CH27: Art

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??? POV:

I thought that I could find someone who shares my talents here. That was one of the reasons I joined.

To make beautiful art, and to see the best performance, but I couldn't find a single one.

I saw the battles, yet they lacked an elegant touch. I heard about the band Pentakill, but they were just loud music.

The maven of the strings can make touching music, but her performance lacked a certain... Cruelty.

I was going to give up on finding another artist... But then... I saw him.

A cape as red as blood. A hat that screams for people to see him do his work. And a fighting style that was never seen before.

I was able to turn killing into a magnificent performance, but that man, the Abyss Watcher, turned killing into a painting.

He would draw the lines with his knife, and then he would paint them with blood using his sword.

He might be the only person that shares my talent. A meeting must be placed! Thankfully, I was able to... Convince two summoners to use us for the same match.

Now, only introductions is in order.

Ahri POV:

I woke up hugging the Grey doll next morning. After the whole incident with this death stuff a good sleep was needed.

I got off the bed and stretched before showering and putting my clothes on. Getting into the living room, I saw Grey sleeping on the couch with Silver on his chest.

I felt a little bad, he doesn't have to sleep there, he can sleep with me in the same bed if he just asked........ What am I thinking? This is Grey, and I just thought he'll ask me to sleep in my bed? I have more chances dragging him to it.

Nidalee came out of her room and yawned before looking at me "morning".

"good morning" I replied and started thinking, maybe we could agree on something.

Nidalee looked at Grey "he doesn't get up early, does he?" she asked sarcastically.

I shook my head "not really, usually I wake him up".

"hey" Nidalee said and looked at me "how about less fighting? For Grey at least".

"I was about to talk to you about that" I said and looked at said man "that soul stuff got him a little on edge, and the last thing he needs is our yelling".

"yeah" Nidalee nodded and looked at the two in the couch "so how do we wake them up?".

I can feel an 'almost' fox like smile appear on my lips and I start walking quietly to the couch.

I picked up Silver and slowly sat him on the table. I leaned to Grey's ear and started whispering "hey Grey" I said and he groaned "are you sleepwalking? Because you're groping my breasts".

"WHAT?!" he yelled as he shot up.

I started laughing while Nidalee was trying to hold her laughter, but failing miserably. I could've used my magic to manipulate his dreams, but that would have been too cruel.

Grey gave me and Nidalee a slight glare "so you two get along when it's about teasing me?" he asked.

Me and Nidalee looked at each other before looking back at him and answering at the same time "pretty much, yeah".

"great" he sighed and stood up "I'm going to take a bath and look at the schedule" he said before going inside my room.

I just sat on the couch with Nidalee. Silver woke up with a yawn and looked at us before looking around, I guess he's looking for Grey.

Silver jumped off the table and started running around. A few minutes later Grey came out with the schedule.

"so what does it say?" I asked.

"well, surprisingly I have a match in an hour" he said.

I guess he was surprised because he thought he wouldn't be picked for a while after what happened last time.

"and what about us?" Nidalee asked.

"you have your first match in the evening while Ahri has one after that" he replied as he put the schedule away and started putting on his armor.

When he was done, he grabbed Silver and put him on his shoulder before we left our room and went to the dining hall. We got our food and found Aki, Lux and Ezreal sitting together.

"good morning" I greeted as Grey gave Silver his food and we sat down.

"hi you three" Lux greeted "got anything for today?".

"well, I have a match in a little while, while Nidalee got her first in the evening and Ahri has one after that" Grey replied.

"really?" Ezreal asked "I thought the summoners would wait a while before choosing you again".

"me too" Grey replied, which means I was right.

"hey guys" someone said behind us.

We turned around and saw a woman in a green sleeveless ninja outfit. She had a messy ponytail. A cloth covering her face. A scythe and kunai strapped to a robe on her waist with a brown bag.

It took me a second to recognize her "Akali?".

"yeah" she nodded and put her hands on her waist "like the new look?".

"it's good to see you again, and yes" Grey said as she sat down in front of us "I heard you left the Kinkou order" Grey said. I already told him about that.

Akali sighed "yeah. Things... Didn't work out" she said looking a little down.

"I believe you did the right thing" Grey said and Akali looked surprised "you decided to follow your own path made by your own hands, plus you're not enemies with Shen, so don't feel bad about it".

