Chapter 7: Devils on the march

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(Normal pov)

Alvin and Dagur watched as their right hand men marshal their armies, they were finally going to take Arendelle for themselves and establish the trading center for Vikings everywhere. But first, they needed to defeat the trading kingdoms army and its king. The Outcast chieftain nudged the Berserker chieftain. "You do know that this won't be an easy fight right? It'll take us days to march to Arendelle and show them our numbers and our war machines, the long walk with drain supplies and strength from our warriors." Alvin turned his body to fully face Dagur before continuing to speak. "And I expect victory Dagur. I didn't sail to a new world just to be killed."

Dagur rolled his eyes at Alvin's words. "Relax Alvin my man! I have an inside man within Arendelle's walls. When word of our force reach Arendelle, my inside man will see that the trading kingdoms gates are opened for us and we tee it!" Dagur said while pounding his fist into his open palm while giving the Outcast chief a shark like grin, causing Alvin to raise an eyebrow before asking. "And may I ask who this... inside man is?" Dagur giggled and looked out toward the horizon. 

"My cousin. Cutthroat."

(Hiccup's pov)

I was once more in the training arena while throwing knives at dummies, I had worked up a very good sweat and had been pushing my body to the breaking point and trained with my Inferno blades for close to three and a half hours. As I threw my last knife, it struck the dummy in the head; a perfect kill throw. I then ran a hand threw my sweaty hair and approached a bucket of water, I then dunked my face in the bucket and resurfaced and whipped my hair back and forth. 

"So, this is the heathen bastard that King Agnarr allows to be baptized into our faith hmm?"

I looked up to see a small group of boys my age, among them was Chadwick, the hideous boy smirked at his friend and nodded. "It is. I do not know why King Agnarr would even bother taking this bastard into our fold." The group of boys chuckled at Chadwicks words, they all were dressed in fine clothing; telling others of their royalty and status in Saxon society. 

I was washing my armpits and upper body with a clean rag and Chadwick scoffed at me and bared his teeth. "You can wash and bathe all day you want Hiccup..." He spat my name out like it was a rotten piece of fish before finishing his insult. "...yet you would still stink of pig shit." I merely rolled my eyes and turned to him. "I am no longer a Viking. And I have renounced my past and embraced the Saxon way of life and the one true God." I then finished cleaning my upper body and approached Toothless, I scratched my friends chin and he growled happily. 

"You and your boys can insult me all you want, it doesn't matter." I turned around to face the group of Saxon boys, and shrugged. "I was treated far worse by my people when I stood amongst Vikings." I then faced them while glaring daggers at them, causing some of the boys to back away. "If you talk behind my back, or spread rumors or lies about me? I'll either take this up with the king or..." I gestured my hand to Toothless. " dragon here will be more than happy to make you all shit your breeches." Toothless snarled at the boys will baring his razor sharp teeth at them, the boys yelped in fear and ran out of the arena, Chadwick included.

::They do not respect you. They see you as a inferior::

Toothless stated, I nodded in agreement, but I've dealt with my share of bullies. Memories of Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut... and Astrid flashed in my mind. 

I am no longer Hiccup the Useless.

I then turned to Toothless and smiled at him. "Perhaps. But I have dealt with far worse than them bud." I said, I then finished washing the sweat and stench of training off my skin and put on a red tunic and made my way toward the castle. As I entered, I saw Irwin, Godfrey and Edgar, they grinned at the sight of me and welcomed me. "Ah! Here's our rescuer! How was training?" Godfrey asked, I looked up at the man, he had black hair, blue eyes, and a light beard on his face, he also had a very good sense of humor. I then nodded at him, or more specifically at his question. "It was well. I encountered Chadwick the boy and his herd of dogs." I said with annoyance, Edgar hummed in understanding and patted my back in reassurance. "Ignore them. They have this habit of punching above their weight." 

I snorted lightly. "They still see me as a heathen. But I renounced my old ways, I will serve Arendelle, England and the Saxon God. My path is more clear than its ever been." I said confidently and with fact, Irwin chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Oh of that I have no doubt my boy. You have already proven yourself that you are no Viking by saving our skins!" The large Saxon said while gesturing to himself, Godfrey and Edgar. "Keep obeying the king, God and those who are above you in station and you will be just fine." Irwin promised as he patted my shoulders, I nodded in thanks to him and the others. 


I turned around to see Anna approach me, I smiled at her and bowed my head, as did Irwin, Godfrey and Edgar. "Princes Anna." The three men said in respect, Anna nodded to them in acknowledgment and then turned to me, without breaking eye contact with me she then spoke to the other three men behind me. "Gentlemen, will you excuse us? I need to have words with Hiccup." She gave me a playful smirk, causing my excitement to grow and a smirk to grow across my face. 

