Chapter 3 - Outburst

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(Author: Music Recommended Chapter)

"Eomma!!!" Mark rushed into Evie's room.

"What is it, Mark? Why are you panicking? Did the kingdoms have another war?" she questioned.

"No-" before he could finish she continued.

"Maintain the peace between the guardians if ever needed and leave for the search right now, don't waste any minute," Evie said

"We were about to leave for the search, from the light kingdom, respected leaders, Jason and Namjoon were joining us and despite his sickness Eunwoo and me from here but you must come out and see Eomma." Mark blabbered all at once

"See what?"

"It's Miss Jisoo from the light kingdom with Robert. Robert is bleeding heavily. They want to meet you." he said as they rushed outside.

"I want you to take Robert to his room and call Miss Wendy. In the guest room rests Emperor Jungwoo, inform him to be present in the court at this instant and request Mr. Kim and Alexandria to be at the court as soon as possible. The search shall begin soon after." She commanded rushing towards the court. Mark immediately changed his path to get the orders done.

Evie opened the empty halls and ran towards the court which had no one but Jisoo with an unconscious Robert, bleeding constantly. As soon as she walked toward them Mark entered the court and took Robert to his room.

"Your Highness. I am Kim Jisoo. Help. Everyone is locked in a dungeon. Everyone is there in that prison. Taehyun, Taehyung, Lisa, Lizzy, Jino, Hope, Lily!" Jungwoo came running inside. Jisoo quickly hugged him.

"That Lin Shin! He is a kingdom traitor. There is someone behind all this. Someone who is purposely creating misunderstandings. Where is Jungkook? I need to tell him about the moon prince-"

"He is no more." Jungwoo whispered holding his tears. Jisoo looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean?" he asked him stepping back.

"The princes of Yin and Yang are dead." a voice in her head whispered. She held her head as she heard many voices telling her many abrupt things.

The voices in her head whispered all together in an eery voice "She's stuck in the mid death. They are dead in the death casket. Hanging her will be his struggle. He's cursed. Cursed. Find it in the castle. Her. It's her. It's her. Its HER".

"Ahhhhh." She shouted and cried out loud.

"Take her. She needs rest!" the Queen commanded. Mark complied.

Mark took her to the guest room.

"Miss. Do you know where they are? What is going on? Where are the guardians? Who were you talking about? Which dungeon?" Mark was shooting her with questions which anyone in his place would obviously do. He got no response from Jisoo, she was too stunned to speak anything.

From a very young age, Jisoo faced this issue where she would find it hard to recover from shocking or petrifying situations and this was the most shocking situation she faced yet. It was after her mother's death at a young age that she had such episodes where she would go days without talking, living like she is dead. It's like she would get trapped inside her own head. Her major ability was telepathy, therefore it was important for her to be mentally strong in order to gain control over her maximum capabilities or even use them.

While Robert was being treated and Jisoo was recovering from the civil war inside her head, the Allied search troupe began. Around the dark and light worlds, in all the kingdoms. Mark, Jason, Namjoon, and Enwoo along with their respective armies looked for Jungkook, Jeongukk, and the other guardians. It was vital for them to find their guardians if not, the world would collapse anytime soon. With no proper lead from where to start but keeping in mind the broken bits and pieces, they knew, they started to look for something, anything, or any clues in both the dynasties.

Namjoon along with Eunwoo and Jason along with Mark paired up to make tasks easier. Enwoo's condition was getting better and he was able to practice his duties properly. There weren't any conversations between the pairs while they carried out the tasks besides the basic required agreements and progression decisions.

After the first day, they all decided to meet up at the Light Palace to check the progress. Since the magic world had more than enough spells and ways to make their process easier it was faster for them to explore most of the dynasty besides the restricted and spell-bound areas. It was late and along with their armies, they decided to accommodate themselves at the Light Palace. At the dinner table, all four took their seats to talk about their respective progress.

"We have checked 28 kingdoms in the Dark Dynasty." Jason informed.

"We have checked 32 kingdoms in the Light Dynasty" Mark said.

"Did you find something?" Jason mocked tilting his head.

"Nothing yet" Mark said stressing the word 'yet' and glaring.

"What do you mean by 'yet'? There is nothing that we have done to your guardians or Prince. Cannot claim the same about you and your kingdom though!" Jason spat, clearly pissed. The fork in his hand bent to deform its original shape.

"I will not hesitate to burn you down." Enwoo said flaming in anger.

"Stop! Are you all in your senses?" Namjoon shouted at them trying to maintain the teamwork they carried out today earlier.

"Joon, you can see who they are and how they are acting." Jason said in a serious tone.

"I know what you mean Jason, but this is not the right time to fight. We have all had major losses and as Guardians and royal family members, we are the ones who take the decision that leads the future! Jason, please cooperate, for Jungkook-" Namjoon was cut off by an angry Enwoo.

"For Jungkook? Your insane prince? Who called Gukkie to talk and KILLED HIM?" Enwoo shouted, angry tears making their way out of his shiny dark eyes.

"Gukkie just wanted peace, just because he is 'the mighty uncontrollable evil brutal murderous malicious dark beast' according to you?" he said stressing each word; with every unpleasant adjective Enwoo added to pronounce his Gukkie, he broke more inside. Those weren't his words, it was every adjective used to describe Jeongukk around the dynasty; everyone knew it, even Jeongukk himself. He hated to be the person who receives universal hate for his crime for merely existing...

