Chapter 47- Agreste

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 Gabriel smiled as he placed the finishing touches on the wedding dress he was gifting Marinette. In reality, the dress was her design. Gabriel had seen it in one of her designer books when they bounced ideas back and forth, and he loved it. Based on the matching tux beside it with Adrien's picture, he could only imagine that the design was Marinette's dream dress. The designer simply made minor changes to match Marinette's figure and then turned it into reality.

Marinette was going to look beautiful. She had to since she was going to be an Agreste.

The Agreste!

"Marinette Agreste, the future of The Gabriel Brand."

"What?" The model interrupted as he walked into his father's study, making the man turn off his tablet quickly.

"What are you hiding, father?" Adrien asked, feeling slightly suspicious of his father's activities. It wasn't that he didn't trust his father, but after the Hawkmoth situation, he had to be careful.

"Tone it down, son!" Gabriel responded. "You will see soon enough."

Adrien nodded, deciding to trust his father like Marinette had learned to do.

"And what do you mean the future of the Gabriel brand?" Adrien questioned curiously.

"It's business, Adrien. We will talk about that later on, son."

"OK, I will let it go because I am too nervous to think. I want everything to be perfect."

"I know, son, I know. Everything has been set up perfectly to your instructions. Your mother has been taking care of it personally."

"What about the"

"Relax, son. The place, food, decorations, and distractions have all been taken care of. The ring you picked out is perfect, and you couldn't have chosen a better girl."

"Thank you, father. I just- I-" Adrien hesitated. The blonde had begun to question his proposal. Of course, he wanted nothing more than to marry Marinette, but it was the possibility of her saying no that had penetrated his mind.

"Adrien? What's wrong? You can talk to me," Gabriel spoke, giving his son his full attention.

Adrien sat on the nearest chair, looking almost defeated. With what seemed like a bear whisper, the blonde spoke again, "What if she says no?"

Gabriel furrowed his brows in confusion. The young girl loved Adrien more than anything in the world. She had proven that time and time again. She risked her life for his son more times than Gabriel could count. How could Adrien really be questioning this?

"You believe that Ms. Dupain Cheng will reject your proposal?" Gabriel questioned, attempting to understand his son's doubts. "Why?"

Adrien sighed and covered his face. "Marinette has been through a lot with me. And not all were the best things, as you know. She lost her memory and just started to remember again. What if she doesn't really remember everything? She said she wanted to marry me when we got older, but we were only about to graduate. What if I am moving too fast? What if she decides that she changed her mind? Since there is no Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore, what if she doesn't want Adrien now? What if-"

"Adrien!" Gabriel interrupted his son's ranting.

"What is wrong with you?" The man questioned as he held his head, fighting the headache coming on.

Adrien looked at his father in both startlement and confusion at his tone. What did he mean by that?

"This is crazy, you know that, right?" Gabriel questioned. "Marinette literally took a beating just to make it clear she would marry you. That girl loves you, son. True love. Real love. And a love like that will not change."

"Whether you are 16 or 26."

"Whether you are in high school or college."

"She will stand by your side no matter what."

With that, Gabriel turned around and focused back on his design.

"So you think-"

"Yes, son. Yes."

"But what if she-?"

"She won't."


"Son, are you ready to get married?"

"Since I first laid my eyes on her."

"Then go for it. When you are in love, time is not measured by hours but with heartbeats. If your heart only beats for her, then you are ready."

"Yes, I am ready."


Marinette smiled as she held onto the Agreste dress Emely gifted her. The two had spent all day together. Breakfast, spa, nail salon, hair salon, lunch, clothes shopping, finally, they were on the way home. Marinette felt like a whole different person. In reality, she looked different as well. Her hair was now down with slight curls and looked more black than blue. They had applied light makeup that made the blue in her eyes pop, and her nails were perfectly manicured. It made her feel like she was the main protagonist in a movie.

