Chapter 24: Prodigal son in chains

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(Normal pov)

Elsa's azure eyes shot open. The faint miasma of blood still hung in the air, a testament to the excruciating punishment she has endured. The lacerations on her ravaged back and the puncture wounds on her wrist and thigh held back their torment however, as if they were blocked by some invisible force.

Light flooded the room as the cell door groaned open, and Elsa averted her head. When her vision adjusted to the light, she turned to see who her visitor was.

"Oh my God..." A male voice gasped.

"Quickly, we have to free her." Said another, familiar voice.

She heard a sword unsheathe, and the sound of chains slicing as the blade fell followed. Then there was the sound of a key turning a few locks, and then a warm, gloved hand was on her face.

"Queen Elsa? Are you awake?" A tall man in a dark suit asked.

Athelwold. He was the newest member of Arendelle castle's servant corps, but he was also very loyal and very loving towards the two sisters.

Lifting her head weakly, Elsa caught sight of the servant and his companion. Standing next to him was none other than Aiden the Housecarl. There was blood dripping down the length his steel blade, which he then promptly wiped off with his fur cloak.

Elsa felt a piece of fabric gently placed over her nude body, but thankfully her wounds did not cry out in pain. Sebastian was about to carry her out but the blonde whispered faintly. "I thirst..."

Aiden took out his canteen and popped it open, going up to Elsa to give her a drink. The blonde greedily took in the drink, not caring at all that it tasted sour. She was severely dehydrated from the grievous blood loss and sweat. Having had nothing to eat or drink since supper the night before, she was painfully thirsty.

It took only a matter of seconds for Elsa to empty the canteen of its contents. Her thirst momentarily alleviated, Athelwold gently placed her over his shoulder, careful to not alleviate her wounds. They exited the cell, and Elsa noticed the dead guard she saw in her near-death experience lying supine on the floor. His head had been severed clean.

They stepped over his body and strode down the stone hallway, their hurried footsteps echoing through the hall. However, this wasn't the direction she had taken with the angel. "Where's... Anna...?" She slurred.

Athelwold grunted as he ducked down slightly to avoid having her hit her head on stone archway. The whiff of iron-- the scent of her blood- drifted in his nostrils. "She's with your mother in law and Irwin. They're waiting for us at the sewer..."


The malodorous stench became stronger, and Elsa felt her head spinning from the revolting smell. Why are they waiting in the sewer? They passed few more cell blocks before they made a sharp right. The smell was even stronger here.

Athelwold rapped his gloved knuckles on the door lightly thrice. "Alright, we're here Kai. Open up the gates."

The door creaked open, and Athelwold turned around so Elsa can see the rest of her saviors. She saw Irwin with sword in hand as well as the bodyguards he commands to protect the rulers of Arendelle. Elsa then saw Valka, who was tending over the still unconscious Anna, who was draped with bear fur. Kai and Aiden were unlocking the sewer gates, their eyes bloodshot from intense crying. They were trying their hardest to not get distracted by looking at Elsa, since that would have sent them bawling.

The rusted metal gates that lead down to the gullet of the sewer system groan as they part. "We'll stay behind..." Kai pulled out a wicked sharp butcher knife. There were already spots of dried blood on it. "We swear to God no one will catch you."

"I'm staying behind too." Aiden said. The housecarl pulled out his sword and stabbed it in front of him. "I'd rather die than tell Hans your whereabouts. You have my word, Queen Elsa."

Valka then picked up Anna, sniveling softly as she walks down the stairs. Irwin and the personal guards of the sisters trudged behind Valka, holding a torch to light the bleak path. Elsa found herself over Athelwold's shoulder again, and the servant followed them in. Her eyelids were heavy, and she just realized how exhausted she was.

The sound of the sewer gates closing was the last thing she heard before she passed out.

