Chapter 29- Let the war begin

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"Nooo!" He yelled, but it was too late. Marinette's body had fallen in his arms.

Everyone screams in panic. Some dropped on the ground, fearing getting shot, while the others tried to get to Marinette's falling body.


Everything happened in a blink of an eye. One moment they were saying their I Do's, and the next, his bride had a bullet in her stomach.

Adrien felt the air leave his body as he caught his bride in his arms. Marinette's beautiful white gown was now stained with her blood.

The bluenette panted heavily, trying hard to find the pain. This couldn't end like this.

They had to stop Gabriel.

Hawkmoth couldn't continue to exist.

She had to fight. She was Ladybug! If she died, she would have let all of Paris down.

"Marinette!" Adrien yelled, falling to the ground with her in his arms.

"Marinette, look at me, please," he begged as he placed his hand over her stomach, attempting to stop the bleeding.

Marinette coughed up blood as tears ran down her cheeks.

"God, damn it! Marinette, don't leave me," he cried out.

Marinette fought to keep her eyes open.

She knew this was it for her.

She had seen it coming.

But she never expected it to be this soon.

The bluenette never had a chance to keep her promise. She never got to marry Adrien and had kids and a hamster.

But she couldn't die yet. Not before she could tell the model how she felt.

Taking a shaky and painful day, she spoke up. "Adrien, I- I love you," Marinette whispered. Her body went completely limp.

"No, no, no. My love, don't leave me. You can't leave me so soon," he cried. "You swore you would stay with me. Mari, please, wake up, my love."

The blonde's eyes lifted towards the door to see Hawkmoth standing there with an evil smile, and his blood boiled.

"Why? How could you do this to me?" Adrien yelled as he held Marinette's body closer. "You are going to pay for this, Gabriel! I swear it!"

You could hear gasps all around the church. Gabriel?

Hawkmoth froze the second his name came out of his son's mouth. Adrien had exposed him. Now he really had to end this!

Adrien closed his eyes tightly as tears streamed drown his cheeks. He felt as if life couldn't stop torturing him. While the blonde was never one to question his mother's teachings, the teen was starting to believe God was not real. If God was real, why was he taking Marinette from him for a third time?

Did God hate him?

"Marinette, darling. Wake up," Tom ran over, taking his daughters from Adrien's arms.

In that second, Adrien stood up, rage overtaking his senses. "I'm going to kill you, Father!" He yelled, running toward him, but Gabriel disappeared.

At that exact second, Chat Noir appeared, running inside the church in panic. His plan had gone wrong. How did it go wrong?

"Marinette!" He yelled. He ran towards the fallen girl, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Princess, wake up."

Everyone was confused. Chat Noir? What was the hero doing here?

Noticing Marinette was long gone. Chat Noir stood up, walking towards Adrien in anger.

"This is your fault," he hissed.

"Gabriel?" He questioned angrily. "You knew this entire time who he was and didn't tell us?" He continued.

"You did this!" He yelled out. "I will make you pay for this!" He threatened. "After I finish him, rest assured I am coming for you!" He yelled, using his staff to disappear.

The church was in chaos. Screaming, crying, and anger filled the air. The news of Gabriel Agreste being Hawkmoth had spread like wildfire, but the war had just begun.

Emergency vehicles surrounded the church. In a matter of seconds, Marinette's limp body was in an ambulance. A blanket was over her head as the paramedics sadly placed the cot inside.

"Mr. Agreste, we have an officer looking for Gabriel as we speak," one of the officers called out.

"No! This one is on me!"

Taking the dropped gun, Adrien walked out of the church in anger. He had a mission. He would end Hawkmoth for good!


Hawkmoth smiled as his plan was working nicely. Soon he would have their miraculous.

"The anger of a son watching his loved one die in the hands of his own father. Fly away, my little Akuma, and evilize Adrien's, broken heart!"

"Sir, but wouldn't he come for you?"

"I know what to do?"

"Vengence, I am Hawkmoth. I give you the power to destroy all those who have hurt you and take revenge for the loss of your loved one," Hawkmoth spoke but was interrupted.

"I am coming for you, father!"

"If you do, who will help you bring your lover back? Chat Noir will destroy you! Help me, Adrien, and together we can bring back both Marinette and your mother!"


"I did this because of Chat Noir! He is to blame for your pain!"

Adrien's body shook as he thought of Marinette's limp body. As much as he hated to admit it, just like his father, he would do anything to have Marinette in his arms again.

"Fine! Marinette, I'm bringing you back, my love."

Hawkmoth laughed as his plan was working out perfectly. His son's pain was so huge that he had no doubt Adrien would destroy, Ladybug and Chat Noir on his own.

"Natalie, get ready! We are expecting visitors."

"Duusu, Spread My Feathers!"


Chat Noir wiped the tears from his eyes as he looked down at the church. It was as if his heart had been ripped off his chest for the millionth time this year.

"Chaton, are you okay?" Ladybug asked as she stood by his side.

"Yeah, I just can't believe he'd do this. Let's go."


Adrien closed his eyes as his father gave him his new powers. A bright red and brown leather cape appeared on his body. His hair draped over his eyes, covering the sadness and anger they held.

"Come to me, son!"

"Not until getting her body!"

"Fine!" Gabriel hissed.

"Know that if you go back on our deal. I will kill you!"

"I would never! Bring her here. Together we will get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous."

"As you wish, father."

It only took two minutes for Adrien to appear in Hawkmoth's layer holding the body of the love of his life and placing her by his mother.

It was time for action. Time to bring them back!


