Chapter 22: Hardship

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(Hiccup's pov)

"Row you bastards!! ROW!!!"

One of the ships taskmasters whipped a nearby slave and that man cried out in agony as the whip stripped flesh off. My muscles ached and I felt like I'd pass out any minute; we've been rowing Svens ship for days, the Viking slaver and his crew were heading to Iceland and informed of us that that was where we were to go and where work was needed to be done by us slaves.

I groaned in pain as I rowed, my auburn strands sticking to my forehead and my tunic sticking to my sweaty skin and I took slow breathes while trying to ease the pain on my side, I stepped out of line and received a whip lash near my hip. Thankfully Sven allowed my wound to be treated so I could continue to help row the ship, but the pain spread up to my body it burned.

In front of me, I could hear Edgar coughing and gave raspy breathes, I spoke up over the waves. "Edgar!! Are you alright?" My friend turned his head and nodded. "I-I need rest." He wheezed out, I honestly couldn't blame him, some of these men rowing the ship with us? They'd been slaves for their whole lives, and they all looked like they'd drop from dehydration.

I looked up to see Sven glaring down at me, he then smirked at he unclipped a water skin from his belt and began drinking, he then approached to where I was seated and crouched above deck to look down on me. "Are you thirsty Lord Haddock?" He asks in a taunting tone, I glare at him and continue rowing, he then snickers and continues speaking. "Food. Water. Clothing. Shelter. These... necessities are beneficial to our survival as a species, and yet its amazing how men can take for granted of such the little things such as water and food." He cocks his head at me and grins wickedly. "You will fetch a high price in the auction upon arriving to Iceland. I have friends who would love to own a traitorous Christian slave and use said slave as target practice."

I swallowed thickly and groaned loudly while still rowing, I tried shoving away any thoughts of being sold like an animal. Its bad enough that I'm already a slave with Edgar by my side, but to be separated even further from Toothless, my mother and my wives? It would tear me apart piece by piece.

Sven then roared out. "STOP!!" As his voice rung in the air, the slaves let relieved sighs and began gulping down air as if it would be the last breath they'd draw, and for some of the slaves here? That theory might just happen. Sven then stood back up and turned to his crew. "Give the slaves food and water. They all look half dead and the last thing I need is to lose half our stock before reaching Iceland."

"Yes Master Sven."

The slavers crew took out bags filled with bread loaves and began tossing them to the nearest slave, when mine hit my lap, I took a big bite and savored the breads flavor. As I began chewing, I couldn't help but wonder if my wives were dead. What if Hans and his thugs managed to end Elsa and Anna's lives and... and I wasn't able to protect them? Or my mother, I had just gotten her back and the thought of losing her caused tears to swell in my eyes. And what of Toothless? For all I know he's the last of the Night Fury species and he could've been killed too.

"Hiccup? What is it?"

Edgar's voice snapped me back into reality as I turned to my friend, I sniffled and let tears slide down my face. "What if Hans and Chadwick killed my family? Those traitors have usurped true rulers for their own... selfish desires. Now the whole of England is in peril." I stated, Edgar nodded in agreement, he had just swallowed a bite of bread and spoke. "You're right. And believe me, being chained up and rowing to our possible deaths isn't the most charming thoughts I've had these past few days and nights. But we need to be calm. Our time will come." He reassured me, I nodded at him, he was right. We were warriors and when the time came? We'd kill every slaver on this ship and liberate all these wretched souls who've been forced to bow and scrape to scum like Sven.

Our time will come. All we needed to do was wait for an opportunity to present itself.

(Normal pov)

The news of Arendelle being sacked and having Hans as the trading kingdoms new king spread throughout all of England. Viking and Dane ships continue to sail to the West at alarming rates, with the gateway to all England ruled by a man infected with greed, corruption and hatred, the whole of the West is in danger.

In fact, King Hans of Arendelle has allowed Vikings and Danes to simply enter the trading kingdom and go directly into the heart of England to conquer the lands for themselves. The sight of dealing with heathens caused the people of Arendelle to be sick, but they feared Hans who destroy them all with his... demonic gifts. He would burn Arendelle's people alive for rising up and challenging his rule, so, all the people could do in these dark times was to pray for guidance.

