3. Gadgets

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"Yeah looks like it's another mission." I said as I hurried down the stairs with Jin following.

We drove our way to the agency. While in the car, we both pressed the blue gem on our pendants that changed our normal clothes into our suits with the gem being engraved into the suit with a purple hue now. 

As we walked into the agency, being greeted by some people, we made our way into the main office which now belonged to Minjoon.

We bowed and greeted him as we entered.

"Good morning. Jin and Lyra, this mission is a very important one because the whole world's safety is depending on this one mission do you understand?" He said with as stiff expression.

"Yes sir!" We both said.

He switched on his giant monitor behind him.

It showed six men.

"This is the Jeon Group. It is the most feared mafia group in the  underworld. It was succeeded by the previous member's sons recently. Now, they also run a company for cover. Their leader Jeon Jungkook possess a machine which can harm the safety of the world do you understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"But sir- What is so dangerous about this machine?" I ask out of curiosity.

"This machine was made by his father and this machine can control minds. There is a big chance he is soon going to use it to increase his illegal activities. I need you to be undercover and report all the information you can  gather. This is the plan tablet." He tossed the circular machine with the plan towards Jin.

Jin pressed the top button to start it.

The small hologram figures of me and Jin popped from it while Jin held it.

"Agent H10 and Agent S10 would be the heads of a new make up company that has been sky rocketing. They would attend the high business parties like the Jeon group. Further Agent H10 would need to find a way to earn the trust of their leader so she can have access to their mansion. Agent S10 needs to keep an eye on them." The robotic voice said.

Agent S10 was Jin while Agent H10 was me.

It continued to explain the importance of all the members of the Mafia group with their pictures.

After it was done, Minjoon cleared his throat for getting out attention.

"Since their spy Jimin is very hard to dodge, you cannot come into the agency and need to stay away from any other missions because we can't take a risk. But I have had Minseok design some new gadgets for your missions. You can go to the lab right away. About sending the information, a teleportor will be installed at your place, in your closet Lyra. There you'll find a secretive pendrive, I will need you to work on your laptop with the app made by our top scientists which is hidden and impossible to hack looking at their member J-Hope's out standing hacking abilities. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir!"

We bowed before leaving.

"Geez. That's a mouthful." Jin retorted.

"Seems like a very serious mission. It will be different from the ones we have had in the past don't you think?" I sighed as we entered the lab.

Minseok looked up to notice me and Jin, a pink colour instantly coated his cheeks.

A few months back, Jin had placed a bet with me that Minseok was crushing on me. Guess what? I lost the Bet. Turned out it was true. I had to turn him down of course when he confessed.

He's far too good for a mess like me.

Plus I ain't got no feelings for him... Back to present, he straightened when he saw us coming.

"L- Lyra...Hi..Um- how are you?"

"Hi Minseok" Jin rolled his eyes playfully.

"Oh- Hi Jin! How are you?"

"We're both good. Boss said you had some things for us." I calmly said. 

"O- Oh right! So come here, this way." He moved to another side of the room. He always became confident while showing the gadgets so that would be good.

"These are the keypad nails. You can send messages with these fake nails without a keypad. They natural stay on your natural nails without any adhesive."

"Really? Cool." I exclaimed as I put them on my natural nails.

"These look like normal wrist watch but you can receive messages on them Jin. The messages Lyra would type with the nails, are received in this." He handed Jin the watch.

"Nice!" Jin exclaimed as the watch beeped, telling him I sent a message.

The message read, "Yo food lover!"

Jin chuckled at the message.

"These are perfume bombs, they look like perfumes but if you press the top and throw it, it explodes like a smoke bomb."

"Amazing, I'm keeping five of them"

"This is the earing ear piece. Since you would need to secretly communicate with Jin, this would behave like a ear piece for you so he can warn you if something goes wrong. You can change its style by the press of a button."

"This is a necktie pin for Jin. Since you both would act as owners of a rich company, you would be in a tux most of the time; you can send voice messages through this to Lyra throw her ear piece."

"Damn Minseok" I smiled, impressed.

"Oh and a special gadget for Lyra because you'll be in enemy zones, Compact scanners. They look like your compact powders but they can scan surroundings as well. They have GPS too."

"Awesome! Thank you Minseok" Jin smiled before we exited.

"Jin, I want to test this guys limits. I want to see how this guy behaves and acts, in person."

"Okay? And how do you plan to do that?"

"Let's go and see where he goes today in the evening."

8:55 pm.

"Haewon, that guy Jungkook and his group members are at a club right now near Zap Street." Jin said as we worked at my place.

"Awesome. It won't be hard to blend into that crowd."

"That's right. I'll be outside the place, waiting in case something happens." Jin said as he wore his leather jacket.

"Right." I smiled as I sat infront of the mirror with my make up tools out.


Get ready for some action people~

- Sarisha💕

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