Chapter 27- The invitation

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Oh, is that so? And how are you going to do that? Are you going to attempt to kill my fiance again, Hawkmoth?"

Gabriel's eyes widened as he heard the words that had just come out of his son's mouth.

He knew!

Adrien knew he was Hawkmoth.

Marinette had told him.

He should have killed her when he had a chance but rest assured he would not miss the second time.

In anger, Gabriel stood forward, trying to get to Marinette, but Adrien was too quick to react. In one swift move, Adrien pushed his father harshly, turned him, twisted his body, and kicked him in the back. Gabriel had landed even further than where he was standing before.

"Get the hell away from her!" Adrien yelled. He was so angry that his veins were bulging out. It was no secret that Adrien had gotten more muscular in the past couple of months, but seeing him like this was a new experience for Marinette.

"You are a fool, boy. Did she tell you the reason why?"

"I know the reason why! I know you want to bring mother back, but it will not happen!"

"It will happen! I will get those miraculous!"

"Mother will never forgive you! Just like I will never forgive you for what you have done!"

Gabriel laughed bitterly. "You are so naive. Your love for her has overshadowed your reasoning and loyalty to your mother. But ask yourself this. Do you think she is as faithful to you as you are to her? Why is Chat Noir willing to do anything for her?"

Adrien laughed mockingly. "Do you believe I didn't know about Chat Noir? I know everything. Marinette never lied to me about him. But you are right about one thing. Love has blinded me, and I am happy about it. Marinette agreed to be my wife after all."

"What? You will do no such thing! I will never allow it!"

Adrien laughed again. "You can't avoid it. You know you should look at the papers you sign once in a while."

"Your mother would be ashamed of you."

"Maybe so, but she would despise you!"

"Now, I will only say this once. Be grateful that Marinette wishes to do you no harm and is adamant about keeping this silent but believe me when I say if anything happens to her or her family. I will not be so forgiving. I will come after you. Now get out of our house!"

Marinette couldn't help but look at her boyfriend in awe. He was so strong and fearless. It was dumb not to have known he was Chat Noir before. Watching Adrien's strength gave her the power she needed. She could not be afraid. She was Ladybug! Nothing would stop her from standing by her partner's side without fear.

Natalie held a smile. She was so proud of Adrien. She never imagined the day would come when he would stand up to Gabriel, but here he was, doing just that. Emily would have been proud.

Adrien, on the other hand, felt his heart pulverize to ashes. His father was really gone. He had refused to believe it before, but coming face to face with him was enough to vanish all doubts.

Gabriel showed no remorse for the things he had done. He was willing to attack Marinette before his eyes and didn't even attempt to deny his identity. Gabriel was no longer his father. He was Hawkmoth, the enemy.

Yet that was not what hurt Adrien the most. It was the lies he was telling. The lies he wished with all his might were true. Because if she said yes. He would marry Marinette right that second. He would finally call her Mrs. Agreste and be with her for all eternity, but it wasn't true. There was no paper stating he could marry, and he had not yet proposed, and after the past events, he doubted she'd want to marry him at the moment.

"This is not over. I will get your mother back, and she will be ashamed of you!"

"Get the hell out of my house!" Adrien yelled in anger.

Gabriel gritted his teeth in anger and turned to leave, but the teens had not finished talking yet.

"Oh, Mr. Agreste?" Marinette spoke up. The bluenette used all the strength in her body. She was face to face with the man that had caused her so much harm.

"My offer still stands." She called, moving the wheelchair beside Adrien. She wanted to give him one last chance.

She refused to believe that going to war was the only choice.

She had to save him for Adrien's sake and her own.

Gabriel looked at the girl in hatred. He knew what she meant exactly. She wanted him to give up his miraculous. She wanted him to turn himself into Ladybug and Chat Noir for her to help him. But she couldn't help! No one could!

"Go to hell!" Gabriel spat out in disgust, and Marinette frowned. I guess war was going to be it.

"Very, well. Don't worry. I'll be sure to send it to send the wedding invitation to the Agreste mansion."

Gabriel stomped out of the room like an angry kid. That girl needed to die!


As soon as the door shut, Adrien felt his body grow weak. He couldn't believe that he had been fighting against his father all these years. Gabriel had placed him, Marinette, and Paris in danger more than Adrien could count for the miraculous. Then not only did he attempt to kill Marinette to trap him, but he almost went after her again today. Right in front of him!

His father was gone. The man he grew up with was nothing but a distant memory. While it hurt, there were other things that hurt worse. Like not marrying her. Marinette had no idea how much it hurt for him to talk about a fake wedding, knowing deep inside he wished for it to be real. Mrs. Agreste! That is what he wanted every man to call her when they stood in front of her. A clear and evident way to say she was taken. She was his. But that wasn't real, and while Marinette was his girlfriend, she had yet to be his.

Marinette bit her lip and stood up slowly. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Adrien was feeling at this very moment. He had nothing. His mother was in a never-ending comma, and his father was none other than his worst enemy.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, taking a sit beside him. Adrien placed his head down in a weak attempt to hide his tears, and Marinette took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she tried not to cry with him. Seeing him this way broke her heart. He wouldn't be able to do it.

War was coming, and Adrien would not have the heart to end his father's evil reign. No matter how strong he tried to be, and no matter how much he loved her, Hawkmoth was still his father, and Marinette understood that, as she, too, did not want to hurt Gabriel.

But she had to do what was best.

This war could no longer go on.

But she wouldn't hurt Adrien.

She refused to put him through more pain.

Not when there was still an enormous pain he would have to endure.

Marinette knew it was best to end it now and make it less painful for him later than completely shatter his heart.