Hans, his housecarl Aiden and handfuls of his thugs had been riding toward the mountains for days now in search of Elsa and Anna, the journey was longer than expected, but finally, upon riding around the mountains, there was a massive plain of land and across that land was... another mountain that had strange teal colored ice sticking out in every direction and the ice sat on top of the mountain.

"What is that?"

"I've never seen ice that color before."

"Its bloody massive!!"

Hans turned to his men and seethed out. "Quiet." His cold tone caused the men to immediately hold their tongues, the Crown Prince then turned to the mountain covered with this strange colored ice and nodded at the sight. "They are here. And with their husbands mother and her tribe of dragon riders no doubt." Hans then turned back to Aiden and patted his shoulder. "Aiden. You will ride back to Arendelle and raise my army to march here, once they arrive? We take the mountain and kill Elsa and Anna, as well as any who oppose us within that mountain."

Aiden swallowed thickly and stuttered. "B-but P-prin-nce Hans... what of Arendelle?" Hans turned to his housecarl and bared his teeth at the man. "Chadwick and Arendelle's army will ensure the people do not revolt and will ensure that the Vikings won't do anything stupid like trying to take my kingdom." The Crown Prince then spoke lowly yet in a dark and commanding tone. "Now go." 

Aiden bowed his head and urged his horse to ride like the wind, once the housecarl was out of sight, Hans turned to his men and spoke. "Set up camp and go hunting. I'll devise a plan of attack once the our army is gathered." The men who accompanied their prince bowed their heads and dismounted their horses before getting to work on setting up camp, leaving Hans to stare at the icy mountain with a devilish smirk. "I hope these dragon riders give us a challenge..." He murmured to himself while playing with an orb of pure flame in his palm. "...mmm, no matter. Elsa and Anna will die either way and all loyal to them and their family will die too."

(Anna's pov)

I awoke to the sounds of dragons roaring and people up and about, I turned to my right to see Elsa sleeping beside me, with last nights events, we held each other close in the night. I wanted to cry my eyes out when Valka told us that Hans had sold Hiccup into slavery. I knew Hans was not to be trusted, something felt wrong about that... monster since I first laid eyes on him. Now the whole of England has been reporting the heathens numbers have grown as far as the eye could see upon the sea and have simply been allowed to march straight through Arendelle and go right into the heart of England.

Hans has betrayed every single Christian kingdom by allowing these heathen animals to slaughter, conquer and raid our lands. Upon hearing the loud roars of nearby dragons, I decided to get up, and grab a bar of soap and towel so that I can bathe for the day.


I turn around to see Elsa rising from bed too, I smile lightly at her and show her the towel and soap I have in hand. "I'm going to bathe. Sorry if I woke you." I said, Elsa shook her head at my words and got up, she too grabbed a towel and soap. "I'll join you. We need to stay together." She said, I nodded at her, we then exited our chamber within the vast mountain that contained our personal bodyguards, many of the lords, nobles and servants loyal to us and of course our mother in law and her dragon riders.

Upon reaching an isolated spring, I stripped off my night gown and moved towards the water, beckoning Elsa to join me. Silently, we bathed each other, lingering on hips and sides and collarbones as we spread the soap across our bodies. I gently touched the top of Elsa's soapy breast lightly and paused, looking into her eyes as if wondering if she was alright with this. Elsa kissed me softly in answer and I cupped her breast fully, my other hand came to the other breast and I held them for a moment, feeling their weight and softness. My thumb accidentally brushed over a nipple and Elsa gasped softly. I felt it harden under my thumb and I brushed it again, more firmly. Elsa made a soft sound in the back of her throat as I continued to do so, my other thumb moving over my sisters other nipple as well. After a few moments Elsa began to tremble.

