CH49: Feel

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Another day dawns at the Institute of War. Ahri came out of her room yawning. She managed to get some sleep tonight, although not much.

She found Silver, again waiting near the door. The Nine-Tailed Vastayan walked to the wolf pup and lifted him up.

"Come on, Silver. I know you're waiting for Grey, but he'll be back. Let's just get you some breakfast," Ahri said and the wolf pup nodded.

Nidalee came out of her room looking a little tired. "Oh, good morning," she greeted.

"Morning, Nidalee," Ahri replied before raising an eyebrow. "Where were you yesterday?"

"I was showing Neeko around," The Huntress replied as she walked to the door. "Being new and all, she needed someone to show her the robes."

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan nodded and they both came out of the room to get some breakfast at the dining hall.

As they walked, they encountered Aki and Tiara. "Morning, Aki, Tiara," Ahri greeted.

"Hi, Ahri," the Shy summoner greeted while Tiara just nodded.

"Do you know where the others are?" Ahri asked as they walked together towards the dining hall.

"Well, Brite and Solas went to the garden to see Storm. Sona has a concert do, so Garen and Lux are there as protection. I don't know if anyone else is here," Aki explained while they entered the dining hall.

"I have my first match in a couple of hours," Tiara said shrugging her shoulders. "About time I got one."

"That should be good," Ahri snickered feeling bad for whoever is going against the Dancer. "I don't think I saw you fight before, so it's a chance to see what you can do."

However, much to their disdain, they ran into someone familiar. "Well, I guess the rumors are true," Maia said as she walked up in front of them.

Nidalee and Ahri glared, Tiara rolled her eyes, and Aki went back slightly not wanting to get involved.

"What do you want now, Bird brain," Tiara asked annoyed.

"I just came to see if Grey really is gone, and it seems it's true," Maia said smirking at Ahri. "So, how does it feel to know that the only guy you had a chance with is now gone?"

"Not as bad as knowing that I'll never find love because I'm a psycho," Ahri retorted gaining a laugh from the others.

Maia didn't care and just smirked. "Speaking of feeling bad, I heard that you had an 'interesting' meeting with a summoner yesterday," she said making Ahri flinch. "Is that what you do when Grey isn't around? Show everyone the scary monster that you are?"

"That's funny, coming from someone who hunts their own kind," the Nine-Tailed Vastayan replied glaring at her.

The Tengu scoffed. "Like I care what happens to the Vastaya. But, at least I am honest to myself and what I like. I don't wait for the guy I love to turn his back so I can show my true colors."

Ahri's glare intensified. "Trust me, no one wants to see your true colors."

"Watch it, fox," Maia raised her clawed gauntlet. "There's no Grey around to save your tail covered ass."

The others glared at her, while Ahri… simply chuckled. The others looked at her confused.

"Now I get it," Ahri smirked at Maia. "You're scared."

The others just kept looking at her confused while Maia laughed. "Ha! Scared of what? You?"

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan shook her head. "No, you're scared of Grey," she said making Maia's smile vanish.

"And what makes you say that, fox?" Maia growled glaring at the fox Vastaya.

"Oh please, Maia," Ahri scoffed waving her hand. "You're a total psycho who doesn't care at all about punishments or laws. You couldn't care less about the rules about not hurting other champions. So, I was wondering why you didn't try and attack Grey or me again, and now I know the reason."

Maia's glare intensified. "I told you, I'm not interested in hunting you," she growled.

"You're lying," Ahri smirked. She didn't even need her magic to know. "The real reason you didn't attack me is that you know if you do, then Grey would stop holding back. You're scared- no, TERRIFIED of what he'll do to you when he goes all out. So terrified in fact, that you don't dare to touch me even when he's not around," she explained.

The others looked at her surprised while Maia scoffed. "Can you prove tha-" she was cut off… when Ahri slapped her across the face.

The sound of the slap silenced the entire dining hall as everyone looked at them, more specifically, Ahri.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan slapped the Tengu again with the other side of her hand, doing it all while smiling.

Maia glared at Ahri so much, it looked like she was trying to burn her with her eyes… but she didn't do anything else.

"Just what I thought," Ahri scoffed. The fact that Maia didn't do anything proved she was right.

The Tengu's hair and wings turned red with fire. It looked like she was going to rip Ahri apart, but she just walked away.

