Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Wake Up Its Christmas!

~ Christmas only comes once a year. The love that I have for you comes only once in a LIFETIME ~

~ unknown

Parker's P.O.V

I pushed myself up from the bed rubbing my head. "Fuck . . ."


I looked at the doorway, Colby, Joe, and Jon stood in the doorway, of the hospital room. I smiled.

Jonathan rushed over, embracing me tightly. "Happy really really late birthday, and Merry Christmas!"

"Christmas! I was out that long?" I exclaimed, pushing him away from me, astonished. "It was the fifth I was out for 19 days?" Then I realized something. "Oh my God I missed your birthday, Jon! I'm so sorry!"

He smiled reassuringly, kissing me on the cheek. "Its okay, Park, you are a good enough birthday present for me." He looked up above our heads and I followed his gaze. A plant of red balls and green leaves hung above out heads on a IV pole. I smiled.

"Oh look . . . mistletoe." I looked at Jonathan and shrugged. "Well c'mon Mr. Good, we have to kiss."

He chuckled, leaning in and kissing me on the lips. "Let's get you out of here, Ms. Hunter."


It was dark and Jon, Joe, Colby, and I all sat in the semi darkness, the tree lights the only lights on in the hotel room.

We had all opened our gifts, and since I was out for most of month I had nothing to give them and I felt really guilty.

But they said they didn't mind.

It still didn't help.

I sat by the tree, surrounded by wrapping paper, crossed legged, staring at my gifts. All of them where the boy's merchandize. Like a Roman Reigns logo shirt, a Seth Rollins logo shirt, I got many new shirts. Jonathan got me a necklace from Kay's. It was absolutely beautiful.

It was a key necklace, silver, and engraved on the back was:

The key to my heart, Parker.

Jon took a seat next to me, pushing the mound of paper, pulling me into his lap. "Hello beautiful."

"Hello handsome." I giggled.

He chuckled, handing me a piece of torn wrapping paper, on the back, in the inside, it read:

All I want 4 Christmas is u

I smiled. "Well you got it, didn't you?"

"I guess I did . . .you know, Parker, I really don't like your name . . ."

"Excuse me?" I asked, confused.

"Your name. Particularly your last name. It sucks."

"Well what's wrong with my last name?" I said, looking at him, a little offended.

"I don't know . . . it just doesn't suit you. You should change it." He shrugged, studying me.

"Change it? To what?"

He pushed me off him, getting up. "Good."

I stared after him, shocked, lost for words. "Did you just" I stuttered. " . . . did you just PROPOSE to me! Don't walk away! Are you smirking? Get back here!"

I scrambled up to my feet, running after Jon as he went into the hallway. I opened the door, jumping back, Jon standing right in front of me, he chuckled, smirking.

He held a small box and I covered my mouth, his smirk turned into a smile, he opened it to reveal a wedding ring "Parker Hunter. Will you marry me?"

I choked on a sob, it might of been a laugh, I couldn't tell. I felt tears run down my cheeks and I couldn't find the words, so with both my hands over my mouth, I nodded.

He hugged me tightly, slowly pealing my hands off my mouth and kissing me, wrapped my arms around his neck, to emotional to kiss back, or so I thought. I still found myself kissing him before he let go, breaking it, sliding the ring onto my finger before peaking me on the cheek.

"Parker Hunter, I God damn love you."

"Parker Good you mean, my fiancé." I corrected.

"Soon to be are you?" He asked, cocking a brow.

I laughed, staring up into his gray eyes. "Yes I am."

He kissed me again, ignoring Colby and Joe as they clapped and whistled.

"Best. Christmas, and late birthday, present. Ever." I mumbled into his mouth.

He chuckled, never taking his lips off mine. "Agreed."

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