34. Cookie

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"And and- what-" I burst out of laughter once again before completing my question.

"Okay- what about that one?" I ask again as I point at a certain cloud in the sky.

"Oh god, I actually see a chicken drumstick." Jungkook snorts, making me laugh again.

"You see weird stuff in the sky Jungkook." I say while laughing again.

"I'll like to say I'm imaginative." He grins before pressing his lips onto mine with ease due to the way we were sitting, that is, me laying down on the grass with his legs tugged under me.

I chuckle and pinch his cheeks.

"Imaginative hmm?" I grin.

"Yes Ma'am!" He says before dramatically bowing.

I hum and reach out for a cookie and put half of it in my mouth and hold it there with my teeth while looking at the stars, not wanting to disturb the serene atmosphere.

We were again at the little hideaway of ours. I actually like spending time here rather than go to other places with him.

However, the serene atmosphere does not last long as my whines break out when Jungkook bends down and holds the other part of the cookie between his teeth too.

I hum and whine in disapproval but of course he doesn't care. He sinks his teeth into the cookie as deep as he can before breaking it off and chuckling to himself.

I frown as I welcome and chew the cookie he left for me. After I'm done with chewing, I feel the need to give a reply.

[A/n : Unholy conversation ahead kids, read at your own risk🔞😂]

"Don't choke on it Jungkook." I smile sarcastically.

He instantly starts coughing, making me get into a laughing fit.

"Aww you choked. Did you gag too?" I laugh while getting up and facing him.

"My baby is dirty huh?" He smirks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I smile innocently.

His hand is quick to caress my face before saying,

"You don't baby?"

"I don't." I grin again.

"Well then you must know, that you should be careful near waterbodies. One tends to get wet." He smirks.

Well, wouldn't this be fun?

"Oh really?" I ask to which he hums.

"Well then Jungkook, don't you know that near water bodies, there are trees. And a lot of those trees have hard wood. And a big girth." I slyly comment.

"Oh baby, canals are often built on big water bodies too isn't it?"

"Yep and the ground has holes too."

"Definitely. Do you consider camping? With tents?"

"Well then you have to come fast."

"Or you will be punished."

"By Daddy." Jungkook says
with a little more focus on the last word.

"Or Mommy."

And I head on challenge him. He is by no way going to pull out that male dom card. I won't allow it.

He doesn't say anything more but his stare is sharp. He is trying to do a staring contest, trying to stare me down.

I stare back with equal aggressiveness. None of us want to back down and its apparent. I don't mind it though, I love a good competition.

And all of a sudden, there is again that flicker in his eyes. That very similar flicker that had caused me a panic attack last time. I don't let it overpower me. I don't pay attention to it and before I even know it, he is smiling like an idiot.

"What?" I ask while giving him the 'I'm so done with you' look.

"Nothing" he grins out of the blue.

Bro, he crazy or what?

"Tell me" I deadpan.

"You're just.....something." he smiles before pulling me into his lap.

"Something?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're different. Sounds cheesy I know. But I've never met a woman who can be cute, yet so tough. Challenging me into something and all." He mumbles before burying his face into my neck.

"So you won't cheat on me?" I ask.

"Why would you ask that?" He immediately looks up.

"Just asking." I shrug and let out a little laugh.

"I can never do that to you princess." He says before leaning towards me and stopping me from saying anything further by sealing my lips with his.



"Yes, I left the window lock open the last time I visited him." I tell Jin as we stand on the roof of a building, a little far from Jungkook's Mansion.

Standing with our Invisible mode on, we were calculating ways to get into the property.

"Every ten minutes, the guards pass by the place where his windows are located at. So if we time everything properly, I can get there just in time and look around for some clues to what we are looking for." I say and take out my suction boots with the paper thin invisible gloves to avoid any finger prints.

Jin keeps an eye out for the guards as I get ready.

"And- you have to go now!" Jin whispers and I turn and start running to gain speed so I can jump high enough.

Just as I am close enough, the suction shoes do their job and help me vertically stand on the wall. I walk my way to his window and lean forward to peep in. We had chosen the time when we knew he would be in the bath.

And we had hoped, just hoped that we would win more than we came here for.

More than we needed.

With both of us in position, I make my way up the wall and with little effort, slide the window frame up and before you know it, there is a invisible girl climbing into a mafia's room through the window.

This would have been so romantic minus me being invisible and the room being of a Mafia or my boyfriend that I actually was heads over heel for.

As I'm inside, I look around with my Infra red eye contacts to spot cameras. Sure enough, there was a pinhole camera. The camera was just looking at this cupboard at the corner near the window

Not too hard to understand where the things I need are kept aye?

Switching on the visible mode - because I want them to see how I can outrun them - I go to the cupboard and within mere seconds, I'm looking at the files.

There are too many. This is more than I expected. Company, business, "personal treaties" talking about the members not stealing each other's food, baby photographs of them and so many other miscellaneous files. I'll need more time than I estimated.

What? Ofcourse I didn't think I'll see files about not eating food belonging to others and embarrassing baby pictures in the cupboard of one of the most successful mafia dudes!

As I'm going through all this, I hear the bathroom door open.

There is a minute of silence, presumably because of Jungkook seeing the person he is behind for months in his room. All that while he is naked- or half naked, I hadn't turned around yet.

Even before I knew it, his voice cuts through the silence.

"What now? You can't even let me shower in peace!?"


There we go! I know I've made you wait for monthssssss

Hopefully I'm not late for next update lol

- Sarisha💜

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