When Maia wasn't around, Tiara exploded into a fit of laughter. "Oh! For the love of Gwyndolin! You just earned my respect, fox!" she said laughing.

"That… was beautiful," Nidalee said barely containing her laughter.

Even Aki was giggling. She had a hand over her mouth trying, and failing not to laugh.

"She had it coming," Ahri said shrugging her shoulders. She then grabbed Silver and held him up. "Now, let's get this little guy some food. I bet you're starving."

The wolf pup barked and wagged his tail. The group of female champions and a summoner went to pick their food.

After getting their breakfast, they found a table to sit in and Ahri gave Silver a bowl of meat before she sat down.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan looked at the wolf pup as it started eagerly eating through its food.

"When was the last time he ate?" Tiara asked seeing Silver's appetite.

Ahri shrugged her shoulders. "A day or two. He's been spending time waiting for Grey to come back."

"That sounds like the story about Sif," Tiara said drawing their attention. "Hopefully, it won't end that way."

"What do you mean?" Nidalee asked confused.

"Grey mentioned Sif before," Ahri pointed out with a hand on her chin. "He called him 'The Great Grey Wolf'."

"Sif was Artorias' closest friend, and his brother in arms," Tiara said before taking a drink. "After Artorias passed away, Sif stayed at his friend's grave protecting it from anyone. He even died protecting it."

"That… sounds like an amazing friendship," Aki said sadly feeling bad for the Great Grey Wolf.

"There's a reason the Abyss Watchers value comradery above all else, it's because they idolize those two," Tiara explained.

"Good morning," Someone said and they looked to see Kayle.

Ahri sighed. "Hello, Kayle. Is this about what just happened with Maia?" she asked.

The Righteous shook her head. "No, honestly, she had it coming," she said making Ahri chuckle as she said the same thing. Kayle then motioned to a tray of food in her arms. "I just want some breakfast. Usually, I eat alone, but… I guess some company never hurts," she said hesitantly.

"Don't worry about it, come join us," Ahri offered and the angel nodded sitting beside her.

Kayle took off her helmet revealing her white, spiky hair. She started eating her breakfast with them.

"Watch yourself, fatty," Tiara chuckled earning a glare from Kayle. "You should be careful with your food."

The Righteous sighed with a hand on her forehead. "Just HOW exactly are you related to Grey?" she asked in genuine curiosity.

"We're adopted siblings," Tiara replied shrugging her shoulders.

"That explains a lot," Kayle mumbled.

"So, anything on Grey?" Ahri asked hopefully.

The angel shook her head. "No, nothing yet. And we just did a scan of the Void as well," she said sadly. "Grey is either no longer on Runeterra or in place that completely blocks magical energy."

"What about the Shadow Isles," Aki suggested drawing their attention. "They're covered in corrupt magic, shouldn't that block the scanning spell?"

"We already thought of that, and sent a couple of champions there to look for anything," Kayle said. "We can only hope that they find something."

Ahri decided to bring a subject she was wondering about. "Hey, Kayle? What is the deal with you having a sister?"

The Righteous sighed. This was one subject she didn't want to open. "Her name is Morgana, the Fallen Angel. She's a champion. She and I… don't get along."

"So you're every couple of sisters in history?" Tiara summarized making The angel sigh in annoyance. "Here's a better question, why do you worry about Grey so much? Aren't you the cold 'by the book' type?"

"Mainly because he's one of the very few people I can get along with," Kayle replied. "Grey was never judgemental, he just accepted me for who I am."

"Ain't that the truth," Ahri said before turning her sight at the Dancer. "Hey, Tiara, can you tell me about Grey's childhood?"

The Dancer looked at her confused. "Why so curious all of a sudden?"

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan shrugged. "I just want to know him more."

Tiara thought about it before shrugging her shoulders. "There's not much really to tell. We got adopted by Ghear, we trained, we became a family, and that's pretty much it."

"Come on, isn't there anything you could tell us?" Ahri asked.

The Dancer thought again. "Well… I guess I can tell you of a few things, but you didn't hear it from me. Got it?"

"Can't be that bad," Nidalee said shrugging.

"Really?" Tiara smirked. "Did Grey tell you about that nickname we had for him when we were kids?"

Ahri immediately leaned forward and her ears turned to Tiara. "Now THAT sounds interesting," she said smirking. "I'm all ears."

