[Welcome To Team SH_DW, Y/N]

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[This is for the male and female readers who chose Team SH_DW]

[Hammond Robotics]



[Female Y/N (yes I'm doing the opposite as usual)]

It was raining during midnight when the company, Hammond Robotics, workers were just about to end their nightly shift, one of those workers who joined Hammond Robotics was Y/N L/N. And she was on her way to becoming a legend.

??: Hey, Y/N!

Y/N turned around to see her lab assistant, Martin.

Y/N: Oh hey Martin, I was just heading out.

Martin: Same, anyways nice job on the new robotic limbs you made.

Y/N: Aw thanks, that really means a lot to me.

Martin: See you tomorrow and remember-

Y/N and Martin: We're always one step ahead!

Y/N: Night, Martin!

Martin: Night..-heads outside-

Y/N grabs her files and locks the lab office as she walks.

Worker 1: See you tomorrow, Y/N!

Worker 2: Yeah!

Y/N: See ya-


The two workers and Y/N looked at where the sound came from, only to discover the window broken, then the lights shut off.

Worker 1: Great, now I have to turn on the generator...stupid rain.

Y/N: This is new.

Worker 2: Eh, happens once or twice a month...

Y/N: Let's find the generator with him.

Worker 2: Your the boss.

The people who were still in Hammond Robotics went to the main entrance, only to discover that it was locked.


Everyone in the building started yelling as a technician came by.

Technician: Calm down, calm down...I'm sure that we can get this fixed in no time- GAAAAH!

Suddenly, the technician felt a sharp pain in his back to his chest, blood started pouring as he looked at what stabbed him, which was some sharp robotics fingers.

Workers: -screaming- 

Technician: -drops to the floor leaking blood as a robot steps out of the shadows-

X: You all make me sick, you changed my life to this...now you are all going to get what you truly deserve! -speeds to some workers and kills them-

Y/N: -hears screaming- Hey, you hear that?

Worker 2: Yeah...-calls Worker 1- Hey, you fired up the generator yet?

Worker 1: Yeah, I got it..

The lights turn back on only for them to flicker.

Worker 2: Well it's flickering.

Worker 1: Well it at least worked- -gunshot-



??: Sorry, your "dude" is not available at the moment.

Worker 2: WHO ARE YOU!?

Death: Death..-hangs up-

Y/N: -tearing up- he's dead...he's actually dead.

Worker 2: Hey, hey, hey...calm down..we just have to get out of here.

??: No we..only she.

??2: Yeah.

Worker 2: Go, RUN!

Y/N: No, I'm not leaving you-

Worker 2: GO!!! -punches the two people-

Y/N runs for her life as the worker is handling the two men, however luck is not on his side as he gets his outfit caught on black fire (like Sasuke)

Worker 2: HOT, HOT, HOT!! -takes off my outfit as the black fire disappears- Who are you?

??2: People you can fight, amigo. -my left robotic arm glows orange and punches the worker's mouth making his jaw break-

Worker 2: AH, WHA-DI-YOU-DEW (I'm trying my best at speaking with a broken jaw)

??: -covers his face with my hand as he yells when his face catches on fire- burn...

Worker 2: AHHHHHHH!

??: -burns his whole body and contacts Plague- We have a runner.

Plague: Understood, Black Burn. -sees Y/N and throws smoke pellets at her, making her unable to see her way out-

Y/N: What the-AH!

Death snuck up behind Y/N holding her Karambit to Y/N's neck.

Death: Death won't be so pleasant if you move.

Y/N: ...

Plague, Black Burn, X and the other person, who's name is One Arm, walk up to Y/N

??: You can let her go.

Death lets go of Y/N, pushing her to the ground as she begins to cry.


X: -readies my fingers but Plague stops me- What's the deal?

Plague: We didn't come here to kill her.

X: -grumbles and crosses my arms-

??: Forgive him...he doesn't like Hammond Robotics as much as Revenant.

X: Never speak of that name.

??: -chuckles- The name is Takashi Yuro...but I go by Four Eyes...