At first, Marinette found it odd for Emely to show up at her door and propose a day together, but the blonde claimed to want to know what it felt like to have a daughter, and Marinette was happy to comply.

It was a great day. Marinette had really enjoyed spending time with Emely. The two shared a lot in common, and as a bonus, it seemed to have made Adrien extremely happy.

"Did you like the dress, sweetheart?" Emely questioned. "You sure did look astonishing in it," she added with a genuine smile.

Marinette giggled and held the dress tighter. She never imagined herself wearing such an elegant Agreste dress as the one on her hands. It wasn't that her parents couldn't afford it, but Marinette never asked for expensive things as she knew her family had many expenses, including the future expansion of the bakery. Marinette also loved designing her own clothing. It made her unique.

Marinette thought back at the way the long black dress hugged her curves. She loved the red diamond-like sparkles on the hem and straps. It was so perfectly designed. Like a wedding dress in black and red.

"I loved it. Thank you so much, Mrs. Agreste."

"Emely, dear."

"R-right. Emely. The dress is elegant, but I still believe we should have gone for something less expensive," Marinette finally expressed her thoughts. To her surprise, Emely laughed.

"That's nonsense, darling," Emely chuckled. "We own the brand. It was nothing. Plus, I can imagine Adrien's face when he sees you tonight."

Marinette's brows furrowed in confusion while Emely's eyes opened widely. Emely's mouth opened and closed a few times as she thought of what to say. Luckily, Marinette's phone chimed with an upcoming text message.

"Princess, I would love it if you would be my plus one to a once-in-a-lifetime Agreste event."

Marinette lovingly smiled as she re-read the text message. Once-in-a-lifetime event?

"You knew he would ask me, didn't you?" Marinette asked Emely.

Emely laughed again. Did she know? Of course, she did. There would be no event without Marinette.

"Of course, darling. Who else would he invite?"

Marinette giggled and responded to the text message.

"Of course, kitty. I can't wait."

The response came almost immediately.

"Dress to impress, My love. I'll pick you up in an hour."

Marinette's eyes widened. An hour? They were still half an hour away from home. Luckily, Emely had taken care of the hair, makeup, and dress. All there was to do was arrive home and change clothes. Oh, she owed the woman big time.

"I'll be ready, thanks to your mom."

Marinette hit send and lifted her head up to look at Emely. The woman had really helped her a great deal. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Anytime, sweetie."


Marinette looked in the mirror and gasped. Emily had done incredible. The woman left ten minutes ago, exclaiming she had to get ready for the event, but before doing so, she had helped Marinette change into the dress and reapplied a bit of makeup for her to look fantastic.

It was the first time Marinette looked in the mirror after Emely had gotten her hands on her this morning. She had trusted the woman to do whatever she pleased all day, and wow, she had amazing taste.

Marinette was stunned.

She almost wished her parents were home so she could show them how grown and beautiful she looked, but they had left earlier, leaving a note that they would see her tonight.

Marinette took a deep breath as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She wondered if Adrien would love the way she looked. Marinette hoped he did. The bluenette lost herself in deep thought. She was Ladybug. She defeated Hawkmoth with the help of her boyfriend and friends. She was a teen working with a famous designer. She was the guardian of the miracle box. yet here she is, scared over a ball.

Marinette's thoughts were interrupted as the doorbell rang, signaling Adrien's arrival. The bluenette blinked twice. Was it 7 O'clock already? How long had she been thinking for?

Marinette turned once again to pick up her purse and took a look in the mirror one last time before running towards the door, almost tripping on the way.

Taking a deep breath, the bluenette opened the door.

Adrien's jaw dropped as his eyes met the beautiful girl who opened the door.

"Wow," he whispered.

"Princess, you look breathtaking," he awed, taking her hand and placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

"Thank you," Marinette whispered, her cheeks blushing. "Your mom kind of gave me a makeover," she added with a smile.

