Tit for tat

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Darlings...I'm very sorry for not updating last week .
I was busy with my exams and all..
Forgive me.

Recap - Rishi caring Priya- lizard 😂

'Lizard..noo..' She screamed and hugged him tightly closing hes eyes.

He was shocked at the same time was confused with her action.

'Priya..' He called her .

'Is the lizard gone?' She asked in a worried tone.

'No,why?' He asked back.

'Please..please..take it away.' Priya pleaded.

'Are you afraid of this lizard?' He began to laugh.

She raised her head. By the time, tears had already made it's way down her cheeks. He sensed that she was crying and stopped his laugh.

Rishi's pov

I showed a lizard to stop her cough.But soon she hugged me tightly.
I was confused at her act.
She asked me to take the lizard. I started to laugh thinking of her silly behaviour.
But i found her crying .

Shit! What've i done ? I cannot bear this .I can't see her in tears.

Let me console her.
End of pov

'Hey...please don't cry.I didn't know you were actually scared of the lizard. 'Rishi spoke softly and wiped her tears.

He moved the lizard out from the room.

'See..it's gone. Now please smile.'

Priya smiled at him.

'I'll ask aunty to give you food ' He said .

'No. Iam alright now.I'll take it by myself.'

'Are you the doctor ? Didn't you hear what i said to you now ?Just listen to me.Ok?
And I'm going out. If you need anything ,ask aunty.. she'll give you.I will come after sometime.'

Priya nodded.

He went from there.

Priya's pov

I've never experienced care from anyone.Instead i earned only the shouts,slaps and disgusting words from my aunt and her daughter.

But Rishi..he is caring me a lot.Be took me to the hospital and now taking care of me by giving medicines at the proper time.
I can't understand him.Why did he come here?

He is very rich.Why is he caring this orphan ?
I'm very comfortable when he is nearby me.I'm very much relieved .
Something is happening with me.
'Remain in your standard Priya .You are no more than an orphan.' My mind told me.

End of pov

Aunty came towards her room when she was made sure that Rishi was not inside the house.

She opened the door and found that Priya was sleeping in her daughter's bed .The lady was boiling in anger.

Without thinking much , she held Priya's hair tightly making her cry in pain.

'Ohh...queen woke up huh .Do you want anything my queen? Order me.I'll serve everything in front of you.'She said sarcastically.

Priya preferred to be silent.

'Now..Why're you not talking ? Has someone sealed your mouth ?
How dare you sleep in my daughter's bed and moreover make us do the works of this house?'

The woman held her neck.Priya felt difficulty in breathing. She was struggling to come out from her hold.

'Aun..aunty..plea..please...leave me ...' She said with much difficulty.

Finally , she left the hand from her neck.

'Don't ever try to be smart by hearing the words of that stupid boy.Now come and start your work .Come.' She yelled at her.

Priya was tired .She had not been completely recovered.But without uttering a word ,she walked towards the kitchen and started doing the works.


Rana was waiting for Rishi since last one hour.After a few minutes ,he reached there.

'Rana.. 'saying this Rishi hugged him.

Rana too hugged him back.

'The perfect tome to think about me.' Rana smirked at him.

'Sorry bava..I was busy .'

'What ? Busy in romancing ?' Rana asked him.

Rishi blushed a little.

'Ohh..ohh...the same dialogue to you.You're not my girlfriend ok ?' Rana grinned .

Rishi glared at him.

'Ok..ok...sorry...I was just joking.
Now tell me about you.How are you there ? How is my Vadina?

Iam perfectly fine . But she is suffering a lot.I cannot withstand it.' Rishi narrated everything that happened there.

'She is so cruel.How can she ..?' Rana said.

'Priya is afraid of her aunty...Priya..oh...no...'

'What happened?' Rana intrigued seeing his nervous friend.

'She is very tired, might need my help.And I cannot believe that lady .She will make her do the works.'

'But..now only you came.'Rana said.

'Bava..I have to go.And btw, how is amma,appa and Rishika ?'

'Rei...better you come fast.Your amma is worrying about you so much.I cannot give excuses to her questions. '

'Rana...please manage them for a few more days. I will come by that time.Please 
And i want to say something very important to you.That's why i came here.'Rishi added.