Akali took off her cloth and showed that she was smiling "thanks" she then looked at me with a smug look "this is why I wanted to talk to Grey".

I rolled my eyes "yeah, I get it, he's a good motivater" I said sarcastically, but I actually was being honest. If it wasn't for Grey, I wouldn't be a champion right now.

We just ate in silence for a couple of minutes until we heard a muffled voice talk in a very dramatic manner "I have finally found you!".

We looked at who spoke, and besides Grey and Nidalee, Everyone's eyes widen including mine. Because even as a Fox In Ionia, I managed to get knowledge on who this man is.

He was a man with a robotic arm and leg. He had a black suit with a short white cloak strapped by a green gem and a lump in his right shoulder. But what made us recognize him was the mask. He was wearing a detailed face shaped mask that had a slight smirk on the lips.

He was here for Grey apparently. He stood up and faced the man. I was worried about him so I prepared a little magic just in case.

It looks like I wasn't the only one who thought about that. Akali was reaching for her weapons and Ezreal activated his gauntlet under the table.

"can I help you with something?" Grey asked.

"yes" the man said "I simply wanted to meet you since I saw you in the Rift".

"and you are?" Grey asked.

"oh where are my manners?" the man said. Manners? What kind of bullshit is he talking about? He doesn't have manners. He did a small bow like a performer "my name is Khada Jhin, the Virtuoso. And you and I are artists in the same profession".

"artists?" Grey asked raising his eyebrow.

"yes. At making beautiful art through killing others" he said. Grey and Nidalee looked like they understood that Jhin is a psychopath "and I'm so glad we're going to fight together in a match soon".

This is getting annoying, and I'm getting mad that he was comparing Grey to himself?

"and how do you know about my match?" Grey asked. Wait, he's right, how does Jhin know about the match?

Before the psycho can answer, both him and Grey vanish in a flash of light with the viewing orb appearing in the middle of the dining hall.

"that... Went a whole lot better than it could have been" Ezreal said with a sigh.

"how did Jhin know about Grey's match?" I repeated the question.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he planned it" Akali said "it wouldn't be the first time that drama queen threatened the summoners to do something" she said with Venom in her voice.

"s-should I be worried?" Aki asked since she's a summoner. If that guy actually touches my best friend he's going to suffer.

"only if you're a high ranking summoner" Akali replied. Which made Aki sigh in relief since she's new.

"why would he plan a match?" Lux asked.

"and more importantly, why would he say that Grey is like him?" Nidalee asked "I can tell the guy was obviously a psycho".

"the match is about to begin" Lux pointed out and our attention was brought to the viewing orb.

Third POV:

Grey was in the middle going with Jhin. He noticed that his summoner was acting nervous.

The Abyss Watcher thought it might have something to do with becoming a Gravelord, but he also thought Jhin might have something to do with it.

They encountered the enemy minions with two champions, Wukong and Ekko.

Jhin pulled out one of his firearms, a short blue gun with a long handle and gold decorations.

"1" he said as he shot Ekko taking him by surprise "2" he shot again "3" and again "4" each shot was done in a pose.

Ekko recovered and threw a flying disk at them. They both managed to jump away from being hit while the disk returned to Ekko.

Grey stood up and immediately used his sword to block Wukong's staff. He pushed the trickster away and jumped at him swinging his knife and sword.

Wukong was able to stop the first strike but Grey used his knife to quickly make himself swing back at Wukong catching him by surprise.

Grey jumped in the air and swung down his sword hitting Wukong. The trickster regained his balance and jumped back.

Wukong crouched down and clouds surrounded his feet. He dashed forward and tried to hit Grey with his staff.

Grey managed to dodge the staff, but surprisingly, one of the clouds struck him in the back.

Wukong started spinning swinging his staff around. When he got close, Grey used his knife to parry the attack.

The monkey King was left wide open. Grey took his chance and struck with his sword. He pulled it out, and while Wukong was dazed, he struck again killing the trickster.

Grey looked to see Jhin dodge another disc from Ekko before pulling out his gun and another one, it was longer and slimmer, and he shot both at Ekko finishing him off.

Jhin turned to Grey and saw his work before putting his guns away and clapping slowly "now that, is what I want to see".

