CH43: the age of dark begins

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Third POV: high summoners chamber

The high summoners just finished watching the match between Ionia and Piltover.

Summoner1: it seems It's victory for Ionia.

The high summoners except the grand summoner agreed, he looked to be in thought.

Summoner2: is something wrong Grand summoner?

Grand summoner: ...... it's time.

To their surprise, the Grand summoner casted a spell that lowered his seat to the ground.

Once it was there, he got up and started walking forward, the high summoners were surprised, they decided to follow so they did the same.

With the others:

Grey and Ahri have just joined the others, they sat down with everyone in the table.

Nidalee: Good job you two.

Ezreal: Grey that move was insane.

Lux: yeah, even Kat was impressed.

Garen: let me tell you right now that that's really rare to happen.

Katarina: it wasn't half bad.

Sona: [I thought you were incredible Grey].

Grey: thanks.

Tiara: hey Grey, a little cat told me that you made tea... without telling me.

Grey's eyes widen, he glanced at Nidalee who simply looked away while innocently whistling.

Grey: I-... well-... you see-.......(lowers head) I got nothing.

Tiara: yeah, I expect you to make me two full pots before the end of the day.

Solas: hey Grey, who taught you that move if you don't mind me asking?

Grey: no one I guess, one day we were training with Ghear and I... just did it.

Solas: I see.

Brite: so what do you want to do now?

Aki: u-uhmmm, hey everyone, why Is the high summoners coming to us?

They all looked and saw the high summoners led by the Grand summoner walking through the hallway towards them.

Everyone's attention I'm the dinning hall, both champions and summoners turned towards them.

The people in the table stood attention, the high summoners reached them while also glancing at the grand summoner who was in front of Grey.

Grand summoner(GS): Abyss watcher...

Grey: is... something wrong?

GS: ..... it is time for your judgement.

Grey: what?

Ahri: wait a minute, Grey already went through the judgment and passed.

GS: not his judgment as a champion... his judgment as a lord.

The Grand summoner waved his hand, suddenly, all the doors, windows and exits closed all over the Institute.

Then ruins started appeared on the doors, other ruins appeared on the walls but those were red.

Summoner3: Grand summoner what is the meaning of this?!?

GS: insurance.

The Grand summoner then removed his hood, after his looks were revealed Solas immediately jumped from his seat.

Solas: it... can't be.

Brite: Solas what's wrong?

Solas: un-... (tears up) uncle?

Everyone: WHAT!!!

GS: it has been a long time, my nephew, but I have important business right now, (looks at Grey) I have completely sealed the Institute, not even with magic can anyone escape, and the walls are covered In explosive ruins, in two hours, the entire Institute will be destroyed with everyone in it.

Grey: wait, what!!! Why are you doing this?

GS: as I said, insurance, if you don't agree to go with the ultimate judgement, then I will destroy the Institute, Agree, and everyone will get out unharmed.

Tiara: what's stopping us from killing you right now?!?

GS: if you do, the ruins won't be shut off, and the Institute would still be destroyed.

Grey: alright! Fine! I'll go with your ultimate Judgment, just don't hurt anyone.

GS: very well, you have one hour, if you pass I'll release the seal.

The Grand summoner turned and left while everyone was at absolute conflict.

Time skip:

It's been 45 minutes, the Institute was in chaos, many champions tried to break out, either by magic or just hitting the walls, it all failed.

Garen made a battle cry as he charged at one of the gates striking it with his great sword.

The gate was undamaged and Garen backed away.

Lux: Garen stop, you've been trying for thirty minutes.

Tiara: (looks at Solas) I don't suppose you know how to break out do you?

Solas: knowing my uncle, those gates won't open until he allows it.

Ezreal: there's got to be something we can do.

Solas didn't even bother to answer, he was still in thought of seeing his uncle.

Tiara saw this and couldn't help but compare herself to him.

Tiara: hey Solas.

Solas: (grunt) what?

Tiara: I know how it feels to be betrayed by family, but thankfully I managed to find a new one that I believe in, so even if we don't open those gates, Grey is going to pass.

