Chapter 18- It's you

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Agony, despair, torment, sorrow, and pain; that is what Chat Noir felt. Shattered, unloved, useless, tortured, and uncared for; that is what Adrien felt even after reverting to his civilian self. He couldn't understand what he did wrong. Chat Noir would have done anything for her. He risked his life and his miraculous for her, so why did she leave him?

Adrien cried in the alleyway where he had been untransformed. It all hurt so bad. He didn't know what he would do now, but he didn't want to live without Marinette.

The blonde cleaned his eyes as he stood up and walked home. If he ever made it home. At this precise moment, Adrien wondered if he wanted to return or jump off the nearest bridge and end it all.

The model stopped and turned to look at the Pont du Garigliano bridge on his far right. He could do it. He wanted to do it. The girl he loved no longer wanted anything to do with him. What did he have left now? Nothing!

"Kid, I know what you are thinking, don't do this. We can still get pigtails," Plagg called out. Adrien didn't respond, his eyes still on the tall bridge. "KID!" Plagg yelled, earning Adrien's attention. "Listen to me. She is just worried about Paris. Pigtails loves you. If she didn't, she wouldn't have cared. Talk to her, and if you must tell her the truth, but not this, don't do this," Plagg begged worryingly.


Hawkmoth smiled as he felt the negative energy radiating. He missed akumatizing Chat Noir, but it didn't matter because he knew Chat Noir's weakness. He no longer needed an Akuma to get the miraculous of the black cat. He just needed her.

The powerful villain breathed in with a smile.

"Yes, Paris has never seen this type of pain." It was full of the agony of pain. The young man was in pain. Immense pain! This Akuma would most likely take Ladybug's miraculous. "Fly away, my little Akuma, and-" Hawkmoth froze.


Quickly Hawkmoth distransformed. He might have been a bit heartless, but when it came to his son, he could never use an Akuma. He would never place Adrien in danger. Gabriel knew Adrien was not home, but where was he? He should have never been out in that state.

The emotions were powerful.

Gabriel had never come across such intense pain before. His son was beyond hurt.

Adrien was feeling shattered.

"Natalie! Where is Adrien."

"He is out with his girlfriend, sir,"


"Yes, the girl that went to the tournament. The one he kissed and handed her the trophy. Sir, you authorized the photos to be published on next week's magazine cover."

"That's right. Mme. Dupain Cheng."

"Marinette, sir."

Gabriel froze. Marinette? Marinette, as in the girl that Chat Noir spoke of loving? His son loved the same girl? Oh no!

"A-as in," Gabriel stuttered, and Nataly nodded.

"Bring him home, now!"

Just as he yelled, the door opened, revealing a red-eyed blonde. He didn't jump. Plagg had made him see that he still had a shot, and Adrien would take it.


The blonde stiffened at the sound of his father's voice. "Son, are you alright?" He heard Gabriel speak. Adrien furrowed his brows. Son? Alright? Since when did he care?

Adrien cleared his throat before speaking. His father was probably testing him again, but he wouldn't get the best of him.

"I am alright, father. May I be excused?"

Gabriel sighed. Of course, his son wouldn't speak. He had made Adrien so much like him. "Sure."

Before Adrien could leave the room, Gabriel called on to him again.

"Adrien? You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Yes, father."


Marinette didn't sleep at all. Most of her night consisted of sobbing on her Cat pillow, wondering why she couldn't be happy.

She loved Chat Noir very much, but the thought of him risking his own life and everyone in Paris for her was too much to handle. While she loved him with all her heart, they had a duty to Paris. And as long as Hawkmoth still stood. They could never be together. That is why she knew she had to move on from Chat Noir. And that is the only reason she said yes to Luka.



"Hey, Marinette. I was calling to check up on you after, well, you know."

"I'm- I'm," Marinette hesitated as tears rolled down her cheek. She was not ok. She could never be alright again.

"I'm fine," she whispered.

"No, you're not. I know you, Marinette. You don't have to lie to me."

"I'm not," she sobbed. "And I know you must think I'm stupid for dating Chat Noir, but I swear it wasn't on purpose. We just talked, and I found myself accidentally falling in love with him. I couldn't help it. Chat Noir isn't as bad as he looks. I know that he loves me."

"I know. I could tell, but then what happened?"

"I couldn't do it. I love Chat, but I can't be with him. I can't allow Chat Noir to risk his life and all of Paris for me. Please, don't judge me. I know I was stupid, but-"

"I am not calling to judge you, Marinette. As I told you before, I still care about you. I know what you feel, and I know why you had to let him go, but my question is, what about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, Marinette. You are falling apart. Will you be able to move on? Be happy without him? Will you allow someone else to love you and try to make you happy?"

