CH4: first day of traveling

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Grey POV:

After some time Ahri finally let go of my arm, and I managed to get my blush in control.

It was a quiet walk after that, maybe an hour or so, we made it to the town it didn't look like the ones from back home but then again I never saw that much of fishing towns to begin with.

When we made it to the town it was night time but not that late, I pulled up my mask as we started, making it through the town seeing as some people were giving us weird looks.

Ahri POV:

We were making our way through town to ask for a boat ride, I looked and noticed that Grey pulled up his mask
And just noticed the weird looks we've been getting, mainly me from a few men, I didn't mind the attention, but it was the way they looked at me that made me uncomfortable, it was a look of lust, I didn't like it so I started clinging to Grey arm.

Grey:how about we look for a place to stay the night and look for a boat tomorrow.

He must have known I was uncomfortable I gave him a grateful look and started looking for an inn and found one in the middle of the town, when we got in we found the owner to be an elderly man with a beard.

Owner:well hello there, what can I do for you.

Grey:were looking for a room for the night.

Owner:(looks through the book)hmm... ah there we go, we have one left, it's three pieces of gold.

Grey's eyes widen I think he just realized that he doesn't have any or that his world's money wouldn't be useful, luckily when o found my clothes I also was able to take some cash.

Ahri:(pulls out money) yeah here you go (give money to owner)

Owner:(takes money) alright (gives key and points at stairs) second door to the left.

We start making our way, and when we make it to the room we see something that was definitely to my delight.

Ahri/Grey:(union)only one bed!

We both look at each other then he starts making his way to the middle of the room.

Grey:well I guess I'll be the gentleman I am and let you sleep on the bed.

Ahri:but it's big enough for both of us.

Grey:still taking the floor.

I make my way to him, grab him by the shoulder, spin him around, and put a finger in his chest.

Ahri:now listen here mister we are going to share that bed like the good friends we are and then have the biggest sleep over you ever had in you're life.

Grey looked a little dumbfounded but chuckled and raised his arms In mock surrender.

Grey:alright, alright let me take my armor off.

He start to take the armor and his cloak off, he sets them on the table along with his sword and knife, after he takes off his gloves and boots his left with his shirt and trousers, he then sets his hat, now I can see all of his snow white hair flowing, it was Chen length and it was neatly combed.

We sit together in the bad and start talking mainly him asking questions about this world, and me answering the best I can, I just tell him the basics, after a while it gotten late so we decided to go to sleep.

Next morning

I wake up first and see Grey still asleep with a peaceful smile on his face so I decided to have a little fun, I wrap my tails around his body and pull his in between my breasts, and closed my eyes pretending to be asleep, I start hearing him stir and wake up.

Third POV:

When Grey woke up he did not expect to be coverd in Ahri's tails and his face inside her bussom, once he realized were he was he blushed deeply Ahri couldn't see it but she can feel the heat from his head.

Grey:(blush)uhmm...okay let's... just move away.

He starts to stir up trying to get out of Ahri's grip, but what he didn't expect was for her to tighten the grip and her tails moved more around him, he blushed harder and it took Ahri all of her will power not to explode into a fit of laughter, Grey realized trying to break free wa futile, so he decided it was better to try wake Ahri up.

Grey:(whisper)uhmm... Ahri... Ahri wake up.

Ahri had her fun and decided it was enough, so she grunted and opened her eyes slowly pretending to have just woke up, she looked down to Grey and grew a mischievous smirk.

Ahri:wow I knew some people got comfortable in their sleep but you're getting a little to comfortable don't you think.

Grey:I...I just woke up like this really... now can you let me go... I wold like to take a shower.

Ahri untangled her tails and let go of him he gets up quickly and move to the bath room.


Grey:(shout back)WHAT IS IT.



Ahri laughs at his little tantrum, and starts hearing the shower so decides to wait for him.

She starts looking at his equipment that he took off last night, his great sword was big, so she assumed he was well built to lift it, his dagger was quite odd and sinister in shape as if made for brutal killing, and both the hat and shoulder have signs of many battles, but what really caught her eye was a medallion of sorts it was greenish and had the crest of a wolf she took it into her hand inspecting it, and then heard the bathroom door open and saw Grey with his hair wet.

Grey:what's up(sees medallion) oh you're holding my pledge.

Ahri: pledge?

Grey:yes(takes medallion) you see abyss watchers aren't born their chosen, those who the old wolf of farron choose become one of his legion and giving this as proof that they pledge themselves to the wolf's blood.

Ahri wanted to ask more but decided to do it later so she went to take a bath while Grey started putting back his armor.

After they were done clothing up the checked if Ahri had enough money for a boat ride, luckily she had a decent amount, not for the most luxurious ride but good enough.

They went near the shire asking around and found a ship that was supposed to deliver supplies to Piltover was leaving in an hour, once they found the captain, an elderly woman with black hair and a hat, she was checking over the crates being moved onto the ship.

Grey:excuse me, are you the captain.

Captain:(turns around) yeah what is it.

Grey:we were wondering if you would give us a ride with you, to Piltover.

Captain:yeah I can, but it ain't free.

Grey:it's alright well pay.

Captain:alright, that'll be 7 pieces of gold, for both, it also include you're meals.

Ahri:(gives gold) here you go.

Captain:(takes gold) alright get on you're room I'd in the third door when you go to the lower deck.

After thanking the captain they went to the uper deck at stared at the ocean.

Ahri:(looks at ocean) it's real pretty.

Grey:yeah... it is, I never saw so much clean water.


Grey:yeah... farron's keep wasn't the prettiest place being surrounded by deadly poisonous swamps and all that.

Grey took a long breath of the salty air and looked at the ocean again, this world wasn't like his, it wasnt corrupted, there was no abyss, so maybe... maybe he can find peace in here... and maybe... he can forgive himself

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