Y/N: why did you kill my friends and the workers?

Plague: Relax, we only killed a few...not like we killed everyone IN SIGHT! -stares at Death and X-

Death and X: Learn to keep your mouth shut.

Y/N: So what do you want from me?

Four Eyes: -adjusts my glasses- We know that your going to be a legend sooner or later..we figured that maybe you could help us with a mission.

Y/N: Why would I want to help you and your..SH_DW team!?

One Arm: Amigo, ella sabe!

Y/N: What did he say!

Black Burn: He said "Friend, she knows!"

Y/N: About what?

Death: About our team, dummy...and here I thought you were smart.

Four Eyes: Anyways, we need your help to finish what we started.

Y/N: We..you mean us?

Four Eyes: Are you familiar with the name, Planet Harvester?

Y/N: Yeah, I kinda participated in the creation of it.

Four Eyes: Then you must know how powerful it is.

Y/N: What are you suggesting?

Four Eyes: Our plan is to gather materials to make the Planet Harvester...better and well you know...kill anyone who gets in our way of dominance.

Y/N: WHY?!

X: Think about it...Hammond Robotics may be helping people...but it also changes people...I used to be human like you....now look at me..I'm a robot desired to kill the fucking company I call "Hell." Imagine what happens when you suffer injuries like me...everything you've always desired...will be lost...then rage will come in as your new desire. Do you want to be like you..or me?

Y/N: ....

Plague: We are giving you a second chance in life...all you have to do is give us some materials and help.

One Arm: So what do you say, amiga?

Y/N: .....I guess it wouldn't hurt to show justice to everyone.

Four Eyes: Excellent...Team SH_DW...introduce yourself.

One Arm: SÍ, me llamo Hernando González, I go by One Arm.

Y/N: Um...

Black Burn: he said "Yes, my name is Hernando González, I go by One Arm"

Y/N: Yeah I got the last part...who are you?

Black Burn: Black Burn....I have no memory of my real name...only faint flashbacks of my past...and my experimentation.

Y/N: Oh.

Y/N turns to Plague who is juggling smoke pellets.

Y/N: Um, hey...I'm Y/N.

Plague: -puts my smoke pellets back and puts my hand out- Micheal Smith, I go by Plague.

Y/N: -shakes his hand- Nice to meet you.

Death: Name's Cherry...but I'm not so cherry...I go by Death-actually you already know that. -twirls my knife-

Y/N: oh yeah....-feels nervous and sees X behind me- EEK!

X: -squints- the name is X..i would see that your reaction is frightened...however that's not the case.

Y/N: I've been scared ever since you killed my workers.

X: Eh, they were boring anyways.

Four Eyes: Welcome to SH_DW, Y/N...I hope you know our requirements. -throws her suit at her, only with the SH_DW colors (basically black and orange)-

Plague: -hears the alarm from my helmet- Security is on their way...we need to leave.

X: -sees a rocket launcher weapon- BIG B_NG....what kind of name is that...-powers it on and puts an energy cell into it-

Y/N: Actually I wouldn't mess with that..it's too much power-

X: Who cares! -a blue bright star forms at the front of it and blasts it at the ceiling, seeing our helicopter- 

One Arm: That's our ride!

Black Burn: -grabs everyone and fire blasts to the helicopter- your welcome.

Security: STOP THAT HELICOPTER! -shoots them-


X: -takes out the used energy cell and puts in another one- Not on my watch...-aims the weapon at Security- this is for ruining my life. -blasts the blue star at Security as the blast makes a bright blue supernova explosion (not an actual supernova but just like one)-

Death: Nice work, X.

X: I live to kill.

Plague: Now that we aren't being chased we might as well head back to base.

Four Eyes: -nods- Fly us back to base, Pilot.

SH_DW Pilot: On it! -flies back to base-

Y/N: -in mind: Guys...Martin...I'm sorry...but I've made up my mind..this world needs justice-

No matter the cost..

