Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Not My Day

Parker's P.O.V

"Look how cute they are!" I heard someone say.

"Awww!" I opened my eyes and find three faces staring at me.

I was in Jon's arms and he was still sleeping.

"Uh, why are you staring?" I ask Colby, Joe and, surprisingly, Paige.

"Because its so cute!" Paige squealed, casing Jon to stir in his sleep.

"Shh, you'll wake the lunatic." I said, chuckling.

"Sorry." Paige whispered.

"Eh, what time is it?"

"Around noon. We're stopping for food break soon."

"Thank god, I'm starving."

Joe looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

"You and Jonathan." He whispered, winking.

"Its not like that, we're just friends . . ." I trailed off, looking at him.

"Parker. I see the way you look at him. And I see the way he looks at you." Joseph whispered, Colby looked from Jon over to me.

"We barely know each other."

"I heard your conversations earlier this morning about your past, and his from last night. That's a lot, Parker. A good start for a relationship, is to know each others weaknesses and strengths." Paige said softly.

"I don't even know what he feels . . ." The bus stopped and I stood up.

"I'm going to use the bathroom, um, I'll meet you all by the main area." I said, walking quickly to the bathrooms and locked myself in there.

"How could he even like someone so fucked up? He could do so much better!" I said punching the brick wall.

"Fuck!" I cursed, looking at my fists. Blood started coming through all the torn skin on my knuckles. I cursed again at my stupidity, covering my hands with the sleeves of my jacket.

They're probably waiting for me.

I stepped out of the bathroom and headed for the main area. The three stood in a little group, chatting.

Paige had left.

"Hey, c'mon let's go."

I walked ahead of the boys, peeking down at my bloody, torn up, hands. Fuck, I screwed up so badly. But hey, it could change Jon's prospective on me, could get him looking for better girls.

"Would you like a table?" A waitress asked, coming up to me, I pull my sleeve down a little more and I rolled my eyes.

"Nooo, we came to eat on the floor. Carpet for four please." I answered sarcastically. Damn, I'm in a bad mood today.

The guys snickered behind me as she lead us to a table.

"Do you know what your having?" She asked, I face palmed.

"No. We just sat down, how the hell do we know yet?" I snapped. She put her hands up in defense and walked away.

"Jesus Christ . . ." I muttered looking at the menu.

"Feisty today, aren't we?" Joe asked, looking at me.

"She's such a blonde."

"Yeah, she's a blonde. Good job on your colors."

"Shut up Colby, you know what I meant, idiot."

"Park, I'm hurt." He said, grabbing his heart dramatically.

"Yeah." I said simply, shaking my head.

"What the hell is that on your hand?" Jon asked, moving his hands towards mine, he barley lifted the sleeve when I pulled my arms away.

"Its nothing." I said, gently setting my hands in my lap, under the table gripping the hem of the sleeves, ignoring the questions coming from all of them.

"What did you do, just answer that." Col argued.

"I went to the bathroom and punched a brick wall numerous times, criticizing myself. There, happy? Now just drop it."

They were all silent.

I sighed, looking down. "I'm sorry, I'm a little bipolar and today isn't my day."

We sat in silence. I looked up at them anxiously waiting for someone to speak.

"Are your hands ok?" Joe asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Other then the stinging, yes."

We finally got our orders and ate quickly, all chiming in on the bill and headed outside.

I walked ahead of them until I felt a light tug on my arm.

"Let me see." Jon said softly, grabbing my wrist. I tried pulling my hands away from his, but I knew I couldn't win this round. Giving in I let him pull my sleeves up, revealing the raw tissue and ripped skin on my knuckles.

"I have some wrap in my duffel bag, come on." He lead me to the bus and we sat in our seats.

"You always have that with you, I still got that roll that somehow got in my pocket when we were wrestling."

He didn't smile. "Why did you do this to yourself?"

"It doesn't matter . . ."

"To me it does, is it because of what happened a little bit ago with Joe and shit?"

"You heard . . ."

"Yes, you all were very loud." He chuckled, wrapping my hands in the stretchy fabric.

"Kinda, its because of what happened, I just, if you ready liked me or whatever I wouldn't see why. You deserve someone better, Jon. No one wants a damaged girl like me."

"If you think you're that messed up, then whatever. We can be messed up together, and who said I didn't like you?" A cheeky smile appeared on his face.

"No one likes, Parker Hunter."

"Oh, but I do."

I looked up at him, searching his blue eyes and smiled. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

I leaned forward, touching the back of his head and gently ushered his face closer and kissed him, briefly at first but then deepening it more passionately.

He growled and got on top of me, laying me back against the window, not once removing his mouth from mine.

"Parker?" He breathed, removing his lips briefly, holding his face an inches away from my own, staring into my eyes.

"Jonathan." I whispered.

"Do you like me?"

'Of course I like you, who wouldn't?"

"Many wouldn't, Parker?"


"I-I-I . . .um, never mind." He said, backing off. "I'm sorry for . . .kissing you."

"This time I was the one who started it." I said, rubbing my wrapped hand, the fabric was so soft, just like his lips.
He smirked. "True, but I got carried away."

I shrugged. "Had worst."

He looked at the front, I sat up and peeked over the front of the seat, finding the bus driver staring at us from the mirror. I looked at Jon.

"Lemme out."

He did and I made my way up to the driver, taking a seat across from him. "Hey, sorry that you had to hear that."

He smiled at me. "I'm fine with it, its just two lovebirds expressing their love for each other."

"Oh, we're not dating."

He looked at me. "Honey, you should, you obviously love him and he obviously loves you. He's the perfect man for you. Now I might not know you. But I can tell you are a young woman who has had a traumatizing past, but caring and loving. You put others before you and not argue unless your confident in what that your doing. He's the same, maybe a little least kind as you but he needs you to teach him. Teach him what it feels like to be loved, and to trust. And he can teach you what you need, what you never received in your life. You make each other whole."

I smile at him. "Thanks for the advice, makes you happy, I'll ask him out one of these days."

"Better hurry, he might not wait that long."

I nodded, standing up and made my way back to my seat, plopping next to Jon, smiling at him. He looked up at me from his phone and grinned.

God, he was such a handsome man, the driver was right, both of us together make us whole.

I just wished I could tell him in time of my feels for this lunatic fringe . . . my lunatic fringe.

My Dean Ambrose.

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