and Ahri saw that, she grew a mischievous smirk and pressed her chest more on his side which made his blush deepen, after thirty minutes of teaching and lots of teasing from Ahri, he became a decent swimmer.

Ahri: there we go.

Grey: yeah, it's not so hard after all, thanks Ahri.

Ahri: don't mention it, let's take a break for some drinks.

Grey: alright.

They get out and find Aki, Annie, Ezreal and Lux sitting together with their own drinks and two other ones on the table.

Lux: hey you two, those are your's(points at drinks).

Ahri: (takes drink) thanks.

Grey: (takes drink) thank you.

Aki: so did you learn how to swim?

Grey: yeah thanks to Ahri.

Ahri: it was nothing.

Grey: hey where's Wukong?

???: come back here you stupid monkey.

He's answer came in the form of Wukong on a yellow cloud being followed by a very angry looking Vi with her gauntlets on, she was wearing a dark blue one piece and... banana peal on her head?

Wukong: (laugh) you're gonna have to move faster.

Wukong passes by them and Vi followed him, Caitlyn then shows up running and stops by them panting.

Caitlyn: Vi(pant) calm down(pant) it's just a banana peal and we're(pant) we're at the pool, you can wash yourself.

She was wearing a black two piece with her top being black and bottom being blue, she was also wearing sunglasses on her head, Grey grabbed a water bottle from the table and goes to her side.

Grey: hi Caitlyn.

Caitlyn looked and blushed when she saw Grey in his swimming trunks.

Caitlyn: o-oh, hello Grey.

Grey offers her the water bottle and she takes it.

Caitlyn: thank you.

Grey: you're welcome, so what happened?

Caitlyn: (sigh) Vi was sitting around when Kong threw a banana peal on her.

Grey: alright, so how have you been?

Caitlyn: I've been good thank you, a little busy with work but I've been doing ok.

Grey: that's great.

They look and see Wukong and Vi coming back to their direction.

Caitlyn: (sigh) if you can do something about this I would really appreciate it.

Grey: gladly.

Grey waited until Wukong reached him and he grabbed him by the back of his nick making the cloud dissappear and held him up in the air while Vi reached them.

Wukong: hey, let me go!

Vi: finally, now my fun begins.

Vi was ready beat Wukong up but a thought crossed Grey's head.

Grey: hey Vi, I have a better idea.

Grey went besides her and whispered something into her ear, she grew a smirk then took off her gauntlets, she then grabbed Wukong by he's legs while Grey grabbed his arms and they went besides the pool.

Wukong: Wait! Wait! Wait! You don't wanna to do this, trust me your not gonna like the smell of a wet monkey.

Vi: well if we won't like it then you definitely won't either.

They started swinging him back and forth then let him go and he fell in the pool with a big splash, they all start laughing and Wukong slowly raises his head above the water with his hair wet and covering his eyes and his cheeks puffed, he spits out the water in his mouth and start laughing with them, after a few hours it was sunset and they decided it was time to leave after they dried up and change clothes they left, on their way back Aki remembered something.

Aki: oh right! Grey do you know anything about the grand summoner?

Grey: what do you mean?

Aki: w-well, there was talk about him acting weird ever since you and Ahri showed up.

Grey: well... I can't think of anything, I never met him before I came to the Institute.

Ezreal: maybe it's the fact you're from a different world?

Aki: maybe, we'll I'm sure it's nothing.

Somewhere in the Institute:

The Grand summoner entered his quarters after a day of running the Institute, he pulled down his hood to reveal an elderly face with long beard and bald head, he went to the fire place and looked up to the painting above it, in the painting were two people, one being the grand summoner, the other being also an elderly man with long beard and hair that connect to it, he wore a golden armor and had elbow length sleeves and on his wist was a gold chain and he was also wearing a big crown, in his hands was a big sword that seemed to be on fire, the Grand summoner and the man were standing next to each other in a friendly matter with a smile on their faces, the grand summoner looked at the other man in the picture and then spoke.

Grand summoner: brother... I have finally found an heir for you.

(A/N Thank you for reading this, also I have an idea to put a love rival for Ahri and I already have someone chosen for that, if you think I should or shouldn't do it please tell me)

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