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The morning was as usual bright... But who was knowing that this morning is worst for an innocent soul... 

A girl is sleeping peacefully cuddling to her teddy... Suddenly the smile of her face vanishes as Sunrays were disturbing her... She got up and went to the washroom to freshen up... Soon she was ready... She went out towards the kitchen calling her aunt...

Avni - bua maa where are u...

Avni - bua maa...

But when she didn't get any response she goes to her aunt's(bua) room... But the room was all empty...

Avni - bua maa are u in washroom????

But again no response... She slightly pushed the washroom door and it was open... it was empty...

Soon she saw a letter on the bed... She took the letter and start reading it.

Avni- (words written on the letter are in italic )

Dear Avni,

I know you are searching for me... but u will not be able to find me... Yesterday, u turned 18 so u got all your father property and u remember i gave you some documents for your sign... Avni they were the property transfer documents... U believed me blindly and that's why u signed them without reading... So now because of your foolishness, all your property is mine... and i am far away from you now... I always wanted that property and that's why i took care of u and now i got what i wanted so I am free from you... This apartment is at your name... And i have kept some money in my Almira... U can easily live your life for 4-5 months with that money... I have filled your whole first year fee so u have to see for the second year... And don't try to fill the complaint against me... U will suffer a lot if u will try to complain...

Bye forever

Avni was in trauma after reading the letter... She never thought something like this will happen... not in her worst dream but it was a reality... She loved Diksha more than her real mother... She always trusted her... She was not able to think... what happened all of a sudden... Her whole life turned upside down... Her state was worst then the state of 10-year-old Avni who lost her parents... She loved Diksha like a real mother... She never thought her bua maa will do something like this...

Avni was sitting lifelessly on the floor... only one thing was going on her mind why whom so ever she loves to leave her alone...

Avni was lost her on her thoughts... but she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder... 

She turned around and after seeing the person behind her she couldn't control herself she hugged that person like her life depends on that and cried a lot...

That person was none other than her Neela aunty...

Neela's Pov 

I don't know why i was feeling unusual from morning itself...So I decided to visit Diksha and Avni... I ringed their apartment bell many times but no reply that made me tension... becoz they have been my neighbor from a long time and nothing like this happened till the time... I tried to call Diksha but her phone was switched off... i called at landline too but no one attended... So I went to the Secretary to take the duplicate key... after that, i went and opened the door but no one was there then i went to Diksha's room... and the seen in front of mine made me shocked... Avni was sitting on the floor she had a letter on her hand and she was numb like a lifeless body... I tried to call her but she was not responding... then i waved her shoulder...

Pov ends

Neela was trying to control Avni... But no use she was crying that there is no tomorrow and at last she lost he conscious...

Neela - Avni... Avni beta getup... Oh my god, what happened to her... I have to call the doctor 

Neela made Avni lay on the bed and called the doctor... till the time she read the letter and understood the situation... It was hard for her to believe because she never thought that Diksha can do something like this...

Soon the doctor came and checked Avni...

Neela - Doctor... Avni ko kya hua hai...

Doctor - She went conscious because of stress or any shock she is very weak for now... how u are connected to her  

Neela - I am her aun...Mother...

Doctor - okay take care of her she is depressed... try to find out why and try to solve her problem... and i had written some medicine give these to her...

Neela - Okay... Till when she will be conscious...

Doctor - Within 1 hour... 


So her is Avni's past... and Neil past will be disclosed in upcoming chapters...

How is it?

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With love 
Manjusha 💞💞💞 

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