56. Nostalgia

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(Trigger Warning : Violence is mentioned including guns.)

A day later:

"Where is she if not in their area?!" Jin demanded to know in Minjoon's, their boss's office.

"We are trying to locate her, and you know it S10. But right now I need you to to calm and go with Aria to the location I've sent to your watch." Minjoon replied.


"S10, I'm ordering you to go and complete the task." He cut off Jin.

Panic was coursing through Jin's body. The worst scanerios piping in his brain. This job was dangerous and he knew that, which scared him.

What if you were lying in some ditch? Dead?

What if you were never to be found again?

A person he has known all his life, suddenly turning into dust, dissapeared. It filled him with screaming fear. It's like every atom in his body was just yelling and screaming like a child amidst a tantrum to just hear the words about your safety.


"Why did we have to come here? I see nothing wrong." Jin just wanted to go back to the agency. He wanted to search and search for you until he could find you. He was determined.

"We can't leave that early, let's just look around okay?" Aria fusses.

Jin look around the area, a broken mirror on the wall, shattered on the ground. The place was filthy with dust, it was in ruins and their tech car contracted the place greatly.

"I'll just heat scan this area- hmm, that's weird." Jin fidgets with the watch but it didn't seem to work all of a sudden.

"What's wrong with it?" Aria asked.

"Its not working. It won't turn on. Could the battery be dead? Does this even use a battery?"

"Oh I don't know...." he heard Aria mumble, so he looked up slightly, sensing something to be wrong.

The broken mirror showed Aria, loading her gun, ready to aim at him.

A few hours later:



Feeling someone lightly tapping on her cheek, she fought to open her eyes.

Squinting her eyes and opening them, she saw a familiar face.


"Lyra, thankgod. Look at me, look at me!" She whispered.

Minji was facing a time crunch. Someone could storm in any second and find her. After all, she was betraying her brother's words. She was going against them. For reasons she was unsure of.

"W- What do y- y- you wa- want? Wh- Why a- are you h- here?" Lyra shivered uncontrollably.

"Look at you...", pity was clear in Minji's eyes. She quickly opened the blanket she had sneaked in. Wrapping it around Lyra, she quickly pulls out a glass.

"Why- Why a- re y- y- you-"

Her body was numb, the only thing she could feel was confusion. Why was the sister of the person she betrayed helping her?

"I don't think you're bad. I could be wrong, very wrong. But- I think the man was lying, lying! I need to know, please tell me, why did you come here? Who sent you? What do you want from us? But before that, drink this. It will make you feel better, I'm sorry- I don't have time. Fast!"

What man?

The glass could have poison for all Lyra could care. She had accepted the fact that she would die in there. And Minji was no stranger to the look Lyra had on her face. The look of suspicion.

"Its just some rum and warm water. It will make you warm. Drink it, fast, I don't have time and I need to know. Please!"

The feeling of warmth instantly spread through her body as she took tiny sips of the liquid. Her body hadn't felt anything after Yoongi left. It was pale and numb from the cold atmosphere. She looked like glass, one push and she would shatter into a million pieces. The lack of food and water just made her more fragile and weak, to the point where she had gotten stuck into a cycle of passing out and waking up. Had Minji not showed up, she could have possibly frozen to death in a few hours.

"Now, please tell me. My brother will be here any moment, why did you do it?"

Her act of kindness was not justified but again, Minji had always been the naive one in the family. She had known Lyra as a good woman, it was so hard for her to believe that Lyra would do what her brother told her.

Why would she want to take a mind control device for her selfish use and make life hell for others? Why would she want to put the world in danger? Why would she like to do what their father had made the mind control machine for?

"I- I-" Still being suspicious of Minji, she didn't know who to answer. What would be the use of telling her anyway?

From what Lyra knew, these people were waiting to start up that mind control device for their selfish deeds. A machine with a control range that big, they could take over countries in no time. They could make everyone their own personal robots if they wished to.

Just as Lyra wondered about her answer, the fears of Minji came to life.

The door flew open and Jungkook stepped in.

"Minji I told you not to come here! Get away from her! What are you doing it?!" Jungkook yelled and ran up to her. Yanking the blanket away from Lyra, he hit the glass out of her hands, making it shatter right next to her.

"Get out of here, right now!" He yelled again.

Tears pricked Minji's eyes as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Please, listen to me this one time- Jungkook trust me please- let me talk to her!"

"Minji, what I said was final. If you're not leaving, then I'll make you leave."

Grabbing her hand, he picked up the blanket and pulled Minji out of the room despite her wails and cries. She really did believe Lyra was not who they thought she was. The door slammed shut making Lyra flinch. She looked over at the shattered glass and sighed, her body cold once again.

The rum and water mixture did make her warm but that heat was getting lost and her body was getting back to being numb.

Just as she was thinking about what could come next, the darkness of the room suddenly disappears and is replaced by blazing and blinding lights white lights. It forces her to shut her eyes tightly because of the sudden glare.

Slowly opening them, she sees the room in clear light. The walls were white and so was the ceiling. The black cameras were visible too and so was that chair that Yoongi had pushed back in the corner. The door creaked open once again, and Jungkook came in.

His cold hard eyes pieced through her, as if throwing daggers. The disgust he felt just by looking at her was evident on his face. It broke her somewhere, it really did crush her heart.

But she embraced it.

You knew this would happen. You knew he would find out and you knew that you both were never meant to be.

His actions at first though, aren't what you expect.

He sits down with a sigh to your eye level.

"Look, I'm done with your games. I'm done with your lies. I was foolish to love you, I was foolish to believe that you loved me and I was foolish to let you into my home." You see how tensed his muscles are and you see how he was gritting his teeth.

"But-", he stands up and looks down at you.

"Like I said I'm done with your games, and I'm done with you. I've let you hurt me and I've let myself believe that I finally found someone outside my family who would love me for me. Just me. But today what I saw, I can't let Minji be in my shoes."

It hurt you, that you were the reason he was letting go of his hopes. He let his heart be played and now he was shutting it up, locking it out of his system.

And the blame was on you.

He forgot his promise. And that in itself broke you. He was the thing besides Jin that make you happy and you lost it. You broke what made you happy. And you wouldn't have been this miserable had you just held yourself back.

Why did you have to fall for him?

You look up, at him to see why he's so silent while your thoughts scream in your head. You see him pull out something.

A gun.

It takes you back to the first encounter with his gun and he seem to agree with your silent thoughts.

"How nostalgic isn't it? The only difference will be, you won't live after this. I'm done with you H10. I'm done playing along with your game."


Double update coz you all deserve it, anyone want a third update very soon? Like tomorrow?


TEAAAAA~ Tell me, how are you feeling rn after reading the chapter?

- Sarisha💓

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