CH9: rise of a lord, and the judgement of a watcher.

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Third POV:

Ahri:Grey?... (tears up and cry out)GREY!

As Ahri screams in the crowd the high summoners watch as Grey lay motionless on the ground.

Summoner4:it looks like the battle is over.

The rest of the summoners thought the same until the grand summoner spoke.

Grand summoner: the match is yet to be decided.

The rest of the summoners turned to him in confusion.

Summoner1:what do you mean?

The Grand summoner simply motioned to the orb, as they looked at it for a few seconds until they realized that... the match was still going?

Summoner3:why is the match still going?

Summoner1: I have thought that we set it for when either of them loses or perish they would respawn outside of the rift completely healed.

Grand summoner: as I have said, the match is yet to be decided.

They all decided to listen to him and watch if something would happen.

Grey POV:

I slowly start to open my eyes, the last thing I remember is Zed sapping me, I get up and find my self in... the abyss watchers temple?

Grey:(looks around)... what am I doing here?

???:you're here because we called you.

I turn around and see... the abyss watchers... all of them.

Grey:you're... here too... I assume this means I'm dead.

Abyss watcher1:no but close.

Grey: oh... (looks down) you must hate me for what I have done to you.

Abyss watcher2: not at all, in fact we called you here to thank you.

Abyss watcher3: the curse of the abyss is quit cruel.

Abyss watcher4: when it got to us we thought that we will never be freed from it.

Abyss watcher1: but you came and released us.

Abyss watcher3: and so we called you here.

Abyss watcher5: to thank you.

Abyss watcher2: and also... to ask for forgiveness.

At this I got confused.

Grey:forgiveness?... forgiveness for what?

They start looking among each other and I can see a tint of guilt in their eyes.

Abyss watcher1: Grey... before you left... we abyss watchers have been chosen to link the fire and become a lord of cinder.

Grey: w-what?

What are they talking about, if they were chosen why wasn't I informed?

Grey: w-why wasn't I told of this?

Abyss watcher6: the price of lordship was too great.

Grey: I would gladly have taken it.

Abyss watcher3: that is exactly why we did not inform you.

Abyss watcher5: you were worthy to become a abyss watcher.

Abyss watcher4: even more than most of us.

Abyss watcher7: in fact we at times saw Artorias the wolf knight within you.

Abyss watcher6: you both had a certain balance in yourselves.

Abyss watcher2: which is why we wanted you to live on.

Abyss watcher1: so we are here to ask for forgiveness from you.

I can't stay mad at them no matter what I try, they raised me, became my family, and even when they didn't tell me of this they were looking out for me.

Grey: it is alright, I hold no hatred nor anger towards you for what you have done.

Abyss watcher2: thank you.

Abyss watcher5: know I believe you have a battle to return to.

Grey: but I lost... I wasn't strong enough.

Abyss watcher3: so you will surrender?

I started thinking about the battle, Zed was strong, can I actually beat him and win? Like I... promised... to Ahri... Ahri... I promised her to win, I promised her to join the league with her.

Grey:I... cannot surrender, I have a promise to fulfill, but I need strength.

Abyss watcher6: strength that you already have.

Grey: what do you mean?

Abyss watcher3: when we were chosen, all abyss watchers became a lord of cinder.

Abyss watcher7: but what we failed to realize is that includes you as well.

Abyss watcher1: witch means you are a lord yourself.

Grey: I'm... a lord of cinder?!

I was shocked to say the least, being a lord is an honor above all else, you basically decide the fate of the world with either linking the fire or plunging it into darkness.

Grey: but wait, I thought you didn't want me to pay the price of lordship?

Abyss watcher4: we didn't.

Abyss watcher6: but in the world you're in there is no fire to link nor darkness to embrace.

Abyss watcher2: so you are not bound to pay that price.

Grey: but... how do I use the power of a lord?

Abyss watcher3: you simply needed to know of it.

Abyss watcher4: know just tap into it.

Abyss watcher7: but you will not be alone.

Abyss watcher5: we abyss watchers are comrades.

Abyss watcher6: even after death.

Abyss watcher4: so you will be using our power as well.

