Chapter 9: Her Visions

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(Author: Music Recommend Chapter! Play soft piano or violin like Hungarian Sonata)


I held her delicate hand, our fingers intertwining as her radiant smile illuminated the moment. A profound joy radiated from her, brighter than ever before, and she beckoned me towards the enchanting field of bluebells. Her cream-white gown, adorned with intricate patterns of white flowers, stood out against the backdrop of azure blooms. These ethereal creations had the power to capture the attention of fairies and all manner of mystical beings. The air seemed to shimmer with the laughter and playful dances of fairies, their melodious music intertwining with the very essence of nature, celebrating the arrival of spring.

Her gaze turned to me, and in the soft, late afternoon sunlight, her light green eyes glowed like precious gems. The sun's rays caused her pupils to contract, and I instinctively shielded her from the light, creating a tender shadow over her captivating eyes. Her pupils dilated in response, expanding like pools of endless enchantment. I found myself captivated, unable to tear my gaze away, and I momentarily shifted my attention toward the enchanting fairies that danced nearby. The vernal equinox had heralded its arrival, and Roselet gracefully rose from her spot, effortlessly joining the fairies in their dance. I watched, spellbound, as time seemed to stretch, the world around us slowing to a gentle pace, the fairies forming a radiant circle amidst the sea of bluebells, their luminous fairy dust painting everything in a breathtaking glow.

I settled beside her, finding a spot amidst the circle of tiny fairies who were leaping and twirling in jubilant celebration of the return of spring. The sun was gently dipping below the horizon, painting the sky in breathtaking hues of pink, orange, and crimson. My attention turned to Roselet, her eyes sparkling with wonder as she gazed at the enchanting sunset before us. With a contented sigh, she nestled her head upon my shoulder, a subtle and unexpected touch that sent a shiver down my spine. Adrenaline surged, and a flutter of butterflies danced within me, my heart skipping a beat. I steadied myself, resisting the urge to overreact to the sensation coursing through me. However, before I could fully regain my composure, her arms wrapped around my torso, igniting a tempest of butterflies within my stomach. Summoning my courage, I met her gaze, those mesmerizing green eyes holding me captive. The silver rings within her emerald orbs rendered me weak, and as if sensing my vulnerability, she bestowed upon me a radiant smile that caused my cheeks to flush.

A gentle breeze wafted through the air, its perfect cadence causing strands of her straight silver hair to dance and lightly veil a portion of her face. Lost in the moment, I found myself reaching out unconsciously, tenderly tucking the errant strands behind her delicate ear. My unexpected gesture elicited a subtle change in her, a delicate blush gracing her cheeks and nose, a response that mirrored the rapid rhythm of my own heart. Internally, a voice urged me to seize the opportunity, to act upon the emotions surging within me.

"Do you see that?" I whispered, my voice barely above a breathy murmur, as I indicated something behind her. She tilted her head, a mix of confusion and curiosity flickering across her features, momentarily torn from the spell of the moment we shared. With a soft touch, I guided her gaze towards the indicated spot. As she started to rise and reposition herself, I delicately cupped her cheek, directing her attention back to me. However, my sudden movement caught her off guard, causing her balance to falter. She stumbled, and in her moment of unsteadiness, she tripped into me, a collision of warmth and connection that sent an electric surge of feeling through both of us.

(Kai: What in the grandpa Rizz was that!???? 😑😑

Author: IKR. IFRKR. 😐

Beomgyu: Get out of here you shitty monsters, haunting my nightmares.🙄🙄🙄

Kai and Author: ......OUCH? 😑)

Her eyes met mine once again, and the musical sound of her laughter filled the air, a symphony of joy born from the accidental tumble that had brought her atop me. Chuckles escaped my lips in response, an unspoken camaraderie flowing between us. Despite the urge of a whispering voice inside me to veer into more daring territory, I hesitated, fully aware of my proficiency in navigating the realm of friendship. My momentary self-deprecation was cut short as her lips brushed against mine, a touch deliberate and intoxicating. My heart leaped, caught in the whirlwind of her unexpected action.

A timeless pause enveloped us as if the universe itself held its breath. Then, propelled by a force more potent than my own uncertainty, I responded to her daring gesture, sealing our connection with a fervent kiss. Her eyes, initially widened in surprise, gently closed, surrendering to the emotion that surged between us. The very essence of the moment underwent a profound transformation, an undeniable shift that resonated throughout the ethereal surroundings. The fairies, those whimsical and ephemeral beings, seemed to sense the magic that enveloped us, and they joined in the joyous celebration. Their delicate laughter and gleeful voices merged into a harmonious chorus of cheers, an enchanting chorus that bore witness to the budding connection between us.