'What's that now ?If it is about your company , then hear that your company is going good under my supervision. '

'That i know.But it's not that.'

Rana sensed that Rishi wanted to talk something serious.

He told something to Rana.

'But...it's so difficult . Iam not experienced in this firm.'

'As if I'm very experienced.But please help me brother.I'll inform you if it is only needed .'

Rana nodded his head reluctantly.

'Ok..I'm going now.Bye.' saying this Rishi  went .

'Do it fast.You are doing everything at a snail's pace. ' Divya ordered Priya , who was washing the dishes in the sink after cleaning the house.

She felt her head aching .

'How dare you rest in my room? ' Divya whined.

'Will you ever hear his words again? ' the lady held her hair tightly.

'Please..please leave me ' She said between her sobs.

She left the hold.

'Now do it fast.'

But Priya felt to vomit.Before she could run towards the washroom, her aunty held her wrist stopping her.

'Where are you running ? Complete the work. 'She said.

Priya covered her mouth with both her hands because if she had opened her mouth,she would have thrown up everything on her Saree.

She tried to get out from her hold. But the lady didnot allow her to move.

Priya couldn't hold it any longer and ended up in throwing everything on her Saree.

'What have you done? ' She spoke in disgust.

Priya started to shiver as she knew what would happen next.

'How dare you ?' She raised her hands to slap her. Priya closed her eyes tightly.

'Stop it.' They heard a familiar voice .She opened her eyes slowly and looked towards the corridor.

Rishi was standing there .His eyes were red indicating that he was very angry. This side of him scared Priya.

'What are you looking at ? Clean the mess you've created. Wash this saree too.' Her aunty said withoutpaying any attention to Rishi.

'Priya...go to your room. ' Rishi spoke calmly.

She looked at her aunt who was giving death glares to her.

'How dare you make her do the work in my absence? Wash it yourself. '

'I'll...I'll wash and come.' She stammered.

That was it .Rishi lost his control.He held her wrist tightly and dragged her to the room.

Priya started to cry as his hold pained her hand.

He took his hands off her wrist.
He felt bad seeing her crying.

'I'm sorry. I was a bit angry at that time. I do not like you working for others. It pains me. You're very tired. ' saying this he wiped her tears.

'I'll bring food. Just stay here.'

Rishi went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of hot porridge.

'No Rishi please.I'm not hungry .I don't want this .'She pleaded.

'You haven't eaten anything since morning. Now eat this.'He handed over the bowl to her.

Priya covered her face with her palms indicating that she was stubborn in her decision .

Rishi took the palms from her face and made her sit on the bed.

He himself took a spoon and held it near her mouth. But she didn't open her mouth.

'Please eat this.. ' this time Rishi pleaded her.

She opened her mouth. A drop or two fell down her eyes seeing him caring her.

'Now why are you crying?'

She shook her head. He wiped her tears.

Priya was adoring him.

She choked the food while eating. Rishi patted her head lightly.

'Look there above a liz...no..no...a fan ' He chuckled lightly without her notice and made her drink the water.

'Priya ...you were concentrated somewhere else i think. ' He spoke by hiding his smile

She tried hard to control the red hue forming on her cheeks.

Divya witnessed everything from outside and went away fuming in anger.

'This girl...She is making me hard to control my feelings. ' He thought in his mind.

Priya completed her food.

'Good girl...now it's the time to take medicines. '

Priya pouted.

She reluctantly took the medicines.

'Rishi..can i...can i..' She stammered.

'Can i what ?..complete it.'

'Can i actually ....'

'Just say it clearly '.

'Can i ask you something?' She enquired.

He nodded.

'Why did you come here? You've parents and a sister. Then why here?'

Rishi wanted to say that he came for her. But he kept mum.

'Nothing.its ...it's...'

Suddenly his phone started to ring. He thanked the caller and went outside without answering her question.

Precap promotion

'His hand lightly touched hers. She felt some unknown sensations rising in her............

He held her wrist...........

Wait for the next update 😜😜😜.

Hope you enjoyed this update.

Do vote and comment.

Yours lovingly,

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