Epilogue : Fall in Love

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"Take rest for the day, you did a good job today." Jin tells the new agents once we got off the jet.

Walking into our office, I collapse onto the sofa.

"Tired huh?"

"We need to plan a training program specifically for this team so they can be better prepared for next time. We can't go out to help them every time." I complain.

"I know I know, I'll help the team out with that." Jin replies and sits next to me.

"Its been a while though, since we both got this much time together. Work has been crazy."

"Tell me about it. Ever since we took over, its us balancing everything out. Helping with different missions simultaneously. The only time we get together is when we look into what mission to assign and at home, which isn't a lot."

"Yeah, we just drive home and fall asleep." I laugh.

"How to people do this alone? I mean we are co partners, but normally it's just one person at this position."

"I know, I'm so thankful to have you Jinnie."

There is a comfortable silence for a while before its disturbed again.

"How are you doing now?" Jin asks out of the blue.

"Tired, you can see it, I'm literally almost asleep on this couch. Look." I play dead for ten second before looking back at him.

He laughs for a while before looking all serious again.

"I was talking about the whole Jungkook thing." Jin softly says.

I let out a sigh of annoyance because of the topic.

Everything was so different from a month ago. A month ago was when we caught Minjoon successfully and things with Jungkook ended. Jin and I were promoted as the head of the agency. After Minjoon was brought down, our previous boss decided, th agency was best kept in our hands. Life without Jungkook again was hard at first, but when you slowly start to adapt to the pain, it becomes a little bearable I guess-

"You've immersed yourself in work completely recently. I assumed it was to distract yourself, wasn't it?" Jin's words bring me back to reality.

"The strategy kind of works." I state in my defence.

"This isn't healthy. You'll burn out." Jin remarks.

"No I'll be fine."

"You know you won't. Even you know how you were a mess a month ago. You still are, you just hide it by over working. There has to be a healthy alternative to this." Jin pushes the topic.

"Time. Give me time. I'll be okay. I don't want to talk about this right now. I'll see you later, I had training to look into for the new trainees." I sigh and get up. I can see Jin shaking his head at the corner of my eye and I know he feels disappointed.

Not just in me, but in himself too. I know he means well and wants to help. But I'm not ready to face it yet. How can I? I can't.

It's funny how much my life and I've changed so much after less than a year with that man. A year ago, Haewon wouldn't even think of a man, much less let him access her heart.

Now here I stand, with him running around in my mind and heart. It's like getting over an addiction. Your body is so used to that substance that it has it's own withdrawal when you stop using it. Your body starts craving it, needing it to feel that high.

Jeon Jungkook, you were my drug, you were the reason behind my high and now, it's all gone. I don't know why fate hates me so much. It gives me things that comfort me and then snatch it away to laugh at my face.


Walking back to my office where I know Jin is waiting for me, I feel sorry for earlier. I didn't go back until now to the office.

I've been watching and helping trainees train and practice on my own after I spoke to Jin in the afternoon.

I pull open the door and look inside to see a silhouette standing infront of the glass window, looking at the scenery outside.

He doesn't turns around when he hears me come in but I know that he was aware of my presence. Without giving too much thought or looking at him, I just sit on the couch and decide to apologize.

"I'm sorry for storming out earlier. I know you were just trying to help and I just walked away like an idiot."

"So you do accept the fact that you're an idiot too sometimes."

I assumed it was Jin because who else will be in our own office? Except, it wasn't.

I look up at the silhouette with wide open eyes because of the familiar voice.

I see the figure walk infront, into the light and my mouth is hung open.

"What are- What are you doing here? And how on earth did you find this place? How did you get in-"

(A/N : Highly recommend playing This is how you fall in love by Jeremy Zucker right now. DO IT DO IT. )

"Shhhhh~" he places a finger over a finger over my lips and my throat closes up- it denies to breath.

My eyes look up and down and sideways, wanting to confirm that what I was seeing was real. Was I that lonely- that I was hallucinating?

"No hello, hi, how are you or I miss you? Why straight to those questions?" He asks with a smile and out of impulse out get a hold on his hand that was over my lips.

"Jin is this you trying to prank me with the shape shifter- because this isn't funny." I let out, borderline shaking.

He breaks out a grin and before I know it, I have his lips collide with mine. A feeling of relief rushes through my veins as my eyes close and let out tears I didn't know I was holding onto.

"Jin hyung wouldn't do that, would he?" Jungkook asks as he wipes off my tears.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming." I call out weakly. My emotions feel like a volcano erupting, my chest hurting from the build up and the suppressed sobs I hold in.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one in a bad condition without you. You're not dreaming, my love."

And that one sentence is enough for me, that one sentence broke all the barriers that I had made for myself and I can't help but rush into his embrace.

"Aww, you missed me." Jungkook giggles but I am unable to pay attention to anything but the warmth of his body and the sound of his heart.

I feel him place a kiss on top of my head and tighten his arms around me.

"But- But how- you can't- can't be here- it's against the rules."

"Shhh~ Shhh~ shut up. Let me hug you properly." The sound of his sniffles come soon after and we just stand in silence, in each other's embrace.

"You know Haewon, how you can tell that you're in love? It's when you have a nightmare and you're not scared after you hug that someone. When they're the reason you can survive happily, when you eventually stop surviving and start living. You become less scared with them beside you, and extremely scared without them. That's how you fall in love. Pull me tight with your eyes closed, do you feel less scared? Do you feel happy?"

I let out a chuckle through my tears, "All this while has been a nightmare without you. I'm more than happy right now. I missed you, I missed you so much. It's been worse than a nightmare  Jungkook." I cry into his chest.