Abyss watcher1: so go on, fulfill you're promise.

Fire started surrounding us but I knew I wasn't in any danger so I simply stood there and closed my eyes as fire started making its way towards me, it started covering me and I started to feel the power of the flames.

Third POV:

Back in the hall Ahri was being held down by Akali and Shen.

Ahri: let me go(struggles) let. me. go.

Akali: Ahri calm down.

Ahri:calm down? How can I calm down?(struggles) he could be dead.

Shen: the fact that the match wasn't declared over means he's still alive so please calm you're self.

Back in the battle field, Zed was looking at Grey's motionless body as it lay on the floor.

Zed: hmph, pathetic.

He turns around and start walking away but he is stopped when the sound of a wolf's howling was heard, the crowd was surprised, and Ahri stopped struggling, back with the high summoners they were also surprised by the noise, but then the grand summoner spoke.

Grand summoner: the boy's potential... has just been unlocked.

Back in the field, Zed was looking around for the source of the sound until.


He looked back to find cracks on the ground under Grey and the cracks expanded and then blood started flowing from the tips of the cracks the blood seemed to be surrounded by flicks of flames then it started to dissappear inside Grey, his sword caught fire and he started standing up while coyling his sword in the ground for support once he stood he pulled his sword and took a stance, meanwhile everyone was shocked at what just happened, and Zed took a step back at what he just witnessed.

Zed: how?

Grey didn't answer he simply struck his flaming sword on the ground and dashed forward while dragging his sword, Zed immediately reacted and jumped over him landing behind Grey but then a trail of fire exploded were Grey's sword was, Grey turns around with a big swing witch explodes into flames as will, Zed is hit with a large amount of damage and is sent on his back, he looks up only to see Grey giving a flip while swinging his sword, Zed immediately moves to the side to avoid the hit, he stands up on his feet and summon a clone he sees Grey bringing his sword back for a stap so he and the clone jump backwards but when Grey thrust his sword fire shoots from it and strike the clone destroying it Zed ignored that and jumped in a portal of shadows and appeared behind Grey, however Grey immediately turns around with a big swing witch explodes into flames Zed was able to dodge the majority of the damage, but didn't expect Grey to attack again witch sent him to the ground, he didn't have time to move as Grey did a flip swinging his sword and striking Zed and ending him in an explosion of fire, Zed's body was sent smoking away, and is left motionless on the ground, he then gets enveloped in the same light that he came in from and is sent away.

Summoner:the match is over, winer, Grey Ashnex.

Everyone was shocked at what just happened even the high summoners, but the grand summoner had a small smirk under his hood, the high summoners quickly regained their senses, but it was the grand summoner that spoke.

Grand summoner: you have passed you're test, as to such you will be put through the judgement, but for now rest, you will be informed when it comes.

Grey nods and is surrounded by the same light he came in, he then find himself in the entrance of the dining hall and found everyone looking at him, he saw that Zed was there and seemingly healed, he didn't look happy but he ignored that as the flames in himself and his sword died down, he found Ahri making her way through the crowd, she rushed at him while he put his sword and knife away expecting a hug but instead he got a-


He was almost knocked out of his feet from the strike that came directly to his face, he looked back to see Ahri looking very angry with tears streaming out of her eyes.

Grey: ow what did I do this tim-


He was hit again but not as strong.

Ahri: you big JERK, you almost scared me to death.

Grey: ow, look I'm sorry ok-

He was interrupted again, but not with a hit, it was a hug.

Ahri:(sniff) I thought I lost you.

Grey could only hug back while patting her in the back calming her down.

Grey: hey, it's ok, I'm sorry I scared you, but remember that I promised to make sure we both join and I always keep my promises.

Ahri managed to calm and come back from the hug, Shen,Akali and Kennen made their way to them and were now in front of them.

Akali: that was some match.

Shen: we thought it was over for you.

Kennen: what exactly happened? I'm pretty sure we saw you die.

Grey: it's... a long story, witch I'll be happy to tell you after some breakfast.

They all nod and make their way to get food and found a table, after they sit they are approached by a couple of familiar faces.

???: that was awesome.

