CH45: the age of dark 2/2

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Third POV:

Tiara: wait, what does he mean by a new age of fire?

Brite: I thought there wasn't going to be a new age of fire ever again if the fire fades.

Solas: no... there is a way, (looks at GS) uncle, it's him isn't he? Grey is the Embers left by lords long past.

GS: ...... (nod) yes.

Brite: what do you mean?

Solas: one day, a certain fire keeper saw something.

Tiara: saw something? But fire keepers don't have eyes.

Solas: one of them does, and she saw into the future, the age of dark, a world born of betrayal, but she also saw something in the distance, hope for a second age of fire, she called that hope the Embers left by lords long past.

Ezreal: wait a minute, if you knew that then why didn't you tell Grey when he asked you about his powers?

Solas: because it doesn't make sense, the Embers left by lords long past should be from the time of the Lords, Grey wasn't there so why is it him.

???: is the judgment still going?

They saw Jarvan and Shyvana walk up to them, the two of them glared at the Grand summoner for a second.

Garen: prince Jarvan, what are you doing here?

Jarvan: merly to check on Grey, (looks at GS) and to get an explanation.

???: I want one as well.

This time, it was Swain who spoke as he walked up to them.

Swain: (Glares at GS) I hope you realize the amount of commotion you caused by the things you revealed, Grand summoner.

???: indeed.

It was Azir who spoke this time, he had a less then pleased expression.

Azir: keeping the fact the you don't come from this world is bad enough, but the threat you pulled add to the fact that some of Runeterra's leaders were present makes the situation much worse.

GS: I am fully aware of that, I will see to your demands, but first let us see this judgment through.

With that they all turned to see the orb with the judgment.

Inside the judgment:

Grey was standing behind Ezreal who was writing something on the map.

Old Ezreal: there, that should do it.

Ezreal turned around and gave the map to Grey.

Old Ezreal: I've marked the Kiln of the flames on the map, everything else is on you.

Grey: ... (nod).

Grey turned around and left, after a few minutes of walking and killing hollows, he reached the transport station.

Once inside, he went to the circle with a map in it and touched the part that had Ionia.

He found himself in a different transport station, this one was filled with roots that were dead.

Once outside, he pulled out the map and looked inside it, Grey saw that the kiln was somewhere above a hill.

He could see that hill in the distance, he started making his way towards it and ran into a few hollows.

They weren't trouble, after finishing them off he saw a lake that was separating him from the hill.

There was a boat, and besides it was the bald man Grey saw in Shurima.

He walked up to them and the man looked at him.

Bald man: o-oh! You're alive!?! N-now hold your horses, I know I did you wrong, and I really hate myself for it I really do, and besides, look at you, not a scratch, that's what really matters, right?

Grey: ... (nod).

Bald man: I knew you would understand, I just knew it, my name is Patches, Unbreakable Patches, hey as apology, why don't I take you across with my boat.

Grey: ... (nod).

Patches: thanks good compere.

Grey gets on the boat, Patches gets on with a stick and he starts rowing, after a few minutes they reached the other side.

Grey got off the boat and looked at the hill.

Patches: your on your own from now on, I can't really go any further.

Grey: ...

Grey starts walking up the hill, he ran into a few hollows but he made quick work of them.

After reaching the top of the hill, he saw it leads into a big field with dead flowers everywhere.

In the middle of the field was a place for the coiled sword to be set, he started walking towards it but stopped when he heard a feminine voice.

???: (sinister chuckle) humans are such foolish creatures don't you think? Make a human think you love him and he'll do anything for you.

Grey saw a pair of red glowing eyes at the other side of the field.

???: are you my new toy, (chuckle) you sure look stupid enough.

Outside the rift:

Nidalee: why does that voice sound familiar?

Ahri: .... oh no, please no, please don't tell me it's who I think it is.

Aki: Ahri... you don't think it's-

However, Ahri's fears were proven true, from the other side of the field, appeared .... a nine-tailed fox.

It had white fur with a few black marks, black canines, nine flowing tails and red glowing eyes.

Ahri: it's.... me?!?

Other Ahri: now, should I make your pulse rise? Or stop? (Roar).

Inside the judgment:

Grey was facing off the fox, it dashed forward so fast that Grey barley managed to roll away.

The fox summoned three flames floating around it and they all darted at Grey.

He managed to dodge the first two but the third managed to strike him in the shoulder.

He stumbled slightly and that gave the fox the chance, it created an orb of deception and threw it at Grey.

The orb went through him and then returned dealing additional damage, Grey stumbled forward and then fell on the ground not moving.

Outside the judgment:

Ahri: no!

Nidalee: come on Grey.

Ezreal: come on pal

Garen: don't die on us yet my friend.

GS: relax, the judgment is not over yet.

Solas: uncle why are you doing this? And don't tell me it's because of the legacy of the Lords because I won't believe it, your too kind for that, you even stood up for me when I told my father that we shouldn't hunt dragons anymore, so please tell us why you're doing this?

GS: .... (sigh) for a promise, it all happened many years ago...

Grey POV:

I woke up in some kind of temple with statues near me, the last thing I remember was fighting that demon fox.

Buy then... it started coming back to me, my memories, who I am, where I am... the judgment.

Grey: but if I'm here, does that mean I failed?

???: not yet, I just called you here.

I looked at who spoke, it was an elderly man, he had shoulder length white hair, he was wearing tattered black cloak and holding a staff with an axe like end.

Grey: oh... that's a relief I guess... so, who are you?

Old man: (chuckle) I am but a Primeval sorcerer, but you probably know me as...... Manus, father of the Abyss.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far.)

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