Chapter 24- Her recovery

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***Happy New Year, my loyal readers. As promised, the new chapter had arrived. I hope you like it. Thank you for the support, MMF***

"I love you too, Chaton."


Gabriel was livid! The well-known designer angrily grunted as he crushed the glass tea cup. How in the hell had Chat Noir managed to rescue Marinette in a matter of minutes? And what did that mean for Hawkmoth's identity? Did he know? Had Marinette woken up yet? The news was unclear of her state! AND WHERE THE HELL WAS HIS SON?!

Gabriel hissed as he finally felt the pain of the glass cutting through his hand. His eyes went towards the blood that dripped on the ground, only reminding him of Marinette's state as he lost saw her. Maybe his plan would work after all. There was no way the girl would live long in that state.

Truth be told, part of him felt terribly guilty. He Never meant to hurt Marinette, but his anger had gotten the best of him, and then he couldn't stop. The way he saw it, he never got the chance to punish Chat Noir and Ladybug before for keeping him from his lover for so long, but Marinette was the way to change that. At least when it came to Chat Noir.

Natalie sighed as he walked into the Agreste mansion. She wasn't positive of what she could tell Gabriel to keep him from looking for Adrien, but she couldn't tell him that he knew of his identity and even less that Adrien was Chat Noir!

Gabriel's eyes went towards the door as Natalie walked inside. Without hesitating, he stood up and quickly approached her. "Where is my son?" He asked as he looked behind her to find her alone.

"He wouldn't come, sir," the woman responded, almost afraid.

"What?! Where is he?"

"He is at the hospital, sir. He claimed that he would not leave her side, and none of us, including you, could do anything to stop him."

"Excuse me?"

"He is in love, Gabriel. And the girl he loves is dying in a hospital bed. You have to understand that if Adrien had to choose, he would pick her every time. Just like you have chosen Emily."

Gabriel grunted, feeling irritated. He knew Natalie was right, but that Marinette girl was really beginning to become a problem. She was now as big of a pain as Ladybug herself was.

"That girl is a problem, Natalie. She knows our identities. We have to take her out of the equation before she tells Adrien the truth."

"She is a child, Gabriel."

"She is a problem. A problem for me and a future problem for Adrien!"

"What if she is not?"


"You heard her. Even after all that we had done, she offered to help. She said she would talk to Chat Noir and find a way to bring back Emily. What if she wasn't lying?"

Gabriel laughed mockingly. "You seriously believe that she would help us? Don't be foolish, Natalie. She wanted to escape. She wouldn't have helped us."

"How do you know that?"

"Why would she help us? What? Because she was dating Adrien, the guy she left for that hero?! There is no helping! She had to die!"

"What? Have you gone mad? We are not murderers! I did not sign up for this!"

"You promised you'd help me!"

"I promised I would help you bring back Emily, my best friend! Not hurt some innocent girl!"

"She is not innocent. You always said you wanted to protect Adrien. Well, it's the time!"

"Adrien would never forgive us for this."

"He will forgive us. His mother will make sure of that."

For the first time since meeting Gabriel, Natalie had no words. She simply couldn't believe the man he had become. He was unrecognizable, a monster. A monster she had to stop.

Natalie mentally apologized to Marinette. She had tried. Just like Marinette asked her to do, she had tried to reason with Gabriel, but Gabriel was now gone, and an evil man had taken his place. Gabriel Agreste no longer had a heart. Now, plan b had begun, and Natalie would make sure it succeeded.

"Okay, what do we do?" Natalie asked.

"This is war, Natalie! Chat Noir knows who we are and how to find us. We have to be ready for anything, anytime! If he comes back, we will catch him. And trust me, he will come back! He is stubborn. He will attempt to make Hawkmoth pay for Marinette's condition."

"Yes, sir."


"I love you too, Chaton."

Adrien felt his heart do a summersault upon the sound of his princess's voice. He heard it. Adrien was sure that was his lady. He could recognize that voice anywhere. No other girl held the gentle and beautiful tone that his princess did. His suspicions were confirmed as he heard a gasp leave Tom's lips and a happy shriek from Sabine. Not wasting another second, Adrien turned around to see his lady staring at him with a weak smile.