Marinette was silent. She knew she had to move on but could she? Could she love someone else other than Chat? She had spent years pinned on Adrien, and while he will always have a part of her heart, Chat Noir had all of her. He had managed to come into her and turned her world upside down with one simple kiss. She couldn't move on. She never would.

Marinette knew what Luka was asking. Luka wanted to see if she would give someone else a chance but not just anyone, him."

"Luka, I- I can't. You will always mean a lot to me, but I love him. I already hurt you once. I can't do it again. Luka, I am in love with Chat Noir."

"I know that you are, Marinette. And I know you don't want to hurt me, but I want this. I want to take the risk. I didn't try hard enough before, but I will now. I am still in love with you, Marinette. I know of your love for Chat Noir, but you can't be with him, you said so yourself, but you can be with me. We have nothing to worry about. All I am asking for is one chance. One date, and if after that you still don't want to give me a chance, I will understand. But give me a chance to make you happy."


"Please, Marinette,"

"I- okay. One date, Luka. Just one."

-End of Flashback-

Mariette sighed as she got ready for school. She didn't want to go on the date tonight, but Luka was right. She couldn't be with Chat Noir, but that didn't mean she couldn't try to be happy. Plus, if she knew Chat Noir as she did, he wouldn't move on without a fight, placing him, her, and all of Paris in danger. Maybe if he saw her with Luka, he would hate her enough to move on.

Marinette felt a teal drop as she looked at the picture of Chat Noir and her on their first date. They were so happy. So in love. Why was life so unfair to her? First, it was Adrien, and now Chat.

"Marinette?" Tikki asked worryingly.

"Don't worry about me, Tikki. I am alright," the bluenette lied.

"I know it's difficult, but you did the right thing. It will all work out in the end. I promise," Tikki whispered, hugging her holder's cheek.

"Yeah," Marinette whispered.


Adrien walked to school extremely slowly. He didn't care if he was late. Hell, if he were lucky, he would get hit by a car. Or maybe a mugger would shoot him in the head. Hell, at this point he would turn himself into Hawkmoth if he knew who he was. Anything would be better than having to be around Marinette and not being able to hold her and love her.

Adrien thought about it all night, but no matter what, he couldn't find a way to get back together with Marinette. She no longer wanted to be with Adrien, and while she wanted to be with Chat Noir, she felt like it was risky for them. His only way to be with her was by revealing his identity.

If Marinette knew that Adrien was Chat Noir, she might give him a chance, but he couldn't do that. Neither Marinette of Ladybug would allow him to. So what option did he have left?

Adrien rubbed his face as he continued to walk to the entrance missing the bluenette that had been doing the same. As the two bumped into one another, Marinette missed a step and went toward the floor. Out of extinct, Adrien extended his arm, catching the bluenette before she hit the ground.

"H-hey, Adrien," Marientte stammered. Adrien felt his heart hammer in his chest. It was clear Marinette lacked sleep, and she had been crying. She had been hurting just as much as he had.

"Hey, Marinette." Adrien bit his lip. He wanted to beg her not to leave him. He wished for nothing more than to kiss her and tell her he was Chat Noir, but he couldn't. No here, not like this.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to resist any longer. Adrien took a step back. "Sorry about that. I- I should get to class," he stated before walking away.

Marinette furrowed her brows in confusion. Adrien had brushed her off. He had never done that before. The blonde looked sad. His eyes were red as he had been crying, and he lacked sleep. But what got to her was the way he looked at her. Marinette swore she had Chat Noir in front of her. Adrien had the same look Chat Noir had last night when she told him she didn't love him.

She had to talk to Adrien. Marinette needed to make sure he was alright.


School went by slowly, but it was finally the end of the day.

Adrien sat on the far left bench, waiting for his bodyguard to pick him up. Marinette walked out of the school and sighed. It was almost as if he was avoiding her, but that didn't make sense. Marinette had not had a chance to talk to Adrien all day, not even during lunch. It was odd. Adrien and she had been having lunch together for weeks, but today when she looked for him, she was told he had gone home.

Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the blonde.

"Hey, Adrien."

Adrien stiffened at the sound of her voice. It was difficult enough to see her and have to contain himself, but it was worse when she was close.

"H-hey, Marinette."

"Umm, is it just me, or are you avoiding me?" She asked, not beating around the bush.

"What? N-no," Adrien lied. "I just need some time alone. I- I am sorry."

"Adrien, are you okay?"

The blonde sighed. 'No, I am not. You fucking dumped me and shattered my heart while I have done nothing but love you. How do you expect me to be?' He wanted to say, but he couldn't. He was not Chat Noir at the moment.

"I- yes,"

"You're lying!"

"I don't want to talk about it, Marinette."

