Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Ride?

I sighed as Jon and I got out of his truck, I closed my door, looking around the almost vacant lot looking for my car. I heard Jon jump out and slam his door. I turned and watched him approach me, looking up at him as he stopped beside me as he looked round.

He glanced down at me. "So, uh, which one is yours?"

I moved my gaze from him to the large lot, searching for my blue sonic that I got ten years ago for my sixteenth birthday. "Well, if you see a blue sonic that's mine. If its not here . . . then could it be possible if I waste a little bit more of your time and give me a ride?"

He shrugged, nodding. "Sure."

"Thanks." I walked off, looking for my car, Jonathan right behind me.

"So . . ." he said, after a long awkward silence between us. "How exactly did you end up backstage last night?"

I shrugged. "Cassandra and I had gotten a really good place to watch you guys and during your match with Bray she ran off, and being Cassandra she ran off with my pocket book, lucky me I kept my phone and keys in my pocket, but I know Cassy, I can't trust her with money, so I followed her, ending up backstage and no sign of her. I'm not gonna lie, I was pissed."

He chuckled. "Then I found you."

"Yeah...what did you hear from that pitiful threat?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder.

" 'Get your stupid ass out before we both get thrown out by security! Or I'll frickin' leave you and kill you when when I see you.' "

"Oh . . . well, uh, ok."

He laughed. "So when did you get your car?"

"My sixteenth birthday." I answered, reading the plates of any blue cars when I passed any.

"I thought your friend destroyed your other car."

"Oh she did, she destroyed my new truck a week after I bought it, I was so pissed off, I had saved up my money for at least a year to buy the truck of my dreams. After that I have never bought anything fancy or expensive again."

"Oh that had to suck ass." He whistled lowly, shoving his thumbs into his jean pockets. I nodded.

"Yeah it did."

"What kind of truck was it?" He asked catching me off guard. I looked up at him, shrugging.

"Silverado 1500 Chevy, it was blue."

"I'm guess you like blue?" He asked, nodding at my information with a thoughtful look.

Again, I shrugged. "Its my second favorite color, I actually like purple."


After awhile I groaned in frustration, my car wasn't here, I looked around, turning around slowly to get every detail of the place around me. "Great, my car isn't here, luck is just not on my side today, isn't it?"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "No, its not." He sighed, looking around,
"C'mon let's go, I'll give you a ride."

I smiled at him. "Ok, thanks, Jon."

He nodded and turned around, heading back to his vehicle, I followed.

I watched Jonathan as we went. Man, he had one hell of a bad-ass walk, his clothes hugged his great body, his awesome terminator strut, his ass . . .

I shook my head, scowling myself, but it didn't help, my lust for this guy's body won over my logic. He had such a fine ass . . .

'Argh Parker! Get ahold of yourself!'

I growled, irradiated with myself. Jon glanced at me over his shoulder with a confused look. "You ok back there?"

"Yeah . . ." just admiring your fine ass.' "Just annoyed."

"Why?" He asked, slowing down so he was now walking at my side, much to my happiness and relief.

I shrugged. "Well, I can't find my car and I have no money, and I'm stuck with you, not that its a bad thing for me, but I hate wasting your time."

"Its ok, I've been wanting to hang with a normal person for awhile, with being famous I don't get to be around normals much anymore." He looked at me. "I won't lie I like how you treat me like any one else."

I smiled, trying not to blush, shrugging. "Well you are normal, your just talented, really talented, so what if you have a lot of money? No offense, but it doesn't make you a God, your human."

He smiled, approaching his truck, opening the door for me. "Ma lady." He held his hand out for me to take.

I laughed, taking it, he helped me up into the truck. "Such a gentlemen."

He chuckled, waiting for me to get situated and then closed the door. I watched him make his way to his side and opened his door, climbing up and getting in. He looked at me as he turned the keys, starting the car.

I smiled at him as I buckled up. He smiled back before he turned to back out of the lot.

I pulled out my phone. 10:02 a.m. I sighed, rubbing the side of my face, before I pelted both of them on my face. "I. Am. So. Dead." I looked at him pleadingly. "Can I stay with you?"

He laughed, "I'd love for you to stay with me, I like your company. But I think you'd get tired of me."

I scoffed. "Nah, I'm sure I wouldn't, Jon. I'd think you'd get tired of me, I'm not the most fun person."

He shook his head, tapping the steering wheel with his fingers, pursing his lips. "Naw, your pretty funny." He glanced at me. "So tell me about yourself, Astrid."

I looked forward, staring at the bumper of the green Chevy Malibu. "Um, well, I was in wrestling in high school, champion for, like, the whole high school year. I was in a lot of sports, I kinda took up professional wrestling but I decided after all my training I didn't want to hurt people for money, also I'm not great with coming up with anything, I work at a bar as a bartender. I'm 26.
And I was born in Ohio, moved here to see if I could get a better chance of succeeding."

"Are you?"

I shrugged. "I guess."

"You wrestle?" He suddenly asked, coming back to my first explanation of myself, I nodded.

"Yeah, still do sometimes, I also go to the gym. When I wrestle I like to win, because people underestimate girls a lot."

"You could be a Diva."

"Yeah, probably, but," I shrugged, "I don't think I'm every good."

Jon suddenly turned as we passed the local gym, and pulled into the driveway. "Jon . . . what are you doing?"

He pulled into an empty parking spot, turning off the car, then got out, coming around to open my door. "Seeing if you are good at wrestling or not."

"Who am I going against?" I asked, jumping out, he slammed the door behind me, I faced him and waited for his answer.

He gave me a serious look. "Me."

My stomach dropped. 'Oh god no . . .'

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