"M-M'Lady?" He called out, still in shock. A second ago, he was losing hope that his lady would awaken soon, but now, now he felt whole again.

The blonde smiled lovingly at his girlfriend as he walked towards her leaving the door free for Tom to run out in search of a doctor. Tears of joy streamed from his face as his eyes remained on the bruise bluenette. Even hurt, bruised, and battered, she was still the most beautiful girl in the world.

Sabine watched as the teens looked lovingly at each other, not interrupting the moment. She could only imagine what they felt. Finally, being by each other's side again must be huge to the couple, especially after what her daughter had done to keep them safe.

Unable to contain himself any longer, the model and hero took his girlfriend in his arms, holding her tightly, forgetting about her injuries, and freely letting out the tears he tried his hardest to contain.

"Princess, you are awake. I- I thought I lost you," he cried. Marinette whimpered in pain as she felt Adrien wrap his arms around her tighter, afraid to let her go. Noticing Marinette's reaction, the blonde gasped and removed his hold, scared of the harm he might have accidentally done to his girlfriend.

"I am so sorry, princess. I didn't mean to, I-"

"Shh, kitty. I am okay," the bluenette whispered, caressing his cheek.

"No, you're not. I lost you, Mari."

"It was as if my nightmares had become a reality. You were gone. I- I thought you would leave me. You did leave me. Why M'lady? Why did you let him hurt you?" Adrien whispered as his tears landed on her hand.

Marinette felt her heart break into a million pieces, and she felt guilty. She had taken her duties as The Guardian of the Miraculous Box so seriously she failed to realize the damage she could have caused her family, her friends, and him, the love of her life.

But it was the only way.

That was their duty.

Their life meant nothing if it meant they would save millions.

No matter how painful it was.

No matter how others would feel.

It was their duty to save Paris.

Was she sorry she had to do it that way and break his heart? Of course. But would she do it again in order to save humanity? Without a doubt!

Marinette bit her lip as she felt tears well up in her eyes. She couldn't even begin to imagine just how Adrien felt. She knew he could not be alright. Watching her almost die and then finding out his father was their worst enemy is anyone's worst nightmare. Marinette was hurting for him. And while she wanted to lie to him, make him feel better, and tell him it would never happen again, she simply knew she couldn't do that. Removing the wire from her nose, she painfully pushed herself up into a sitting position.

"I had to," she whispered, looking away from him.

Adrien shook his head, disagreeing with her statement. "No. No, we could have done it together."

"You know that's not true, Adrien. He wanted me. He would have found me either way, and I couldn't allow you to get hurt. To let him destroy Paris."

"You should have told him who I was. He was killing you. Why didn't you tell him? I would have understood," he whispered as he continued to sob.

This time it was Marinette's turn to shake her head.

"I would have never done that. I would have never betrayed you."

"Why? Why not? Look at you, Marinette, he beat you. You- you were," Adrien hesitated. It hurt him to remember the state she had arrived. It killed him to remember the sight of the blood in his clothes and hands as he had held her limp body. He never wanted to see that again.

"Your life was in danger, Marinette. You knew who he was. Why didn't you tell him then?"

"He would have hurt you, Adrien. He- he is not the same. The power of the moth is not meant to be used for evil as it is extremely difficult to control.

It's taking over him," Marinette hesitated as she remembered the look in Gabriel's eyes as he held her by the throat and spat out words of hate. She doubted he was in control at all.

"He wouldn't have been able to control himself. I couldn't let you die. I love you, Adrien."

Adrien's heart pounded at the speed of light. Marinette had told him she loved him before, but something about her using his name made it feel different. Real.

"I love you, Marinette."

For that second, their problems didn't exist. There was no Ladybug or Chat Noir. No Mayura of Hawkmoth. It was just him and her. Two teens deeply in love and willing to give up their life for the other.

Lost in the moment, the teens leaned in, giving to the passion. It was unlike any other kiss. It felt like their first. Special.

The two finally loved each other with no secrets, worries, or regrets. It was the beginning of their relationship. A stronger relationship!