I bit her lip at the look on her face and took one between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed it softly. Elsa's eyes shot open with a gasp and I leaned in slightly to kiss her, taking advantage of her slightly parted lips to immediately deepen it. Elsa clung to me as I toyed with her nipples more firmly, making small sounds that made I wanted to coax even more from her. I pulled away from the kiss and veered sideways, focusing on the spot on my sisters neck that I knew drove her wild. Elsa arched into me, her head falling back and to the side, moaning. I growled softly as she felt Elsa's fingernails digging into my back and my body responded to the pleasurable pain. I pulled back and captured the Elsa's lips in a searing kiss. Elsa met me intensity with her own lips. As we moved together, one of my legs slipped between Elsa's and the sudden and intense heat from my womanhood made her hiss in pleasure. Elsa moaned loudly as I moved her thigh purposefully higher and felt a moisture that had nothing to do with the water we were standing in.

"Anna!" Elsa said my name in a near whisper as she moved against me burying her face in my neck.

I let go of her breasts, wanting to feel more of my sisters sweet heat. I wrapped one arm around her as the other slipped down her waist and under the surface of the water. For a moment, I hesitated, hand resting just below Elsa's bellybutton. This was meant to be just a bath, not... sharing pleasure with each other. I had questioned Elsa if us giving each other pleasure at times was alright with her, and she said she was; though many of our people would be revolted at the idea of us sharing this... taboo connection. But right now? I didn't care, because I loved both Hiccup and Elsa with all my heart. With my actions on pause, Elsa no doubt sensed my fear, she pulled back and kissed me softly.

"Please." She whispered softly. "I want you Anna."

At her words, all of my fears melted away. My hand moved down further until I was cupping Elsa's flower with my hand. The contrast of the cool water and the warm wetness there made her tremble and I kissed my sister as she made a small sound of pleasure. After a moment, I began moving my hand, fingers softly tracing the Elsa's lower lips. Slowly, I dipped one finger between them and traced it up and down.

Elsa's hips jerked and she gasped when my finger brushed over her clit. I circled it slowly and softly, enjoying making her tremble and gasp. Elsa moaned as my movements grew firmer and she clung on to me tightly, her fingers tugging my hair and clenching into my shoulder. I kissed her again, fingers moving faster as another joined the first. Elsa's hips moved against me and her moans got louder and louder with each moment.

"Inside me!" She whispered desperately. "Please!"

I hesitated only a moment, before moving one finger down to her opening. As wet as my sister was, my finger slipped easily inside and Elsa gasped as my digit was surrounded in wet heat even more intense. Elsa's inner walls tightened as I began to move. As my finger brushed one spot inside her, Elsa moaned louder than ever and her whole body jerked. I focused her attention on this one spot and a second finger joined the first. I hooked them slightly, making sure to firmly caress that one spot as my fingers moved in and out. Elsa writhed in my arms, throwing her head back as her hips moved to meet with my thrusts.

I watched her hungrily, never slowing as Elsa's inner walls suddenly contacted, squeezing around my fingers and her entire body shook. A soft cry escaped her lips and she trembled. I felt my own body respond to Elsa's release and I kept going, wanting to feel more. Elsa clung to me, crying out as I drove her over the edge again, the second release following the first so swiftly it was nearly one giant wave of ecstasy.

Finally, I slowed her fingers, slowly bringing Elsa down from the pleasure. My fingers stilled and I held her tightly as we both caught our breath. I slowly withdrew my fingers and Elsa shuddered, before kissing me soundly.

As we parted, Elsa laughed shakily. "That was incredible. I needed that." She whispered. I chuckled lightly and smiled at her. "Glad I could help." I whispered, my own body was still on fire, but I had very much enjoyed giving Elsa pleasure. Elsa leaned in and kissed me again. "Come on. Let's finish and get out. Valka will start sending her people to look for us." She stated. "Ok." Was all I could say as Elsa grabbed the soap again and they finished bathing.

When we got out of the spring, I bent over to retrieve the towels for us to dry off with. We dried off quickly, suddenly, Elsa grabbed me and gently laid me down on the smooth stone beneath our feet, as I propped herself on her elbows, staring at Elsa in confusion. "What are you d-" My indignant question was cut off as Elsa too joined me on the ground and cupped my chin, pulling me into a kiss.

