Chapter 10- Feelings

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Chat Noir leaped from rooftop to rooftop until the balcony he quickly came to love came into sight. Of course, it probably had something to do with a certain bluenette taking over his entire existence. The one that was slowly turning his world upside down.

Ever since that day, Marinette has been all he ever thinks about. Ladybug, taking only a little place in his mind. Whether he was Adrien or Chat Noir, Marinette was always in his head.

Chat Noir landed on the railing and looked towards the room. His fist tightened as he noticed that, once again, the bluenette was not home. But this time, he knew why! Marinette was still out with Luka!

Chat Noir gripped harshly onto the railing in anger. The thought of Marinette and Luka still lovingly enjoying each other's company made him sick. Even more than when he noticed that wannabe Chat Noir apparel he was wearing, but almost the same as watching her walk away from him and into Luka's arms.

Chat Noir gritted his teeth as he recalled the earlier events. Marinette had been so happy to see Luka that she practically ran away from Adrien. The memory kept him unfocused the rest of the day. So much so that he even lost his fencing match to his Partner Kagami Tusuri within the first 10 seconds. It was nearly embarrassing for him. He had not lost a fencing match in a while, but he simply couldn't focus. Thoughts of Luka and Marinette getting together kept clouding his train of thought.

Chat Noir wanted to scream. Why would she do this to him? And where the hell was she? Those thoughts quickly were replaced with new ones as Chat's green eyes landed on this target. Chat Noir felt outraged. He wanted nothing more than to cataclysm that musician out of existence.

Marinette would have to answer for this!


Luka and Marinette walked hand in hand, singing the lyrics to Kitty section's brand new song, Perfect melody. Luka laughed as Marinette tried to hit the high note but failed miserably. Times like this reminded him why he loved this girl so much.

Luka was glad the two remained friends after their break up. While it was extremely difficult for him at first, he understood her perfectly. Luka knew her feelings from the start. Then that night came. Luka tried to kiss his girlfriend for the very first time. But Marinette couldn't. She told him she was still in love with Adrien. That is when Luka knew he had to let her go. All he ever wanted was her happiness, even if it cost him his.

"Oh wow, that was classic," Luka laughed.

"Shut up, Luka! We can't all be singers," she giggled.

"I am only kidding, ma-ma. You know I love your singing," he responded, placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Whatever," Marinette giggled.

The two teens continued laughing until arriving at her door. Neither one was aware that they were being watched.

"Please be careful. At least promise me you will try. You can't keep hurting yourself. Your back is pretty back. I worry about you, Marinette," Luka said in all seriousness, caressing her cheek.

Marinette fought the urge to move away from his touch. 'It's Luka. He will never hurt you,' she thought as she closed her eyes.

"I will. I promise," Marinette whispered, leaning into his touch. With each passing hour, she felt herself getting better. She knew her past experience would not stop her. She was Ladybug!

"Okay, goodnight," Luka said, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Goodnight," She responded.

The teen smiled at each other one last time before Luka took his leave.

It only took Chat Noir a second to react. The exact second it took Luka to take his first steps back home, Chat Noir extended his staff and jumped, landing in front of a surprised bluenette.

Chat Noir knew he had no right to be angry. But did he care? NO! Marinette was his! No fake Chat Noir musician would take her from him. That is why he landed in front of her immediately. That is why he was glaring at her, arms crossed.

"Well, well, well. That was such a beautiful picture," Chat spat out sarcastically as he walked closer to a confused Marinette.

"Here, I was worried that you could be in danger again, but it seems you were perfectly safe in your boyfriend's arms," he hissed.

"Does he know about what happened between us, or is he as clueless as I was about you having a boyfriend?" He asked with a glare.

"We are just friends, Chat," Marinette responded, feeling annoyed. Who the hell was he to act this way? She was a mistake. At least, that is what he made clear. How dare he give her a jealousy scene. FAKER! LIAR!

"A friend, yeah, looked like it," he replied with a sarcastic chuckle.

Choosing to ignore his comment, Marinette decided to ask the obvious question.

"What do you want, Chat? Do you need something?"

"You said we could talk today. I came to talk. What? Did your boyfriend make you forget?"

"We have nothing to talk about, Chat Noir. You made everything super clear already. I was a mistake, and you love Ladybug, right? Then go to her. I am actually super tired, so I think I will say goodnight."

"Marinette, we need to talk. I am not leaving here until you hear me out," Chat raised his voice.

"I don't want to talk. Go home, Chat. Why waste time with a mistake?" Marinette replied angrily.

"NO! I never said you were a mistake, Marinette. I said the kiss was, and I- I,"

"You what?"

"I lied, okay!" Chat yelled out, making Marinette look around in panic. The last thing she needed was for people to see Chat yelling at her.

