Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: We're Not Supposed To Be Here!

"Cassy! Cassy we're no supposed to be back here!" I yelled quietly, the cheers of the crowd loud behind me and the stage. I groaned, stomping my foot in frustration and said a little louder, "Cassandra Susan Nilson! Where the fuck are you? Get your stupid ass out before we both get thrown out by security! Or I'll frickin leave you and kill you when when I see you."

No answer, from her anyway . . .

A sexy chuckle from a man came quietly from behind me and I tensed noticeably. "What are you doing back here? No one is aloud back here but WWE members."

I winced, to scared to turn around to face the man behind me. "Uhh looking for my dumb-ass friend who dragged me back here, well she ran back here and I followed but either way my dumb-ass friend is somewhere back here and soo yeah. Please don't call security . . ." I shrugged. "On me anyway."

The guy laughed. "I won't call security," I sighed in relief, "now why don't you turn around so we can introduce each other, also its rude to talk to someone with your back turned."

I sighed and slowly turned around to face the guy, hesitantly looking up from the floor, I stopped breathing at the sight of him. 'Oh god . . .'

I blinked, shaking my head.

The guy was six feet four, well toned, not to bulky but not too blah, it was perfectly toned, sweaty, but great. His hair was this really light brown, and short, messy too. His eyes were hazel brown, maybe blue, and to be honest I was astonished that he was smiling that amazingly beautiful smile, it was also genuine which made me feel special.

The crazy lunatic wrestler that I somewhat had a crush on.

Dean Ambrose . . .

'No, his name is Jonathan.'

"Uh, hi." I said waving slightly, awkwardly.

His smile grew. "I'm guessing you know me by your reaction."

I nodded. "Yeah, who wouldn't? Wait . . . yeah who wouldn't? Just to let you know you're awesome."

He laughed. "Thanks . . ." he trailed off, waiting for me to tell him my name, holding one of his wrapped hands out for a handshake.

I cautiously took his large, callused, hand and shook it weakly, I was too nervous to give an effort. "Astrid, Astrid Callyx, nice to meet you Jonathan."

He seemed a little taken aback that I knew, and called him by his real name, but he continued to smile, if it was possible I think it actually glowed this time.

"Call me Jon, nice to meet you Astrid."
I smiled at Jon, letting go of his hand. "Ok, Jon, call me whatever you please, most call me Ass because of Astrid." I looked past his broad shoulder, thinking, a weird thoughtful look on my face, I knew because Jon chuckled at my expression. "Sometimes Assy, but that's mostly when I'm on my period or pissed off." I shook my head slightly and focused on the man again. "Anyway, hi."

"I think we got pass the 'hi' stage of this conversation." He chuckled, taking a step towards me and I went stiff, forcing a nervous smile onto my face. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous talking to a professional wrestler who was in that ring out on stage a few minutes ago - yeah I saw that fight, Bray Wyatt and "Dean Ambrose" I had front row - and he was still sweaty and a little beaten up, I'm guessing that he saw me when he was coming back from the fight.

I laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, I'm kinda . . . nervous and yeah nervous." Suddenly my phone went off, and lucky me it was not on mute or vibrate. I jumped, blushing deeply, with a embarrassed grimace, Panic Room by Theory of a Deadman burst out into the air.

I snatched my phone out of my back pocket and answered it quickly, not caring who it was, only caring that Panic Room would shut up. "Hello?"


I cringed, holding the phone a inch or two away from my poor ear, rubbing my now sore eardrum I snapped at my friend over the phone. "What Cassandra? Where the fuck are you? Did you leave me again? If you did and took my car I swear I will whoop your frickin' ass. Remember what happened last time you stole my car?"

"Yeah . . ." she said, sounding like a child being scowled at, which I was basically doing, yet I was younger then her.

"What did you do my wonderful car?" I asked, sounding like a mother asking her child what they had done wrong, placing my hand on my hip, turning slightly away from Dean- I mean Jonathan.

"I crashed it."

"No, you totaled it, I could barely recognize the damn thing when it was towed into the driveway." I caught Jon's surprised look, he blinked in disbelief, I looked at him and smiled innocently.

"Don't worry I didn't leave, I'm in jail, I got caught backstage." She said sheepishly, I could imagine her innocent smile as she played with the sleeve of her jacket.

I rolled my eyes, sighing. "Why am I not surprised? You and jail, you should really consider getting to know jail, this is your third time this week going there, I might just be mean and leave you there for a few days . . ."

"NO! Please! Astrid, please, come get me I'll do anything you want! Just please get me out."

I chuckled at her and looked at Jon who looked a little amused and somewhat bemused at the the one side conversation he was hearing. "Ok, ok, ok. I'll bail you out after I'm done watching WWE."

"NO!" Cassandra yelled, loud enough for Jon to hear and he took a step back, jerking his head back a little. "GET ME OUT NOW!"

I sighed and whined. "But people fighting is way more fun then bailing you out."

"Astrid please. . ."

"But . . . but."

"Astrid." She said curtly.

"Cassaaaandrrrraaaaa." I whined back.

"Come bail me out."

"But . . .why can't George do it? He is your boyfriend." I said defensively, glaring at the wall, until I was grabbed by the waist and hulled to a room, I squeaked.

The arm released me and I shivered, the sudden warmth gone, and now I was covered in sweat.

'Eww . . . kinda . . .'

I spun around, turning on Jon, who was closing the door, and I caught a glimpse of two security guards walking past. Oh god I could of been caught.

I looked up at him wide eyed. "Why did you do that? Why'd you save my poor ass?"

"What? Astrid who's with you, what happened?" Cassandra asked, confused, over the phone.

I shushed her, waiting for Jon to explain his famous, rich, ass.

He glanced at me. "Do you want to join your friend in jail?"

I opened my mouth, thinking of something to say, then closed it, shaking my head.

He smirked. "Thought so."

"IS THAT DEAN AMBROSE?" Cassandra exclaimed loudly, I jumped, almost dropping the device in my hand. Jon's eyes widened when he heard her, then laughed.

"No . . .talktoyoulater bye!"


I hung up.

I sighed, leaning back against the wall that was behind me, running my fingers through my hair, dragging my fallen bangs out of my face. "I hate her sometimes."

Welcome to the panic room!

Running out of air, ain't seen the light of day

Living life scared, so I hid-

I sighed again, declining the call, knowing it was Cassandra. I looked up at Jonathan. "Oh yeah definitely hate her."

He laughed, air coming from his nose, his mouth closed.

God he's adorable crazy ass man.

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