(Hiccup's pov)

As Edgar and I were still being towed by Olaf's men throughout the Iceland markets, I had looked for every possible form of escape, and the only one that came to mind was killing Olaf, his men and making a run for the nearest boat while all hell broke loose. 

What was I thinking?

Thats not a plan. This is a recipe for disaster. 

But what other choice do we have?

"Keep moving slave!!"

I turned around to see one of Olaf's men shove me, he bared his teeth at me and growled, having enough of being treated like an animal, something in me just snapped and I lashed out. I elbowed the Viking who shoved me and then then swiped at the keys around his belt, thankfully, our feet shackles were unlocked at the auction so that we wouldn't trip or fall over easily. 

"EDGAR!! RUN!!!" I roar out, Edgar nodded and ran, I then grab the nearest spear and hurl it at Olaf, the spear whistled in the air and then pierced flesh and bone, killing the fat Viking king in seconds. With Olaf now dead, I soon sprint after Edgar while Olaf's men and Viking warriors are hot on our tail. I kick over and throw the business tables and products at our pursuers to temporarily slow them down, I see Edgar and quickly catch up with him.



I pushed Edgar to give him a burst of speed, while I linger back to continue halting our pursuers, I grab a nearby lantern and smash it on the ground, flames erupted and stopped those chasing us for the time being. 

"Hiccup!! RUN!!!" 

Edgar screamed out, we then heard dogs barking, if they caught up with us? We're dead. I then run as fast as my legs could carry me, I quickly glance back to see a whole pack of slaver dogs hot on our tail. I turn to Edgar and shout at him. "Split up!! We'll need to divide this pack or else we'll be overrun!!" Edgar nods as he goes left, while I go right. The dogs split and chance us both from our separate ways, three of those large dogs are hot on my heels and barking loudly, I then grunt as I jump on the nearest building and climb up, I reach the rooftop just in time to hear the snapping of jaws, I look down to see the three dogs still barking at me. 

I sigh heavily and quickly catch my breath and use this time to unlock the shackles on my wrists, once I was free of shackles, I pocket the key in my pants pocket and jump from rooftop to rooftop in search of Edgar. I could hear more barking further away, so I make my way towards the sound and then leap off the building I was on, I tucked and rolled then sprinted to where my friend was fleeing from the pack of dogs. 


I turned to see Sven and his men, who were armed with bows and quivers full of arrows, I dodged the incoming arrow fire and ran for my life, I grab a nearby shield and block an arrow that would've pierced my leg. I quickly discard the shield and keep running, I had to focus on just my breathing, making sure Edgar was safe and that we find a boat, I took deep breaths in and deep breaths out, even in this mayhem, I had to stay calm, if this escape worked in our favor? The risk would've been worth it. 

Finally, I see Edgar, I grab him by his wrist shackles and practically drag him to the harbor, we looked behind us to see the remaining pack of dogs collide with Sven and his crew, we laugh at their misfortune and quickly see a dinghy with oars in it. "Thats it!!! C'mon Edgar!! We're almost free!!!" I said, but just as we were mere inches from the small boat, an arrow struck Edgar in the leg, my friend screamed in pain as he clutched the arrow embedded in his leg. I looked behind us to see our pursuers fast approaching, I quickly dragged Edgar to the dinghy, but my friend screamed out. "LEAVE ME HICCUP!!! LEAVE ME DAMMIT!!!" 

I then grabbed Edgar by his arms and drag him to the boat, but an arrow then struck my leg and I screamed out in pain as I dropped to me knee and I see the dogs approaching us with the intent on tearing us to shreds, however, Sven whistled loudly for the dogs to stand down, the dogs halted but still continued to bark at us while hurling spit on the harbor. I held Edgar close as watched as Sven approached us with a sneer. "You two have caused quite a bit of trouble here. You kill the man I sold you to, you wreck the market and destroyed its fair peoples business in your futile attempt of escape and to make things worse? My reputation is tainted!!!" Sven barked out, he then ordered his men seize us, once we were in the taskmasters grasp, Sven snarled at me and then grinned. "Looks like you two are my slaves once more. We'll back on our way to England. But this time? We'll sell you to someone who I know would love to purchase you."