Amidst the symphony of celestial mirth, our kiss deepened, and a smile graced my lips even as they remained locked with hers. It was a smile born of both ecstasy and wonder, a silent testament to the enchantment that enveloped us. This kiss, a timeless exchange of emotion and desire, continued to sweep me away whenever I delved into the realms of memory, a testament to the power of that moment's magic.

As the fairies cheered and danced around us, the cadence of their carefree melodies underwent a graceful transformation. The folk music, once lively and carefree, metamorphosed into a slow, melodic ballad. The gentle strains of the tune intertwined with our own dance, each note a reflection of the burgeoning emotions that coursed through us. The world around us seemed to fade, leaving only the two of us in a timeless embrace, swaying to the rhythm of our heartbeats and the enchanting melody that encapsulated our very essence.

Breaking away, her grip on my collar remained firm as she rose gracefully to her feet, and I followed suit, eager to be guided by her lead. I found myself directed to the center of the enchanting fairy circle, where a bonfire blazed, casting dancing shadows upon the petals of the surrounding bluebells. Her delicate hand enveloped mine, and a shiver of anticipation coursed through me as her other hand rested against my waist. Confusion flickered across my features, and I glanced at our entwined hands before her touch pulled my gaze back to her. The music's tender notes filled the air, and we swayed, two souls embracing the rhythm of an unspoken connection.

"I've never danced as a couple before," I admitted, my voice carrying a hint of hesitance amidst the enchantment.

"Nor have I," she confessed, a tender smile gracing her lips, "But I'm elated that my first dance is with my first love-a wish granted." Her words melted through the remaining layers of my uncertainty, melting away the veil that had concealed my feelings for her. In that moment, the profound wisdom of those who deemed love to be both folly and enlightenment became clear to me, as I beheld Roselet — our embodiment of that timeless paradox.

(Kai: Bro's whipped. *wiping fake tears*

Author: *playing titanic theme song*

Beomgyu: *kicks both author and Kai out*)

But I never realised that the enchanting feild of bluebells symbolised our Forbidden Love....


Yeonjun touched Beomgyu's head trying to a gesture imbued with an attempt to absorb and alleviate the anguish that gripped him. This technique was an exclusive privilege, reserved solely for the moon princess and her devoted retinue, a select group that included the wisest and most seasoned goblins. Yeonjun bore the visible marks of his own pain, his countenance reflecting the burden he shouldered as he absorbed the suffering that clung to Beomgyu. Despite the pain it inflicted upon himself, Yeonjun persisted. The pain absorbed by Yeonjun seemed endless, an unfathomable abyss that deepened with each passing moment, a relentless cycle wherein the more he extracted from Beomgyu, the more it seemed to replenish itself, as though fed by the very passage of time.

Beomgyu was pulled out of his reverie, a sanctuary within which he relived the cherished moments of his past. His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the surrounding light as he confronted the stark reality that awaited him upon each awakening-an existence where Roselet was alive, only in his memories. It was a reality that he despised, an enduring nightmare that plagued his every waking hour. He hated waking up to the reality of living an alive nightmare. Sensing Yeonjun's intentions, he yanked away Yeonjun's hands.

"Hyung, you needst not undertake such a task," Beomgyu murmured as he regained his composure, his gaze alighting upon the glistening tracks of tears that stained his surroundings. Yeonjun sought to convey his thoughts, to articulate words that remained elusive in the face of his own emotion.

"And how fareth Y/n?" Beomgyu inquired, a tinge of concern evident in his voice.

(Author: Is it just me, or the way Goblins talk is hot- 😍

Kai: I don't talk like that so does that mean... 🤨🙄🙄

Author: Duh! 🙄😂🤣

Kai: Art thou implying that I lack allure?