She pulled back and chuckled at the surprised look on my face as she straddled me. "You didn't think I was going to leave you unsatisfied, did you?" She asked softly, hands coming up to cup my breasts softly as she leaned in for another kiss.

I kissed her back and let Elsa push me to the ground. I gasped as Elsa's thumbs brushed over my nipples firmly. My already sensitive body responded immediately to my sisters touch and I gasped softly as Elsa played with my nipples, teasing them into erect nubs. My eyes closed as I felt Elsa kiss my neck softly, nipping and sucking down to the bundle of nerves where my neck met my shoulder. Pleasure rolled up my spine as Elsa sucked the flesh in between her teeth sharply and her fingers, plucked and pinched at my nipples. My hips rolled upwards into Elsa's above her and shivered when she gasped and released my neck with a sharp pull.

"None of that." Elsa ordered, moving further down and completely surprising me by taking one of my nipples into her mouth.

My back arched and I moaned as Elsa sucked softly. My hands fisted in platinum blond hair as Elsa increased the suction before releasing it with a soft pop. She ran her tongue around it and then flicked it softly and I trembled at the sensation. Elsa switched nipples and gave the other the same attention and I mewled and shuddered as the sensations overwhelmed me. I was so distracted, I didn't notice Elsa's hand moving down until it was cupping my womanhood. My head rolled back and I moaned as Elsa's finger slipped between my lips and found that bundle of nerves.

Elsa's fingers traced circles around it softy, barely touching, driving me wild. Just as I thought I'd go crazy from wanting stronger sensations, Elsa's finger firmly brushed my clit and my hips jerked as she began flicking it back and forth. One of my hands left Elsa's hair to grasped the ground beneath me as my pleasure mounted. I couldn't hear the soft cries I was uttering as Elsa's movements quickened and grew firmer. My head arched back as my sister slowly moved her fingers down to trace my opening.

I tensed for a moment, as I felt her start to push a finger inside of me, but relaxed as my sisters thumb continued to play over my clit. I moaned loudly as Elsa started to thrust, gently at first, then more powerfully. I couldn't stop my hips as Elsa added a second finger and found that spot inside me that sent fire racing though my body. I cried out as the pleasure grew and grew, my body winding tighter and tighter with each thrust until something inside me burst and a wave of ecstasy rolled over me. A wordless shout was torn from my lips as Elsa pushed me more, drawing my pleasure even higher and I lost control of my body completely under the onslaught of it.

After what could have been seconds or hours later, Elsa slowed her fingers and I collapsed into a boneless mass on the ground, breathing heavily. I felt Elsa move to lay beside me and I gathered my strength enough to pull my sister close. We lay together silently as I tried to remember how to breathe."That was amazing." I finally managed, my voice shaky, Elsa giggled lightly and kissed my cheek. "I'm glad."

The sounds of dragons roars and peoples voices nearby encouraged us to finally get dressed come up with a plan to take our kingdom back from Hans and his army. We shared one last kiss before getting up and getting dressed, Elsa summoned ice armor that fit her body perfectly, Elsa then turned to me and summoned ice armor to fit my body too, I thanked her and she smiled at me. "C'mon. Let's go meet up with Valka and devise a plan to get our kingdom back." She said firmly, I nodded in agreement and we exited the spring cave.

(Hiccup's pov)

When sailing on the North Sea? I've learned one thing. That the sea is unpredictable, as is the weather.

And right now? I was praying to God to protect myself, Edgar and the other slaves on board this ship. Lighting flashed in the sky, rain pouring down on our heads and monstrous size waves coming down on the ship, though thankfully not dragging us all to a watery grave.


Our taskmasters held on for dear life while screaming out us slaves to bail the water out of the ship. The pouring rain was blinding my vision as I continued bailing, I shook my head to get strands of my hair out of my face and have clearer vision, I then turn to the nearest taskmaster and scream over the storm. "RELEASE OUR CHAINS!! WE"LL WORK FASTER!!!" The nearest taskmaster looked at me with both disagreement and fear, though not of me, but of being consumed by the storm.