"At once Lady." The three men said before leaving the area, before I could speak, Anna grabbed my hand and dragged me down the halls of the gorgeous castle, I was surprised at first, but soon caught up with her running as we then entered Anna's room, once we entered, she locked the door and turned to me. I looked around the room with interest and curiosity, the massive triangle shaped window brought forth rays of sunlight and it warmed my skin, I closed my eyes and absorbed the sunlight. Arms suddenly wrapped around my torso and I felt Anna press her had against my back, I sighed happily and turned my head back to see what she was up to. 

I could hear her purr in delight, I could feel her hands sprawl out over my abs and upper body, which was covered by my tunic, she then breathed into my ear. "I want to feel your body." Her hot breath caused a shiver crawl down my spine in excitement and nervousness, I turned around to see her biting her lower lip and the sunlight behind me made Anna look angelic. 

"As you wish princess." I said, I then removed my tunic and watched her approach me and trace her delicate fingers across my toned body and over the tattoo sleeves on my forearms. "Did they hurt?" She asked, referring to my tattoos, I pursed my lips and shrugged before answering her. "I was so used to pain back then, so they didn't hurt me as they should have." I said to her, she then placed her warm palm on my chest and felt my heartbeat quicken, she looked into my eyes with a smile. "They're beautiful. Like you." She said while wrapping her arms around my neck, I smirked at her and raise and eyebrow. "Yeah? You think so?" I asked, she giggled lightly and nodded, she then leaned forward and pecked my nose. "They're beautiful." She repeated, we then shared a warm and passionate kiss, I grabbed Anna's hips gently and then moved my kisses down her neck and collarbone, causing her to gasp and moan at the sensations. 

Before any intimacy could continue, there was knocking on the door. "Princess Anna? This is Kai, are you decent?" He asked, I looked into Anna's azure eyes, she gestured me to hide, I then entered her closet and hid while Anna straightened herself out and unlocked her door. "Good morning Kai, how may I help you?" Anna asked, Kai cleared his throat and spoke. "Your father is asking for Hiccup, is he here?" He asked, Anna shook her head. "No he is not, I don't know where he is." She said, Kai then bowed his head. "Princess." He said with respect before walking off, when Anna closed the door, I came out of my hiding spot and put my tunic back on, I then kissed Anna's hair. "If your father is looking for me then its important. I'll see you later." I said, before I could exit her room, she pulled me back for another kiss, I chuckled through the kiss and kissed her back. 

Anna's lips tasted like the richest strawberries in all of Midgard, and once you've tasted her lips? You are utterly hooked. 

Regrettably, the king was searching for me, and I wouldn't want to keep him waiting, so I broke the kiss with Anna and gave her an apologetic look. "We'll pick this up another time." I said, she gave me a seductive smile. "I look forward to it." Was her response, she then made a shooing gesture and I chuckled at her and made my leave of her room. 

I then make my way into the war council chambers, there, was King Agnarr, the military leaders, lords, and nobles of war. Agnarr turned to me and smiled. "Ah! Hiccup there you are! Come, we were discussing a strategy." He said, I raised an eyebrow. "Stagey Lord?" I asked, Agnarr nodded and gestured to a lone villager in the room. "This man reported the Outcasts and Berserker armies are on the march, during their march, they will no doubt sack and burn my of the villages and towns on the way to Arendelle." Agnarr then placed a hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "I was hoping you could give us advice on how to slow their advance." 

I nodded at Agnarr and looked toward the map on the table, I approached the table and looked for any place we could engage the Outcast and Berserker armies that will be in our favor. I then looked toward Agnarr. "If we wish to eradicate the enemy army Lord, we must meet them while they're nearly at our front door." I said, this caused everyone to murmur in disbelief, I then clarified. "Their march will take several days to a week. Tops. During this time, the enemy chieftains warriors will be tired and would used up most of their supplies." 

Agnarr nodded in understanding, he then turned to me. "Say that we agree to fight them this way, what then?" He asked, all the Saxons turned their eyes to me, I licked my lips and turned back to Agnarr. "In Viking ways, the opposing army could sometimes challenge the others chieftain to single combat to take control of the opposing army or simply have the enemy army slaughtered on the spot. Alvin the Treacherous is a great warrior, and I still know not who is leading the Berserkers. But the Berserkers are all formidable warriors. Without their leaders, their armies are in disarray and in chaos." I then shrugged. "The choice is yours Lord, whatever your command, I will see it done." I said, everyone then turned back to Agnarr, the king stroked his beard and pursed his lips in thought. 