Author: ..... 😳😳😳

Kai: ..... what? 😐🤨🤨

Author: Wanna go out on a date or what? 😶

Kai: Ew nah dude, you are like 100 times younger than me! At this rate, you might go out with Shakespeare. 🤣🤣😂

Author: ON SECOND THOUGHTS. NO, ACTUALLY FIRST THOUGHTS, NEVER. I will have to stop Goblins from talking like that. 🤮

JK: No CAP! I can set you up with our master Oogway-level Goblin. I bet he talks in more ancient slang. 🤣🤣🤣

Author: No, thank you! 🤮 Imma change goblin slangs! )


Y/n woke up with a startle, her heart racing from the grip of a terrible nightmare. She clutched her aching head, disoriented as her gaze swept across the unfamiliar room. 'How did I come to be here?' she mused silently, her thoughts mingling with the remnants of her dream. Her attention shifted to the entrance of the room, where one of the goblins stood.

"Are you awake, Y/n?" Soobin entered, his eyes noting her return to consciousness.

"Yes, I was trapped in a nightmarish realm, which yanked me awake so suddenly. It's the source of this persistent ache in my head," Y/n replied wearily, her voice bearing traces of exhaustion.

"Indeed, and how do you feel otherwise? Are you in good health?" he inquired, his concern evident.

"Yes, I'm well. But why do you ask? Is something wrong?" Y/n's curiosity was piqued, her gaze shifting to Taehyun as he entered the room.

"We need to speak with you about an important matter," Taehyun's tone held gravity as if he were making an announcement. Soobin's expression shifted to one of apprehension, his attempts to dissuade Taehyun proving futile.

"Now is not the right time for a conversation!" Soobin interjected, attempting to guide Taehyun away.

"No, now is the appropriate moment for discourse," Taehyun insisted, his determination unwavering.

"She might lose control over her powers and we would not want that, would we?" Soobin whispered to Taehyun.

"Stop running away, we cannot run away forever." Taehyun firmly responded in a dismissing tone.

"What is it guys?" Y/n asked them unaware of the situation.

"It concerns the Princes," Taehyun's words resonated, and Soobin's resistance began to wane.

"The Princes?" Y/n's brows furrowed in question.

"The Princes of Yin and Yang" Soobin responded, the weight of his words palpable.

"Jungkook and Jeongukk? What about them? Do they miss me?" Y/n smiled and hopped out of her bed as the goblin mentioned the twins.

"I believe they do?" Soobin answered, momentarily taken aback by Y/n's reaction.

"Princess, both the noble princes are no more. Their souls have departed from the mortal realm and-" Whatever Taehyun said after that went like a blur to Y/n, she didn't hear anything after that as her legs fell numb, giving away, and she tripped to the ground. Her head was throbbing worse than ever. The pounding in her head matched the ache in her heart. Despising people, the Jeon twins were the only people who made her feel what true friendship and above all the feeling of love felt; they illuminated the darkness and emptiness she lived with for all of her life. In this world of pain and agony, her sole source of happiness and her reason to live was now gone. Warm tears rolled down her eyes as her funny nature suddenly silenced and her smile faded.

"It wasn't a nightmare after all, was it?" Y/n said softly, a bitter scoff escaping her lips.

Y/n, the chosen moon princess, the one and only representative of the beautiful species of the Lunarians', had great power to see the future and try to turn the course of events that were likely to occur. Upon her enrollment at the academy and her selection as Jungkook's soulmate, Y/n had foreseen his demise, believing that her very presence would lead to his tragic end. Consequently, she chose to distance herself from Jungkook, under the mistaken assumption that her visions were solely tied to his fate. Little did she realize that her visions were not of Jungkook's death, but rather of Jeongukk's. The realization sent a shiver through her soul, as the tragic events she had foreseen came to pass.

The first undeniable instance occurred during an ill-fated escapade when Y/n, accompanied by Jeongukk, ventured outside the castle's confines, only to face an attempt on their lives by Lin Shin. Y/n had foreseen this as well, anticipating Jeongukk's decision to intervene and wield the three swords on her behalf. As the scene unfolded before her eyes, her own powerlessness in altering the outcome became glaringly apparent. It was as though fate had etched its cruel design into reality, indifferent to her efforts.

On the Jeon Twins' birthday, Y/n's consciousness faltered, leaving her suspended in a trance-like state in the midst of a grand ballroom. There, she bore witness to a horrifying event: Jungkook, weeping as he plunged a sword into his own heart. Blood stained the pure snow, and another lifeless figure layed strewn around him, while a mysterious woman in red cast a haunting presence. Uncertain whether it was a mere nightmare or a glimpse of a potential future, Y/n chose to deny the likelihood of such a dire fate. She clung to the belief that Jungkook could never be driven to such desperate measures. Yet, when news arrived of the twins' untimely demise, the haunting scene she had witnessed haunted her once again. The weight of guilt crushed her, knowing that she could have intervened and altered destiny. These powerful emotions unleashed a tumultuous storm within her, causing her to lose control over her powers.


