Orga The Kaiju Alien Part 3

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Last Time on Academy City Kaiju...............

The UFO position itself near where Godzilla is trapped. Suddenly, small golden lights begin to appear underneath the UFO.

Invisible to the human eye, the ship created invisible tendrils to grab small samples of Godzilla DNA and bring it close to the small golden lights and begin to fuse them together.

Once the small golden lights and Godzilla DNA were merged, a small white round blob was created. That blob begin to take a shape.

What formed was a alien. It had a weird long flat head with two small eyes and a weird glowing purple mouth. It had 6 tendrils that can be used for walking or grabbing things. Each tendril has two long fingers. This is Millennian

Suddenly, the alien begin to roar out in pain. Its entire head begin to move around like it was mutating. Before it fall to the ground, its fingers begin to have skin.

A minute later, Godzilla finally burst out of the rubble and released a Atomic breath at the UFO, destroying half of it. The remaining half crashed into the streets.

'Glad that is over. Time to go back to Academy City.' Thought Godzilla. Before he could leave, something or someone stopped him.

"Hold it!" Roared someone. Godzilla turned his head to notice someone coming out behind the damage UFO.

What came out was the alien but now mutated into something else. The alien now has a massive hunched back, a small rectangular head, asymmetrical shoulders, two gigantic hands with three long fingers, small legs, and a stubby tail. Its skin has a bumpy uneven texture. This is Orga.

"You are going to pay for what you have done to me!!" Roared Orga as he was ready to kill Godzilla.


"What are you talking about? I never seen you in my life." said Godzilla as he was confused why this new kaiju he never seen before accused him of something. "Better question is who are you?" asked Godzilla.

Orga smirked. "Figures. He always said that you are the slow type when it comes to new kaijus you never seen before, especially ones that came from space." Said Orga.

'He?' Who is this guy talking about?' Godzilla thought.

"To make things more easier to understand. I am the alien that was operating that ship that you just destroyed. This isn't what I originally looked like. I had to find something that will help me get a physical body. I used your DNA as a substance to help that because it had a regeneration factor in it. It was starting to work but.." Orga paused to point at Godzilla.

"Your blood mutate my body and turn me into this!" Orga told Godzilla.

"That is what you get for trying to use someone else blood. You have no one to blame but yourself. Now who did you mean by 'he'? Who are you talking about?" asked Godzilla.

"Hehe. Since you are going to die by my hands I might at least tell you who he is. His name is Spacegodzilla! As for you, you are going to face me, ORGA!" Said Orga before he began to charge at Godzilla.

Godzilla was shocked of who this kaiju was talking about but he pushed that thought away as he was getting ready for the fight.



Orga was the first to attack. He used his left hand to swipe at Godzilla head. But Godzilla was able to see that attack and duck to doge it. He then swiped his tail at Orga to get him dizzy. Orga was able to shake the dizziness off and landed a punch on Godzilla nose that caused him to take a few steps back.

Orga crouched down as it was revealed on its left side, it has a shoulder cannon! A yellow energy blast came out of the shoulder cannon and knock Godzilla all the way into a building and causes him to be stuck.

"Okay Orga, I have to give you points for that." Godzilla said as he freed himself from the building he was stuck in. "No one has ever hit me with attack that came from their shoulder. You totally get points for catching me off guard. But that just made me angry. So how about we get serious?" asked Godzilla as he narrowed his eyes at Orga.

Orga responded by charging towards Godzilla. Godzilla try to land a claw attack on him but Orga dodge it and bite directly on Godzilla left arm. 

Godzilla roared in pain. He tried to get Orga off of his arm but Orga was not going to let go. Suddenly the top of Orga head color begin to change.

Orga was absorbing more of Godzilla DNA. Godzilla finally was able to get Orga off of his arm by blasting his shoulder cannon.

"Man that hurt. What were you doing?" asked Godzilla as he tried to shake pain.

"It is simple." Said Orga as left shoulder area was begin to regenerate. This causes Godzilla to step back as Orga was walking towards him.

 "I can't go back to my original form. So I will become you, a Godzilla clone. A better clone, one that will destroy all the humans on this planet. Once I become a true Godzilla, I will be the true king of the monsters, AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Roared Orga.

"I guess we will find out won't we?" said Godzilla before he released a huge Atomic Breath at Orga. It caused a explosion around Orga and the explosion rise up into the air, similar to what happens after a atomic bomb goes off.

Orga slowly walked out of the fire from the explosion. His skin was badly burned and pieces of his skin was coming off. As he walks out, the Godzilla DNA within him slowly begin to heal his skin. Once his wounds are all healed, Orga growled at Godzilla for the massive pain he caused him.

Orga mouth suddenly being to unhinged as it open wide enough to swallow a building.

A pod like thing appear inside of his mouth and it begin to unfold into mouth tendrils. This was a organic feature that will allow Orga not only sallow his prey but to help him get more of Godzilla DNA.

Godzilla ran straight into Orga mouth. Orga then clamped down onto Godzilla as he begin to absorb more of his DNA. His appearance was slowly becoming to look like Godzilla. With the skin patterns and his back was starting to from dorsal fins.

As Orga begin to absorb more of Godzilla DNA, he didn't realize that Godzilla had him right where he wanted him.

Godzilla dorsal fins begin to power up. Once Orga started to notice this, it was too late, Godzilla released a mega Atomic breath that made Orga blow up from the inside out. 

Once the smoke cleared, all that was left of Orga was just his lower waist with the upper area gone.


Godzilla roared as he finished off another alien Kaiju. Before he could go back to the sea, he heard a booming sound from the sky. He turned around just in time to see three burring spheres coming right towards him.

All three of those spheres crashed near him, causing a huge explosion. Now a huge crater was formed in Tokyo. Godzilla was able to survive the blast and he was standing in the middle of the crater.

Godzilla could sense that something or someones was floating down behind Godzilla. Godzilla being to slowly turned around who this being is.


To Be Continued..............

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