He then looked to everyone. "We shall wait until their supplies are nearly spent and their strength is low." Agnarr turned to me and nodded. "Hiccup, I want you and Toothless to watch them from the shadows, you two are the best chance Arendelle has from being overrun from the heathens." I bowed my head in acknowledgment, Agnarr turned to his military leaders. "You will all treat Hiccup as equals, because he is, he renounced his old ways and has now embraced our way of life. Should Hiccup give you reports on the devils movements? I expect you to take him seriously. Am I understood?"

"Yes Lord."

Agnarr nodded at his military leaders, he then turned to the lords and nobles of war. "You all will see that palace guards and soldiers within the city are prepared to defend Arendelle's people. Should the heathens manage to break through our defenses, I want soldiers at the ready." The lords and nobles bowed their heads in understanding, Agnarr nodded at everyone and spoke. "These heathens wish to take everything we have. They wish to kill us and use our women as whores, our children as slaves, and take our riches and property as their own. But we must pray that God will give us strength for the battle to come." Agnarr then gestured toward the kingdom outside. "This is our home, our lands, and our kingdom. We will defend it to the death if need be. And with Hiccup and his Night Fury by our side? I believe we will be victorious." The king then smiled at us all. "Dismissed."

(Normal pov)

As the Outcast and Berserker armies marched the lands, they had sacked several small villages; causing the townsfolk to flee with what they could carry, the Vikings added the Saxon peoples livestock with their own, stripped everything of value and moved on. The chieftains of both tribes and their right hands sat upon their horses in silence while the only sounds heard were the light breeze, the bleating of livestock in the carts loaded with other supplies, and the marching that seemed to shake the ground beneath them. 

Alvin took in every blade of grass, the forests and the air, he inhaled the air and exhaled slowly, he then turned to Dagur. "Even the air is rich here." He said, Dagur hummed in agreement. "With the dragons plaguing the Archipelago, I'm surprised that no other Viking tribes from our lands have come here. We've seen Viking and Dane tribes with unknown tribal crests on their ships sail here by the day, because they know that these lands hold the promise of a prosperous future for all Northmen." Dagur then growled in annoyance. "But first we have to deal with the Saxon shit eaters first. They are very strange people." The Berserker chief said as he pulled out an apple from his satchel and took a big bite. 

"When the time for battle comes, I do hope these Saxons don't shit their breeches." Savage said, causing Alvin and Dagur to chuckle in agreement. "Aye, these people love their lands so much, they could be fighting tooth and nail for it. But then again, so are we." Dagur said with a mouthful of apple still in his mouth, when the young chief swallowed the chucks of fruit in his mouth he then gestured to the horizon. "Arendelle will be the main beach head for all Northmen! And with us as its rulers? The rich lands in the area will be ours! I can already smell the blood we'll spill from the Saxons guts." Dagur giggled before taking another bite of his apple and the Viking armies continued their march in comfortable silence. 

(Hiccup's pov)

I knocked on Elsa's door, I wanted to inform her of what was coming, when the door opened, Elsa pulled me in and locked the door and cupping my face and kissing me deeply, I was surprised at first but immediately returned her kiss. When we broke apart, I smiled at her attire, she wore a azure long sleeve dress, her platinum blond hair was in waterfall braid and she wore a sapphire necklace around her neck. 

Elsa then cocked her head at me. "Hiccup? Whats wrong?" She asked, I looked into her azure eyes and licked my lips before answering. "The Outcast and Berserker armies are on the march. From the reports we've received, they'll be here in a matter of days or week. Tops." I said, Elsa sighed and nodded in understanding, I then grabbed her arm and gently squeezed it. "Are you ready for whats to come?" I asked, I caressed her cheek and continued. "If they breach our defenses... they'll take the women to become... whores or worse." I said, Elsa looked into my eyes and raised her palm, I looked into her palm to see ice forming. "Then I'll put up a fight and protect my people if need be." She said, she then hugged me tightly, I immediately returned her hug. 

"I won't let them touch you or Anna. I promise." I whispered, Elsa nuzzled into my toned chest and nodded. "I know." She then looked into my eyes with happiness, I raise an eyebrow at her. "What?" I asked, she shrugged and then grinned. "I have a feeling that you, Toothless, my father and our army will send them home crying." She said, I chuckled lightly and shrugged. "Maybe. I just want you to prepare yourself should they enter the city." I said, Elsa placed a finger on my lips and smiled. "I'll be ready." She said firmly, she then pulled me closer to her. "Until then..." She dug her fingers in my hair and smirked. "...just shut up and kiss me." She said, I smirked back at her. "As you wish princess." I said, we then pulled each other closely and kissed each other deeply and passionately, momentary forgetting the Viking army on its way.

We'll be ready for them. But for now? All I wanted to do was kiss Elsa and shut reality out for as long as we were able. 

A/N: First battle of Arendelle is drawing closer and closer! I just want to thank you guys so much for all the positive feedback and messages I've been receiving. You guys are the best and I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Stay tuned for more.

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