A new home

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Apologizing for not updating for so long 🙏

Priya changed her clothes and came out . Rishika arranged the bed . Her room was also spacious . Priya stood there for a moment scanning the room and a smile crept her face seeing the paintings and moreover the photos of Rishi and Rishika's on the walls .

She looked beautiful in that simple Salwar of Rishika although it was a bit tight for her.

' Come on don't stand there . This is your home too ' Rishika dragged her to the bed. Priya smiled at her . But her face reflected sorrow.

'What happened ? You seem to be sad ' she asked sensing her sorrow.

' Nothing it's ...uncle and aunty must be angry at me. I should not have come to his life. I'm no match to him. He would have got many rich girls instead of this orphan ' Her lips quivered down.

'Who told you don't have anyone ? Amma and Appa really liked you. It's because of this sudden revelation that they became angry and moreover annaya lied to them. They will soon accept you as their daughter . And coming to my brother , he is the best and the coolest person. He loves you because he saw something in you distinguishing from the other so- called rich girls. He really loves you. ' Rishika held her hands assuring her.

' Now sleep peacefully '

Soon sleep embraced her and both slept off.
Next morning , Priya was awake. She woke up earlier than everyone in the house .Never missemissedher habit. She saw Rishika hugging her tightly in sleep. Smiling She caressed her hairs and gave a small peck on her forehead.
Priya freshened up and went downstairs hesitantly. No one was awake. She lit the diya and prayed to god.

Priya's pov

I lit the diya and prayed to god for sorting everything right between us. And the well being of Rishi and everyone in the house.

End of pov

Priya entered the kitchen and pre.pared tea for everyone . By that time , Lakshmi entered the kitchen . Priya didn't know what to do.

' Aun...aunty...' she stammered and passed a cup of tea to her.

' when did you wake up ?' Lakshmi asked.

' just now aunty. I'm...I'm..so..sorry for entering inside the kitchen without your permission ' she lowered her head.

Lakshmi cared not to answer her and tasted the tea.

' This tea is amazing. I've never had such a tasty tea in my life till now ' she thought.

'Un..uncle...' she asked hesitantly.

' He might be reading the newspaper '

Priya nodded and took a cup of tea to give to him.

' where are you going ? 'Lakshmi asked

' to..give..tea to unc..uncle. '

'Hmm '

As said , Prakash was reading the newspaper. He was a middle aged man with a calm and serene face.

Priya hesitantly took steps towards him. He didn't bother to look at her .

'Un...uncle '

He stopped reading and looked at her. She passed the tea to him.

' put it on the table ' he said.

She kept as told and went with a sad face.

After that Priya took a glass of milk and walked towards Rishika's room. While walking towards her room , Priya saw Rishi coming out from his room. His face reflected sorrow but he gave a forced smile for which she understood that he was extremely sad . She wasn't less. The guilt of putting him in this situation haunted her.

' Priya...'

His voice made her even more sad and tears welled up in her eyes.

Rishi went near her and hugged her from side , patting her back.

' Don't be sad . Time will heal everything. Let's wait. This is just temporary . Future stores happiness for us ' he assured her.

She smiled at him. He kissed her forehead .

' Btw ...where are you going ?'

'To give this milk to Rishika. ' she showed him the glass of milk in her hand.

Atleast Rishika accepted her wholeheartedly and his parents will soon accept her. He thought.

'So nothing for you soon to be husband ?' Winking , he asked her.

She widened her eyes and blushed at the same time.

'Uh..that....' Priya stammered.

'That...wait for sometime . I'll give tea for you. I'm sorry ' she said cutely.

'Its ok baby. I'll go myself and see Amma '

She nodded.

Waking Rishika was one of the difficult task the whole family faced. This time it was Priya's turn.
She walked into the room and saw her sleeping peacefully hugging a pillow.

Smiling , Priya walked towards her and started calling her.

' Rishika..'

She stirred in her sleep.

'Rishika baby..wake up ' she patted her.

'Let me sleep for some more time '

'You've college today . See Priya akka is calling you'

She was wide awake on the bed hearing her name.

'Good morning cutie '

'Good morning akka ' Rishika hugged her and started sleeping.

'Rishika what's this ? Get up ' she pulled her from her body and made her sit on the bed.

She pouted .

'Now be a good girl , go brush your teeth and drink this milk. '

Rishika nodded her head and went to do as she told.

Meanwhile , Rishi walked towards the kitchen and saw his mother preparing breakfast. He took also steps nearing and stood beside her. Lakshmi saw him from the corner of her eyes , chose to ignore him.


She handed him a cup of tea and without answering his call continued to engage in her works.

'Amma...please look at me ' Rishi slowly said.

Lakshmi glared at him.

'Amma...I'm sorry amma ..please forgive me . Priya is a good girl. I love her truly with my heart . Please ....She has faced a lot. Please accept her as your daughter-in-law.

Lakshmi didn't respond anything.

'Amma...atleast talk to me , slap me or beat me. That's upto you. I know I've did a big mistake by lying . I'm sorry. Please talk to me . It hurts me to see this. ' He pleaded.

'Good that you know you did a mistake. Have you considered us at least ? Do you know how we were living here without you ? When did you started lying to your parents ? Is that how we raised you ? We should get this from you. For making us believe you unconditionally . Thanks for making us understand that we shouldn't expect much from our children .
It's your choice. You can marry her. If you can bring a girl to our house without any prior information , unexpectedly , why would you need our consent to marry her ?' She said breaking his heart.

He bowed his head in shame.

'In sorry Amma. Please forgive me. '

'See atleast you could have thought about your nana. He was equally worried for you not seeing these much days . No phone call nothing. I cannot forgive you until your father forgives you '

'Alright Amma. ' He said and with a sad face left the kitchen.

Deep inside , Lakshmi felt bad for saying all this to him.

He searched for his father and saw him completely engrossed in the newspaper.
Rishi walked towards him for apologising.
Prakash too ignored his son.


Prakash stood up from his seat and walked towards his room.

'Nana...please wait. '

He stopped .
Rishi went near him.


Prakash interrupted him.

'I don't want to hear anything. Don't you have work at the office ?'

Rishi nodded .

'Then complete it. ' He said and walked away from him.

Priya saw all this. She felt a stab on her heart seeing him seeking forgiveness from his parents. That too because of her. He sat on the sofa dejected. Priya went near him , taking his hands she kissed it.

He felt more relaxed thinking she will be with him always.

' I need to go to the office. Don't know if the building is there as I left everything with Rana. ' He tried to make the atmosphere more vibrant.
Priya chuckled.

The breakfast was silent. Only Rishika was blabbering as usual.

After breakfast ,
'Annaya...can you please drop me to the college ?' Rishika asked for which he nodded.

She kissed Priya's cheeks and bid good bye to her.

Rishi smiled at her.

'Take care ' he said

'You too' she smiled.

Soon both of them left her alone in between their parents.

Priya was all nervous. She prayed god to make the time go fast.


Yours ,

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