23. Truthful

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Jin's P.O.V :-

After Haewon is asleep, I walk out of the room to see Jungkook standing by the door with flowers in his hand, leaning against the wall.

"Hey..." he awkwardly says when he sees me.

"It....was caused by me wasn't it? Whatever happened to her?" He painfully looks down, shamefully.

"Hey. You're here to finally explain? Because Lyra does not want to tell me what happened to her. Neither did Minji. What's up?"

"I will tell you everything hyung...but I need Lyra to be there as well....how is she now?"

"Asleep, I gave her medication." I sigh and pat the spot next to me on the couch, asking him to take a seat.

"Medication?...is everything okay?"

"There is something that you don't know Jungkook." I say with a grave expression.

"Ooh? Oh....what is it...? If you're willing to share ofcourse..."

"I am, otherwise I wouldn't tell you that. What just happened isn't something that happened for the first time today."

What I'm going to tell him is partly the truth with little lies here and there. The reality is dramatic enough to believe.

"I can tell...you handled the situation very nicely..."

"Our mother, she passed away 4 years ago."

"Oh...I'm so sorry." He says immediately.

"Lyra was closer to mom, compared to me. So when mom died, Lyra started having issues."


"The loss had affected her terribly because it was an unexpected death due to a heart attack. She was only 18 then. She faced a painfully long period of depression and development this chain of panic attacks. That was a panic attack."

"And I'm the reason right?" He runs his face and sighs heavily.

"Well yes, but also no."

"What do you mean?"

"Everytime Lyra witnesses something that reminds her of mom awfully, she gets into a panic attack. It doesn't happen all the time, it's not as consistent as it used to be. This is the first time it has happened in almost a year." I conclude.

"So something me in reminded her of her mom?"

"Yeah, she said your eyes did."

He frowns looks at the floor, not facing me anymore.

"I don't know what exactly, but she said it was your eyes."

He nods understanding.

"She would wake up in half an hour or so. Since you're here to talk, I won't leave for work. I'll call in and say I'll be late." I say and get up.

"H- Hyung? Ca- Can I look over Lyra?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah go ahead." I shrug.

Haewon's P.O.V :-
When my slumber is disturbed, its disturbed due to a hand playing with my fingers.

"Hmm...Jin..." I groan without opening my eyes.

The hand however doesn't stop fumbling with my fingers.

"Jin...what's the matter-" I start to say while opening my eyes but I'm not met with Jin's eyes.

They are Jungkook's eyes. I immediately get into character. I'm sure Jin has already exected the plan. The panic attack I had was sudden, I didn't expect it to hit just with a flicker in his eyes. But again, the flicker wasn't something I would see often. It was something I had observed only mom's eyes doing and it shook me to see it after years.

"Wh- What are you doing here!" I shriek and try to move away and groan as if I hurt my leg. I didn't.

"Lyra you'll hurt yourself...don't move so much- I won't do anything."

"J- Jin! Where is Jin? Why are you- don't come near me!" I breathe hard.

"Lyra...breath deep. Don't- Don't panic- You would have an attack again. Please." I could see the desperation in his eyes.

I act to calm my breathing down but maintain a distance between us.

"How did- you-" before I can finish my question, Jin enters.

"You're up! How do you feel?" Jin asks, acting unaware of the tension in the room.

"Ji- Jin....why is he here? What....is he doing here?" My voice cracks intentionally.

"Lyra? What's wrong?" Jin rushes by my side and takes a seat next to me, hugging me by my side while I snuggle up into him and turn on the faucet of my eyes.

"Hyung, it's time to reveal my secret now. This is the only way I can explain what all happened. Lyra you want to tell Jin hyung what happened to your leg or do I do it?"

I let out a sob into Jin's chest.

"Jin....I....The wound...is a gun shot. Jungkook...shot a bu- bullet a- at- at-" before I finish, I start to cry harder like some heartbroken chick.

"WHAT?" Jin shrieks.

I nod assuring him about the fact.

"Jungkook- what?" Jin acts as if he is at a loss of words.

"I can explain." Jungkook says and gets off the bed when he sees Jin getting agitated second by second.

"You're telling me, that you shot my sister, are now standing infront of me in my house and you have a good reason for it?"

"Kind of." Jungkook straightens after sighing.

"I'd love to hear it then." Jin gives the creepiest smile I've ever seen him give. Geez Mr. Broad shoulders is really protective of me.

"Hyung, I, Jeon Jeongguk am a Mafia Boss. I belong to the family of Mafias, the ones that have been at the top of the underworld to be clear." He speaks in that same iron voice.

"What is this? A bad surprises day?" Jin rolls his eyes.

"For you, I believe it is Mr. Kim. The reason I had to do that to your sister is because there is this little spy. Who has been trying to sabotage my work with her companion. I can't allow that as I suspect she wants something really important that is in my possession. That thing, cannot be handed to anybody and don't plan on doing that. Your sister was the only woman who had entered my life and I had even seen her at a few places after my deals. Naturally, I suspected her with my group. That day, I was trying to be sure of my suspicion but even with all my methods, including the physical torture part, she was proved innocent.

I do apologize for the trauma I put your sister through but it is very important for me to keep my possessions safe." He finishes.

"So- so the other guys....are- are ma- ma- mafias?" I ask, while I'm pretend scared.

"Yes, I've been truthful throughout the past two minutes and if you are thinking of calling the police, it will take me an exchange of just a few words with them to have them stay out of my business. And no being the top doesn't always include us doing things like prostitution and human trafficking. Other things, maybe. I'm not here to harm you both. I haven't lied about liking your sister either." He said all that with his back turned and we act speechless.


Teaaaaaaaaaaa~ with DOUBLE UPDATE AAAAAH

Okay I don't know what happens next. Have to think and develop the plot XD

Hope you likey~


- Sarisha🌈💜

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