CH6: Piltover, and a watcher's duty to portect

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Grey POV:

I was the first to wake up for once, we were supposed to reach Piltover today, memory of last night came to my mind I smiled seeing that there's hope for the future and looked at the sleeping form of Ahri.

Grey:(smile)"you're the reason I have such hope"

I look at her ears and get a sudden urge, so I reach my hand and start scratching behind her ear, what I didn't see coming was for her to start purring into my touch, I wanted to pull my hand but seeing that she started smiling I kept at it for a while I decided it was enough, I pulled my hand away and went to take a bath.

Third POV:

Ahri woke up to the sound of running water and found that she was alone in bed, she assumed he was taking a bath and hoped their talk helped him.

Ahri:"he was really hurt back there, guess that abysswalker guy was right... why do my ears feel unnatural good this morning"

Grey came out a few moments later to find Ahri setting on the bed she smiled at him.

Ahri:hey... how are you feeling.

Grey:good... listen Ahri... I wanna thank you... for giving me a new goal in life.

Ahri: it was nothing let's just hope we both make it to the league.

Grey: still... I'd like to repay you some how witch is why...

He went to his sword and knife and made the same salute he did when he faced the soldiers.

Grey: I here promise in my honor as an abyss watcher that I will make sure you make it to the Institute of war safe and sound as to repay you.

Ahri was taken back by all the formality but smiled.

Ahri:alright I'll take you up on that promise, as long as you make sure that we both join, it wouldn't be fun without you.

Grey:(smiles) alright, it's a deal then.

He took a more relaxed stand then went on their morning routine, after they were done they went to the upper deck and saw Piltover in the distance.

Ahri:hey were almost there.

Grey:yeah it shouldn't be long now so why don't we get some breakfast.

Ahri nods at the idea and they went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

After they are done they return to the upper deck and see that they had reached Piltover and were now docking, when they dock they leave the ship after thanking the captain, and take in the incredible sites of Piltover, both Ahri and Grey look at amazement with the latter also being confused Ahri noticed that and looked at him.

Ahri:(chuckle)you ok?

Grey:I'm not gonna lie(looks around)... I'm a bit overwhelmed.

Ahri:yeah figures, so let's just loo-

She was interrupted with the sound of sirens, Ahri new what the sound was but Grey was confused.

Grey:what's that noise.

Ahri:their police sirens... come on, let's check it out.

They follow the noise and they find a few police vehicles surrounding a bank.

Ahri:what's going on

Police officer:robbery.

Grey:what exactly happened?

Police officer:a few thugs got in and took hostages and are threatening to hurt theme if we get anywhere near the entrance.

They noticed another vehicle coming and when it stopped, two women came out of it with steampunk themed outfits one bronze and had pink hair with a tattoo on her face that was like the litters VI and had a pair of big gauntlets on,the other had long hair a big top hat a over it, her outfit was violet in colors she also had a sniper rifle in her hands.

Hat women:what's the situation.

Police:sheriff(hat woman), enforcer(pink hair), good timing we could use the help, do we got hostages a few thugs and they have placed a threat to harm them.

Sheriff:did they hurt anyone yet?

Police officer:no.

Sheriff:any demands?

Police officer:not yet.

Enforcer:so what do we do cupcake?

Sheriff:we wait for now see if they'll make a move.

With Ahri she was at the back of the crowd that have gathered on the scene but her enhanced hearing allowed her to listen on the conversation.

Ahri:well looks like they have it under control(turns around)let's go Gre- Grey?

Ahri had just realized that her friend was not around.

Ahri:(heavy sigh) why do I have the feeling that we'll be telling our story all over again.

Behind the bank:

Two thugs were standing watch guarding the back door one of them heard a noise.

Thug1:did you hear that?


Thug1:I swear I heard something... I'm gonna go check

The thug makes his way to a pile of boxes only for a cat to jump out of them the other one laughs but stops when Grey jumped in front of him and slit his throat with his knife the first one barely had time to register what happened before Grey jumped at him and finished him with the sword.

Grey POV:

After I cleared a path I went through the door and sneaked around, I started seeing other thugs and the hostages, two were watching the hostages, two were stealing the money, while three were guarding them.

Grey:"first thing first, make sure the hostages are safe"

I make my way and grabbed what appears to be a writing tool(pen) and throw it to make a noise.

Thug1:what was that?

Thug2:don't know go check it out.

As he makes his way to the corner I'm hiding in, I immediately grab him over the mouth and slit his throat, afterwards I dragged his body around the corner to make sure it's not found.

I sneak around to the other with his back turned.

Thug2:hey what's taking so-

He doesn't have time to finish as I slice him up with my sword, I look at the hostages and go to what I assume the manager and cut him loose.

Grey:(whisper) are you alright.

Manager:(whisper)y-yes thank you.

Grey:it's alright, free the others and get to safety I'll deal with the rest of them.

He nods and get to it while I make my way to the other thugs, I peek around the corner and see the three guarding the door still looking around while the other two were still stealing I noticed that there's a rail that leads above them so I take it and end up right above them, I knew that I couldn't rely on stealth anymore so I jumped down and ended one with my sword the other two were still shoked so I make a strong full circle swing and end them both the other two took notice of me and took weird weapons and pointed them at me, I didn't take any chances so I hid behind the door and started hearing booming noises and metal clanging, so I assumed those weapons shoot something, suddenly the noise stopped, I took my chance and dashed towards them and sliced one down with my sword, while the other one seemed to reload, but I didn't give him the chance as I thrust my sword and end him with a stap to the heart, after I'm done I make my way to the front entrance to find the manager and the hostages free.

Grey:it's alright, it's over now.

They all sigh in relief and start thanking me while making their way out I followed them once I made sure all of them got out, when I do I smile as I see the hostages run to their families and friends, now all I have to do is find Ahr-


I get hit in the back of the head and turn around to find a very angry looking Ahri.

Grey: ow what was that for?

Ahri:what were you thinking?

Grey:about helping people.

Ahri:why do you think the police are here for? You had me worried.


(Clears throat)

We both look to see the sheriff and enforcer looking at us.

Sheriff:I think you two should come with us.

I look to see Ahri glaring at me at start wandering... should I be more scared from these police or Ahri

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