"Why not? I talk to you about everything. So what is it that you can't talk to me about?"

Adrien sighed. Maybe he could tell her in his way. That way he could understand why she did it.

"Fine. My girlfriend just dumped me, but the thing is I don't understand why? I gave her all of me, and she- she just ended things like I didn't matter. Told me she didn't love me."

"Girlfriend?" Marinette asked. She didn't know Adrien was dating anyone, and why did the thought hurt her?


"Oh, I don't know, maybe she didn't mean what she said. Maybe she loves you but doesn't want to place you in danger."


"I broke up with my boyfriend too. I told him the same thing. But it's not true. I love him. I love him so very much."

"Then why did you dump m-him?"

"I am sure you already know who it was," she whispered, and Adrien nodded.

" Did you see the ladyblog? About what happened with him?" She asked, genuinely wondering.

He had. He wished he hadn't because it made him relive his nightmare again, but unfortunately, he had. Adrien nodded again.

Marinette felt tears fill her eyes. "Yeah, well, that's why. As much as I love him, I will always be a distraction to him. He will always want to put me above everyone else, but he can't because Paris needs him. Being with me can risk his miraculous and his life. I couldn't be greedy. I couldn't watch as Paris burned to the ground just because I wanted to be with him. I love him, but if I have to leave in order for him to be safe. I will."

"So you do love m-him?"

Marinette nodded. "With all my heart. But that doesn't matter because as long as Hawkmoth is around I can never be with him. That's why I decided to move on. The thought hurts. It hurts like hell, but I know he won't give up on us, and I need him to."

Adrien's heart broke, and tears filled his eyes. "Move on?"

"Yeah. L-Luka asked me on a date. While I said no at first, what he said made me realize he was right. Chat, and I can never be, and I need to give someone else a chance to try to make me happy. Luka knows my real feelings, and he is willing to fight, so I- I said yes."

Adrien felt a tear roll down his cheek.

He was really losing her for good. He wanted to tell her. He needed to tell her he was Chat Noir. Yes, Ladybug would kill him, but he didn't care. If he didn't, he would lose her and he couldn't allow that.

At that moment, Luka pulled up with his brand-new motorcycle, and Adrien watched as Marinette picked up her bag to leave. In one swift move, Adrien took her hand in his stopping her from getting up.

"Don't go, please," he whispered. "Don't do this to me."

Marinette felt a shiver down her spine. It was as if she knew that touch.


"Marinette, I love you. We can fix this, please don't go with him."

"A-Adrien, I- I don't know what you are talking about."

"Princess, you are hurting me with this. I love you. I know I messed up, but we can fix it, I am begging you please don't go."

Marinette's eyes widened. She could see Adrien but all she could hear was Chat Noir. It couldn't be.

"Look at me, Princess. Really look at me," Adrien whispered caressing her cheek. "I know you love me as I love you. I refuse to believe that all the moments we shared meant nothing."

Marinette couldn't speak. Everything was happening so fast.

"Kiss me, Mari, Kiss me. Let me show you that we are meant to be. Let your body feel who I am," he whispered as his lips touched hers.

Marinette couldn't explain it but at that moment she forgot where they were, who was watching, or what could happen. She felt herself nod at his request.

In one swift move, Adrien's lips were on hers. The kiss was familiar. Marinette knew those lips, she knew that taste, the feel. This was her Chaton, this was her love.

"Chat," she whispered in bliss.

"I love you, princess. Please don't go. We can still be together, please," he begged.

"It's you. It's really you." 

"It's me, princess. It always has been." 

Marinette's eyes met his. She could see it now. They had the same eyes. How could she not have seen it before? But that changed nothing. She was still a distraction, and he would still be in danger.

"We can't, Chat."

"Yes, we can, Princess. I am just Adrien, no one needs to know. Please don't leave me."

"But Hawkmoth, It's worse now. I know who you are Chat."

"I don't care. Hawkmoth can try but he will lose. Princess, I will be careful, I would do anything you ask of me, but don't leave me."

"I know that you love me, Marinette. You said so yourself. You swore that it didn't matter who I was under the mask and that you would love me either way. Well, it's still me, it's still Chat Noir. Please, don't leave me."

Marinette sobbed as she leaned in for another kiss. She loved him. Both sides of him. All of him. And no matter how hard it was, she couldn't leave him. She couldn't.

"I won't. Never again!"


"Luka watched the teens in anger. She said she loved Chat Noir. She said she didn't want to move on, yet she was kissing Adrien! Once again, Agreste had managed to take the girl. This was not over.

Hawkmoth laughed as he felt the negative energy. This was it, he would finally have Chat Noir's weakness and it was all thanks to his son.

"Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize his broken heart."

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