"BAIL OR YOU'LL GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP!!!" The taskmaster roared at me over the storm, a wave came down on us and we all braced for the impact, I saw one of the taskmasters being dragged out to the open sea and another one fell over board. As the water came down on me, I shook my head to clear my vision, the taskmaster who'd been screaming at me managed to hold on and he screamed back at me. "YOU WANT TO LIVE? THEN BAIL AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!"

I could feel the ship rising and then we began sliding down a very tall and steep wave, a cry rang up in the air as a massive wave of water crashed down on us, I braced for the impact and was panting heavily. "Have mercy on us Lord God, I pray that you would protect us from this storm." I prayed under my breath while still bailing, I turned to see Edgar's face was twisted in effort to trying to prevent any more water from rising and the fear on his face as well. He turned to me and shook his head at me, as if saying that this may be the end of us.

I shook my head back at him and screamed over the storm. "DON'T YOU DARE LOSE HOPE EDGAR!! WE WILL SURVIVE THIS!!! I PROMISE!!!" Soon, another wave came crashing down on us, I grunted as the impact of the wave smashed me into the side of the ship I was on, I groaned in pain and gave out an exhausted sigh, I looked to the heavens to see lightning crackling and flashing throughout the sky as well as the trillions droplets of rain coming down on us and mumbled one last prayer. "Help us Lord. Place a protecting hand around this ship I ask and beg of you." As I continued bailing, I could only see more monstrous sized waves approaching us and the slaves whimpering in fear at the sight, I let out a shaky breath, there was nothing I could do but pray that we'd survive this ordeal.

(Valka's pov)


I heard Elsa's voice in the air, I turned around to see both her and Anna approach me with light smiles, I smiled back at them and hugged in greeting. "How are you girls doing?" I asked them, Elsa nodded and shrugged. "Could be better. Anna and I are ready to take our kingdom back from Hans and those by his side." She said, I nodded in understanding but also advised her. "Elsa, I am more than willing to have my clan help you and your sister reclaim your kingdom, but Hans has an army within Arendelle's walls and no doubt he's allied himself with some of the Viking tribes his allowed to march right into England. You need a plan of attack first." Elsa nodded in agreement, she then sighed with frustration; clearly upset that she and her sister were in this predicament.

I understood completely. Greedy men will do anything they can to seize power and don't care about the lives they'll ruin to ensure they secure the power they crave.

"I am without my war council to advise me on how to defeat Hans and his men and... without our husband." She whimpered out, Anna's face twisted with sadness, she held her sister close and whispered reassuring words to her, I approached my daughter in laws and hugged them both. "Shhh, I know how you feel Elsa, I do. But you need to have faith. We will get my son back and ensure that Arendelle is reclaimed, I promise. But right now? We need a solid plan of attack before thinking of attacking Hans." I say firmly, Elsa sniffled and nodded while trying to keep her tears at bay. "You're right. You're right. Come, let us devise a plan." She says, I nodded at her and led her to my chambers, I called on handfuls of my best dragon riders to accompany us.

When we arrived in my chambers, we approached a table made of stone and Elsa pulled out a map of the surrounding area near Arendelle, she studied the area we were at before pointing to the map. "This us. We're across this great plain of field and facing the massive mountains..." She then trailed her finger past the mountain to where the trading kingdom is. "...and about a day or two ride on horseback, is Arendelle. Hours by dragon. Hans brought nine hundred men with him, and with the lies he's spread about our "deaths" he'll no doubt have Arendelle's own army against us. Perfect." She said in a disbelieving tone, Anna studied the map and then looked up to me. "Valka, is it possible to send your best scouts to see what it is we face? If we have knowledge on what Han's plans are... maybe we can use them to our advantage."

I nodded in agreement and turned to my second in command-- Breena. The woman was in her late twenties, she had dirty blond hair and was a shield maiden and one of the best dragon riders in my tribe, her dragon of choice was a Devilish Dervish.