With Grey:

The Abyss Watcher has returned to the garden where he met Ama for the first time. He found said woman near the cherry blossom tree.

Ama looked at him over her shoulder. "Oh, you're back? Did you find the last Medallion?" she asked.

"Yes," the Abyss Watcher nodded before raising his opened arm. "The last Medallion, give it to me."

Ama smirked. "What makes you think I have it?" she asked.

"When we first met, you said the Gate of Spirits was 'Hidden' here. Which means it's somewhere in the garden, but I can't see it," Grey said motioning to the garden around them. "This is where my journey begins, and this is where it ends. The only person I saw here is you. Now, give it to me."

Ama chuckled not moving… before she suddenly turned around waving her hand and sent a wave of black fire at Grey.

The Abyss Watcher was sent flying by the black flames. After crashing through a few plants, he landed in a large clearing with a stone floor.

Grey immediately reached for his Estus Flask and had to completely drink it to recover his wounds.

The Abyss Watcher jumped to his feet and pulled out his weapons as Ama walked towards him.

"I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, Okame," Ama said as her arms were covered in black fire. "But, I suppose destiny doesn't always favor you."

"Destiny is just for religious idiots who want to feel greater about themselves," Grey growled getting into stance. "What's happening right now is of our own choices."

The black-haired woman started laughing. "I really wish I had met you before! But this just makes me more determined to make sure you don't leave."

Grey dashed forward swinging his sword at her. Ama simply jumped away and sent another wave of fire at the Abyss Watcher.

The Lord of Cinder rolled away and jumped in the air swinging down his sword. Ama simply moved slightly to the left avoiding the strike.

She waved her hand again and Grey immediately raised his sword to block the black flames. He was sent back a few feet and grunted at the heat of the fire.

"That's quite the powerful sword," Ama noted as the Abyss Watcher regained his stance. "I can't even remember the last time a sword touched my fire and didn't turn to a puddle of molten metal."

Grey was more than ever grateful for the fact that the Farron Greatswords are made from magically infused coal. Otherwise, what Ama said would have happened by now. That fire was not normal.

He put those thoughts in the back of his head as he again tried to attack the black-haired woman.

Ama, like before, dodged his attacks easily before she snapped her fingers and the entire area around her exploded in flames sending the Abyss Watcher back.

Grey groaned in pain and annoyance as he stood back up. Ama simply chuckled at his persistence.

"Why do you even want to go to Runeterra?" she asked, almost disappointed.

The Abyss Watcher ignored her as he went back to attacking. He dashed forward, thrusting his sword trying to stab her.

However, Ama suddenly vanished in a pillar of fire leaving nothing but embers in her place, which made Grey miss.

"That place is full of rotten creatures!" Ama said, her voice echoing around. "Why would someone like you, who can be a God, choose to live there!"

"What I am is my choice," Grey yelled back looking around. "And I chose NOT to be a God!"

He heard her laugh echoing around before she appeared at the side of the clearing and sent another wave of black fire at him.

The Abyss Watcher immediately jumped away before he dashed swinging his sword at her. All she did was bent down to avoid it.

Grey anchored his knife and used it to spin the other way swinging his sword back. Ama bent on the other direction to avoid it.

The Lord of Cinder pulled out his knife and jumped up swinging down his sword. But, like before, Ama vanished leaving nothing but embers.

"And why wouldn't you want to be a God?" Ama's echoing voice asked. "Mortal life is nothing but pain and suffering to get to their worldly desires!"

"Tell me something I DON'T already know," Grey yelled back as Ama appeared at the other side of the clearing.

"Is it because of that Nine-Tailed Fox?" Ama asked, making Grey glare at her.

The Abyss Watcher immediately dashed forward swinging his sword again. Ama simply avoided the strike and sent a wave of black fire at Grey.

The Lord of Cinder was forced to block with his sword again. When he moved it away, Ama wasn't there which made him groan in annoyance.

"You would throw away everything you have and everything you COULD have for someone who tries so desperately to be human?" Ama asked.

"I don't remember asking for your opinion," Grey replied looking around. "Also, how do you know about Ahri?"

Ama didn't answer, instead, she just appeared on the other side of the clearing again. "Why do you try so hard for her?" she asked in genuine curiosity.

The Abyss Watcher ignored her and tried to attack her again. However, unlike before, Ama raised her that was covered in black fire and blocked his sword like it was nothing.