[End Of Transmission]

[Hammond Robotics]



[Male Y/N]

It was raining during midnight when the company, Hammond Robotics, workers were just about to end their nightly shift, one of those workers who joined Hammond Robotics was Y/N L/N. And he was on his way to becoming a legend.

??: Hey, Y/N!

Y/N turned around to see his lab assistant, Martin.

Y/N: Sup Martin, I was just on my way out.

Martin: Same, anyways nice job on the new robotic limbs you made.

Y/N: Thanks dude, that really means a lot.

Martin: See you tomorrow and remember-

Y/N and Martin: We're always one step ahead!

Y/N: Night, Martin!

Martin: Night..-heads outside-

Y/N grabs his files and locks the lab office as he walks.

Worker 1: See you tomorrow, Y/N!

Worker 2: Yeah, man!

Y/N: Later-


The two workers and Y/N looked at where the sound came from, only to discover the window broken, then the lights shut off.

Worker 1: Great, now I have to turn on the generator...stupid rain.

Y/N: Strange.

Worker 2: Eh, happens once or twice a month...

Y/N: i really don't see how that's a good thing...let's follow him.

Worker 2: Your the boss.

The people who were still in Hammond Robotics went to the main entrance, only to discover that it was locked.


Everyone in the building started yelling as a technician came by.

Technician: Calm down, calm down...I'm sure that we can get this fixed in no time- GAAAAH!

Suddenly, the technician felt a sharp pain in his back to his chest, blood started pouring as he looked at what stabbed him, which was some sharp robotics fingers.

Workers: -screaming-

Technician: -drops to the floor leaking blood as a robot steps out of the shadows-

X: You all make me sick, you changed my life to this...now you are all going to get what you truly deserve! -speeds to some workers and kills them-

Y/N: -hears screaming- Is it me or am I hearing screams

Worker 2: Sounds like screaming.-calls Worker 1- Hey, you fired up the generator yet?

Worker 1: Yeah, I got it..

The lights turn back on only for them to flicker.

Worker 2: Well it's flickering.

Worker 1: Well it at least worked- -gunshot-

Y/N: !


??: Sorry, your "dude" is not available at the moment.

Worker 2: WHO ARE YOU!?

Death: Death..-hangs up-

Y/N: ...we are so dead...-gets in ball form- we are so dead.

Worker 2: Hey, hey, hey...calm down..we just have to get out of here.

??: No we..only he.

??2: Yeah.

Worker 2: Go, RUN!

Y/N: No, we have to stick together-

Worker 2: GO!!! -punches the two people-

Y/N runs for his life as the worker is handling the two men, however luck is not on his side as he gets his outfit caught on black fire (like Sasuke)

Worker 2: HOT, HOT, HOT!! -takes off my outfit as the black fire disappears- Who are you?

??2: People you can fight, amigo. -my left robotic arm glows orange and punches the worker's mouth making his jaw break-

Worker 2: AH, WHA-DI-YOU-DEW (I'm trying my best at speaking with a broken jaw)

??: -covers his face with my hand as he yells when his face catches on fire- burn...

Worker 2: AHHHHHHH!

??: -burns his whole body and contacts Plague- We have a runner.

Plague: Understood, Black Burn. -sees Y/N and throws smoke pellets at her, making her unable to see his way out-


Death snuck up behind Y/N holding her Karambit to Y/N's neck.

Death: Death won't be so pleasant if you move.

Y/N: ...

Plague, Black Burn, X and the other person, who's name is One Arm, walk up to Y/N

??: You can let him go.

Death lets go of Y/N, pushing him to the ground as he begins to beg.


X: -readies my fingers but Plague stops me- What's the deal?

Plague: We didn't come here to kill him.

X: -grumbles and crosses my arms-

??: Forgive him...he doesn't like Hammond Robotics as much as Revenant.

X: Never speak of that name.

??: -chuckles- The name is Takashi Yuro...but I go by Four Eyes...

Y/N: why did you kill my friends and the workers, they did nothing.

Plague: Relax, we only killed a few...not like we killed everyone IN SIGHT! -stares at Death and X-

Death and X: Learn to keep your mouth shut.

