Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: When We Were Young

Jonathan's P.O.V

I jolted awake once again from my sleep, from my dreams of Parker.

I groaned, rubbing my face, finding it wet under my eyes.

What the hell? Am I crying?

I touched my cheek and licked my fingertips.

Yup I am.

I sighed, why had Parker done this? The whole time she was yelling at me I saw the hurt in her eyes, I knew her words weren't true, but the last set of insults had hurt.

She called me worthless and a whore.

That made me snap and say things that weren't true. I did love Parker, I didn't feel sorry for her the same way other would, I did care for her, and most of all I didn't want her to leave.

Tonight was our last night in LA, and it's been a week since Parker stormed out and left, I've seen her around WWE but was to scared to go up to her and ask her WHY she would hurt herself like this. Every time we made eye connect at work her blue blue eyes would dull painfully with hurt.

I yawned, tomorrow was a long bus ride to Cincinnati, Ohio and I was going to sit with Parker Hunter no matter what, I was going to talk to her.


Jonathan's dream

I sat on a swing, alone, watching the other kids play on the playground.

I was seven and lonely, all my classmates were scared of me and all the girls were to scared to hang with me, even the stinkin' teachers feared me.

How screwed up was that?

No friends, no real family, lonely as hell why do I even liv-

"Hey look everybody Parker finally came out from under the slide."

I looked up, finding a brown haired girl that looked to be four, stand by the red slide, everyone stared at her and I could see her face was red.

"Hey Parker why so red? Did someone slap you in the face again?"

A boy my age suddenly dropped down in front of her from the slide and she jumped, falling onto her little butt, wincing.

I got up from my swing as the boy crouched down, getting into the little girl's face. "Huh? What was that Parker?" He slapped her across the face as she backed away, taking the blows masterfully, her blue eyes were glossy but she didn't give him the satisfaction of winning to see her cry.

"Huh?" He slapped her again, every time between his words."Huh? Come on, Parker! Talk! I know you can! Speak little girl."

I made my way over there and I could hear the other kids gasping as the boy continued to slap the girl, 'Parker.'

"Leave me alone." The girl finally said weakly, her left cheek bright red.

I stood behind the boy and tapped him on the shoulder, he growled and spun around. "Wha-"

I cut him off by punching him in the face.

He fell, almost on the girl, but she scrambled back out of his falling range her eyes wide with shock.

"Pick on someone you're own size why don't ya?" I said, standing over him. He looked up and froze, his eyes as big as saucers.

"Please don't hurt me!"

"Give me a reason not too."


"Thought so." I snarled, picking him up and carrying him a garbage can and dumped him in, turning around, I rubbed my hands briefly, pretending to cleaned my hand of any dirt or dust. "There, that's where you belong, bonehead."

"H-hey! You can't do this!"

"Just did, deal with it." I said walking away, making my way over to the girl. I crouched down in front of her and offered her a kind smile, which seemed to scared her a little.

Apparently this girl doesn't know kindness.

"Um.... thank you, your not here to take his place, right?"

Ok, well she knew kindness, but my guess she doesn't get it much.

I shook my head. "No, just being nice." I stuck my hand out and she jumped. Wow this girl is jittery. "Sorry, my name's Jonathan."

She slowly, hesitantly took my hand and weakly shook it. "Parker."

Odd name for a girl, I'll admit that, but I wasn't going to judge, this girl needed someone and since clearly no one else wanted to be around her I was going to be there for her to make sure no one else hurt or embarrassed her like that again.

"How old or you, Parker?"


"I'm seven."

I stared at Parker, she looked like a hurt little puppy that has been kicked too many times, her sweet, insecure, blue eyes, were dull and she had a scar above her left eyebrow.

I looked down at her arms and spotted a large brown and purple bruise on her forearm that looked like a handprint. She looked down and quickly pulled her long sleeve over the bruise.

"Um." She said, gaining my attention and I looked at her face. "Jonathan? Can I call you Jon? Its easier for me to say."

Jon, why have I never thought of that? That's a great nickname for me. I smiled and nodded. "Of course you can, Parker!"

She creaked a shy smile that was the cutest thing I ever saw, and I couldn't help but hug her.

"Call me PJ or Park. I don't care, I've been call worst." She said when I released her, I smiled.

"Why PJ?"

"Parker Jx. Middle name." She shrugged, then suddenly looked nervous, she looked up at me with her puppy dog eyes, hugging her small knees. "Jon?"

"Yeah?" I asked, sitting down on the ground.

"Will you be my friend?"

I was shocked. "F-fr-friends? You want to be friends with me?"

She nodded. "Please, Jon?"

I stared at her for along time and finally nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I'd like that PJ."

She smiled at me, and I felt my heart warm up, seeing her happy for the first time was amazing.

Deep down under that insecurity was a normal four year old girl.


I jumped awake, my dream still fresh in my mind and I couldn't help but smile. "I did know you, Parker. When we were young."

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