Katarina: speaking of, where's our (sarcastic) great savior.

Brite: he went to the garden to clear his head.

In the garden:

Grey was sitting on the ground thinking everything over, if he fails, everyone dies.

Ahri, Nidalee and Sona just appeared in the entrance, they looked at Grey in worry, they wanted to comfort him but they wanted it to be done right.

Zyra: I see your here.

They turned and saw Zyra looking at them.

Zyra: I wanted to say something to him, but I think we all know who should be talking to him right now.

Nidalee: yeah... your right, (looks at Ahri) well? Aren't you going to him?

Ahri: wait, me? But what about you?

Sona rolled her eyes, she wrote something on her board and gave it to Ahri.

Sona: '''just go before we change our minds'''.

Ahri looked at Grey again, she took a deep breath and walked up to him.

She sat besides him and mad her presence known.

Ahri: hi Grey.

Grey: oh... hi Ahri.

Ahri: so... how do you feel?

Grey: I'm going to be honest, I'm scared, what if I fail? What if everyone dies because of me?

Ahri thought about what to say, she worked up all her courage for words.

Ahri: hey Grey, you always keep your promises, so can you promise me something?

Grey: sure.

Then to his surprise, Ahri leaned up to him... and kissed him.

It took him a moment to get over his shock and another to return the kiss.

After a few seconds that felt like hours, they broke the kiss and Ahri stared deeply into his eyes.

Ahri: promise that you'll come back to us... to me.

Grey looked at her for a few minutes still slightly shocked from the kiss, he then gave her a warm smile.

Grey: I promise.

They then both stood up and had a quick hug.

Grey: alright, it's about time, so let's go.

Ahri nods and they leave the garden, they didn't see the girls so Ahri thought they left.

They reach the dinning, Ahri went to a table with everyone else and Grey walked up to the middle where the Grand summoner was, many champions looking at him with hopeful looks.

GS: are you ready?

Grey: yes.

GS: alright, but fair warning, when you begin you won't have your memories, wither you regain them in the judgment or not won't matter, only if you pass will.

Grey: ........ alright.

The Grand summoner waved his hands, Grey was covered in an orb of light and it expanded for everyone in the dinning hall to see.

After a few seconds, the ruins on the walls and gates vanished much to everyone's confusion.

GS: whoever wishes to leave may do as they want, I'm not stopping them.

Aki: wait I thought Grey has to pass?

Tiara: that bastard! It was all a big bluff! He was never gonna hurt anyone! He just wanted something that would force Grey into doing what he wants.

GS: indeed, the judgment already began, I have no need to threaten anyone.

Aki: u-uhmm, something is happening.

They all turned their attention back to the orb and saw it was like the one for matches.

They saw a pile of dirt start moving inside it, then someone came out of it and slowly stood up.

It was a knight with an old armor, he had rags connected to the chest area and the helmet had a crown like shape on it's back, there was also a sword stabbed to his waist, the sword had an odd spiral shape.

Nidalee: is that Grey?

Solas: I think so.

Grey walked from the pile and looked around himself, he was in the ruins of a city.

Grey followed a pathway that seemed to lead into the only clean looking building.

On his way, two warriors appeared, they were wearing old armor and holding broken weapons.

Katarina: what are those?

Brite: those are hollows, undead who lost their mind.

The hollows noticed Grey and charged at him with their broken weapons, Grey pulled out his sword and engaged in battle.

It didn't take him much efforts to beat them, after finishing them off he walked up to the house and opened the gates.

Once inside, Grey saw an old lady, she had her back turned to him while sweeping the floor with a broom.

The old lady turned around and looked at Grey, she had whit hair from old age and was wearing tattered cloak and clothes.

Old lady: hmmm? Your no hollow... I thought all undead in the city had turned to them.

Lux: is it just me or does that old lady look familiar.

Old lady: nevertheless, it's always good to have some sane company.

Ezreal: uhmm, Lux, I think that old lady is-

Old lady: I'm Luxanna Crownguard... it's a pleasure to meet you.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far.)

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