Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Kidnapped

Parker's P.O.V

I still couldn't believe Jon loved me, even though he said it every day after he admitted it, it still warmed my heart.

I was back stage at RAW, watching Jon tag team with Joe against the Uso brothers. Right now, Roman and Jimmy were in the ring, I smiled.

Suddenly a hand covered my mouth and I jumped, but before I could do anything something hit me hard on the head and the last thing I saw was Dean jumping into the ring after getting tagged by Roman.


Jon's P.O.V

I clotheslined Jimmy, smiling at the loud thud he made hitting the mat.


I froze and spun around to face the jumbo tron, Bray Wyatt sitting, rocking nosily, in his rocking chair. "Dean, I know your secret, Dean."

"What secret?" I yelled, confused.

He laughed in his creepy sorta way and sat up, face in the screen. "You know what I'm talking about, Dean Ambrose."

He backed up and suddenly an unconscious girl was in his arms, he brushed her dark brown, wavey, hair out of her face. "This secret, Dean." Bray looked up and smirked. "Funny how love works, doesn't it?"

I felt the color drain from my face as I recognized the women he was holding and growled. "Madison!"

"So that's her name, Madison." He picked Parker up so she was it an upright position, her head lolling to the right, he grabbed her bottom jaw so her face was staring at me.

I growled, jumping up onto the second rope, a mic suddenly in hand. "Where at, what time?"

He threw his head back and laughed. "Oh Dean, If you ever want to see this beaut ever again you, me, next week. Hell In A Cell."

I brought the mic up to my lips. "Can't wait, I'll see you there, ready to kick your fucking ass."

Bray chuckled and kissed Parker on the cheek before he disappeared, with his creepy laughter.

Suddenly someone pulled me down to the ground, stunned I didn't move, disoriented, next thing I knew was that someone was laying on top of me and "ONE TWO THREE!"


I sat up and cursed Bray Wyatt for distracting me, Joe was at my side as I curled my lip at the Uso brothers as they left the ring and backstage.

I looked at Roman worriedly. Bray had Parker, I couldn't just wait til next week. "We have to find her."

Roman put his hand on my shoulder. "We will, Dean, we will."


Parker's P.O.V

I woke up tied to a metal chair, I moaned. ". . . the hell?"

I heard an evil chuckle somewhere around me and I looked up, Bray Wyatt - I can't remember his real name, and I didn't care, I only looked it up once and it was a weird name.

"Madison, Madison, Madison." He tsked, shaking his head. "So you're the one who stole Dean's heart."

I froze, this was part of a script? Why wasn't I told this? Oh God we must be on the telecom. I gave him an innocent look, like I didn't know what he was talking about. "I did?"

He chuckled. "Oh, Madison," he tapped his head. "I know you know this."

He got up into my face and I tried to back away, but the chair made it difficult. He moved his gaze up and down my body, a smile slowly spreading onto his face. I was in my Divas outfit so I had barely anything covering me and I growled, wanting to backhand him.

He looked at my face. "I can see why he likes you."

"He doesn't like me for my looks, Bray, he likes me for me."

"And you? Why do like him, princess?"

I was silent for awhile and he began laughing, from a deep rumble in his chest to full out laughter. I glared at him with a calculating stare. "I like him the way he is and I like him because he treats me normal, we both share a bad past, we can relate to each other . . . Dean Ambrose might be a crazy lunatic, but he's my crazy lunatic and I love him, and you, Bray Wyatt, has messed with the wrong guy and his girl, he will kick your ass, I suggest you let me go and then run, because he will tear you to shreds."

His laughter died as he suddenly became serious. "Oh, I'll let you go, Abigail . . . if he beats me, but he won't, you'll be mine, you're precious Dean Ambrose will parish in that ring, in Hell In A Cell, next week and you will watch helplessly as I destroy your crazy boyfriend."

I glared at him, then spat in his face, watching triumphantly as my spit slowly ran down his face. He growled before he backed off, leaving the room. I glared at him as he left then finally released the breath I was holding, coughing. "God, his breath reeks."


Week later 3 days before Hell In A Cell.

Jon's P.O.V

Its been 4 days since Bray kidnapped Parker, I still haven't found her either, having her gone was killing me, I knew she was here somewhere in this building. Alone. With Bray Wyatt.

Fuck that bastard, I was going to kill him.

". . . Dean Ambrose might be a crazy lunatic but he's my crazy lunatic and I love him, and you, Bray Wyatt has messed with the wrong guy and his girl, he will kick your ass, I suggest you let me go and then run, because he will tear you to shreds."

I stopped mid step as I heard Parker's voice, looking into the locker room, staring at the TV. Parker was sitting in a dark room, tied to a chair, Wyatt up in her face, laughing. 'Damn right I'll rip you to shreds . . .'

His laughter died as he suddenly became serious. "Oh, I'll let you go, Abigail . . . if he beats me, but he won't, you'll be mine, you're precious Dean Ambrose will parish in that ring, in Hell In A Cell, next week and you will watch helplessly as I destroy your crazy boyfriend."

She glared at him, then spat in his face, watching triumphantly as her spit slowly ran down his face.

I smirked. "Atta girl."

He growled before he backed off, leaving the room. She glared at him as he left then finally released the breath she was holding, coughing. "God, his breath reeks."

I laughed as the screen went black. Well at least I now know Parker is okay, it relieved some of my concern for her, seeing her awake and alright, and spitting in Bray's face . . . something I'd never of done.

"And that's why I love you." I muttered, walking out of the locker room.

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