"Is it out of lust? Out of desperation for a purpose? Or simply because you have nothing better to do?" she asked.

Grey growled and pulled back his sword, swinging it the other way. But, like before, Ama vanished leaving nothing but embers.

"No, that's not it," Ama said as Grey looked around for her. "It's something else, but what is it?"

"What business is it of yours?" Grey asked agitated.

"Mere curiosity," Ama replied appearing again.

The Abyss Watcher attacked her again. Unsurprisingly, she vanished. Grey was REALLY tempted to just use the Soul of Death.

"I don't really care if you tell me," Ama said as Grey looked around, waiting for her to show again. "I can do this all day, for the rest of eternity. You and I do have the time after all."

The Abyss Watcher finally snapped. "BECAUSE SHE MAKES ME FEEL!" he yelled looking around. "I have seen the worst of horrors! I have killed men, women, and children! Yet not once have I felt ANYTHING! But that all changed when I met Ahri! I started feeling! She proved to me that I still have a heart! The least I can do is give it to her!"

Ama appeared again. "Then let us see if you can achieve that," she said.

The Abyss Watcher dashed at her again, but a wall of black fire made him stop in his tracks. Surprisingly, a wave of black fire came quickly from behind the wall.

Grey had no time to protect himself from the fire as it struck him. He was sent on his back and barely had time to roll away as a pillar of fire erupted from where he was.

The Lord of Cinder stood up and tried to attack Ama again. The woman simply snapped her fingers, covering the entire area around her in fire.

Grey had to stop to not get devoured by the flames. But, the didn't stop the flames from coming to him.

The Abyss Watcher was sent on his back and stayed there. Ama just looked at him. "I know you're not done, so get up."

The sound of a wolf's howling filled the area as blood flowed from the ground. Ama watched in interest as the blood flowed and vanished into Grey.

The Abyss Watcher's sword caught fire as he stood back up again. Ama simply motioned for him to come forward.

Grey dashed forward dragging his sword in the ground. Ama simply moved to the left slightly, but she had to jump away before she was caught by the trail of fire left by the sword that exploded.

The Lord of Cinder started swinging his sword at the black-haired woman. Unlike before, when Ama simply bent away to avoid the strikes, she had to completely avoid them because of the fire trailing the sword.

Grey then reeled back his sword and thrust forward trying to stab her. However… Ama simply caught his fiery sword with her bare hand without as much as looking uncomfortable.

"I believe this is enough," Ama said slowly letting go of the sword.

The Abyss Watcher jumped back and kept his stance, but Ama wasn't fazed. All she did was reach into the sleeve of her yukata and pull out a Medallion with the crest of a sun on it.

She threw it at Grey who caught it as the fire died down. "At the foot of the cherry blossom tree, you'll find the way to the Gate of Spirits," Ama said as she started walking away.

"Why?" Ama stopped as she heard Grey ask her. "Why didn't you win from the beginning?"

Ama smirked. "What do you mean?"

"I'm no fool," Grey replied still holding his weapons. "You could have defeated me from the beginning, but you didn't, why?"

The Abyss Watcher wasn't egotistical. He knew when he was outmatched. Which is why he never asked for a rematch from the Sun's First Born.

Ama stayed silent for a few seconds before replying. "You have what I hoped to see in Runeterra… you have a certain… Balance about yourself."

"Isn't Balance Ionia's fort?" Grey asked remembering what Shen told him.

Ama's face turned to one of anger. "Ionia lost the meaning of balance a LONG time ago," she said with obvious hatred. With that, Ama walked away, vanishing between the plants of the garden.

The Abyss Watcher sighed and looked at the Medallion in his hand. Now he has all three medallions.

He looked at the giant cherry blossom tree before he started making his way to it. It's time to finish this.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

Wow, I honestly don't know how I made this. I have been slightly sleep-deprived lately, so I hope I didn't mess it up.

About the fight with Ama. If you figured out who she is, then you have to admit that it would be absolutely stupid if Grey just beat her for Plot armor. Also, I needed someone to help Grey let his emotions out.

Second, I wanted to explain why Maia didn't try to attack Grey or Ahri yet. Which explains why she showed up.

And finally, the reason why Grey didn't use the Soul of Death when he already showed that he wanted to will be explained in the next chapter.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

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