60. Passage

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Jin insisted on him feeding me dinner instead of me sitting up and eating myself. Basically I felt like Richie Rich.

Breakfast in bed who? I get dinner in bed.

Jin also made sure that he tucked me into bed himself.

God I felt bad for worrying him so much.

But that's just how he was. He was always this protective and caring, since the very start. I can't even blame him, I'm the exact same when something happens to him.


Frowning at sudden but continously shuffling around the room, I squinted my eyes in the dark. I don't know what time it was, my vision was blurry but I needed to become more aware of what was happening.

Forcing myself to wake up without moving too much, I shift my eyes around the dark room. The clicking of the lock caught my attention and I saw the silhouette of a man, locking the door.

I heard him sigh, come and stand next to me and then look at the door. He was standing right infront if my face and his hand was within my reach.

Situations like these can very easily be an assassin situation. Something tipped your enemy off that you're alive and boom, you have an assassin after you.

Trying to figure out what to do, I wonder if I'm strong enough to grab his hand, twist it behind him and shout for help?

I don't have a gun but I do notice some new syringes on the bedside table. Mentally prepping myself, I get ready to do what I gotta do with a silent breath.

Quickly grabbing the hand, I twist it back with a little difficulty and hold his other hand firmly. The man struggles while I hold on to him, despite my weakness. While he wiggles around, I hear him whisper,

"Let go of me!" - Immediately recognizing the voice, I let go and he stumbles forward with a hiss.

"What are you doing here at this time?" I ask out of pure confusion, trying not have any trace of emotion in my voice.

"My house, my wish. I can go where ever I want, whenever I want."

I give him a stuff nod and hold my shoulder. Yeah, should have thought about consequences before taking the decision to impulsively attack someone.

"We were supposed to go out of town today. Your psycho boss is in the mansion. We think he doesn't know we didn't leave and has come to check the waters. My room was the closest so I'm here. Don't read too much into it. Be quiet and go to sleep or whatever."

Jungkook's POV :-

I've been trying to avoid her and her topic as much as possible and yet I'm here, making sure she is safe.

I don't want to be here, I don't want to face her. I don't want to be near her. It's too painful to look at her.

I see her slip back under the blanket, and look towards the door. My phone gets a message, its from Hoseok Hyung;  asking if we were okay.

Quickly typing in a yes to the question, I look at the door once again out of paranoia. That's when I see her lift her head slightly.

"I hear footsteps. I think he's coming to this floor- to get to the pas-"

Before she can finish, I put my hand over her mouth.


The guy must be carrying gadgets and even if Hoseok Hyung can make his gadgets not tell him about our presence, the littlest sound can give us away but I don't have time to explain this to her. So even if I hate doing something like this, I still have to cover her mouth because I know she will get mad and god knows what she will do.

I keep an eye at the door, my gun within my reach and my hand losely over her mouth. I can see that she is pissed, but she keeps quiet instead of protesting.

I can hear the guy move around, looking for the passage. He is probably scanning and looking around for ways to figure out how it all works with the information he recieved before he got rid of his S10, H10 and his partner- the girl.

Shes in an empty basement right now though for safety reasons. We kept her unconscious so she doesn't cause any problem.

Every passing second feels way too long, it's like time has stopped and it won't move forward and a sudden doubt pops into my head with the overwhelming sudden anxiety.

Am I worried about the machine being found right now? I know he won't be making any moves tonight, there is no way he can do that before examining the ways to get in. Then why am I so overwhelmed with paranoia?

He is so close to her. One mistake and he could know she is alive. That would be it. Someone like him, would never let her live. He would do everything to make sure, Lyra- if that's even her name- is dead.

Is that what scares me?

The footsteps that had paused begin once again. They pull me out of my thoughts and I'm in position again. To my relief, he walks away, and leaves this floor.

I give out a sigh in relief, now that the situation has been dealt with, I look down at her- and my breath gets stuck in my throat.

"L- Lyra?" I call out softly but get no response. She's not responding and I know she's not in the best health so I'm literally going to have a anxiety attack if something happened to her because of me.

Quickly pulling out my phone, I text Minji to come up here as soon as possible. Within two minutes, I have Minji storm it- followed by Jin Hyung.

"What's wrong?!" She shrieks and rushes towards Lyra.

"I don't know! I had my hand over her mouth because she woke up while he was here and then she wasn't awake anymore! Is she alright-" I panic amidst freaking out.

I look over at Jin Hyung, who looked even more anxious than me. Why wouldn't he be? I don't know their real relation but I knew they're both really close.

As we're both holding our breathes, scared to death I suppose- because what if I did something that was bad for her? Did I suffocate her- no I- I kept my hand lightly over her mouth- did she get light headed because of-

"She's just sleeping. Nothing to worry about."

I see Jin Hyung give out a sigh and slightly smile.

"Well....that's classic her. A big Sleepy head. Do you have a side pillow? She has a new habit of snuggling into it and sleeping." He laughed a little while my ears went a little red for I may know the source of that habit.

Anyway, I now feel like an idiot.


The photo above chapter name is my wallpaper mwhahahahaha.


- Sarisha💕

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