As the taskmasters who had Edgar were taking him away, Sven turned to his men and halted them. "This... man here. Its obvious Lord Haddock cares about him..." Sven then turned to me and smirked wickedly before saying. "...have the Saxon tied up as a figurehead for my ship. We sail back to England now." 

(Thirty minutes later)



 I was panting heavily and sleeked in sweat as I rowed, I then heard Sven's voice above me. "Its a pity. If you and your Saxon friend had not overstepped? Your friend would not be suffer this... cruel fate." He said with a dark chuckle, I felt tears slide down my cheeks as I heard Edgar's screams of fear as the waves slammed in the front of the ship. This... this was not a warriors death. It was a fate far worse than death. 

"Pull! Lord!" Sven taunted me as Edgar's screams continued to fill the air. "PULL!! AND SAVE HIM THE PAIN!!!" Sven roared out, my friends suffer caused me to sob in front of this... vile man, Sven took great pleasure in this and it made me sick. A massive wave struck the front of the ship and my friends cries were temporarily silenced, Sven roared out once more. "PULL AND GIVE HIM THE PEACE OF DEATH!!!"

I thought of how me and Edgar met, the memory of Toothless and I saving him, as well as Irwin and Godfrey, how we became friends over the years, he was the human brother I never had... and now? I was killing him. Slowly and in the worst ways possible. Death by drowning. 


I had no choice but to row, if I did not row? Then I would be executed, and Edgar would not let that happen. But it was destroying me from the inside that I was the one killing Edgar, giving him  death that no warrior should receive, Saxon or Viking. 


I then heard silence in the air, I then broke down in sobs as I knew Edgar was dead. I had killed him. All because of my defiance as a slave. Now? I fear I am destined to be a slave for the remainder of my mortal life. To be sold and purchased by vile and cruel people, to be humiliated and scorned once more, only this time? The insults thrown at me, the blows I would receive and the rejection would be ten times worse. 

"Forgive me Edgar..." I weeped to myself, the laughter of Sven filled my ears as he mocked me saying that I wailed like a baby, the taskmaster spitting on me and taunting me further, it was too much, they had poured salt on grievous wounds and it stung. "...forgive me Edgar. May you find peace in Heaven my friend. For you are in a far better place now." I sobbed out as I continued rowing this ship, I now couldn't feel anything at the moment. The sea mist on my skin, or the whips striking me to row faster, the spit landing on me and the insults and mockery thrown my way. 

I felt nothing. Because the death of my Saxon brother has made me feel so... numb. Would his body even be taken down? Or will it be dragged under the ship and serve as a feast for sharks? I then turned to my side and hurled violently, I coughed and spat out the chunks of vomit still in my mouth. 

I killed Edgar. 

All I wanted was to flee this cruel fate with my friend and see him free. But I failed. In that moment of failure? I am once more Hiccup... the Useless. 

(Normal pov)

Days later, Sven's ship returned to England, however, the slaver master had a customer who wanted to purchase Hiccup Haddock, and the customer promised great coin to see Hiccup delivered safely. When the slave ship landed on the beach, Sven had his men unlock the slaves feet shackles and get them above deck, once every slave was above deck, the slavers shoved and hurled the weak, nutrition depraved slaves out of the ship and onto the sand beneath them. 

Hiccup was the last one to be hurled out of the ship and he landed on the sand with a thud, the young slave groaned in pain, his hair was longer and messy, he was grimy, exhausted and depraved of food and water, but that was only during the day of his rebellion. Sven ensured that Hiccup received extra and special treatment, because the Viking who wanted to purchase Hiccup wanted him strong and ready for work. As the group climbed up a steep set of stairs, they were met by a massive stone wall and with Viking warriors on the walls, the archers had their bows pointed on the slavers and their slaves. 