Author: um....




Y/n: You love me guys!


As she experienced another vision, Y/n's body defied gravity itself, lifting her into the air. Her eyes radiated a silvery glow, moonlight emanating from within, while a sphere of luminous light enveloped her in its ethereal embrace. Soobin's alarm prompted him to summon Yeonjun, he rushed out of the room as Taehyun swiftly moved to Y/n's side. The spectacle before them was both breathtaking and mystifying.

"Y/n" Taehyun's urgent voice broke through, snapping Y/n back to reality. She inhaled deeply, her senses returning to her. As her gaze swept the room, she realized that she layed beside her bed, cloaked in a shimmering veil of silver moon dust. The very ground beneath had transformed into lunar regolith. Taehyun's concerned touch steadied her as she tried to regain her composure.

"I saw them... " she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Whom did you see?" Taehyun inquired anxiously.

"Kook and Gukk, side by side" Y/n murmured, her grip on consciousness faltering once more, her powers exhausted from the vision. Taehyun carefully guided her back to her bed, tucking her in gently.

"The strain on her both mentally and physically is overwhelming" Taehyun observed, his eyes flickering with concern. Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Soobin appeared at the doorway, their worried expressions matching Taehyun's.

"She mentioned seeing the princes together" Taehyun informed them, his voice heavy with worry.

"How is that even possible?" Soobin questioned, his confusion palpable. Yeonjun turned to leave Y/n's room, his intention clear. The others followed him, gathering in a common area to discuss the unfolding situation.

"It's impossible" Yeonjun declared resolutely, his disbelief evident. "I know for a fact that they can't be alive."

"But if Y/n had the vision, there must be a reason. The moon princess's visions have never been inaccurate" Beomgyu interjected, his voice tinged with uncertainty. All eyes turned to Yeonjun, seeking insight, but even the oldest and most experienced of the Guardian goblins was at a loss.

"I think I should seek guidance our antediluvian." Yeonjun said.

"That process could take considerable time" Taehyun added.

"Who's that?" Kai's voice emerged from the shadows, curiosity etched across his features.

"How many times do I have to tell you that YOU NEED TO STOP DOING THIS AROUND HERE!" Taehyun grumpily shouted at Kai.

"Guess what? I am 1800 years old and know no shit, so I need to do this cause you don't tell me wassup?" he argued not taking it once again.

"That is the oldest alive goblin who has cut all ties from the magic world." Yeonjun explained.

"Woah, that is LIT! Someone older than you!" Kai screamed as he side hugged Yeonjun. He was the only goblin who dared to hug Yeonjun.

"So why do we need him??" Kai asked excitedly unaware of the actual situation. "Are we going to some cool mission dressed up as men in black??? Chris Hemsoworth is so worth it!" Kai hopped a little thinking of all the possibilities of the adventures. "Him in Thor 1!!!!!! RE WATCH need. I will punch just like that!" He screached in a dolphin echo while punching in the air.

(Author: Chris Hemsworth is the reason I am single here! 🤣🤣🤣

Kai: IKR SAME! 🤣🤣🤣

Author: 🙄 Now is he not 100 times younger?

Kai: I meant by the maturity level. 🐬😝🐬🤣🐬🤣

Author: Imma get my revenge. 😤)

"Men in black? What is it have to do with a color?" Beomgyu questioned confused, squinting his eyes.

"Who is Chris worth?" Soobin questioned matching Beomgyu's expressions.

"Not we, us." Taehyun said pointing at the other goblins but him.

"Mean!" Kai said pissed, scrunching his nose.

"Out" Taehyun motioned.

"Stop fighting with the kid will you?" Soobin intertwined.

"Well, I sense someone summons you, Kai. Don't you wanna go check out who in the goblinorest needs you specifically? We cannot go there, it would be great if you checked it out for us." Taehyun kindly said. Kai's eyes shined when he heard such kind words from Taehyun himself and also mentioned that someone specifically summons Kai out of all.

"I must be so important to you guys. What would you do without me?" Kai said smiling, flattering himself as he vanished into thin air to check out why he was being summoned.