They turn around and see Vi and Caitlyn with their own food they make a place for them and they sit down.

Vi: seriously, not everyone can beat Zed that bad.

Kennen: it was quite the show(chuckle).

Caitlyn: but how did you do it anyway?

Ahri: (folds arms) yeah, I'm also waiting for an explanation.

Grey:(sigh) well... how do I put this... you see in my world there is the fire of life and then there's the dark, and when a certain time comes the fire of life becomes threatened to fade and devoured by darkness, then someone is chosen to reignite the fire of life, that person is called a lord of cinder, a lord of cinder can choose from linking the fire or plunging the world into darkness and rule it.

Akali: so this lord of cinder decide the fate of you're world?

Grey: yes.

Caitlyn: but what does this have to do with what happened in the match?

Grey: because the abyss watchers were chosen to be the next lord of cinder.

Everyone was shocked, Grey went and told them that he met the abyss watchers and that they didn't tell him because they wanted to portect him from the price of lordship and how they gave him their power.

Shen: so you're comrades were looking out for you even after the end.

Grey:(nods) yes.

Caitlyn: but what about this price of lordship?

Grey: the price is paid for when the lord links the fire,and that's in my world but in this one there is no fire to link nor darkness to embrace, as to such I'm not bound to pay that price.

Vi: hold on I got a question, you were visited by the spirits of the abyss watchers right? Doesn't that mean their all dead?

They all turned to him and Ahri got concerned, she knew Grey didn't like to talk about it, but Grey looked at her with a reassuring smile.

Grey:(heavy sigh) yes... they are... you see.

He went and told them his story, not all of it but the part about being sent on a mission and coming back to find the abyss had reached the temple, and having to kill his comrades.

Kennen: so... you killed all of them?

Grey: yeah... I thought they hated me for it, but they didn't... and now I feel better actually.

Shen: I believe you did the right thing, if you left them like being corrupted like that they would have suffered but you released them from that curse.

Grey: thank you... now how about you tell us what's in here at the Institute.

Vi: it's amazing, we have bars, gyms, a swimming pool, a big garden, a stage, and lots more.

Ahri: this place is bigger than it looks isn't it.

Akali: you have no idea.

Kennen: well we'd like to stay more but it's already noon and we have a match to attend.

Shen: indeed, and good luck on you're judgment Grey.

Grey: thank you and good luck.

They all bow and take their leave, a few moments later Kayle comes to the table.

Grey: I suppose it's time?

Kayle:(nods) follow me.

Ahri: Grey... please be careful.

Grey nods and they both take their leave.

Vi: that judgment stuff is not pretty.

Caitlyn: you can say that again.

Ahri: yeah.

Back with Grey he reached the high summoners and the doors behind him closed and Kayle stood on the side.

Summoner3: you have passed you're match as to such you will go through judgment and if you pass you will become a champion.

Grey nods and the summoners start waving their hands and Grey is covered in light and then...

(A/N: I don't exactly know, but pretty sure this will be a decent judgment for an abyss watcher)

Grey fell to his knees panting.

Summoner4: you have passed.

Summoner2: congratulations, and you're title shall be-

He went quite after the grand summoner raised his hand signaling for silence.

Grand summoner: you shall be known as... abyss watchers, farron's undead legion.

The summoners were confused as to why he referred to Grey as a multiple but he knew why.

Grey: thank you, may I take my leave now?

The Grand summoner nods and Grey exit to find Ahri setting on a chair waiting for him, when she saw him she stood up and walked to him.

Ahri: so...?

Grey only nods with a smile and she returns it and hug him they make their way back to their rooms once they reached the doors Ahri spoke.

Ahri: Grey... thanks... for keeping you're promise.

Grey: don't worry about it.

Ahri: I'm still a little mad at you for scaring me.

Grey:(sigh) ok, ok, what do you want me to do to pay you back.

Ahri thought for a moment then a mischievous smile made its way on her face, it sent a little shivers down Grey's spine.

Ahri: oh I can think of something, but that's for later for now let's go watch the match.

Grey followed her but in the back of his mind he was worried about what Ahri had planned.

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