CH20: reaching Demacia

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Third POV:

Ahri was sitting with Ezreal, Lux and Aki eating dinner, but Ahri wasn't very excited.

She was resting her head on her hand while playing with her food, she was wearing her new skin and had a bored expression on her face.

Lux: hey Ahri, why are you still in you're new skin?

Ahri: well... I wanted to surprise Grey with it... but he's still not back yet.

Ezreal: the Kumungu jungle is far bigger then a tomb, you can't expect him to find who's he looking for in a day, not to mention the way back.

Ahri: yeah, I guess... I just wish he was here.

???: good evening.

They turned and saw... Zyra? The champions that knew her well were surprised because she doesn't often leave her garden except if she's going back home.

She had a tray with some fruit on it.

Ahri: oh! Hi Zyra.

Zyra: hello Ahri.

Ezreal: evening Zyra.

Aki: g-good evening champion.

Lux: hi Zyra, so what are you doing here?

Zyra sits down besides Ahri and pop a blue berry in her mouth.

Zyra: even I need food, and I thought of coming here as a little change, these are some gifts from my children, I see you have a new skin Ahri.

Ahri: yeah, I just got it today actually.

Zyra: it looks nice, I see Grey isn't with you.

Ahri: thanks, (ears fall) and yeah, Grey is-

Zyra: in the Kumungu jungle, I know.

Ahri: uhmm... how did you know that?

Zyra: because I come from the Kumungu and most of my children are there, even with me being here I am still connected to them and they have been feeling Grey's presence for a while.

Ahri: really? Can you contact him?

Zyra: sadly no, but I can tell you that his alright.

Ahri: that's good to hear... hey... do you think he miss us?

Ezreal: your kidding right? This is Grey we're talking about.

Lux: yeah, besides, who wouldn't miss you? You're really fun to be around.

Aki: I can assure you that he misses you, your a really good friend.

Ahri: yeah... I guess you're right...(more confident) I am a good friend and I am really fun,(smug smile) in fact I bet he's bored out of his mind without me around.

Grey POV:

We were back in the cave and were having meat as dinner, sorta celebrating after our fight with Vordt.

The meat was almost done with me, Nidalee and the pup waiting, me and Nidalee were laughing at one of my old adventures.

Nidalee: (laugh) and then what?

Grey: After I got in I heard the door being locked, when I turned around it was the onion knight, it was a weird thing for a knight of Catarina to do, but then he took off his helmet and it turned out to be a guy I know with the name Patches, after he locked me in the Catacombs it took me an entire week of fighting skeletons and sludge to get out, when I did I swore if I ever saw Patches again I would throw him to the leaches in the Irithyll dungeon.

We started laughing after that, for some reason whenever Patches is in a story it always seems funny... damn bastard never seems to go hollow.

The meat was done and we split it up, I took a piece of mine and gave it to the pup.

Grey: there you go boy.

Pup: (barks happily).

The pup took his meat and started eating, me and Nidalee were looking at him.

Nidalee: you know, he seems very fond of you, maybe you should keep him.

Grey: that's not a bad Idea, do you want to stay with me?

Pup: (barks of confirmation).

Nidalee: guess that's a yes, so what are you gonna call him.

Grey: well... I would call him Sif but that's taken... how about... Silver, do you like that name.

Silver: (barks happily).

Grey: alright, Silver it is.

We were eating for a while and when we were done Nidalee spoke.

Nidalee: hey Grey, how will we get to the Institute, it must take days on foot from here, maybe weeks.

Grey: well, they have transport stations that help champions come back without traveling long distance, I know where the closest ones are.

Nidalee: really? Where?

Grey: one is in Demacia, and there is another one in Noxus.

The second the name Noxus left my lips I found Nidalee's spear being implanted next to my head.

Nidalee: (angry) I am not going to Noxus.

Grey: okaaaay.... Demacia it is.

Nidalee: that sounds better, I know a way to Demacia but that's for tomorrow.

Grey: yeah... well at least when I come back I have a souvenir for Ezreal.

I motioned to Vordt's great mace that was left behind, any normal person would have had a problem lifting it, but thanks to my training to use Farron's great sword it wasn't a problem.

Nidalee: I still can't believe we killed it.

Grey: 'him' not 'it', he is a person... or was until he gave himself to be an outrider knight.

Nidalee: you seemed to know him, but he didn't know you, what was that about?

Grey: well... when I met him he was already insane but more in control and he certainly wasn't a giant brute, something must have happened to him... (whisper) poor soul was probably taken by the Abyss.

Nidalee: was he a friend of yours?

Grey: a little yeah.

True I didn't know Vordt well, Pontiff Sulyvahn had already given him his eyes when we met, and the fact that he was protective of the Dancer made him always on the watch for anyone other than Pontiff, but he was still someone who did his duty.

Nidalee: hey Grey, what nation are you from, your too honorable to be a Noxian and your clothes are a little dark to be Demacian.

Grey: oh... actually I'm not from Runeterra itself.

Nidalee: ... what?

Grey: (chuckle) you see, I actually come from a different world, original I went to the Institute to see if they can send me back home but I decided to stay in this world and become a champion.

Nidalee: so... your really not from Runeterra?