Y/N: So what do you want from me...cause if it's money that's kinda impossible right now.

Four Eyes: -adjusts my glasses- We know that your going to be a legend sooner or later..we figured that maybe you could help us with a mission.

Y/N: Why would I want to help you and your..SH_DW team!?

One Arm: Amigo, él sabe!

Y/N: What did he fucking say!

Black Burn: He said "Friend, he knows!"

Y/N: About what?

Death: About our team, dummy...and here I thought you were smart.

Y/N: Watch it, I passed high school at the age of 16!

Four Eyes: Anyways, we need your help to finish what we started.

Y/N: We..you mean us?

Four Eyes: Are you familiar with the name, Planet Harvester?

Y/N: Yeah, I kinda participated in the creation of it, why?

Four Eyes: Then you must know how powerful it is.

Y/N: What are you suggesting?

Four Eyes: Our plan is to gather materials to make the Planet Harvester...better and well you know...kill anyone who gets in our way of dominance.


X: Think about it...Hammond Robotics may be helping people...but it also changes people...I used to be human like you....now look at me..I'm a robot desired to kill the fucking company I call "Hell." Imagine what happens when you suffer injuries like me...everything you've always desired...will be lost...then rage will come in as your new desire. Do you want to be like you..or me?

Y/N: ....

Plague: We are giving you a second chance in life...all you have to do is give us some materials and help.

One Arm: So what do you say, amigo?

Y/N: .....I guess it wouldn't hurt to show justice to everyone...a guy owes me $10..

Four Eyes: Excellent...Team SH_DW...introduce yourself.

One Arm: SÍ, me llamo Hernando González, I go by One Arm.

Y/N: Huh...

Black Burn: he said "Yes, my name is Hernando González, I go by One Arm"

Y/N: Yeah I got the last part...who are you, though?

Black Burn: Black Burn....I have no memory of my real name...only faint flashbacks of my past...and my experimentation.

Y/N: Oh, depressing.

Y/N turns to Plague who is juggling smoke pellets.

Y/N: Um, yo...I'm Y/N.

Plague: -puts my smoke pellets back and puts my hand out- Micheal Smith, I go by Plague.

Y/N: -shakes his hand- Nice to meet you, Plague.

Death: Name's Cherry...but I'm not so cherry...I go by Death-actually you already know that. -twirls my knife- and don't think we could ever be a thing.

Y/N: i didn't really ask..-feels nervous and sees X behind me- HOLY!

X: -squints- the name is X..i would see that your reaction is frightened..however that's not the case.

Y/N: I've been scared ever since you killed my workers, dude.

X: Eh, they were boring anyways.

Four Eyes: Welcome to SH_DW, Y/N...I hope you know our requirements. -throws his suit at him, only with the SH_DW colors (basically black and orange)-

Plague: -hears the alarm from my helmet- Security is on their way...we need to leave.

X: -sees a rocket launcher weapon- BIG B_NG....what kind of name is that...-powers it on and puts an energy cell into it-

Y/N: Actually I wouldn't mess with that..it's a prototype-

X: Don't care! -a blue bright star forms at the front of it and blasts it at the ceiling, seeing our helicopter-

One Arm: That's our ride!

Black Burn: -grabs everyone and fire blasts to the helicopter- your welcome.

Security: STOP THAT HELICOPTER! -shoots them-


X: -takes out the used energy cell and puts in another one- This...-aims the weapon at Security- this is for ruining my life. -blasts the blue star at Security as the blast makes a bright blue supernova explosion (not an actual supernova but just like one)-

Death: Nice work, X.

X: I live to kill.

Plague: Now that we aren't being chased we might as well head back to base.

Four Eyes: -nods- Fly us back to base, Pilot.

SH_DW Pilot: On it! -flies back to base-

Y/N: -in mind: Guys...Martin...I'm sorry...but I've made up my mind..this world needs justice-

No matter the cost..

[End Of Transmission]

I hope you guys enjoyed this one and stay tuned for the next chapter. Until then, Hyper Out.


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