Chapter 17: Hooligans land

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(Astrid's pov)

We finally reached our destination. According to those who've been here before us, they've said that the nation here is called England. I leaped out of the ship and landed on the ground beneath our ship, I then stretched out my sore limbs and sighed heavily, I could a steep slope in front of us, so I decided to see what was beyond these lands, I climbed up the slope and gasped at the sight of nothing but grass and bodies of lakes. I then looked behind me to see Bjornolf beside me, he pecked my lips and chuckled at the beautiful sight of land for our people.

"Beautiful." He said, I turned to him to see he was smiling warmly at me. "Just like you." He added, I snorted and rolled my eyes at my husbands compliment, he then wrapped a bulky arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. "What's wrong?" He asked, I looked into his eyes and shook my head. "Don't get me wrong, this land and everything it holds is beautiful. Its our future! But... how long will we need to fight the Christians to hold our new home? I don't want to fight forever, despite what people think." I said before continuing. "I want to grow old and see our people thrive and see how blessed the next generations of Hooligans and White Wolves are to have such bountiful lands and see our people live without the fear of dragons."

Bjornolf tilted my chin and kissed me, I had gotten used to my husbands lips, I had to, but I let him kiss me as he had done many times before. His lips were always greedy and his tongue was eager, but I stood there with one of my arms around his neck, doing nothing. Feeling nothing. I did not kiss him back and I did not push him away.

It was never unpleasant, but I craved something different–a kind of kiss that my heart still craved deeply. My eyes fluttered closed and I slowly started to kiss Bjornolf back, because I was imagining, for a moment, that I was kissing someone else. In my mind, my husbands lips were Hiccup's. It was sad. Pathetic, really. But somehow, that made it just a little bit better.

"Ugh! Get a room you two."

I broke the kiss to see Snotlout join us, Bjornolf elbowed the stocky and arrogant heir in the ribs, causing him to yelp in pain and shoot Bjornolf a dirty glare, but my husband ignored it. Soon enough, those among us that were our age-- both Hooligan and Wolf tribe were sent to scout ahead while our two tribes chieftains and warriors help our people unload the supplies, livestock and war machines.

As we all walked together to scout ahead, I closed my eyes and sighed in content as the warm sun caressed my skin, and the light breeze that ran through my hair, I could see massive mountains to the left of us and a large scar that overlooked the land slope we were upon.


I turned to my right to see Fishleg's face twist with excitement, Bjornolf chuckled at the bulky Ingerman and nudged him. "Its just land FIshlegs, whats so special about it?" He asked teasingly, Fishlegs stared at my husband and gave him an unamused look. "You know that these lands will bear us the promise of rich crops and expand both our villages as one." Fishlegs then pointed his war hammer down to the scar of the valley and continued. "All this? Its ours." Fishlegs then turned around and bowed his head, we all turned and bowed our heads at the sight of Stoick and Magnus behind us, each chieftain looked beyond the land that we have now claimed and they both chuckled in awe and wonder.

"Oh Val... I hope you're seeing this." Stoick said, Magnus turned to his friend and nudged him. "Those of our people who are farmers will grow prosperous crops on these lands! And without the interface of those dragons, we won't have to worry about losing more food than we can grow." Stoick nodded in agreement before countering Magnus's words. "True, but we will face retaliation from the Christians for invading their land. We must set up our defenses, have our warriors patrol the area and have our people begin setting up camp, and hopefully? Start building our new village. As one tribe."

I then stepped up to Stoick. "Chief? If I may, I'd like to request I'd patrol around the area." I said in a firm tone, Ruffnut stepped up, so did Alva and hand fulls of shield maidens and valkyries. Stoick and Magnus chuckled but nodded. "Yes, I do not know what purposes Christian women serve in this land, but I do know this, the women of our land are as fierce as wolves and the Christians should be very afraid." Causing both Stoick and Magnus to laugh, they then gave us permission to scout ahead, while the men were ordered to help everyone else set up camp.

I then turned to the women behind me and nodded at them all. "Lets go stretch our legs ladies. Its been a long journey after all." I said, they hummed in agreement and followed down the slope that led to the scar of the valley. But as we were crossing the valley, we all heard a loud roar that pierced the air, I ordered my fellow female companions to form a shield wall and ready themselves for anything to attack them.

Then we saw it.

We saw a massive four winged dragon whose head resembled an owl, and on top of the massive dragon was... a rider. The rider was wearing brown leather armor with splashes of teal on the breast plate, the rider also wore a strange helmet with two small tusks in the front and strange long spikes coming off on the scalp of the helm. The rider also wore a maroon colored cape that was flapping in the light breeze, this strange figure carried a long staff with jagged spikes and what looked like... rattlers embedded in them and also held a Viking shield with a strange dragon painted on it, which resembled the riders helmet.

And just like that? The rider and the dragon were gone.

I stepped out of the shield wall and looked up toward the heavens with a gaped open mouth. I then turned to see Alva and Ruffnut behind me, they each turned to me. "What in the name of Thor was that?" Alva asked in a shaky tone, I steadied my rapidly beating heart and took a deep breath before shaking my head. "I have no idea. But we need to inform Stoick. Lets go."

(Normal pov)

As the group of young Viking women retreat back to their camp, the mysterious dragon rider hovers above the clouds and removes their helmet to reveal the former Queen of the Hairy Hooligans. Valka Haddock. Since she was taken from her family so many years ago, she has formed her own tribe of dragon riders, they are called the Ryttere. And they have remained hidden amongst the Vikings for eighteen years. But despite their best efforts, Valka and her tribe have done everything they could to steer dragons away from the Viking tribes that would try and kill them, but the dragon raids have gotten so bad in Norway that thousands of Viking and Dane tribes have fled to these lands.

Valka also heard that there is a Night Fury here and a rider upon its back. The Queen of the Ryttere needed to know where this Night Fury and its rider were and would try to offer the two an invitation to join them.

But first she needed to find the duo. And she knew just where to look. The traders she questioned weeks ago said the Night Fury and its rider dwell in the trading Kingdom of Arendelle. Valka then patted her Stormcutter-- Cloudjumpers neck and purred. "C'mon Cloudjumper. Lets go find this Night Fury and its rider." The Stormcutter nodded and the two flew to where the trader told them Arendelle was located.

A/N: Short, I know. But pretty soon? Hiccup will meet up with his mother and her tribe of dragon riders, they will embed themselves with the Saxons and fight along side them, and soon Hiccup will teach Elsa and Anna how to bond and train their own dragons. Stay tuned for more to come.

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