Grey just ignored him before turning to the minions. But before he does anything, Jhin threw a tube with smoke coming out of it.

The tube bounced between four minions killing them in small explosions before the the bomb was destroyed.

"that... Was a unique bomb" Grey pointed out before drinking from his Estus Flask.

Jhin chuckled "I knew you would see it's beauty" he said before they continued through the lane.

Time skip: (brought to you by chibi Jhin throwing a bouquet of roses in the air and spreading his arms while rose petals fall on him).

The match went on pretty even for an hour. Both teams did fairly well and only inhibitor turrets were left.

But there was something that made Grey's friends a little worried, it was the fact that Grey and Jhin were fighting together, and they were doing it well.

"this is... Unsettling" Lux said as Grey and Jhin cleared out the middle lane again.

"it... Kind of make sense actually" Ezreal said.

"you can't be serious" Akali said looking at the Explorer.

"no think about it" Ezreal shook his head "Jhin specializes in cornering his opponents and slowing them down, while Grey specializes in hunting down his opponents and finishing them quickly".

"so Jhin weakens them and Grey comes in to deliver the finishing blow" Nidalee summed up.

"I still think Jhin is wrong about Grey" Ahri said remembering how the Golden Demon compared himself to the Abyss Watcher.

Inside the Match:

Grey and Jhin just entered the enemy base after destroying the last inhibitor turret.

They found two champions guarding the Nexus, one was Wukong, and the other was a woman Grey fought in his first match, Ashe.

Wukong held his staff while Ashe pulled back an arrow. But before either of them did anything, Jhin jumped on one knee.

He pulled out his longer gun and it connected with something on his shoulder.

"1 2 3 4" Jhin counted as he shot both champions twice.

Grey took his chance and jumped in swing his sword and knife. He struck Wukong.

The Abyss Watcher anchored his knife and used it to swing around and attack the Monkey king before he had time to recover.

Grey pulled out his knife and swung down his sword finishing off Wukong.

Ashe turned to him and pulled back an arrow, but before she let's it go, she was shot down from the side by Jhin.

Jhin put his gun away and gave a bow "thank you. Thank you. I'm here till Thursday".

Grey just ignored him and turned to the Nexus. He started attacking it with the minions that gathered around it.

Jhin joined in and it wasn't long before they destroyed the Nexus "VICTORY, Red team" the announcer said.

The Minions started celebrating and the champions vanished in a flash of light. Grey found himself in the summoning room with the other champions.

Instead of meeting him, his summoner immediately walked out of the room in a hurry.

Grey just shrugged it off and walked out with Jhin following suit "that was a magnificent performance" the gunslinger said "I enjoyed making art by your side".

Grey just glanced at him over his shoulder "yeah, sure" he replied before he just walked away going to the dining hall.

He entered said hall and went to the table where the others were sitting. He sat down between Ahri and Nidalee.

"well that was an interesting experience" Grey sighed.

"you got off lucky" Ezreal said "not many can get on Jhin's good side".

"Grey, you should know-".

"that Jhin planned the match" Grey finished Akali's statement "I figured that out from the fact that my summoner made sure I stay with Jhin the entire match like his life depended on it".

Nidalee put a hand on her chin "still, why would he compare you to himself?"

"they're not like each other" Ahri said getting annoyed of the subject and looked at Grey "Jhin is a psycho who kills for the fun of it. And you're... Well, you".

"no" Grey shook his head "he's right to do that" he gave a heavy sigh "as much as I hate to admit it, there was a point in my life where I could've ended up almost exactly like Jhin".

"please tell me you're joking" Akali almost begged.

The Abyss Watcher shook his head "it was after what happened to the Abyss Watchers" he said and everyone looked at him in sympathy already knowing the story.

"Grey" Ahri said worried.

"after that happened, I went on a rampage" he continued "I started going around killing anything I didn't consider human, whether they were evil or not, and I did it all with a big smile on my face. It was the closest I ever got to going Hollow" he said. Regret was obvious in every word, but then he smiled "but thankfully, I was saved".

All of them looked at him in interest "saved? By who?" Nidalee asked.

"a Red hodded Knight" Grey replied.

"can you tell us what happened?" Lux asked.

Grey chuckled "sure" he said and everyone leaned in to hear the story.

