Lap 5 - Secrets of the Ancient Past

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After so much wait, the Grand Prix has finally reached to the final round.

Where the course selected for this occasion is also at the same place where the last Grand Prix was held, Sand Ruins.

It's located in a desert area, where there's sand flowing everywhere, creating various of dunes for Extreme Gears to use as ramps.

From there, the scene focuses at first in the middle of a desert temple, where the audience and the starting gate are.

The crowd's cheers are filled with excitement of who's going to win the final race.

There, a floating bill board shows an image of Omochao making a huge announcement.

Omochao: Hello there, everyone! Welcome all to the finals of the Second World Grand Prix. As usual, I'm your host Omochao, your eyes in the sky. All of the Riders for this tournament have done their best and put on an amazing show. Also, for those who reached all the way to the finals, congratulations! And if you're all wondering who the contestants participating here the finals, here they are!

In the billboard where Omochao is, there are 8 profile pictures of Riders representing.

Accelerator was one of those 8 Riders by barely a few points since he got 2nd in the last race.

Unfortunately, that goes the same for Urchin, but the other two members of Team Pacifica are not there.

Neither Dive or Lance's pictures showed up either, which means they weren't able to make it to the finals.

Omochao: Again to all those Riders, congratulations for coming this far. Now sit back and prepare yourself for the very last race!


A little far from the desert temple, Accelerator and his friends are hanging around in a little remnants of old ruins.

Specifically the same place where Jet the Hawk and his team hanged out before the finals of the first Grand Prix.

The group was a little silent until Dive spoke up.

Dive: Dudes, I can't believe the finals are here. Course it's a bummer I didn't make it, but at least I'm still excited to see how this race will go on from here. Ain't that right, Accelerator dude?

Accelerator: You said it, Dive. I never been excited in all my life after making it this far.

Echo: Guys, I hate to butt in on the competition. But Accel, I think we should get down onto important business.

Accelerator: Yeah... you're right.

Sapphire: I'm sorry Accel, we're not trying to put pressure on you-.

Accelerator: I know Sapphire, besides if I don't speak up to you guys, I would feel like I'm dodging a blame.

Sapphire: So... is it true, Accel? Your memories finally came back?

Accelerator: ...Yes. It took a while, but I finally remember. All of it.

???: What?

The group then turn their heads to where that sudden voice came from. Finding out that it was Lance who came out from a pillar.

Accelerator: Lance!

Echo: Hey, man. Were you seriously eavesdropping?

Dive: What's this dude doing here?

Lance: I'm sorry for disturbing you, I only came to find Accelerator.

Accelerator: Find me? For what?

Lance: I... didn't get a chance to say thank you. If you hadn't did what you've did, Team Pacifica would've finished me off. I've met many Riders in the past, but this is the first to meet who would save someone than to finish the race. So, thank you.

Accelerator: Heh, you're welcome Lance. Besides, you didn't have to bother telling me all this, I helped you because it was the right thing to do.

Lance: I see. So, what's this about you finally remembered?

Echo: Why are you interested? This has nothing-

Accelerator: It's alright, Echo.

Echo: But, Accel!

Accelerator: Lance also has the right to be here with us.

Lance: What do you mean?

Everyone was confused, but then Accelerator began to explain.

Accelerator: Well...

After for a moment, Accelerator and his friends told about his amnesia to Lance, as well as telling everyone how he got his memories back.

Lance: I... had no idea Accelerator had a case of memory loss.

Dive: Tell me about it, dude. I was surprised about that myself.

Sapphire: So, Accel. During the last race before the end, after you saved Lance and hold onto him to keep him from falling, that's when your memories came back.

Accelerator: Yeah, pretty much. Although it kind of triggered a bad memory at first, the rest came after that.

Lance: ...I'm sorry.

Accelerator: What!? No, I didn't say I'm blaming you Lance! Besides, it's like I said, because of you I finally have my memories back.