"Breena, take two of our best scouts and find out what we're facing." I say, Breena nods and exits my chambers to see her task done, I then turn back to Elsa. "Can you fight?" I ask, Elsa nods slightly. "A little, Hiccup taught both me and Anna how to fight." She informed, I nodded and smiled. "Good. Follow me to where our warriors train. If you're going to reclaim your kingdom? You need to be prepared to fight in order to take it." I say, Elsa and Anna nod in understanding, I then dismiss my fellow riders and lead my in laws to begin todays training.

(Elsa's pov)

Upon arriving to where Valka's people train, I was a little intimidated. After all, Valka and her people were still Vikings, even though they rejected their gods and have embraced our way of life. The people of the Norths fighting style was brutish, animalistic and wild, thats what I've been told at least. But Valka's Ryttere clan fought smart, they used timing, speed and agility to their advantage.

Valka led Anna and I to a secluded area of the training grounds, the woman had her staff in hand as well as her shield, she then turned to us and offered Anna a sword, when my sister took it, she unsheathed it and waited for our mother in law to speak. "Now, I know not how you fight Saxons, but regardless, Han's men will be ordered to kill you and you will need to prepare yourselves should a fight arrive at our doorstep." She then twirled her staff in hand and pointed it at both of us. "Come."

Anna and I shared a look before I summoned an ice sword and charged, I tried stabbed Valka, but she raised her shield up and my ice sword shattered upon making contact with the shield, Valka then bashed her shield into my chest, knocking me down, I grunted as I made contact with the stone ground beneath me. Anna was the next to charge, she brought her sword down on Valka's shield, the older woman blocked the attack, Anna then tried taking Valka's head off, our mother in law ducked under the attack and swept Anna's feet out from under her with her staff, causing Anna to fall down and groan in pain.

"Again! Come!" Valka urged us while tapping the ground with her staff, I got back up and summoned an frostbite sword and willed it to be stronger, with my weapon in hand I let out a cry and charged, I hacked and slashed at Valka, but the woman blocked and side stepped every single one of my attacks with ease, soon Anna joined in as well trying to catch the older woman by surprise, but Valka swatted away Anna's attack with her staff and then hooked her staff around Anna's leg and pulled; causing Anna to give out a yelp and fall back on the ground with a thud. I grunt and cry out as I try breaking Valka's guard, but the woman is clearly more experienced than I am. My mother in law then hits my side with her staff and then proceeds to bash her shield into my torso, causing me to grunt at the impact and fall, I quickly catch myself before I hit my head on the hard ground and pant heavily.

"You both need to gain better footing. I have seen that Saxon women are clearly not Viking women. The Saxon woman is meant to either be princesses, queens, servants, housemaids and look after children, whereas Viking women train their whole lives to be equally or more ferocious then their male companions. So... I won't judge you on your fighting, because you're both new to fighting. But, I will do everything I can to help my in laws to ready themselves for future conflicts." She said, I turned to Anna, we both shared a determined look and got back up, Valka twirled her staff and pointed it at us again. "Come." She said, both Anna and I let out battle cries and attack Valka as one. As we would attack Hans as one.

(Hiccup's pov)

When the storm had finally cleared hours later, we were instructed to bail out any remaining water, while the ship simply rode the waves. Sven had ordered all the slaves to rest while the waves simply carried us to our destination. I turned to see Edgar fast asleep, I couldn't blame him, we've been working non stop for days and without sleep, I could feel my eyelids were heavy and all I wanted in this moment of hardship was to be in bed with Elsa and Anna.

I closed my eyes and imagined my wives naked and warm flesh pressed against mine, the thought brought a smile to my lips, even just the thought of embracing and kissing my wives made me hold back tears that were threatening to burst. This may be my last days in this world and... I'll never see those I love again.


Of course I'll see them again!! I have to! I must!

I then felt something wet coming down on me, I opened my eyes to see one of the taskmasters pissing on me, I roared out in disgust and outrage, I grabbed the man pissing on me by his foot and yanked him down to my level, once he was down with me, I began bashing his face in while screaming in raw rage; blood spatter flying everywhere and splattering my face, but I didn't care, all I cared about right now was teach this slaver scum a lesson of my own.


