65. Defeat

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3 days later :

"Is everyone is position?" Namjoon's voice spoke through the ear piece.


"Jungkook are you ready as well?"

"Yes I'm on Position."

"Target entering."

Minjoon was in the building right now, and he had absolutely no idea what was about to hit him.

We had a rough idea of everything that he was going to try and pull off. He was going to use the invisibility mode on his suit and other such items to reach to the hidden wall safe inside which, through a path of traps that I could see him passing through my digital compact -  thanks to Hoseok - was the mind control device that Jungkook's father had made, or so Minjoon thought. He was completely unaware of what was waiting for him instead of something that he so eagerly wanted.

As I stated at the screen of my compact, I could see him finally enter the hidden safe and deactivate his invisibility mode. There were pin sized cameras all around the place, something that wasn't very detectable to human eye and because of all the other machinery due to the traps, was hard to detect through his gadgets too.

There was pretty much the same stuff as in those hidden chambers that you'd imagine. Laser beams that alert the alarms, hidden weapons.

But since he had the old blueprints that he had received through me, it would be child's play for him to pass through all those traps and challenges. Just like I predicted, he didn't take much time with each phase and soon he was at the door of the room with the machine that was locked up.

The moment was here, the moment I had been waiting for the longest, that is to be faced with the one who took away everything I had. Just like he tore down my world out of the blue, I had a prepared something similar.

As I hear him approach the big safe, I get in position- well there wasn't much to get in position for. I was just sitting on a raised edge with my legs crossed. The sound of the code being entered echoes through the room, bouncing off his pride I guess.

After all, with years of planning and work he reached his goal, isn't it? He must be proud of himself because of that. All that stands between his goal and him is this door.

As the door starts to lift off, I can't help but get ready to clap for this man. How inconsiderate and determined do you need to be, to take lives like it's nothing, to cause havoc in the world?

The door is out of the way and the sound of the machinery moving has been overpowered by my clapping while I read his expression when he sees me instead of the sight of the mind control device.


"That's not a very good reaction to seeing your best employee sir", I smile.

His inability to speak lasts a little while longer but eventually, he does get the words "You- You- how are you- alive-", which is saddening because a moment ago, I'm sure he was bubbling with happiness.

"Oh about that, well, your little minion apparently kept tabs on you so it wasn't hard for us to understand what was happening. Also next time you need to take down Jin, you should look for a better competition."

He looks like he is about to have a panic attack. I see him look around frantically. He is about to head for the door of the room, but as soon as he turns around, Jungkook walks in.

"I seriously don't appreciate you betraying someone who worked so hard for you man." Jungkook smiles as well, patting him on the shoulder.

What a happy environment until, Minjoon decides to try to punch Jungkook in order to escape. Easily dodging that, because you have expect the unexpected when with such people, Jungkook decided to return the favor.

Minjoon hit the ground with a thud, but quickly got back on his feet. We knew he wasn't going to give in easily. He reaches for one of his gadgets that elongates into a high performance flexible pole, hoping to take us down together.

It doesn't take long before he has drawn out his guns and hides behind the safe to shoot at us. On instinct, we too duck down and pull out our guns.

Minjoon does put up a tough fight though, as the sound of bullets echo through the walls, no one stops shooting.

"You aren't going to get me. I've come too far and you can't bring me down!"

"You will never get to me. I will get out of here and get my hands on that machine!"

He kept shouting, trying to make us aware above the bullets. But here's the thing, in these past few days that I've spent here, Jungkook and I went over every possibility of escapes and scanerios that could take place. So just according to that, we looked at each  other. I was waiting for him to give me a sign since we were behind two opposite pillars.

As soon as I saw him nod, I knew it was time to get done with all this drama. Jungkook was an amazing marksman and shooter, everyone knew that. So, with his signal, while he distracted Minjoon, I rolled over to other hiding spots one by one, careful to not be noticable. Soon enough, I was at the same place as him, but Jungkook needed to do one final thing.

Finally aware of my proximity, Minjoon turned to point his gun at me and that very moment, Jungkook's bullet hit his hand, making him drop his weapons. Quickly pointing my gun at him, we had done it.

We had succeeded. We caught him.

Did we really defeat the man who destroyed and tore our lives apart?


Next Chapter coming right up.

Also this is the second last chapter 👉🏻👈🏻🥺

- Sarisha

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