Echo: Accel, now that you got your memories back, can you tell us everything? About who you are, and where did you come from?

Accelerator looked at his friends, which they all nodded to give him the go ahead.

He then took a deep breath a began to speak.

Accelerator: Alright, here it goes...

But before he begins to talk, he uncovered his right glove, showing some sort of mark on his right hand.

Dive: Dude, what's with that mark?

Echo: ...! Tha-That's...!

Sapphire: Echo, is something the matter?

Echo: *nodded*There's no doubt about it. That mark... it's a symbol that represents Babylon.

The members of the circle on confused, but Accelerator was actually surprised to hear it from Echo.

Echo: Wait a minute... Then that means...! Accel... you're-!

Accelerator: Yes. I... am a Babylonian.

Echo was shocked to hear his friend is actually a Babylonian, while the others are confused.

Dive: Huh? What's a baba-whatchamacallit?

Sapphire: Echo, you know who Accelerator is?

Echo: Yes, a Babylonian. The Babylonians are an ancient-civilization, which according to the legends, they gained their reputation for their existence of being great thieves. And believe it or not, they're also responsible for the earliest creation of the Extreme Gears.

Lance: And... that is who Accelerator is?

Echo: You bet.

Now it was Sapphire, Dive, and Lance who are shocked to hear from this.

Dive: Wait, so you're saying our Gears were made like, ancient-long time ago? No way dude, you must be kidding, right?

Echo: Believe it or not, it's all true. You didn't actually think your dash board was made with the present's current technology, did you?

Sapphire: How do you know all of this, Echo?

Echo: Us Extreme Gear engineers study about the Babylonians' history before making the boards themselves. To think I would actually meet an actual Babylonian in person who happens to be my best friend. Accelerator, you're really amazing.

Accelerator: Aw come on Echo, don't give me too much credit, it's kind of embarrassing.

Lance: Why don't we start from the very beginning, Accelerator. About your early life all the way to how your memories were lost.

Accelerator: Right, you're right Lance. Okay, where should I begin...

From there, Accelerator started telling his story.


It starts seeing the view of space, then it shifts to a planet that seems the opposite of Earth. With so much green and less blue.

Accelerator: It's like Echo said, I am part of an ancient civilization from a long time ago. But the truth is me and my people are not from this planet.

From seeing the planet, the scene shifts to see the same ancient-like technological city Accelerator saw earlier. Only it's much clearer.

Accelerator: -I come from a distant planet called, Babylonius. In which my people live in ancient-like cities and use advanced technology to make our lives comfy. But I guess you can say my people are "greedy". They have an intense desire to expand their horizons since my planet is a lot smaller than where we're on.

The next scene shows Babylonian people building what appears to be a city, but then turned into a familiar spaceship.

Accelerator: For that reason, they decided to, uh... What's that word? Right, colonize empty planets as part of their "big picture". So my people have built a spaceship to travel. Which is called, Babylon Garden.

Echo: ...! Babylon Garden...!?

Accelerator: Yes. Anyway, I was one of the ones who boarded the ship a long time ago, which I was young at the time.

It was first seen the Babylon Garden traveling through space, then it showed the residents inside walking around and some controlling the island ship.

But suddenly, there was a malfunction and soon enough, the island ship begin to crash when they reached the planet Earth, where there was the giant storm and was years ago through that time.

The citizens are taking shelter, and the young Accelerator was seen holding onto his friend, repeating the scene from earlier.

The Babylon Garden was able to save itself by disconnecting the Arks of the Cosmos (see Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity) and remain in orbit around the planet.

Accelerator: After crashing here on this huge blue ball, we already found out there are already people living here. Back in the ancient times or something. But the worst part is, because we disconnected Babylon Garden's engine unit, we were left in orbit around the planet and have been stuck here for years. We couldn't return home anymore.

Various scenes then show of the Babylonians living their daily lives and playing around on the island ship.

Accelerator: So, we decided that Babylon Garden is our home from now on. And everyday, we continued our lives.