Tikki and Plagg smiled as they watched their holders kiss each other as if it were their last kiss. They were now ready. There was no doubt in the Kwami's minds that this was a mistake. Ladybug and Chat Noir had found their missing piece.

Acceptance. Love with no secrets. That was what made Ladybug and Chat Noir an unstoppable duo, and the teens had made it.

It no longer mattered how many akumas Hawkmoth held. It didn't matter how unstoppable the ultimate power could be in the villain's hands. Ladybug and Chat Noir were now one, and nothing could stop them.

Hawkmoth's identity was the ultimate test for Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was the test that could make or break them. Not that Tikki and Plagg ever doubted their young holders. The teens, after all, had been picked for a reason.

Marinette was the calm to his chaos. The strength to his weakness and his light in the dark. Marinette had been made for Adrien. Just like Adrien had been made for her.

The bluenette gasped as they ended their kiss. Marinette couldn't explain it, but the second Adrien's lips met, it was as if something had lit up inside her. An explosion of strength. A volt of energy through her veins. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Marinette felt invincible.

Marinette touched her lips in disbelief. What the hell was that? Where had her pain gone?

To her surprise, Adrien's reaction mirrored hers.

The blonde had also felt it.

It was a new surge of power.

The overwhelming emotions had vanished in thin air. All the pain, betrayal, and anger, nothing affected him as much anymore.

"Did you-"



"Good evening Ms. Dupain Cheng. I see you have woken up. I didn't doubt you would," Doctor Lavigne spoke up, interrupting the teens.

Adrien turned to look at the doctor, still lost in thought. His head kept trying to understand what in the world had just happened. he and Marinette had kissed many times before, but this was different. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

"I do apologize for the interruption, Mr.Agreste, but we must perform certain tests to ensure Ms. Dupain Cheng's safety," the doctor spoke again as he realized Adrien's eyes were on him.

Dr. Lavigne was no stranger to the Agrestes. It was he who attempted to save Emily. Sadly, he had failed. Gabriel had never been able to forgive him.

Adrien nodded and placed a gentle peck on Marinette's lips before standing up and giving the doctor access to the instruments beside her.

"Wow," Dr. Lavigne whispered as he studied the results. Her recovery was miraculous. It was as if it had never happened to begin with.

While the young girl still held bruised ribs and body parts, there were no signs of anything broken. Dr. Lavigne couldn't explain it. Never in his 30 years of being a doctor had he witnessed this before.

"I- you- wow," he whispered again in disbelief.

"Is everything okay, doctor," Sabine asked worriedly.

"Umm, it's odd. I have never seen something like this before. Your daughter is in a perfect state. Besides the bruising and swelling, she has nothing. No broken bones, no scars, and no internal damage. B-but h-how? The state she was in when she arrived was critical. I- It's a miracle."

Marinette smiled and looked at a hidden Tikki from the corner of her eye. That little bug had healed her. She definitely had to give her little kwami an unlimited supply of cookies to make up for it.

In the corner, Tikki and Plagg held each other tightly. While Tikki had healed some of the damage, it was not her doing. It was their love and bond that healed Marinette. Ladybug and Chat Noir's bond was now sealed, and there was no force on earth who could stop them. Not if they are both together and well. Not that any human would know that.

"That's my princess," Adrien whispered lovingly.

"I- well, congratulations are in order. I will get everything ready for your release right away."

Adrien laughed as the doctor left the room, still confused. "I think we broke him," he joked. "If he acted that way, just imagine Hawkmoth's face when we show up."

Marinette smiled but didn't react much more. While she was extremely happy that she would be able to face Hawkmoth, she still worried for Adrien's emotional well-being. They had to face the most powerful villain of all time and to make matters worse, it was none other than his own father. While there was no one else she would trust to have her back, she was beginning to doubt Adrien going against was the best idea.

Adrien's laughter seized as he noticed his girlfriend staring at him, lost in thought.

"Princess?" He called her, but his girlfriend had not responded.

"Mari? Are you okay?" He called out again, caressing her cheek.

Snapping back from her thoughts, Marinette bit her lip and looked away.

"You're not coming." 

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