"Your 'great savior prince' killed him?? To save the world! Woah such a hero!" he mocked and continued "He impaled him?? He impaled my Gukkie." he screamed. He lost his composure. Every moment he spent with Jeongukk flashed in his head. Within seconds his face was burning as hot tears kept flowing. There was a conflict of emotions: anger, grief, pain;

There was drop-dead silence till Namjoon spoke "Jungkook didn't. I mean, the misunderstanding, besides" he stuttered not sure what to speak.

"Our prince is a good person, do not falsely accuse him. Jungkook is no more, so how do you know Jeongukk wasn't the one who killed our prince?" Jason spoke.

"Jeongukk would never kill his own brother! He loved and admired without knowing him but that jerk wasn't his brother! He went to meet him with that cute bunny smile, repeating how he'd be back with him and everything would be perfect but..." he scoffed "The perfect family he craved for costed more than his life; Your prince would kill anyone for his personal benefit, your prince is the true personification of a demon. I am! Me! I am his brother! He got a brother like Jungkook, that monster? I was there for him, not your prince! I hate your prince more than anything or anyone in this world" Enwoo screamed in tears and banged hard on the beautiful metallic table which was dented, losing its beauty.

"B-Brother?" Namjoon asked.

Enwoo looked at him in anger, his eyes blood red from crying and being exhausted. He left the table walking towards the guest room he was resting in.

"Jeongukk is Jungkook's brother?" Jason questioned Mark.

"I have no clue about this." Mark said still processing the whole situation.

There was silence for a few moments.

"If Jeongukk and Jungkook met, and one of them killed the other, then, how did the other prince pass away?" Jason broke the silence. He was trying to still take rational decisions despite the tensed situation.

"E-Exactly?" Namjoon added.

"I don't have no clue." Mark said frowning.

"There was so much going on!! Mark, do you think you can talk to Eunwoo to expand on the whole situation that he mentioned?" Jason asked.

"I am not sure. Enwoo can literally burn me right now!" Mark said holding his head.

"I think we should talk to him together." Namjoon suggested.

"You sure, he wants to see us after that?" Jason said.

"We'll have to find out." Namjoon said and got up. Jason and Mark followed.

They walked towards his room. Mark knocked on his door and said, "Eunwoo hyung, let's talk.".

After receiving no response they slowly opened the door. Enwoo looked at them furiously and attacked them with fire. Jeongukk was the most someone could take from him and his loss wasn't bearable.

"I said, Get out." he screamed. Jason blocked his attack with a light shield.

"Calm down dude" Jason said. Enwoo swirled his hand, and a sword with a blue fire and a dark aura covering it appeared in his hand. His eyes were blue like he was possessed by the blue fire that burned inside him.

"Of course." he said tightening his grip on the sword.

Enwoo was undoubtedly the most powerful of all the four and disputes in them would just walk towards nuisance.

"S-Sire!! You have to see this!!" a guard interrupted Eunwoo's outburst. He was panting like he had seen the devil himself.

"What is it?" Eunwoo furiously looked at him.

"There are dead bodies." he stated catching his breath.

"Dead bodies?" Mark questioned.

"Yes, sire! Dead bodies of a girl." he explained.

"Real bad timing but your grammar is wrong. You mean 'dead body' of a girl!" Namjoon massaged his temples.

"Namjoon? Are you for real bro?" Jason looked at him with mixed expressions.

"No! No! It is dead bodies of a girl!" the guard exclaimed again.

"You mean many bodies of one girl? That is not possible! His grammar is clearly wron---" Namjoon was cut with the guard shouting "Yes sir, exactly! You get it now!"

"WHAT???" Namjoon screamed.

Eunwoo rolled his eyes at Jason and Namjoon and walked pushing them away from his path.

"See, his grammar wasn't bad after all!" Jason said shrugging.

"Obviously sir, my IQ is 168 and I have watched multiple web series to better my English." the guard responded and followed Eunwoo.

"Your IQ is higher than mine?!?!" Namjoon shouted again. Jason tried to hold back his giggle.

"It's okay Namjoon, you don't have to be the brightest bulb to be the leader you know?" Jason mocked.

"Not this again." Mark said walking away. Jason and Namjoon followed him.

No one had ever heard about or witnessed something like that. Everyone was confused as to who this unfortunate cursed soul could be, who was cursed worst than the death itself? Who was stuck in a tangled reality of life and death?

To be continued...

(Author: Long time no see. How is everyone doing???

Ik I'm horrible for doing this but seriously I am so sorry.

This wasn't the best comeback chapter either. I promise it gets better! I just wanted to work on the scenes where it clearly showed how important the twins were to each and every character. It would feel really incomplete and more like "eh whatever" from the characters' sides if I skipped this.

Jin: I missed you!!! 🥺

Author: Myyyy Jiniiieee. I missed you the most!!!!! ❤️


Author: Okay shoo away. 🙄

Guys let me know if something felt off with my writing style, story, or anything in general, or if you need a recap chapter...

Also, shout out to Bliss1311 for helping me through my idea blockage phase. ❤️ Thanks

Thanks for having patience guysss.

Word count: 2070

Byeee see you soon. Stay tuned~~~)

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