"What did you want me to say? I was afraid you hated me for it. I said what I thought was best. I messed up! I know that now, but I didn't expect it to go this way, and I certainly didn't expect you to be with- with that wannabe me!" Chat yelled out, frustrated.

"I messed up. God, haven't you ever messed up before? I may be a hero, but I am not perfect, Marinette. I am only human. I said those things because-" Chat hesitated. Did he really want to admit that? "because I was scared!"

Marinette looked at Chat Noir in shock. Not only had he never yelled at her before, but she didn't expect this answer. Noticing the look on Marinette's face and realizing he had just yelled at her, he looked away.

"Look, I'm sorry, but can we talk about it, please?" Chat lowered his voice. He never meant to yell at her, but he was angry with her and the situation. Seeing her with Luka hit him harder than he expected. He felt lied to, betrayed.

Marinette nodded as she noticed the disturbed look on the hero's face. Chat Noir let out a sigh of relief. Forgetting her injury, Chat Noir grabbed her and proceeded to extend his staff.

Marinette winced in pain as he held her tightly, applying pressure to her back. Luckily, it only took a second for her feet to touch the floor, but the pain had made her legs weak, making her almost fall to the ground. Marinette took a deep breath as she attempted to fight the pain. Her actions reminded Chat Noir of her injuries and the fact that she had lied to him.

"Marinette, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" he asked, faking cluelessness.

Marinette gulped. She knew Chat Noir was on to her, but the bluenette wondered if it was best to deny it. They had a lot to talk about as it was.

Chat Noir had already yelled at her once tonight. What if he did again? What if this time it alarmed her parents? How could she explain this?

"Marinette, answer me. Last night you said you were okay, but now I know that was a lie. Please, talk to me," Chat Noir begged. "Let me help you, please."

Marinette lowered her head in shame.

"Y-yes. Last night, when he pushed me, my back hit the wall pretty hard. I didn't want to worry you. I am okay, really. They already checked it and said I would be fine," Marinette replied.

Chat Noir sighed. "Let me see."


"Marinette, I want to see. I need to make sure you are okay. I need to see for myself."

"I am okay."

"Marinette, please."

Marinette sighed. She knew if she showed Chat, he would react as Adrien did, and the bluenette didn't want him to worry anymore, yet she also knew he wouldn't give up.

Why did Chat Noir and Adrien have to be so much alike? Why did they both have to insist? Knowing that she wouldn't get off the hook, Marinette turned and lifted her shirt.

Chat Noir bit his lip. While he had seen the bruise before as Adrien, it still hit him just the same. Chat Noir couldn't help but touch the bluenette's back gently. It hurt him to know that he could have prevented it if he had reached her sooner. But he hadn't, and she was hurt.

Marinette shivered at his touch. His leather fingers ran down her back gently, sending sparks to her chest, yet she couldn't explain why.

Marinette closed her eyes, relinquishing in the feeling his leathered fingers brought to her, but the second her eyes shut, it began.

Images of her attacker flooded her mind, him pushing her, choking her, and attempting to touch her. The Chat Noir appeared. Him telling her she was a mistake, meaningless, causing her cries at night and everything in between.

Marinette opened her eyes and jumped away from Chat's touch hastily.

She couldn't take it!

The images were overwhelming.

It was like he was there looking at her, ready to attack, and Chat was too busy saying she meant nothing to care. While Marinette knew it was not true, she couldn't help but feel this way. It all felt so real.

Chat Noir frowned at her reaction. It hurt him to see her act this way, to know that she didn't want his touch as Chat Noir or Adrien. But why? Chat Noir wanted badly to ask her. He wanted an explanation. It was clear Marinette was hiding something, but he knew she would tell him when she was ready. He just hoped that when the time came, her explanation wouldn't hurt him as much as seeing her with Luka did.

"Sorry," Chat Noir whispered, hurt.

"N-no, it's okay. It's just that- I- It- It's nothing," Marinette replied sadly. She wanted to tell him the truth, she really did, but she couldn't. Marinette was afraid of his reaction. She didn't want to look weak.

Chat Noir bit his lip in an attempt not to speak, but it was becoming difficult to keep it in. He wanted to know what was happening and why with him?

"Marinette, why did you lie? I asked you if you were okay, and you said you were. Why?" He asked softly, he knew this was a delicate subject for her, and he didn't want her to feel judged.

Marinette sighed. She knew the question was coming.

"I didn't want you to worry," she whispered.

"You were already upset. I knew that it made you angry that I was out alone, and I didn't want to anger you more. I thought about it, but then," Marinette hesitated. "Then you called me a mistake. I guess I figured you wouldn't care."

Marinette hid her face as she confessed her truth, pulling her shirt down further.

Chat bit his lip as his eyes watered. Marinette's confession had broken his heart. It was he that made her feel as if she couldn't talk to him. It was he that caused her pain. It had all been his fault. Not only did he not get to her on time, but he tore her confidence to shreds, making her feel as if she had to face this on her own.

