58. Secrets

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~ Flashback ~

Seeing the gun being pointed at Jin, Aria started moving closer to him.

"Put your hands up." She said behind him, still not aware that he already had seen her.

Not seeing another way out, he out of the blue, squats down and turns around with one leg out, making Aria trip.

After all, she wasn't as experienced as him. The moment she fell, she immediately tried to reach for her gun laying beside her. But Jin had seen this situation thousands of times already.

Kicking the gun away, he hit her on a particular point, with the purpose of having her faint which worked of course. Seeing her passed out, Jin proceeded to put her in the car, with her hands tied.

Not taking any chances.

None of Jin's devices were working all of a sudden, when he fished out Aria's phone, it dinged with a message.

A message from Minjoon.


The connectivity to S10's devices have been cut off. They shouldn't be working anymore.  - Recieved 7 minutes ago.

Did you get the job done?  - Recieved just now.

What job? And why is she being told about his devices not working and why are they not working in the first place?

Puzzled, he looked through the other messages.


Keep S10 busy, I'll be going to the Jeon mansion.

They know about H10 and S10's truth now. I showed them the photographs you took of them. Next plans have been send to you, check them.

~ Flashback ends ~

Jin narrated everything he seen so far. From the mission starting to him running through the Jeon Residence's doors through punching guards and telling the others everything.

Jungkook and Lyra were at a loss of words. Lyra, couldn't believe what she was hearing, it was hard to stay awake and present in her condition but she was fighting it. She had to, she needed to know. She had the right to know.

"The advanced battery cell, it was stolen by Aria. That's why no one on our criminals list matched with the DNA. Minjoon visited them two days ago and posed as an enemy of ours. He showed them our reports from the agency that he "stole" and made them believe that he was just here to help the Jeon Group out. He confirmed their suspicion about us wanting to steal the Mind control device for our benifits and he told us that they were the ones who would be using it for destruction. He changed their information on the agency feed."

"So- So- w- we are the ba- bad guys h- here?" Everything she stood for, she had betrayed it. She was the one who caused the trouble. She was the one who was the villian here- or so she thought.

"I don't know, what I do know is, he wants the device for himself and that all of us in this room had the same goal, which is to keep that device out of the wrong hands. He did this to get one of us out of the way. He used us to get the information he needed and he used them to get us out of the way. I also found something else, on her phone...and I think, Jungkook and you deserve to see this."

Jin's serious expression was enough to give the fact away that whatever he was going to show, wasn't going to be nice.

What was it? That was so bad? Worse than everything they were being told right now.

Jin clicked on a video. In the video, were two people facing each other with a good distance between them.

🎦 : "You don't have to do this. Don't do this!" The woman yelled.

Lyra's breath got caged in her throat.

This couldn't be, could it? Why was.....why was her mom in the video?

Much like her, Jungkook's ability to breath was doing very well either. The man, the woman was talking to, he looked familiar. Too familiar.

He too asked himself, why was his father in the video?

🎦 : "I do! I do have to do this. I'm sick and tired of losing the things I love. These people you protect have taken enough from me and I won't take it anymore!" He yelled.

🎦 : "You know I'll have to take actions against you, don't do this. You're my friend, I can't shoot at you like this. Put the device down. The backup is on their way, please let go of that thing! I had my husband taken just like you had your wife taken away- I know what it feels like. Don't do this!", Lyra's mom pleaded.

🎦 : "Kill me if you will, but I will never put this down. No!"

Whispers were evident in the background. Clearly they were Minjoon's and Aria's voices. This video must gave been taken by a multi task pen device that could be on call, record it and record a video with its mini camera at the same time.

📞 : "Get in position."  Minjoon said.

📞 : "F- For?" , Aria asked.

📞 : "For what we came, to kill them both ofcourse! Take position. You go to for the Mafia leader, I'll go for the agent." Minjoon commanded.

Soon enough, the room echoed with the sounds of gunshots again, followed by two 'thumps', presumably their bodies falling to the ground.

With that, that video ended.

As Jungkook stumbled back into Namjoon and Jimin who were holding him with sniffles themselves, Jin held on to Lyra as both their eyes glossed over with tears as well.

How could one bite back the tears? Both the people in the video were individually so important to one or the other. Both their deaths had caused the lives of everyone in that room to fall apart, and after all these years everyone of them knew what killed their loved ones.

Lyra, still holding onto Jin, not knowing how long she could keep her eyes open from how heavy they were getting, turned towards Jungkook.

"I- I- I'm so so- sorry- I-" she choked on her sobs. All of them were, all they could do was mourn in that moment after all.

"I don't- I don't know why she had that video. Probably to backstab him or to keep herself safe incase he backstabbed her. Which I think he already did because none of her gadgets are working right now." Jin added.

Namjoon was the first one to come forward and sit on his toes, next to Lyra and Jin.

"We know it's a mess, and now we know our teams are not enemies. You both and we have been fighting for the same thing. We have been protecting that thing because we don't know how to destroy it yet and we don't want the wrong person to get their hands on it-"

He kept saying something, but her mind was on something else. It was thinking about how warm Jin was. While she shivered like a cat who just bathed, his body was warm like a blanket and it forced her to snuggle into him.

"Lyra? Lyra?", the voices were getting more and more distant by the second.

"Lyra are you okay? Lyra!"

While she gave into the darkness, she didn't know what was to come.

She could wake up in a few hours or she could be asleep forever. And that in itself, was suddenly too much for her to fight against. She was tired, and she couldn't push her way out anymore.


🎦 - shows voices from video

📞 - shows voices of Aria and Minjoon on call in the video itself.

I've spend over a year thinking and building chapters 55 to 58. And to finally be able to tell you all about these secrets that I've held on to is such a bliss, I can't even tell you all how I feel.

But ofcourse, there is more to come. The story hasn't ended ;)

- Sarisha 💓

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