Flash Back:

Grey is seen on one knee in the middle of a forest. He was heavily wounded, bleeding, and he ran out of Estus.

He looked at his attackers, who were three Dark Wraiths "is that all you got" he grunted.

Despite his confidence, the blood loss made him fall on his side and lay motionless, but not dead.

One of the Dark Wraiths walked up to him and raised his sword. He thought that this was it, that he would go Hollow.

'dad... Tiara... I'm sorry' he thought as he watched the Dark Wraith ready to kill him.

But before the Dark Wraith can deliver the finishing blow, a red blur dashes towards him and sliced it's head off.

Grey looked at his savior. He saw a red hooded cloak floating like a pair of wings and an old looking armor.

The red hooded person engaged the Dark Wraiths in battle. Grey's blood loss coght up and he lost conscious.

When Grey woke up, he found himself near a campfire with a pot cooking on top of it.

He groaned and sat up "oh, you're awake" he heard someone say. He looked and saw the person that saved him.

It was a man with an old black armor with an old red hood and a great sword with a dull end. He lifted his head and Grey can see his face. He was an elderly man with a long beard and a thin scar over his left eye.

"where-" Grey was about to speak but just grunted and held his side.

"relax" the man said as he stirred what was in the pot "I'm making some Estus soup, so don't worry" he said and then looked at Grey as the soup cooked "now, what's a young man like you doing in the middle of a forest alone?".

"killing" Grey answered bluntly.

"and why?" the Red hood asked.

Grey looked down before he started explaining what happened and why he simply wants to kill Dark Wraiths.

After hearing him out, the Red hood stroked his beard and hummed in thought "I am sorry to say this, but to me you are just trying to keep failing".

"what?" Grey asked feeling insulted.

"after what happened, you simply went on a rampage. What about being an Abyss Watcher?" the red hood asked.

"there are no more Abyss Watchers" Grey replied looking away.

"then who am I speaking to now?" the Red hood asked.

"I'm Grey Ashnex" Grey replied with slight conflict.

"and what are you, Grey Ashnex?" the Red hood asked.

"I'm... An Abyss Watcher" Grey replied.

The Red hood hummed pulling out a bowl and pouring Estus Soup. He stood up and gave it to Grey "your friends might be gone, but their legacy lives inside you. Don't waste it on petty revenge".

Grey took the bowl and looked at it. He knew the knight was right. If he was the last Abyss Watcher, then he should live up to his duty more than ever.

He drank the Estus soup and looked at the Red hood "thank you".

The elder man chuckled "you're welcome young man".

"what's your name?" Grey asked still not knowing the name of his savior.

The knight looked at him "my name... Is Gael".

End of Flash Back:

"after that, I went back to the Abyss Watchers temple and I didn't hear from him since" Grey said finishing his story.

"wow, so Gael saved you?" Lux asked.

"from both dying and going hollow" Grey said and they heard Nidalee chuckle "why are you laughing?" he asked curiously.

"well, now I know why you were so calm when we first met" the huntress replied "it's because you've been in the same situation before".

Grey hummed in thought "huh, I didn't notice that" he said realizing Nidalee. Was correct.

"so what do you think happened to Gael?" Aki asked.

"I don't know" The Abyss Watcher shrugged "but whatever happened, I sure hope he found a place to call home" he said and looked at Nidalee "so are you excited about your first match?".

The huntress smiled "yes, it should be fun".

"don't get cooky" Ahri said and she noticed Grey giving her a blank look "what?".

"nothing" Grey said looking away.

Somewhere In Ionia:

"HELP!!!" someone yelled running through the forest.

They removed the leaves in their way to reveal themselves to be a tiger Vastayan, he had brown fur, and was wearing farming clothes.

He ran through the forest removing whatever was in his path and glancing over his shoulder to see if he was followed.

He ran into a a clearing with a big Boulder in the middle. He headed towards the Boulder thinking he can hide behind it from whatever is following him.

But then a black figure jumps from the trees and dashes towards him. The figure attacks him and the man falls on the ground dead with three big slashes on his chest.

The figure stood besides the Boulder covered in a black cloak and hood. The moved something under their cloak and blood splattered on the giant stone.

They turned around and looked at the lifeless body before looking back to the forest "now... On to the next Hunt" they said before they jumped back in the forest.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far).

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