(Jason: I called you brooo! 😋😉😇

Kai: Yeah bro! So happy brooo! You are literally the only person who appreciates me!!! 🥺🤧🤧

Jason: Always bro! 🥺🤧🤧

Eunwoo: *fake coughs* Get out 'Bros'. 💀💀🙄

Author: Thank you very much! 🤣🤣🤣)

"He needs some discipline for hell's sake." Taehyun's face palmed.

(Author: Sweet Revenge 😏😝😤

Kai: BRO THAT'S GIVING INJUSTICE. He'd never tell that, you made him tell it forcefully!

Taehyun: NO one makes me do anything forcefully anywhere. You little shameless brat, learn some discipline

Author: 👀🤣👀🤣👀🤣👀

Kai: 😭😭😭)

"I shall try to find our master, even though the moon princess has had the unexpected vision, I am very sure that the princes are dead and their souls have parted with our realm, so I expect none to have any expectations that might lead to disappointment later. This could likely be a mere coincidence." Yeonjun said as he walked away from the others to a tiny cave away from the main cave where he spent most of his hours.

Taehyun made his way to another cave a bit away from the main cave of the Goblinorest to continue his work on a design of a magical weapon that he left incomplete. Soobin and Beomgyu went to the Arsenal Emporium to examine some new designs proposed by Kai.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Soobin asked Beomgyu.

"Yeah, you didn't have to help me fall asleep with that spell." Beomgyu said with a straight face. Soobin stayed quiet.

"These daggers crafted by Kai look extremely good!" Soobin said as he ran his finger on its blade and placed a side of the dagger under a tool that mirrored a microscope.

"The blades you are looking at are crafted from really strong iron alloy according to the sketch he gave." Beomgyu said looking at a few drawings made by Kai.

"That is good you but, know what is better?" Soobin said lifting his head up from the magnifying tool. "The use of the ancient spells that he has finely encrypted in this." he said waving the blade.

"Apparently he got this idea from kitchen knifes?" Beomgyu said with a smile, perplexed. Soobin giggled.

"I think I approve of this new weapon. It can be up at the emporium." Soobin said putting down the perfectly crafted creation of mastery. After moments of silence Beomgyu spoke.

"It has been a lot to contemplate. I miss the normal life." he said.

"I didn't expect both the princes to pass away at the same time." Soobin continued.

"I don't understand how Prince Jungkook could pass away when only Prince Jeongukk was fated to die." Beomgyu revealed.

"Yes, I do not understand for according to the prophecy, Prince Jungkook was supposed to live longer and rule all healthy, he was undoubtley destined to be the best King to all the known history." Soobin continued.

"W-what?" They heard a low, trembling question that seemed to hang heavy in the air. As they turned, their eyes were met with a sight that etched itself into their memory-a heart-wrenching tableau of shattered trust and raw vulnerability. Y/n stood at the entrance of the room, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, her presence a tumultuous storm of emotions.

"You k-knew?" Y/n's voice quivered, carrying the weight of disbelief and a fractured heart. Her gaze bore into them, searching for any sign that the revelation was a misunderstanding, a cruel trick of fate. But the truth lingered between them, undeniable and painful.

Moonlight spilled through the window, casting a silvery glow over the scene, as if even the heavens themselves bore witness to the reckoning that had come to pass. In Y/n's trembling form and anguished thoughts.

"Y/n, we cannot-" Soobin's voice faltered, his attempt to explain cut short by the torrent of emotions crashing around them. He could see the devastation etched across Y/n's features, a haunting portrait of anger. Before he could continue, Y/n's voice rose, a surge of anguish and fury breaking through her. Her words pierced the air like a wounded animal's cry, echoing with the searing pain of shattered trust and shattered illusions.

Her voice cracked as she spat out the accusation, her hands trembled at her sides, and as her frustration and hurt surged, a faint, almost ethereal light began to dance at her fingertips, forming moon sparkle in her palm.

"You knew Gukk was supposed to die and yet you did not do anything??"


To be continued...

(Author: Hellooooooo. That was probably the longest chapter I wrote. I am really curious if you liked this writing style because it was time consuming; took me FOUR WHOLE DAYS just to write that so if its not worth it then I might just pass out at this point. 🤧

Ignore the grammatical errors cause I lost my head after a point. 😭

What leads did you get about the future~~~ Hehe

Who misses the Jeon duo!? 😏😏😏

Word count: 4200)

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