Chapter 11

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Next day:

Y/n Pov:

It was the first period.

Announcement (on the mic) : All the royal family students including y/n and Jisoo are asked to assemble at the Deen's office right now!

Me, Jungkook and y/e rushed out of the class.

Y/n: I wonder what is it?

Jk: No idea!

Y/e: you think it is about and me... (held his arm)

'Us? You and me?' Really? I thought...but why do I care!

Jk: I don't think so... (carefully taking his arm away)

I saw Jisoo and Lisa coming out of their class so I rushed to them... after all I did not want to stay around them...

Y/n: Guys!

Lisa and Jisoo: Hey y/n! let's hurry!

I nod


Ahh! Why is this girl always clinging onto me! Other girls appreciate me from far and I hate that also but that is way better than people clinging onto me.... I don't want these clingy people touching me without my will...

Why did Y/n leave me here!? With HER...!

Jk: Wait for me! I am coming!!

I sprint towards y/n, Lisa and Jisoo.

Y/e Pov:

Why does he always get away? Y/n is like a thorn in my way! I have to get rid of her...

Y/n Pov :

We reached the office where others along with Jason were already waiting for us.

Deen: So I think everyone is here!?

Rm: Yes Sir!

(Author's Note: Y/n - Imagine Yourself
Y/e - Imagine Your enemy's dumb face
About Jason... Well just forget it 😂 ok ok just imagine a black figure with expressions because I cant give negative roll to a real existing human sorry!)

Deen: I wanted to inform you that the moon sword has been stolen we've heard that there have been attackes at the sapphire palace for the moon dagger!

Everyone gasp...

'Should I be concerned? I don't know what is this...' I thought

Deen: For your information... Moon sword and dagger are one of the most dangerous weapons... If the evil reunite them and unlock it they can cause huge destruction!

'Oh right deen can read my mind!'

Jk: They can't do it until the locket starts to glow... Without the touch of the Moon Princess they can do nothing!

So what can we do... I mean scary but... Oh he can hear me! Stop thinking! Stop thinking!

Deen: (chuckles) cannot! The moon locket is safe but I want you to get it as well! You have to collect them back and bring it!

Why we? I don't wanna go! Already I am brilliant at causing chaos... I learnt a little... Doesn't mean I know everything! Nope... I am not doing it... Why can't he go? Deen is more powerful and experienced.... I will get through... Oh no! Stop thinking! Stop thinking!

Deen's Pov:

Students thoughts...

*Tae: Can we refuse! Oh no!*(in the mind)
*Suga: Why??? No I don't like it I want to sleep!*(in the mind)
*Jimin: there are better people with more experience...then why we? *(in the mind)
*Rm: What about classes? We shouldn't miss them...*(in the mind)
*J hope: I am not going out in the dangerous forests... My hearteu!* (in the mind)
*Jin: What will I eat? I mean will they respect my handsome face by welcoming me in the palace and giving me tasty food?*
*Jk: How can the moon sword be taken!? This is serious...Is Dad informed!*(in the mind)

*Jennie: This is indirectly against the rules... What about attendance! I haven't even missed a day yet!*(in the mind)
*Rose: Where should we get it from!?*(in the mind)
*Jisoo: Is it that easy to get? Then why don't anyone else get it?*(in the mind)
*Lisa: Sounds dangerous...what if anyone is injured?*(in the mind)

*y/e : Good way to come closer to Jungkook!*(in the mind)
*Jason: Good way to prove I am smarter than Namjoon and get the position of head of Student Council!*(in the mind)

Deen: For now you all can leave!

I know Y/n doesn't wanna go... I have to make sure she does... Others also were not very convinced by this... I have to think of something... Y/e and Jason have their own reasons to go... (sigh)

Day before competition:

I was getting comfortable with all of this I was learning how to control my powers... I discovered that I can make both light and dark auras and because of this dance practice all the members of our house came closer and became friends. They pranked each other and enjoyed each other's company as well.

Me and Jungkook also became good friends. Even during recess all of us sat together. I think having friends is the best feeling... I know I hated to make friends because as a kid I was rejected in past like more than a 100 times...and actually I was called the 'Jungle Girl...' that is why it makes me angry!

Until now there were a few who had found their mates... Every time a mate chain start to shine and select the eyes widen... I was not really interested in it but something about it attracted me a lot the glow...maybe. We had 2 couples chosen by the mate pearls...

Taehyung (Air)  X  Lisa (Earth)

Suga (Fire)  X Rose (Earth)

Suga and Rose did like each other from before and accepted each other as their mates but Taehyung and Lisa did not really loved each other...

Rm: OK guys...get your dresses and suits done! I think we all are good with the practice... I am confident about you guys!  We can win it!

All: Yes!!! Whoo!

Rm: OK what I wanted to tell you all is if you haven't decided your dresses or suits how about shopping?

Jisoo: In the human world???

Rm: We can go there as Deen has allowed one day off for practice and getting what we require...

Everyone except Suga: yes... Yayy!!

Suga: Namjoon?

Rm: Yes?

Suga: Can you get me the suit...? However you know my size...

Rm: Why can't you get it on your own?

Suga: Ah...

Rm: You are lazy!

Suga: Fine I am if that is what you want to call me and allow me to rest!

Everyone laugh.

Rose: Yoongi! Come on! For me?

Suga: Alright!

Everyone widen their eyes...

Rm: You agreed? So easily! Rose please be around us... This mate pearl surely is a thing!

Everyone start to laugh

Rm: OK then tomorrow 8am shrap everyone be ready!

Jennie: You sure about the Deen...?

Rm: I've read the rule book... It clearly says we can go to human world on days off without using our powers and spells... So be careful we shouldn't get caught using our powers....

Everyone: OK

To be continued...

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