"State your purpose here!" 

Sven bowed his head at the warriors at the wall and introduced himself. "I am Master Sven. I am here to deliver your chieftain his slave." The warrior nodded and turned to the men manning the gates below. "Open the gate." He commanded, the men below raised the gate, Sven and his men shoved their slaves to move, they then entered the Viking village and in search of their customer. 

Hiccup looked around while two taskmasters held him by the arms, the young man knew these Vikings, in fact, he knew many of them very well. Because he lived among them a lifetime ago. His heart all but stopped as he realized where he was. He was in Stoick's and Magnus's combined village of Hooligans and Wolves. 

"Master Sven!!"

Hiccup looked up to see his Viking father. Stoick was wearing Hooligan leather armor, he had his bear fur cape wrapped around his shoulders, his long auburn hair was in a braided ponytail, his beard had streaks of grey in it and it was braided. The chieftain of the Hooligans approached the slave master and raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you have my son?" He asked, Sven nodded and gestured to the former heir to the throne of Berk. Stoick pushed past Sven and pushed the slavers off his son and when Hiccup fell forward, Stoick caught his son and embraced him, not caring how badly he smelled after days of not bathing. 

"Hiccup." Stoick mumbled in his sons hair, he then stroked his hair gently and kissed his sons hair. "You're home now. Where you belong." Stoick said in a comforting tone, he then turned to Sven and pulled out a pouch full of coin and tossed it at the slave master. "I trust that is enough?" Stoick asked, Sven looked inside the bag and nodded. "It is. Thank you Lord Stoick." Sven said with a bow of his head, he then turned to his men and ordered them to move out and take the rest of the slaves with them as they would move on to the next Saxon land that was occupied by Vikings. 

The young auburn haired man looked up at his father, Stoick looked into his sons eyes and nodded. "You're right where you belong son. You are Viking! And I was a fool to not be there for you in the past..." Stoick caressed his sons cheek tenderly and he gave his son a loving embrace. "I'm going to be the father I was supposed to be now son. I promise." He said, though everyone within the Viking village was confused as to why Stoick was treating his traitorous son this way, he was a Christian and he did not deserve such affection. 

Stoick turned to his people and allies and roared out. "HE IS MY SON!!! Christian or not he still my son! And I will not hear a word of disapproval from any of you!!" Stoick then picked up his son bridal style and led him to a nearby spring to help wash the stench of blood, grime, sweat and death. But Stoick was stopped by Magnus, the White Wolf chieftain gave his friend a look of disbelief. "Stoick?! Why are you--?"

"Not. A. Word. Of. Disapproval!" Stoick seethed out at Magnus, the Hooligan chief then bumped his shoulder into Magnus's and carried on to help his son. Hiccup however soon lost consciousness as the depravation of food and water became too much for him, the young man turned to his father and murmured out. "F-Father." His head fell back and the everything went turned black. 

(Hiccup's pov)

As I regained consciousness, I quickly sprang up right, I began panting heavily, I looked around to see what looked... like my old room back on Berk? That can't be right. 

I then exit my bed and walk down the stairs, I see a extinguished fire in the fire pit, and food on the table, I approach the table and begin eating, though I wanted to stuff my face with food, I took my time to savor ever bite of food that passed my lips. I noticed that I'm clean too, did Stoick wash me while I was passed out? No doubt he did. 

About twenty minutes later, I had eaten my fill of food, I then poured myself a cup of water and drank, I sighed heavily and contently of having my stomach filled with a meal and water to help wash that food down. I inspected my clothing, I was dressed in a green tunic, a leather vest, leather arm braces, brown leather pants and brown boots. I ran a hand through my hair to feel it the way it was before I was a slave, it was long, but not as long as it was days ago.