Grey: (shakes head) no, in fact before I got to this world I never heard a name like it, but I have a question, you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable with it, why are you in the jungle?

Nidalee smiled sadly at what I said and looked at the fire, I was about to apologize but then.

Nidalee: when I was a child me and my parents started traveling, they wanted to see the Kumungu jungle because of its magical energy from the rune wars, but... we didn't prepare well... they barley lasted a week... I would have been gone too if it weren't for a cougar tripe to take me, after a while the magic of the jungle made me different than normal people.

I knew that look, even if she was smiling she was in pain, I know because... I used to have that look as well.

I moved besides her and rested a gentle hand on her shoulder, she looked at me with curiosity and I gave her a warm smile.

Grey: I'm sorry for your parents, I know how it feels to lose someone who's family to you, but I learned that there are still people for you, so don't think you're alone, because I'm willing to be there for you.

Nidalee: (blush slightly) thank you.

Silver: (bark).

Grey: (chuckle) and Silver too, can't forget him.

Nidalee laughed slightly as Silver came and sat between us, he started circling himself and then laid down while making a tiny yawn.

Nidalee: I guess it's been a long day, let's go to sleep, we need to wake up early to reach Demacia.

Grey: alright.

We both laid down and closed our eyes... only I didn't sleep, I waited until it was sure Nidalee and Silver were asleep and then sat up.

I reached something in my cloak and pulled it out... it was Vordt's soul.

The soul of the Vile watchdog right now was in my hand, and I don't know what to do with it, for now I'll simply hold on to it until I figure out something.

There was a tint of fear in my heart, I mean... what will the others think if they knew I take souls on a daily basis.

Nothing good... that's for sure... for now I'll try to avoid the subject as much as I can.

I laid back down and went to sleep for real this time.

Third POV:

Nidalee was the first one to wake up next morning, she looked and saw both Grey and Silver still asleep.

Nidalee: (chuckle) and I thought his smell was the only thing he shares with a wolf, alright you two get up, it's morning.

Silver was the first to wake up and Grey after him by a few seconds, they both stretched out and Grey stood up.

Nidalee: good morning.

Grey: (yawn) good morning, so are we moving now.

Nidalee: yes, unless you want us to reach Demacia by sunset.

Grey: alright.

Grey fixed himself up, grabbed Vordt's mace and strapped it on his back, Nidalee was amazed that he can carry that while still having his great sword.

Grey: so where do we go?

Nidalee: we'll be going to one of edges of the jungle and after that a few hours on foot to Demacia.

Grey: alright, (looks at Silver) hop on.

Silver: (barks)

Silver hops on Grey's hand and climb up to his right shoulder, before he rests he somehow dug himself into Grey's cloak making him less visible.

Grey looked confused and Silver pulled out his head making it the only visible part about him.

Silver: (barks happily).

Grey: (chuckle) whatever makes you comfortable little guy.

They exited the cave and started traveling through the jungle, it took them a while but they reached the edge where the trees stop and only grass is left.

In the distance was a city with giant buildings of gold and white.

They started walking to it and along the way the talked about each other, Nidalee told Grey of the Jungle and the creatures there.

Grey told her about being an Abyss watcher and the abyss, and just like everyone she compared it to the Void, apparently one of it's creatures live in the Kumungu.

It took them several hours and they reached it near noon, once they were on the streets they were quite amazed.

Grey saw that Demacia did kind of looked like his home, the clean streets, big houses, knights walking around and the giant statues... it kind of reminded him of Lothric.

Nidalee: so... what now?

Grey: I... have an idea.

Grey walked up to one of the citizens and called out.

Grey: excuse me, sir?

The man turned around and he looked surprised to see Grey, he took a step back.

Man: y-yes?

Grey: I'm looking for the house of Lightshield.

Man: o-oh, the royal family? It's down that road, big with golden gates and guards around it.

Grey: thank you.

Grey turned around and Nidalee followed him.

Nidalee: so why do you want to meet the royal family?

Grey: I know the Prince.

Nidalee: and how exactly?

Grey: he's a champion.

Nidalee just went with it and they continued their way, after a while they reached the house the man spoke of.

The guards immediately pointed their weapons at them when they reached the gates.

Guard1: hold it, what are you doing here?

Grey: is prince Jarvan home? We wish to speak with him?

Gaurd2: why? And where do you come from? I would say your Noxians... but I never saw a Noxian with a hat like that.

Grey grumbled while Nidalee snickered, she had to agree Grey's hat wasn't... ordinary, he gave her a look and looked back at the guards.

Grey: I'm his friend, and I want to talk to him.

Guard1: (laugh) yeah right, your friends with the prince, and my girlfriend is Fiora Laurent, get out of here before we hurt you.

Gurad2: or you can leave and the lady can stay, I wouldn't mind having fun with her.

The guard that said that approached Nidalee only to regret it.

She grabbed him by the collar, spun him around and threw him at the wall.

The guards all looked wide eyed at what she did, Silver pulled back his head hiding in Grey's cloak realizing a fight will break down and Grey...

Grey: (heavy sigh)... well... it's not like the first time I ever broke into a castle... which reminds me I wonder how prince Lothric is doing? Last I heard he was going to be crucified, i sure hope Lorian was able to do something about that.

(A/N Thank you for reading this, I hope you like it.)

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