Natalie stood beside Hawkmoth, ready to battle. One by one, she picked objects around the room to turn into sentimonsters. Their army was growing by the second.

Hawkmoth laughed evilly.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir won't know what hit them."


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ladybug asked one last time. Chat Noir nodded in response.

Gabriel was dead to him.

He would never forgive what he had done.

It was too late to surrender.

Chat Noir wouldn't allow it!

"Ready?" He asked, turning to look at his partner.

Ladybug hesitated.

She needed to tell him.

He needed to know.

"Chat?" She called out. Her voice was full of love, yet it also held pain.

Chat Noir's attention went to his partner. He could see something was wrong. Her eyes didn't shine as they used to, and her smile vanished. He worried that she was scared, but that wasn't it. Ladybug was the most fearless girl he knew. So he knew there was more, way more.

Ladybug wanted to cry. She had seen the look in his eyes when he witnessed Marinette getting shot. It was the same look she never wanted to see again. But they were facing Hawkmoth for the last time. The possibility of it happening was at an all-time high.

That is why she wanted to put space between them. That is why she wished Chat Noir wouldn't come today.

"Is everything okay, M'Lady?"

Ladybug cursed herself in her mind for being this weak. She couldn't believe that after rehearsing this many times, she still didn't have the guts to tell him.

"It's nothing, kitty," she responded with a fake smile.

"M'Lady," Chat Noir's tone was clear enough to say she was lying.

"It's just. I love you. You know that, right?" She asked weakly.

Chat Noir furrowed his brows in confusion. Of course, he knew that. Why did she even ask that?

"Of course I do, and I love you. We wouldn't be here if we didn't love each other."

Ladybug bit her lip and smiled. "Yeah," she whispered.

"Princess, what is this about?" Chat Noir asked worryingly.

"I just wanted you to remember I love you, and no matter what happens today, I will always stand beside you, whether you can see me or not," she whispered the last part.

"Don't," Chat Noir responded angrily. "Don't you dare say goodbye. We will never have to say goodbye. Never!"


"Don't, princess. We will go in there, we will defeat him, and then, we are going to get married as you promised. Do you hear me?"

Ladybug smiled, but deep inside, she knew they were nothing but lies. Lies they told themselves to keep them from breaking.

Ladybug nodded as Chat Noir pulled her in for a kiss.

"We go this, okay?" He whispered against her lips.


"You guys ready?" Rena called out.

"As ready as we will ever be," Chat Noir responded, making the first move.


Mayura smiled. This victory would be as satisfying.


Before she could speak, glass flew toward her as the window exploded.

"Hawkmoth!" Chat Noir yelled in anger.

Hawkmoth stood as if there was nothing to fear, Adrien by his side.

Chat Noir's eyes widened in shock as he saw Adrien stand beside Hawkmoth.

What the hell was going on?

"You!" he spat out viciously. "You swore you loved her! I let her go for you, yet you dare stand by the man that killed her? How could you do this to her!"

"Shut up. Marientte is dead because of you! It was you who placed her in danger. It was you who came between us. And for what? To tell the world of her identity, putting a target on her back?"

"Fuck you! I loved her!"

"Shut up! She was mine! She was going to marry me!"

"And it killed her! You and your father fucking killed my princess!"

With that, Chat Noir extended his baton aiming for Adrien, who ducked quickly, but Chat Noir didn't stop. Hit after hit, kick after kick, the two teens went at each other with all the hate in the world.

Focused on Adrien, Chat Noir missed the sentimonsters that surrounded him.

"That's right, take his miraculous," Hawkmoth laughed mockingly.

By the time Chat Noir had realized there were sentimonsters, it had been too late. No matter how hard he tried to dodge them, he couldn't shake them off. His efforts were fruitless as he was greatly outnumbered.

It only took one distraction for Adrien to capture Chat Noir. One of his arms around his neck, squeezing his throat, while the other held Chat Noir's hand in the air preventing him from using his cataclysm.

"This is for Marinette," Adrien whispered as Hawkmoth walked over to Chat Noir, ready to take his miraculous.

"Finally! Your miraculous is now mine."

Just as Hawkmoth reached over to grab the ring, a voice was heard from behind.

"Well, well, well, looks like a certain kitty cat started the party without me."


Hawkmoth watched as Ladybug stood swinging her yo-yo around, ready for action.

"Welcome, Ladybug," Hawkmoth mocked. "We were expecting you."

"Were you? Ohh, I feel special," Ladybug sarcastically answered, angering Hawkmoth.

Clenching her fist, Hawkmoth yelled in anger.

"What are you waiting for? GET HER!"

Hawkmoth looked around, signaling all the sentimonsters to attack but was soon surprised. No one moved from their spots. In fact, they looked frozen. Almost as if they were nothing but statues.

"I said to get her!" He yelled again, but once again, they remained still.

Ladybug stood in the same position with a smile on her face. Hawkmoth was sure she was mocking him.

Taking advantage, Chat Noir swung her head backward, headbutting Adrien and dropping him to the ground. Not wasting more time, he kicked his head to the ground and used his baton to jump to Ladybug's side.

"Looks like your own your own, Gabriel!"

Hawkmoth turned to look at Natalie in panic, who simply shrugged as she snapped her fingers.

"I'm sorry, but you have gone too far," She responded sadly.

Hawkmoth couldn't believe it.

All the sentimonsters went disappearing one by one.

To Hawkmoth's surprise, an akumatized Adrien and the body of the bluenette bride disappeared as well.

"W-what? How?"


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