I then sighed heavily as I approached the door, I halted my hand as I reached for the handle. I felt my heart hammering in my chest, I was about to face my former peoples scorn, rejection, mockery and beatings once more. But as I dwelled on everything I have done to reach this point in my life? I had no regrets. 

As if my hand had a mind of its own, I opened the door and stepped outside, I then saw every Viking outside turn their head toward me and then began whispering amongst themselves and giving me dirty looks. I then went in search of Stoick, since I was a slave still, I would ask of my duties and what he would have me do in the village. 


I turned around to see Astrid approach me. She was in black leather armor, a blue tunic underneath her armor, her golden blond hair in a faux mowhawk braid and she had her battle axe in hand. When we were arms length apart from each other, I looked right into her ocean blue eyes and nodded at her in acknowledgment. "Astrid." I simply said before walking away in search of Stoick, however, Astrid was right on my tail and walked beside me. "How? How did you become a slave?" She asked in disbelief and curiosity, I turned to her and scoffed. "I don't want to talk about it."

Astrid then stepped right in front of me and placed a hand on my chest; stopping me in my tracks. She then cupped my chin with a gentle yet firm grip. "Tell me." She demanded, I sighed and pulled myself away from her grasp, I run a hand through my hair and shake my head. "My wives were usurped by a... traitorous "ally" of theirs, and now? I may never see my wives again." I say with a growl, Astrid grabbed my hand and inspected my wedding ring, I was grateful that it survived the hell I had endured, it was the only thing I had of Elsa and Anna at the moment and I would fight tooth and nail if need be to keep that ring on my finger.

"Are they warriors?" Astrid asks, I look at her and dwell on her question, I pull my hand out of Astrid's grasp and shrug. "I've been training them. They're learning slowly how to protect themselves." I say, Astrid raised an eyebrow at me in confusion. "You trained them? Since when? You're not a warrior." She says in disbelief, I scoff at her and simply reply back to her. "Yeah, well, there's much you don't know about me." I then brush past her, Astrid however quickly grabbed my hand and when I looked into her eyes, I could see... sadness, anger, frustration and... regret? Since when has Astrid Hofferson show regret? 

"Hiccup. If you're going to Stoick to ask what your tasks as a... slave are. There are none." She says, I raise an eyebrow in confusion and cock my head. "What do you mean?" I ask, Astrid licks her lips and answers. "Stoick says you are no longer a slave. And that you are to be treated as one of us." I shake my head and look into the heavens and sigh heavily. "Stoick wants me to live a life I never was a part of, he wants me to become a Viking when I am not, and above all, he gives me no choice of the matter?" I say in disbelief, Astrid nods in confirmation, I shake my head and click my tongue. "Well I will not have it. I am no longer a Viking! I never was."

"Exactly what I've been saying."

I groan in annoyance at that voice, I turn around to see Snotlout, Fishlegs, Alva, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, as well as many of those my age approach me and Astrid. My cousin is still the same height as he was before, short, yet stocky. His hair was spiked up, he had stubble on his cheeks and chin and he was draped in bear fur and wore black leather armor. The arrogant Jorgenson then got right in my face and grinned wickedly at me. "Hey Cuz... I missed you." He said, a fist them embedded itself in my gut, I groaned in pain as I fell to my knee and clutched my stomach, causing many of the Vikings to laugh. 

Snotlout too laughed and extended his arms out. "On your feet, Hiccup the Christian!!" He said in a taunting tone, I got back up and as Snotlout threw another punch, I grabbed his fist and then proceeded to brake his arm; a sickening crunch filled the air and Snotlout screamed in agony as he clutched his broken arm, I then seized him by the throat, but as I did, many of the Vikings witnessing us drew weapons and approached us.

