Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: I Won't Let Anyone Touch You, I'll Protect You . . .

Jon's P.O.V


I jumped out of my daze to someone screaming my name and one of Parker's twin brothers pounding on the door. I opened it.

The man looked panicked as he pointed to the house, clearly looking for words.

"Calm down, which twin are you?"

"Chr-c-chris. Help P-parker, Cody locked her in mom and dad's room . . .drunk, I can't get the door open."

I stared at Chris as the scream came again and that snapped me out of my daze again and I ran to the house.

The next thing I know is that I'm standing in front of a door, pounding on it as I heard Parker cry uncontrollably on the other side.

I stood back and began kicking the door, when I stumbled back from the third try I felt someone grab me and I spun around, with a wild expression, finding Chris holding his hands up in defense. "Sorry."

I sighed, nodding my thanks before turning back around and started kicking it again.

Finally after many kicks the door flew open and I curled my lip at the sight that greeted me.

Parker was tied to the bed, a black belt in her mouth, acting like a gag. She had a bruise on her cheek, she was in a bra and underwear, new bruises forming and scattered across her body. Her face wet with tears.

Cody was sitting on her naked, I growled angrily and I came to the end of the bed and pulled him off her and onto the floor.

Parker stared at me, trying to say something. I leaned over and unbuckled the belt, pulling it out of her mouth and untied her right hand. When it was untied she tore the other tie off her other hand, her bracelet sliding down her wrist and clinking against the bars she sat up and threw herself at me, crying into my neck. I hugged her immediately, comforting her as Chris held his brother down to the floor, as he called someone.

I picked Parker up bridal style and slowly carried her out of the room to the living room, setting her on the couch as she continued to cry, shaking uncontrollably.

I got a blanket and wrapped her in it, sitting next to her, hugging her. She leaned into me.

"Jon?" She asked, her voice shaky.

I placed my hand on her head, in her soft hair, rocking her gently.

"Yes?" I answered softly.

"Remember that night on the bus when I said I had a different set of problems that weren't drinking, that made me forget the pain?"

"Yeah . . ."

"Well, I cut myself . . . and right now, your stopping me from it, so please don't me let go." Her voice creaked at the end and I tighten my embrace, kissing her head.

"Shh . . . don't worry, Parker, I'll never let you go, I'll protect you as long as I live and I won't let anyone touch you like that again."

She hugged my neck tightly as we heard sirens outside. She loosen her grip and stared into my eyes, her eyes glistening with tears. "Jon, I lo-"

She was interrupted by men running through the door, rushing to the room the twins were in and to us, asking Parker was okay. She kept nodding, looking at me as they helped her up and led her outside.

I sat on the couch wondering what she was going to tell me, growling, I punched a pillow in frustration. "Fuck!"

Damn you cops!

A lady came up to me as to men dragged a drunk Cody out of the room and through the living room, disappearing into the hallway that led to the front door.

"Sir? Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Worried about Parker."

"Parker is . . .?"

"The girl." I said harshly, glaring at the woman.

She glared back. "Sir you better fix that attitude of yours, I am a cop, I can arrest you."

"I'm so scared." I said sarcastically, not caring if I got arrested I only cared about Parker right now, so I was letting my true colors show. I stood up, towering over her. She got her gun out and pointed it at me.

"Stand down, sir."

Someone placed their hand on my shoulder and I spun around, Dirty Deeding him, the lady yelled and fired. I hissed, gabbing at my shoulder. "Shit!"

"Sir! You have the right to remind silent! We will not press charges for your behavior, now turn around with your hands on your head!"

I did as told and placed my hands on my head, slowly turning around, letting them arrest me.

God I fucked up this time.

I grew scared, would Parker hate me for what I just did? I calmed down instantly, worried. Oh god . . . I fucked up big time. I suddenly felt someone force my head down, making me duck and get into the backseat of a cop car, my hands handcuffed in my lap, I didn't look up, keeping my head down and my gaze on my cuffed hands as the person slammed the door shut beside me.

"Fuck . . ."

I felt eyes on me and I knew it was Parker's, she was watching me, I flinched, but didn't look up or glance out the window, I was too ashamed. I buried my face in my hands, sliding them down to cover my mouth and the ridge of my nose, and cried.

The car jerked forward and turned, stopping at the end of the driveway. I looked up at the driver and reached over to tap on the glass that separated us. He glanced back at me and slid the glass door open. "What do you want?"
I ignored his harshness.

"Is she going to be alright?" I asked, cursing my shaky voice that cracked.

The man's face didn't waver. "Why do you care. Hot shot?"

I shifted, getting closer to the little hole. "Because . . . because I lov-" my voice creaked so I started again. "Because I love her."

Now his face wavered and he sighed. "Yes, she will soon."

I sighed in relief, falling back into the seat, running my hand through my hair. "Thank god. Thank you, sir."

He nodded. "Its Harvey, next time you see her, do me a favor, tell her you love her, I have a wife and what she loves most is the times I tell her how much I love her. Its not about gifts. Its about the true love you feel for her."

I slowly nodded. "I will, but I doubt she'll feel the same."

"Oh I think she might, Dean."

"Watch WWE?"

"Yeah . . ."

I sighed. "Want me to sign something?"

"Yeah, but not now, your in pain."

I nodded. "Thank you, Harvey."

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