Then it showed Babylonians descended on Earth on began to steal treasure across the globe.

Accelerator: But there was more, we already realized this planet is full of highly valuable stuff. So, as Echo mentioned earlier again, my people stole lots of this world's valuable treasure and were known as great thieves. But there was one more thing I will never forget from now on. And that was... the making of the Extreme Gear.

From within the ship, it showed a Babylonian who knitted and used magical technology-like on a carpet. Which is revealed to be the very same Flying Carpet that Sonic, Jet, and their friends found that day.

Accelerator: It was made by one of the Babylonian leaders named Stolen, he was the creator. He made the Gears in order to help us fly and make our jobs as thieves much easier. Well at least at first, but later then, kids like me started to use the prototype-gears for racing and having fun.

It later showed the young Accelerator racing with his friends throughout the ship, having fun and laughing in joy with each other.

*end flashback*

Accelerator: I can remember that like it was yesterday...

Everyone was silent as they were shocked by how Accelerator told them about his life based on his memories.

Echo: W-Wait a minute, slow down. So, Accel... you're saying that you and the other Babylonians... are from a different world?

Accelerator: Yeah, I know it's hard to believe in your case.

Echo: Believe...!? No, it's more insane than that just by hearing from you. Throughout the ages, studying the Babylonians history and origins for years. Only to hear about their deepest secret of coming from another world... This is just amazing...!

Dive: So wait, dude. Are you like, an alien or something?

Sapphire: Dive, that's rude to say that to him!

Dive: Oh, uh. S-Sorry, about that.

Accelerator: No, it's fine.

Sapphire: But overall, Accel. I know it sounded tragic from the beginning, but I'm glad to know you had a good life and that you weren't alone.

Accelerator: Thanks, Sapphire. You always see the good in me.

Lance: Accelerator. You said something about arriving to our planet back in ancient times. That would mean this... Babylon Garden, you, and your people arrived like thousands of years ago. I know you are different, but you couldn't have lived longer than the rest of us, right?

Accelerator: No, you're right Lance. At one point, many of my people started to disappear one by one. But before we were all gone, my people made stasis pods to keep me and the rest of the Babylonians in so we can live on or something. After so much time passed and we woke up, me and my people decided to live on the planet and hid Babylon Garden from the rest of the world. I started wandering around with my Gear Stolen made for me later on, and you know the rest.

Echo: Until I found you back in Future City... to us being here right now.

Accelerator: I should really thank mostly you Echo.

Echo: Huh? For what?

Accelerator: Isn't it obvious, if I hadn't met you and join this race in the first place, I never would've met Sapphire, Dive, or Lance. In fact, it was all thanks to you guys I got my memories back. So... thank you so much.

Echo: Accel...

Sapphire: Accel.

Dive: Accelerator, dude.

Lance: ...So, what now?

Everyone then turned to Lance, where he faced and spoke to Accelerator.

Lance: Now that you have your memories back, what do you plan to do?

Accelerator: Well... I didn't plan to enter this tournament just to get them back. But after this is over, I plan to go back to Babylon Garden.

Sapphire: What?

Accelerator: Whether I win or lose, it doesn't matter. After I finish with the Grand Prix, I'm heading back to my second home. There's something I need to do over there.

Sapphire: Accel...

Accelerator: But since I made this far, I might as well go for the win.

Accelerator's friends looked at each other and they chuckled a bit.

Echo: Now that's the Accel, I know.

Dive: Yeah, for sure. After all there's no way you can ever back down from a race.

Lance: We'll be cheering for you all the way.

Sapphire: Accel, I know you can win. I believe in you.

Accelerator: Thanks, guys. Come on, let's go finish this!


It's now time for the final race to begin, and the crowd's cheers are much louder than ever.

Accelerator's friends and the two other members of Team Pacifica are up on the stands, watching for their own Riders to cheer.