"Y-You can't touch me... Useless! I am heir to the Hooligans." Snotlout boasted, I then knee him hard in the groin, causing him to groan in pain and fall down on the ground. I then feel blades and spears at my throat, I look around to see Hooligan and Wolf warriors stopping me from continuing to hurt Snotlout. "Do you honestly think I care whether or not you're heir Snotlout?" I ask in annoyance, I then extend my arms out. "I don't care! Because I am no Viking!!"

"Yes you are Viking!!"

I turn toward the Great Hall to see both Stoick and Magnus approach, Stoick called his warriors off, though Magnus's warriors still had weapons on me, my Viking father approached me and smiled. "You are Viking Hiccup. And I am going to be the father you needed me to be! Starting now." He then placed his hands on my shoulders and gave me a light smile. "All I ask, is that you renounce... the Christian god. The Christian ways of life and cut all ties from those people." He said, I scoff at him and shake my head. "I will not Stoick!!" I then smack his hands off of me and snarl out. "You still don't get it do you? You had your chance to be a father to me when we were still on Berk!! I needed you to be there for me as my father! But instead you cast me aside, you left me to drown in a sea of hurt, rejection and mockery, and the worst part? You were ashamed of me because you only saw me as... a failure!"

Stoick's face turned hard as I continued speaking. "You wanted me to become the Viking you wanted me to be! But I'm not you Stoick!! I'm not the "big strong and perfect Viking" that you wanted me to be!!" I then point beyond the mountains behind us. "Out there? The Saxons? They treated me with more love, respect and acceptance than you ever did when I was still your... son." I spat the word out like it was a joke, because it was, I am not Stoick's son, because he was never my father. 

The Hooligan chieftain let out a frustrated sigh and looked into my eyes. "Listen to me. I am offering you the chance to allow me to be the father I was supposed to be! Everyone here? They want you dead! They want me to give you the blood eagle! But... I cannot. Because, despite committing treason-- befriending a dragon, renouncing Odin the Allfather, and rejecting the Viking way of life? I still love you son." He said, I looked away from Stoick and shook my head before speaking. "You're only doing this, because the guilt of how you treated me and... "raised" me has eaten you alive. And you have the nerve to demand I renounce my new way of life? And return to... a life I was never apart of?!" I shrug and simply say. "I will not renounce my new life. Not now. Not ever." 

Magnus roared out and drew his sword and then pointed it right in my face. "Your father is giving you a gift boy!! You would be wise to accept this gift, or else I'll kill you!" He snarled out, I turn to Magnus and snarl back at him. "You can try, but you would die." I then looked around to see Gobber, Gothi, Sigurd the Wise and everyone I knew during my time as a Viking heir. "I have killed Vikings!! I killed Dagur the Deranged!! I killed Alvin the Treacherous!! And have killed many more legendary Viking and Danish kings, earls, jarls and warriors in just three years!" I turn back to Stoick and seethed out. "I will not be Viking. So, I guess you might as well kill me, because I would rather be dead then be something I never wish to be."

Stoick sighed heavily and shook his head, he then turned to his guards. "Throw him in the jails. Tomorrow? You will throw him in the area and we'll make him Viking. Whether he likes it or not." Before I could react, Magnus's warriors pressed their weapons harder, I hissed as I felt blood trickle down my neck, Stoick's guards then took hold of me and escorted me to the jails. 

"Deliver me oh Lord, from my enemies." I whisper to myself, I looked back to see Gobber, Gothi, Sigurd and Astrid have concerned looks on their faces, the whole time I fought a verbal battle with Stoick, they all held their breaths, though I was used to the Hooligan chieftain forcing me to do things I never wanted to do, and now this? This was no different. But it won't matter. Because I won't become a Viking. I will not. 

I am Lord Haddock of Arendelle, that is who I am and who I will always be, until the day I die. Nothing will ever change that.

A/N: Stay tuned for another update later on today. This story is almost done just so you know, about ten or eleven more chapters left. But I'm in no rush, also, leave back feedback on the story. Anyways, see y'all in the next update and stay tuned.

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