13. Sickly Sweet

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"Okay ready?" Jin asked.

"All set!" I say as I switched on the engine of the jet and handled the Yoke to start off.

Pretty soon we were in the air, flying over Gwangju.

"According to the maps this cruise is to our west." Jin said as he worked with the maps. I saw him press one of the buttons to look at our gadgets.

"Sucky tooth, oxygen chapstick, sonic rings and watch nets. That's what we have as new gadgets." Jin explains as I manage the jet.

"According to the map we are close to the cruise Jin." I say before switching on auto pilot.

We opened the door and with our jet packs ready, we jumped off the jet.

Maintaining the posture, we land on the roof of the Bridge. Cautiously we moved a bit lower and when we were sure no one was around, we pressed our stone of our lockets that were now on our suits. Pressing that, we changed our outfits to a celebration themed clothes through our spy watch that had the control of several things in our suit.

Nodding at Jin we entered the hall which was supposed to have the celebration. The place was huge and I mean H-U-G-E.

People everywhere, wherever the eyes went you could see people.

"According to the reports, they have already taken control of some people and the other two agents are trapped in one of the rooms." Jin whispered as we entered.

I nodded while linking hands with Jin and putting on the fake couple act.

Looking around and observing, the staff definitely seemed suspicious, they were looking around for activity as well. After 10 minutes or so, there was an announcement.

"Dear friends who have showed up to this special event, there is a surprise waiting for you. Please follow my guards to the other gate."

We knew this was the que for us. The line started moving even before the people processed this new information.
Moving forward, I duck my head to the side to see when the guards aren't looking. I could hear the people talking about it. 

The guards started handing out drinks in a fancy glass  to everyone, including us.

"Ew this smells funny!" Jin made a face.

The colorless liquid in the glass does infact give out a weird smell.

I try not to laugh at his expression and switch back to the serious mode.

As we moved forward, the man who called for this stood infront of us. He smiled a sickly sweet smile at us, which we returned.

"I haven't seen you two around until now Miss." He chimes.

"I'm the sister of Mr. Kim and this is my beloveed" I smiled as he added droplets of a green liquid into my drink.

"Ah I see, Magic! I'm Lee Hyunsoo" His confused expression changed and he chimes again while adding those droplets. The drink turns into a diluted green colour.

(A/n - I'll let you all guess where the drink is from lol)

I giggle at his tone while he says 'Magic' as if I liked it.

"Enjoy the drink and the party." He smiles his sickly sweet smile once again as I and Jin start to walk away once he does the same with Jin's drink.

"That sister of Mr. Kim thing was smart" Jin smirks while whispering.

"I know right, there are so many Kims here, he won't even understand which one I'm talking about." He snort.

"Ah do we have to drink this?"

"I'll go to the washroom and see what is in this thing Jin." I say and start to move when a guard stops me.

"Miss you cannot leave right now."

"What do you mean? I need to use the washroom!"

"You can do that after you're over with your drink."

"What the hell? A lady can't even go to the washroom?! And what rule is this?"

"Miss we are supposed to ensure that no one throws away the drink, since it's expensive. It's our Boss's order."

I scoff at him as Jin comes and so does that Hyunsoo.

"What's the matter love?" Jin asks, playing his character.

"They won't let me use the washroom!" I roll my eyes.

"Fiesty." I hear Hyunsoo say.

"What?" I asked him.

"What? Nothing? Uh you should have that and then go Mrs. Kim?" He says.

Thankfully I and Jin both had the sucky tooth in our mouths. A covering that if we put in our mouths, it would absorb any liquid we intake. I quickly chug it down. Well the tooth covering chugged it down.

"Done?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Good girl" Hyunsoo chuckles while I walk towards the washroom.


Putting in a drop of that drink on my substance scanner, I analyzed it and sure enough it was fishy.

I sent it to the agency and exactly 10 second later I get a call.

With Minseok's on the other side, he said, "The scan you sent is of the liquid?"

"Yes it is."

"That thing is supposed to basically make humans like living zombies. Their brain won't be able to make decisions on it's own but rather take orders. I'll start working on an antidote at instant!"

"I'll tell Jin" I said disconnecting the call.

Walking out of the washroom like nothing happened, I spotted Jin and he had his drink sucked up by the sucky tooth until I came.

I told her everything while he whispered for us to get out of this room for now and find those two agents that are captured.

When the guards weren't looking, we easily sneak out, looking around and going around we try to track their scanners.

"Lyra, this way" Jin leaded the way.

"This room?" I asked.

"Yes, it's from where I'm getting the signal."

Jin turns on the infrasound signal. It's a signal our scanners have. If a agent is close, their scanner gets a hold of it and responds.

"Yes Lexi and Brian are inside, their scanners responded." Jin says.

"Jin? Lyra? Help us out please! These walls are closing!"  The muffled voice of Brian was heard.

"Move away from the door! I'm going to blow it out of the way!" I command and I take out my sonic ring.

Positioning my fist and pressing the button gem, the sound blasts the door as Brian and Lexi run out desperately while the room walls came together.

"Shit that was close" Jin commented.

Brian and Lexi nodded while panting.

"You guys take rest, we would see what to do next. You can join us once you guys feel okay." I said and looked around.


I was cut off when a weird sound was heard.

"Oh no...do you think-" Jinn asks

"Yes; that drink did its work." I say as I tell them that it's better we get off the ship.

"They don't know what they are doing and we are outnumbered. Its better to get out and wait for Minseok so he can get the antidotes. I'll ask him how far is he." I tell everyone while calling minseok as we move to the basement. This cruise is no normal cruise. We ha the structure in our hands from before. There is a portal at the basement which helps people get out of ship with Jet skis. 

We force open the door and take out the oxygen chapstick.

"This tunnel or portal shoots out the jetski outside, we would need it" Jin says and we apply our chopsticks so we can breath in water as well.

We take seats at individual jetskis and get ready to get out but just as we were going to get out, the door opens.

"YOU!" Hyunsoo shouts.

I smirk at him before pressing the go button. We all shoot out of the ship before they catch us. But before leaving I hear him shouting.

"Yes! Run away! I will get you with my new army!"


Please forgive this bad author nim of yours.

Aaaaaaaah I'm thinking of another book but I'm not sure if I should do it rn :(

What do you think?


- Sarisha💓

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