If only he had been honest with her as his Lady advised him, Marinette would still trust him. She would have never lied to him. Chat Noir didn't know what to say. He knew his mess-up was more than he had ever imagined, but he wouldn't allow Marinette to keep thinking this way. He would fix this!

Placing his hands on her hips, Chat Noir gently turned Marinette around to face him.

"Marinette, I swear to you, I never thought you were a mistake. In fact, you are the only person in my life I am sure I want to have around forever. I did say that the kiss was a mistake, but it's not really how I felt. I care about you, Marinette. More than you know. So damn much that it hurts me to realize that I could have prevented you from getting hurt, but I was too late. And it kills me to know that you thought I believed you to be a mistake because you are not, Marinette. You mean everything to me."

Marinette felt her heart pound. She secretly prayed to God that he was being honest because she wanted his words to be real.

"If that is not what you felt, why say it?"

"Because I- I was scared that you would hate me if I told you the truth," he confessed.

''Which is?"


"Please," she interrupted.

Chat Noir sighed. He wished he didn't have to tell her. The hero's gloved hands shook as he realized that this could be the last time he would be this close to Marinette. Chat Noir was afraid the bluenette would hate him after this, but he knew he had to be honest. He had hurt her enough as it was.

Chat Noir took a deep breath.

It was now or never.

He was a hero, for Christ's sake!

Fear should not be in his vocabulary.

"I'm confused. I can't lie to you and say I am over Ladybug because I still love her, but I can't deny that something is happening between us."

"I can't deny that you have been running through my mind all day. And I can't deny that the kiss meant more to me than I could have ever imagined. That it made me feel things I haven't felt before. It felt right. We felt right! So damn right. But Ladybug is still a part of me, and I don't want to hurt you. I am scared, Marinette. Scared that this confusion will make me do things that end up hurting you because I don't want to lose you. I never want to lose you." Chat confessed, looking deeply into her eyes.

Green met blue. Marinette had tears in her eyes which mirrored Chats. The hero had just poured his heart out, leaving him vulnerable and weak. Neither Chat Noir nor Adrien had ever poured their heart out this way. Now he was hoping she wouldn't break it.

Marinette looked away, attempting to hide her tears. Chat Noir was amazingly sweet. Every night he came to her, he surprised her more and more. She never expected to see this side of him. He had said all the right things. Marinette had to fight the want to run into his arms. She hoped his words were truthful.

Chat Noir was making it hard for Marinette not to fall for him. His words almost made her want to tell him that she was Ladybug, but she knew she couldn't do that.

"Chat, I- I feel the same way," she confessed.

Chat Noir felt life return to him. His princess had feelings for him? That was the best thing he could ever hear. Marinette returned his feelings!

"So what does this mean?" Chat Noir asked nervously. "What do we do about this?" The hero genuinely wondered. The truth was Chat Noir wanted her. He wanted a chance to be in a relationship with the girl that clouded his thoughts. He wished to hold her and kiss her until they were both breathless, but he knew she was not ready. She made that obvious the second she jumped away from his touch. That is why he asked. He was leaving it up to her.

"I-I don't know. I think we should figure out how we feel slowly. As you said, we don't want to hurt each other. We still have feelings for other people, and it would not be fair for either one of us. We can remain friends, hang out, and see where it takes us."

Chat Noir smiled. His princess was truly an outstanding human being.

"I agree," he whispered with a smile, but it soon faded as he thought of Luka. "But-" he hesitated. He didn't know if it was right to ask, but he needed to know what was happening between Luka and her.

Marinette looked at Chat Noir, expecting him to continue.

Mustering up the confidence, Chat Noir finally spoke. "You and that guy. I need to know." He needed to know the truth. Chat Noir knew he was falling hard for the bluenette, but he couldn't handle a broken heart.

"Chat, I told you. Luka and I are just friends. We dated for a bit, but it didn't work out. I swear," Marinette responded.

"But you were holding hands. He kissed you."

"It was a friendly kiss on the cheek, Chat. Luka and I are just friends."

"O-okay, Chat Noir whispered, feeling a bit relieved. He had lost his chance with Ladybug. He couldn't handle losing Marinette too.

Marinette giggled. "I swear, Chat. No need to be jealous," she teased.

Chat Noir hid his emberasment. Was it that obvious?

"Come on, princess. Let's get you inside and take care of your back."

"P-princess?" Marinette stuttered. Of course, she had heard Chat Noir refer to her as his princess to Ladybug, but hearing him call her that felt different. It felt special.

"Uh, y-yeah," Chat responded nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "I just thought-"

"I love it," Marinette interrupted.

Marinette chuckled as Chat let out a sigh of relief.

"Come on, princess. After you." 

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