"You look beautiful, M'Lady. But you have always been beautiful. With or without makeup."

Marinette's heart swelled. She was starting to believe that Adrien liked how she looked better than her normal self, but he had just admitted he loved them the same, right?

"So, you l-l,"

"I love how you look, Marinette. You look breathtaking, but I love you for you, pigtails and all," he laughs.

"I love your pigtails," he whispered with a chuckle.

Marinette laughed, her eyes tearing. Adrien was the most amazing boy ever. She loved him so much.

"I love you," she whispered lovingly.

"Not as much as I love you."

"Come on, princess. We can't be late."


Marinette gasped as she entered the wax museum. Except the statues were no longer there. The museum was so romantic and perfectly decorated. It was almost like a dream. Though it was a little odd that Gabriel chose this place for his annual ball, the man was an artistic genius and most likely had a reason to.

There were black and red tables all around the museum. Many of their friends and family were attending. Marinette noticed many famous designers and models, even news anchors and paparazzi.

Marinette gulped as she saw everyone's eyes on her. It was probably because of her dress. While everyone else looked amazing, Marinette almost felt overdressed. She and Adrien, who coincidentally wore a black Gabriel suit with red diamond-like sparkles, perfectly matched her.

"Come on, M'lady. Our table is this way."

Marinette nodded, her hand shaking nervously in his, to which Adrien took notice and attempted to ease her by rubbing his thumb on it. It didn't help that his nerves were on edge as well. While everything looked perfect, it was her answer that really mattered.

Marinette let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding as her eyes came in contact with her parents, laughing and talking with Gabriel and Emily.

Smiling, Marinette greeted their parents and took the seat Adrien had pulled out for her. The four got into conversation, easing Marinette's nerves. Eventually, the bluenette felt at ease, almost forgetting the people surrounding her.

"So, Gabriel?" Marinette questioned after a while. "What is this all about? Oh, are we going to see your new collection?" She asked eagerly.

Gabriel laughed. "Something like that he responded," added to the young designer's eagerness. "Let's just say there is going to be a lot of surprises. A night to remember!"

"And while we are on the subject, " Adrien cut it, ready to face his fear.

"Father, it is about that time, isn't it?" He asked.

Gabriel smiled. That was his fearless son. That was Adrien Agreste. He was so proud of his boy.

"Of course."

Gabriel stood up and walked towards what looked like a stage. Immediately, all eyes went on the designer, and the room turned quiet. Lights went dim and a single spotlight, showed the man.

"Hello, everyone," the man began. "I would like to start out by saying thank you for accompanying us to this very special Gabriel event. Welcome to the Rebranding of Gabriel, now known as...."

The designer turned, allowing the audience to look at the sign that appeared behind him.

"Agreste!" He commented as the letter Agreste appeared on the screen, but it was not just the name. The butterfly logo was replaced with The MDC designs logo. Not many people knew of it, but those who had once looked at Marinette's design or books had seen the logo before. The name Agreste was surrounded by a hexagon and flowers in pink and gray.

Marinette let out a loud gasp. It looked beautiful, but why did he use her logo?

"Agreste now holds new, never-seen designs created by my own and the very talented designer known at the moment as Marinette Dupain Cheng." Gabriel signals Marinette. Immediately, Adrien stood up, offering his hand for her to take, and soon the couple walked on stage. Adrien purposely stays behind Marinette when arriving at his father's side.

"But that is not all. Please welcome the co-face of the Agreste brand. My son Adrien Agreste."

Marinette smiles as she looks beside her. only to find her boyfriend no longer standing by her side. Automatically, the girl turned around.

The room went silent.

The cameras zoomed in closer.

And the only sound heard was the gasp that came from Marinette's lips.


*** Thank you to all those who are still reading. It's very appreciated. If you would like to help me continue my writing you can donate in cashapp $michellesosa42. Anything is appreciated.***

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