002: sweet drama

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                    CHAPTER NUMBER TWO

Hyejin POV:

"What the fxck is going on?!" I yelled making sure the people who broke in to hear me.

"Your death" One of them laughs their devilish laugh, as he pulls me by my shoulder roughly.

"Let go if you want to live"

"Oh my god I'm so scared!" He laughs yet again.

Ugly laugh.

"Leave her alone Chris!" (a/n: ooooo 🐸☕️)

"Well if it isn't Moon Taeil" Chris looks down at me then looks back at Taeil. "You brought your little girlfriend, eh?"

"She's not my girlfriend leave her alone!" Taeil yells angrily as he creates gestures using his gun.

"So you wouldn't care if I did this?" Chris took his knife and pointed it towards my neck.

"You know what?! I'm tired of this bullshit!" I yelled.
I harshly removed my hands from Chris' grip, as I pushed him down to the floor.

"This is for harshly pulling me!" Punch. "This is for acting hella creepy!" Punch. "This is for underestimating me!" Punch. "This is for acting like a total aßßhole!" Punch. "This is for my parents!" Punch. "This is for Taeil!" Punch. "This is for my shitty life!" Punch. "And this is-!"

I get pulled by Taeil and he hugged me. "Look I'll take care of this Hyejin." He puts a cloth over my mouth as I slowly collapse. "I'm sorry but you don't have to see it, it's going to get dirty here"

I collapsed to the floor creating a loud thud.

+chill no one will die, we got our brave Moon Taeil ;)

+why did I do this?
+I need a doctor NCJFJJFD
+btw this was on a plane yes I did travel 😎

Published; 5/1/2019

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