"Its been so hard without you. Life was harder than before you came. Stay with me, please. I want you to be my best friend, forever. I sound crazy don't I? But I know the value of love, I really do. And I know what we have been through won't let us take each other for granted. You've become a permanent resident in my heart Haewon." Jungkook murmurs through his tears.

"It's easy to cry with you, it's easier to truly laugh with you. I don't want to be without you, it's too scary and dark. I can't but what can we do?" I sob.

His hand comes up to my chin and makes me look at him.

"I have some good news for you." He giggles with his red cheeks, nose and tear stained eyes.

My eyes eagerly look at him with expectations.

"I- Our whole group, we're become a part of your agency." He grins.

"What- but- how's that possible? You're all going to be secret agents or something?" I asked confused.

He laughs and shakes his head no.

"What he means is, while identifying as a Mafia group, they're going to help us time to time with secret information about the underworld that can pose threat to the system and the world." Jin enters while stating that.

"Our hearts weren't in these kinds of things anyways. Your agency would help us destroy that mind control device and with time, we would get out this Mafia business altogether. It's time to be what I want to be, instead of what our fathers wanted." Jungkook smiles.

"And what would that be?" I ask with am amused smile with tears still sliding down my cheeks.

Nope, this was my day to cry.

"Right now, I want to be with you." Jungkook laughs at the cheesy statement he just made.

"But how did you come up with all this-" I ask.

"Jungkook reached out to our previous boss. We wanted to surprise you." Jin grins.


"LYRAAAAAAA~ JIN HYUNGGGGGG~" Taehyung screeches as he sees us enter the Jeon Mansion, making everyone in the house run into the entrance area.

I look around and everyone's face seemed to have lightened up. It's like life had breathed into everyone once again.

"Everyone was quite depressed after everything. It's good that you guys are back." Namjoon states before welcoming us.

"Its been quite similar with us." Jin mentions while Minji and Sunmi hug me at the same time.

Even Yoongi seemed to be quite festive tonight, different from how he normally is- that is extremely calm, unbothered and cold. He was all smiles and happy today.

"Come on, let's eat. You're right on time, dinner just got ready." Sunmi exclaims and leads everyone to the dining room.

Dinner was just like before, chatty, entertaining and fun. Jokes and insults flying around the table with laughs.

At a moment when I had to leave for a moment for the washroom, I had caught a glimpse of Yoongi in the balcony while coming back.

"You can come join me if you wish, don't stare from there." I hear Yoongi speak out.

"Oh how did you know it was me?" I ask while I walk up to him.

"I have my ways." He said before going silent.

"Okay....I'll leave you alone I guess." I was about to leave after a while of silence. But just as I was leaving, I heard him say something.

"You make Jungkook happy. Keep him that way. He might be the leader but he is the youngest and we all care for that boy. He cares about you a lot, I hope give him that love back."

Without answering, I took my steps back an left. Why? I don't know. It felt like the right thing to do. But in my heart, I did make that promise to Yoongi.


"Kim Haewon, if you don't get in bed right now, I'll lift you up and bring you here. I want cuddles!" Jungkook demands as I stand into his balcony testing his patience.

"My name is supposed to be a secret and it doesn't help if you keep screaming it out Jungkook." I call out.

"I just use it when we're alone and you're not listening to me!" I hear behind me.

"But I want to stand here, you can too. The breeze is cool tonight."

"You know what's not cool?" Suddenly the room goes quiet and I wait for a while for him to continue but he doesn't and I get to know why, in just a few seconds.

"YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME IS NOT COOL!" I hear right behind me before I'm sweeped off my feet by Jungkook.

"I told you, if you don't get your ass into bed, I'm bringing you in myself." Jungkook laughs with evil breathing through every word of his while I try to put up a protest but fail to do so because- look at how adorable he is being.

He lowkey throws me into the bed and then pulls the covers over us before wrapping his arms around me.

"See? Was this such a hard thing to do?" He grins.

"Yes, having you carry me here is better. I'm lazy anyway." I grin as well before turning sideways to face him.

Reaching for his lips, I plant a kiss on them.

"I missed you, a lot." I state while signing with a sad smile.

He laces his fingers with me before pecking my lips again.

"I did too. It was hell."

"I wish to stay like this forever."

"Me too, do you want to go to our spot tomorrow? It's been a while." He smiles.

"Yes, ofcourse. It's been too long. Also, wanna know a fact about the place?" I ask.

"What fact?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"I knew about the place before we met."

"How so?"

"It used to be my parent's spot too. That heart on the tree you showed me? My parents made that. My mom used to take me there when I was a child." I smile.

"Really? Then I think we have something to do there."

"What is that?" I question with curiosity.

"Carve a heart of our own. Carving and permanently imprinting our love into this world so it will never disappear."

We started as strangers whose lives were more intertwined than we could ever imagine and here we are today, being with someone, we never imagined would be ours.

Life has a funny way of doing things. It makes you suffer, cry, and snatch away things that mean so much to you. But sometimes, at the end of those twisted turned ways, lies a prize that is more priceless which makes you think that the suffering was worth it.


A big fat epilogue for the best readers ever who have stayed with me for the past two years as we go through this journey. People who wanted a sad ending got that (kind of) and people who wanted happy, you got it!

Thankyou for being so patient and nice to me😭

I might randomly give a continuation of the epilogue, though that's unlikely. Depends on how fast my imagination runs and how much I miss this book.

Now, who wants to say some last words? How are the feelssss?😭✨💖

- Sarisha 💖😭

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