Omachao: Alright, everyone. You know, you've guessed it, the final race is about to begin! But unlike the last Grand Prix, this stage will be a little different.

Some of the racers and members of the audience are confused, but then they see up in the sky the sun and the moon be together. Making a total solar eclipse.

But after it was formed, there was a small sudden earthquake.

While the earthquake was happening, the course started to shift and change. The sands began to split and fall out like waterfalls, revealing an ancient-city like ruin.

Omachao: Today is very special since the solar eclipse is here, revealing a new surprising course. Now contestants, please get ready.

Urchin: Heh, who cares what kind of course it is. In the end, I'm going to wipe everyone off the floor, especially you... kid.

Accelerator: Don't be sure about it, cheater. I may have lost last time, but this time is different.

Everyone then prepared themselves, with Accelerator saying one last thing...

Accelerator: Alright... Let's ride!

At the climax of the final lap, both Accelerator and Urchin are neck-to-neck.

Just when they're about to reach the finish line, Urchin started bash Accelerator.

But Accelerator maintained his balanced and bashed harder on Urchin in response, sending him spinning from behind.

Urchin then started to get enraged and attempted to bash Accelerator once more. However, Accelerator saw it coming and pulled the brakes a little, leading Urchin to crash into a wall.

Unfortunately for him, Urchin's Extreme Gear was too damage due to the crash that its core engine blew up.

This sent Urchin spinning out of control and eventually fell off from his dash board face-first and rolling on the ground.

With that said, Accelerator was finally able to reach the finish line. Meaning that the winner of the second World Grand Prix is Accelerator.

Echo: He did it! Accel won! He actually won!

Dive: Way to go, dude! You totally beated that sucker!

Sapphire: *smiles*Accel...

Lance: ...*chuckled and nodded*

Accelerator got off his board to see around him the crowd cheering for his victory, which he's glad.

Accelerator: Heh, now that's how I ride.

Urchin was still on the ground, looking at Accelerator as he's upset at himself for losing.

Urchin: No way... I lost to that kid... me!?

His other two teammates were also shocked as well.

Humpback: Aw, no way! The boss actually lost?!

Reefa: It can't be...!

And after moments have passed, the curtain closed for the Grand Prix.


It's now at the time where the sun sets, and Accelerator and his friends are outside at the entrance of the desert temple.

Sapphire: Accel, you were amazing out there. Congratulations.

Dive: Yeah dude, you totally nailed it and deserved that win!

Lance: Not only you were able to beat Urchin, but you were able to be yourself at all times during the race, and that's all it matters.

Accelerator: Gee, thanks you guys. But seriously, I was able to win because of all of you. I don't think I would've made this far in going all the way if it wasn't for any of you.

Echo: Accel... thanks a lot. Are you really going back to Babylon Garden?

Accelerator: Yes, and I meant it.

Echo: But why? I understand that place is your home, but there's more to it is there?

Accelerator: It's... kind of hard to tell you guys. All I could say is there's something important I need to do.

Sapphire: Oh... okay. We understand.

Accelerator: Sorry about this. But you guys, thanks for everything. I'm glad I got the chance to meet and ride with you all.

Dive: Dude, why are you acting all teary? Aren't we coming with you?

Accelerator: What? Dive, what are you saying?

Echo: Yeah, come on Accel. You didn't think we're gonna just let you go, do you?

Accelerator: Echo. But...

Echo: I know this is a personal problem, but whatever it is, it's our problem too. So we're coming with you.

Lance: He's right, you know. Besides, I still haven't repaid the favor from earlier.

Accelerator: Lance...

Sapphire: Accel, I want to come with you too.

Accelerator: Sapphire?

Sapphire: You saved me too, so I want to help you see this through. Please?

Echo: *chuckled*Looks like your ride with us is far from over, Accel.

Accelerator: Guys... You're the best friends I ever have. Alright, let's do this! Next stop, Babylon Garden!

All: Yeah!!!

To be continued...

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