"ARGH!!!" I screamed in agony as I stopped ferociously beating the taskmaster and backed off, I looked above deck to see Sven with a whip in hand and the torture tool was dripping with blood. My blood.

"Now that you got that out of your system, I'd advise not to do that again. Unless you want twenty lashes and no water or food rations." Sven seethed out, I snarled at the slaver and winced in agony as I felt blood seeping down my back and the sea spray touching my new wound and the salt from the sea added insult to injury. Sven then ordered his men to help the man I just beat and that they'd tend to my wound so that I wouldn't get infected.

One taskmaster lowered himself to my level and grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, he then poured wine on my back, I screamed in agony but the taskmaster snarled out. "Shut your mouth or I'll hack out your tongue!" I whimpered as the pain intensified and spread throughout my body, the taskmaster then wrapped my back with bandages, I looked out a small porthole to still see nothing but open water. This ship? And its cruel crew? They're just a taste of what Edgar, myself and these other slaves will face once we reach Iceland.

I silently prayed for all the slaves safety as well as my own and I prayed that the Lord would comfort my wives and mother, they must be worried sick about me. I only hope that an opportunity of escape presents itself once we arrive at Iceland, if not? Then I will suffer a fate worse than death for the rest of my days, and this was a fate I did not want to suffer.

(Snotlout's pov)

I had just finished todays training and I was ready for some food, so I entered our new Hall to find the place packed with our combined people-- Hooligans and Wolf tribe. I spotted Astrid, Bjornolf, Fishlegs, Alva, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, as well as many others our age eating, so I grabbed my plate of food and joined them, squeezing between Fishlegs and Alva, they both could smell my manly odor and cringed at the stench, as did those close enough to me.

"Odin's beard Jorgenson! Do you ever bathe?" Alva asked in a disgusted tone, I turned to the pretty girl and wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Whenever I feel like it babe, does my manly odor bother you?" I ask in a flirty tone, Alva's response was an irritated growl and a roll of her eyes, I then turned to see Astrid finish the last bite of her chicken and then discarded the bones on her plate, she then looked at me and I smirked seductively at her, she curled her lip at me. "What are you looking at?" She demanded, I shrugged and answered. "I'm looking, there's no harm in that."

"And all you can do is look Jorgenson." Bjornolf spat at me, he then clutched Astrid tightly. "Astrid is my wife, so don't get any ideas." He warned, I however smirked at Bjornolf and raise an eyebrow. "Too late big boy, I get ideas of your wife all the time." My words caused many at the table to groan and growl in annoyance, Astrid grabbed a dagger from her belt and stabbed the table while baring her teeth at me. "You can get... "ideas" all you want you disgusting shit. But I will never be your woman. Ever." She spat out, I nodded and shrugged. "Shame. I am heir to Berk, and technically... I could challenge Bjornolf to take claim of you."

Bjornolf roared in disgust and outrage, he then grabbed me by the color of my leather armor and leaned into my face and snarled out. "She has stated many times that she's not into you stupid fuck!! Now back off before I actually decide to kill you, and I'm sure I'd be doing Stoick a favor." I growled at smacked his hand off of me and snarled out. "Touch me again and I'll--"

"What? You'll do what Snotlout? Hmm?" Bjornolf asked, he then turned to everyone at our table and then embarrassed me. "The man-child of a Viking thinks he has the balls to fight me! I'd say he'd fill his breeches if I challenge him to fight." Everyone at our table chuckled and snickered, my blood pressure began rising, but before I could so much as speak, a beefy hand was on my shoulder, I turned around to see my uncle.

"Enough. Continue to behave like this? And I'll select someone else to be my heir." He said, his words immediately caused me to shut up, I then nodded in submission to my uncle, he released me and I walked away from the Hall with my teeth grinding in anger. Bjornolf is the only thing standing in my way of claiming Astrid as my future queen.

Maybe I should make her a widow. But then again, I'd be the top suspect and then I might as well kiss my place as heir of Berk goodbye. I growled in frustration and decided to turn my eyes to another woman and cut Astrid some slack.

For now.

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