"Chaton, I am going with Luka," Marinette whispered in pain. Adrien's eyes opened and met hers immediately. What was that supposed to mean? Had they not spoken of this already?

"Excuse me?" He asked, almost feeling angry. First, she didn't want him there with her, and now she wanted to go with Luka?

"It is not like that, and you know it, Adrien. But-"

"But what? You trust him more than me?"

"Of course not, Adrien! But-"

"But what? I don't understand why you insist on pushing me away, then you keep getting close to him, knowing it hurts me."

"I don't want to hurt you! This is not about Luka! It never was! Do you think I like seeing you like this? Do you think I like watching you hurt while trying to pretend it doesn't affect you when we both know that is far from the truth? I know this hurts you, Chaton. I saw how hard on you every time the anniversary comes around, and now your father is- I can't do this to you. I can't make you watch while you end up with nothing. I just can't."

Adrien shook his head. There was no way in hell he would let her face him on her own or even with Luka. The way he saw it, this could only end in two ways. Either his father would kill her, or she and Luka will defeat him and end up falling in love with each other. Wasn't that what happens after a person saves the other's life?

But none of that would happen because Marinette was his, and his father would die before he was able to get his hands on his princess.

"You still don't get it, do you? Trying not to lose everything I have is exactly what I am trying to do! Marinette, I lost my mother long ago, and my father was never there. Later he tried to destroy me by taking the only person I have loved more than my life. YOU! You are all I have left. You are what I am fighting so hard to keep, princess. I can't let you go without me. He already tried to take you from me once, and today he went to do it again. I can't lose you, princess. I love you."

Marinette felt tears stream down her cheeks. It was he who didn't understand that she did not want to hurt him. Hawkmoth hated her existence, and Marinette knew that the probability of her walking out was slim. In fact, she was completely convinced of it. Marinette had already planned it all out. Her chances were slim to none. That is why she continued to push him away, and that's why she didn't want him to come.

"I love you too, Kitty, but you know that there is always the chance we don't make it out," she admitted through her tears.

"We will if we are together. Princess, don't take my miraculous. Let me be there with you. Gabriel is dead to me. All that matters is you. You made me a promise, M'lady. I kept my promise, no matter how badly it hurt. Now it's your turn."

Marinette mentally cursed herself for making that promise, but it was too late. She had done it, and he wouldn't let her forget it. If only he knew that it was a promise she would not be able to keep.

Marinette nodded sadly.

"Together?" Adrien asked hopefully.

"Till my last breath," she whispered.


That night, Adrien once again sat in silence. He watched as Marinette looked at the printed card in her hand and smiled before placing it in the envelope. Adrien felt like crying. This was torture.

"I'm finally done!" Marinette exclaimed with joy, and Adrien nodded. "Do you want to take a look at it?" She asked, stretching her arm to hand him the envelope, but Adrien shook his head. "I rather not."

Marinette frowned at his reaction. It was almost as if the idea of marrying her disgusted him. Was that it? With that thought, Marinette threw the envelope beside him in the bed.

"It's fake, Adrien. There is no need to panic!" She uttered angrily before turning to walk out of the room, but before she knew it, Adrien appeared by her side, holding her arm, keeping her from making another move.

"That's just it, Marinette. It's fake. I-I," Adrien hesitated. Marinette had been through a lot and he didn't want to pressure her. It wasn't her fault, it was his. The second she uttered those words that day made his heart pound so erratically, he stop thinking straight. Watching her die reminded him that he no longer wanted to wait. But while he was ready, he was sure she wasn't, and he wouldn't pressure her into it. In the end, there were just words.

"Never mind. I'm sorry. I am sure it looks great, but I am tired. Let's just go to bed." 


Natalie sighed as she walked into Gabriel's study. The man had lacked sleep.

He often replayed past events in his head.

Adrien's warning had really caught him off guard.

He never imagined that his own son would go against him, even after learning his reasons for doing so. He also couldn't understand why Ladybug had not attacked yet. Maybe he was wrong, maybe she didn't know, and Marinette was really Kaalki's holder. But if that was the case, why was she keeping silent? Why did she not tell her guardian?

"Sir, Adrien sent a letter," she stated coldly. "I attempted to call him after, but there was no response. Would you like me to throw it away?" Natalie asked.

Gabriel's eyes went towards Natalie and then to the square envelope in her hands. Adrien had sent a letter? Why? He made it clear that he never wanted to see him again. Had his son changed his mind? He was doing it for his mother, and Adrien had to understand that.

Gabriel continued to stare at the envelope. Of course, he didn't want her to throw it away. If there were a possibility that Adrien would join him, he would take it. Even if it was doubt, Gabriel could use Chat Noir to convince Adrien to get revenge. After all, wasn't Chat Noir the other boy who was attempting to steal his girlfriend?

Nodding, Gabriel stood up and took the envelope in his hands. Quickly he opened the envelope and pulled out the card.

Gabriel's eyes glanced at the paper in his hand as Natalie stared at him with a smirk. She had to admit Marinette was a brilliant young girl. It was no wonder Adrien had fallen head over heels for her. The wedding invitation was simply a stroke of genius.

In that second, the rage that filled Gabriel was unlike anything Natalie had witnessed before. Gabriel's skin turned a dark shade of red, yet his fist was as white as snow. Immediately Gabriel's hand crushed the small cardboard card as if it was nothing but a cheap piece of paper. It was a wedding invitation. Their wedding invitation! How dare that stupid girl attempt to marry his son in a week?

"This needs to end now!"

"Sir, what do you mean?" Natalie asked nervously.

"I don't need Chat Noir. Adrien will be the greatest Akuma!"

The war had officially begun. 

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